Academic Portfolio

Page 12

project overview

university of arizona college of architecture professor bob joyce arc401 | systems design studio medium :: rhinoceros 4.0, autocad, v-ray, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, model board, mylar, aluminum mesh

This project was designed for the “Ideal Theatre Competition” of 2011. The site was located at the edge of the downtown district of Tucson, AZ and was meant to not only make an urban statement for the city, but also to bring the theatrical arts from the stage to the streets of the city. Programmatically, the complex is oriented with the most public amenities along Congress and Broadway (the two busiest streets of the area) and the back of house areas and classrooms located along the neighborhood streets. The complex was designed to be highly experimental and to promote technology and exploration within the theatrical arts. This was primarily accomplished through the “flexible thrust” stage configuration of the primary theatre, where the stage was broken up into a series of 10 x 10 platforms of hydraulic lifts. This allows the stage to take an infinite number of configurations and levels. The experience of the patron was broken down into three parts: the approach, the arrival, and the act, each being an experience of going to the theatre. The approach is defined by the articulation of the fragmented stage across the facade of the building and the landscape. The arrival is articulated by the sculptural staircase that brings the theatergoer from the street up into the primary space. Finally, the act is the theatre itself, which acts as an ever changing set piece.


southern arizona performance lab

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