Dream. Laugh. Create. Issue 3

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liday Issue o H

November/December 2011 Issue 3



...Wintertime is here...


to our little corner of the quilty world! We’re excited to share with you our BIG Holiday issue! Soooo many fun crafts and ideas. Gifts to make for friends, or...keep for yourself (we won’t tell!). Welcome to our Winter Wonderland. Wishing you the very Happiest of Holidays.... Liz & Beth Elves Editors


It’s that time of year again! What time of year, you ask? Well in MY house, it’s the getting-darkerearlier-light-the-fire-every-nightsnuggle-up-in-a-warm-winter-quiltwith-a-hot-cup-o-cocoa-and watch “It’s Christmas Charlie Brown”. It’s time to break out the cookie recipes and “A Christmas Story” cookie cutters, complete with the bunny suit and leg lamp. (It’s Fragilay)! I love, love, love this time of year. I love decorating my house. I love the time we carve out to spend with family. I love the traditions. I love feeling like a kid at Christmas waiting to see my own children’s faces as they open their gifts on Christmas morning.

ornaments and I’m going to bask in its glory like a Who down in Whoville. I’m going to deck the halls and sing fa-la-la-la-la. I’m going to take the time to get things done that I want to get done. I will make that handmade gift for a friend or family member instead of giving something store bought because I know it will mean more. I will remember what it feels like to be happy doing small things for others and enjoying the season together. I will remember what this season is truly about, as Linus said, “It’s about a babe, lying in a manger.”

Sure the season is fraught with busy-ness. Craziness even. The pressure to do it all, and to do it right. To host the big Holiday party, and be the perfect hostess. To decorate the house and make it perfect. To get all your shopping done before December (yeah, right!). Yadda, yadda, yadda. This year, to all the craziness, I say BAH HUMBUG! I’m going to crank up my favorite Holiday tunes and get my Holiday spirit ON. I’m going to decorate my crazy 15-ft tree with it’s UN-perfect and UN-matching

Raise your hand if you’re with me?!


Dear Holiday Season, I. Am. Ready. BRING IT!

Hugs, music, joy, laughter & hot cocoa Liz

Our Con tributors Julie Dueck creates beautiful things and is part of the design team for Amanda Herring of The Quilted Fish. She says, “Everything I see around me inspires me. I have always been a crafter. When I first learned to quilt I lived in Germany. I would drive and everything I saw became a quilt in my mind. The hills looked like a watercolor quilt and the fields looked like patchwork. I would get so excited about all of the designs in my head that some nights I couldn't go to sleep. My favorite thing is to help new crafters, quilters, jewelry makers etc... I love to help find a solution to little problems or help them make lemonade out of lemons.” Julie owns an online fabric store, IntrepidThread.com.

Jacquelynne Steves has always loved creating, and has worked in lots of different mediumswatercolors, acrylic paint, pottery, sewing clothes, cross-stitch, embroidery, cooking, gardening.... Her affinity for quilting began about ten years ago when she and a friend decided to take a quilting class as an excuse to get together once a week, and she has been hoarding fabric ever since! The name for her pattern company, The Noble Wife, is taken from Proverbs 31 in the Bible, which describes a woman who is a wife, mother, savvy business woman, seamstress and gardener. The “wife of noble character” also “opens her arms to those who are poor, and extends her hands to the needy.” This verse inspired Jacquelynne to make hand made wool pins and donate the profits to a charity which gives sheep to poor families and teaches them to start a business. When asked if she is a “noble wife,” she replies with all honesty, “Some days are better than others!” Designing fabric for Henry Glass has been the perfect opportunity to combine her passions- painting, quilting, and color, color, color! She runs The Noble Wife (with tremendous help from her husband and two daughters) from their 160 year old farmhouse in rural southwestern New Jersey. Jacquelynne’s blog, along with her line of quilt, wool & punchneedle patterns, watercolor note cards, handmade wool pins and pieces of original artwork can be found at TheNobleWife.com.


Ann Hansen and her husband live in Salt Lake City, near their daughter and new son-in-law. She says, "When I’m not designing I love to go sit out by our pool, put the radio on and float or just read a good book. I love color, even when I’m not quilting. To relax, I enjoy decorating my home, which lets me play with fabrics and colors in another way. My husband and I joke that the house is getting smaller inside because I’ve repainted the walls so many times. My maternal grandmother was a quilter and I didn’t want to see the art lost in my family so I decided to learn. I love taking fabrics and seeing what I can create. Sometimes fabric inspires my designs. Other times, its things I see—tiles in a floor or slats in a fence—or ideas just come to me at odd times. I hand draw all my designs so I always have graph paper handy. I am SO excited to share my patterns and quilts with others and hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!" Find Ann's designs at PixieGirlQuilts.com.

Alicia Hedrick lives in Southern California, is married to a wonderful man who comes from a long line of quilters, and has a beautiful 4 year old daughter, a bun in the oven, and 2 wild and crazy boxers. "My life is a bit crazy, often bordering on chaos, but I wouldn’t have it any other way." She loves to crochet, knit, quilt, sew (as in clothing), paper craft, and is a pretty fabulous cook, who has a love affair with baking! "My personal style runs very girly, lots of pinks, greens, creams, as well as very romantic and shabby chic. I live for embellishments! I do not believe in doing anything simple, plain jane, or ordinary. I believe in mixing mediums, using crochet with my quilting, and quilting with my scrapbooking. I love buttons, and bows, and ribbons, and lace." Road Home Quilting designs quilt patterns from warmth and tradition, while meeting modern decorative functions. They update traditional blocks by adapting them into new quilted effects that will be the focus of pride in your home and in gifting, season by season. Road Home Quilting consists of a Mom, Daughter and Cat team. Mom writes quilt patterns. Alex writes the RHQ blog. Kitty Pearl is the official mascot. Pearl personally tests every design for fun and functionality, so we know you will love them all! Read more at RoadHomeQuilting.blogspot.com.




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Kansas City Star Books is giving away 10 quilt books to our lucky readers! to enter.... send an email to LizzieBgirls@DreamLaughCreate.com and tell us your favorite feature of this e-Magazine!

...and If you are on Facebook, "LIKE" the DreamLaughCreate page for an EXTRA entry in the drawing!

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anuary 10th!

Table of Contents It has been said, this is the MOST wonderful time of the year. We’re going to go with that and agree! Who doesn’t love doing fun crafty projects in the wintertime? Give me a snow day and let me stay in my sewing room (and jammies!) all day. We hope these

projects inspire you to find your creativity and give homemade this year. “Maybe Christmas...doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas ...means a little bit more.” May you get into the spirit and find that MORE this season!

Welcome Winter!

Paper Doll - p. 16-17 Jolly Holiday Pillow - p.18-21 Holiday Mis-Adventures - p. 22-23 Poinsettia Pin Cushion - p. 24-26 Our Contributors - p. 4-5

Santa’s Cookies - p. 27

The Big Giveaway - p. 6

Knit a Scarf - p. 28-29

Things We Love - p. 8

Mini Gift Box - p. 30-33

Swingin’ Playlist - p. 9

Quilted Santa Hat - p. 34-36

Jingle Jewelry - p. 10-11

Classy Classifieds - p. 37-38

Cheery Quilt - p. 12-13 Hippy Chick Belt - p. 14-15





h t i n e g t i r s o v abou a f ru t

1. Family 2. Music 3. Christmas cookies

4. Twink

le lights

5. Peppermint Hot Chocolate 6. Christmas movies 7. Snow 8. Decorations 9. Christmas Cards 10. Happiness in the air


Our holiday playlist 1. Shake Up Christmas - Train 2. Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses 3. Santa's Polka - Brave Combo 4. On Christmas Night - Cherish the Ladies 5. Melodies of Christmas - David Archuleta 6. Jingle Bells - Ella Fitzgerald 7. In the Sun they Melted - InsideOut Acapella 8. Step into Christmas - The Puppini Sisters 9. C'mon Let's Boogie to the Elf Dance - Sufjan Stevens 10. 12 Days of Christmas - Straight No Chaser 9




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A little cozy quilt is all you need for a little holiday nap in the desert sun! 12

Designed by

' l li Christmas small quilt

42” x 54”


cutting... For small quilt, cut 72 squares 5" cut 5 strips 3.5" x 54.5" for sashing

You need 72 squares 5" (at least 6 fat quarters, more for variety) One yard of sashing fabric

large quilt


For large quilt, cut 72 squares 6.5" cut 5 strips 3.5" x 78.5" for sashing

51” x 72”


You need 72 squares 6.5" (at least 12 fat quarters, more for variety) One yard of sashing fabric

1. Sew 12 squares together in a vertical row. Make 6 rows! 2. Join the rows together, placing the sashing strips between the pieced block rows. 3. THAT’S IT! Layer with batting and backing, then quilt, bind, and enjoy...




paper Doll rn b y a patte



1/2 yard background fabric

Background piece 15" x 18.5"

16 coordinating scraps, 3" x 22"

From each of the 16 scraps...

Picture frame, 11" x 14"

cut one strip 3/4" x 22"

Adhesive board for framing, 11" x 14"

cut one square 1.25"

To make the doll & dress: Sew the 16 strips together, to make a larger piece of strippy fabric. Use your favorite applique method to make the project. Place the doll template diagonally to the seamed lines of the strippy fabric, and cut out. Place the dress on the strippy fabric with the seam lines horizontally, and cut out. (I appliqued the dress "wrong side up" for the dress so that it had a flapper-girl look)


Stitch and frame the project: Lay out the doll and small squares on the background fabric to decide placement. Use the frame opening to help decide exact placement...each frame opening can be different so I haven't given exact measurements. I placed my doll off-center a bit so the squares would fit in the frame opening. Stitch the doll and squares in place. Adhere the stitched background to the adhesive board, carefully smoothing out the fabric. Trim around the edges of the board. Place it in the frame, and enjoy!








Designed by




y! -Liz


? l o u y a o n y o w e v a H

t how wide you wan on g in d en ep d , es e! few stitch your yarn is gon il t n u h Just cast on a c it st it do a simple kn your scarf, and So easy!


Knit up a quick scarf with this amazing yarn that is hand-spun with needle felted flowers. A ball of this stuff is kinda pricey... but it's SO unique, and all those little wooly flowers are HAND-felted into the yarn. Can you believe that this thick 'n thin yarn knits up at 1-2 stitches per inch?! And talk about FAST....use giant needles like I did (we call 'em clown needles!) and you'll be sporting a new fun scarf in an hour or so. ---Beth I used: One ball (70 yds) of big ol' yarn... Flora by U-Knitted Nations needle-felted flower yarn, made by Pagewood Farms, in the color 'natural' (the ball shown on this page is the color 'forest') Ask in your local shop or find it online Giant knitting needles...these babies are huge! Daisy plastic needles, made by Crystal Palace, size 20mm US 35, are available in local yarn shops and also online

Don't know how to knit? Try an online tutorial! Download the 'HandiCraft' app or check out

KnittingHelp.com. 29






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Santa Hat Add a touch of


style to

Holiday Traditions

with a Quilted Santa Hat that is as fun to wear as it is quick to create. This project requires only large scraps of fabric and batting. Choose a festive ornament as a whimsical replacement forSanta’s classic furry tassel.

lies: p p u S

designed by

nd ”x 2 5 ” a 0 2 c i r b " Hat: fa 20"x25 g n i t t a b 25” i c 2 0 ”x r b .5"x28 a f 6 : g g n i n t i t n Li ba 7 ” x2 8 ” c i r b a f pattern a e k Band: a p to m el for to Paper s s a t r to rn a m e n o e e r t Holiday


Step 1: Cutting Create a cone shaped hat pattern, 19” long, 12” high, 40° angle at the point. Base curves 4-1/2”. Place on fold. Cut one of Hat fabric, cut one of lining fabric, and cut one of batting. TIP: Use a witch hat pattern. Adjust fabric allowance to match your pattern. Cut a long 7”x28” rectangle of band fabric Cut a 6-½”x28” rectangle of batting for the band

Step 2: Quilting Pin or spray baste hat piece to matching batting piece. NOTE: Only two pieces, not the lining. Quilt as desired. TIP: For large stippling as in example, use free motion/ darning foot and cover feed dogs. Start at hat point, but turn hat while quilting to work from all sides. “Draw” large puzzle pieces until Hat is completely quilted. Also try outlining fabric motifs, drawing holiday shapes, or writing names.

Step 3: Back Seams Fold quilted hat in half, right side inside, matching long edges. Stitch long edge using 5/8” seam. Repeat for lining. Hem Band: Align one edge of brim rectangle with batting rectangle. Pin or spray baste. Wrap long unmatched edge of brim over batting and stitch. Band Back Seam: With fabric inside and batting outside, stitch short 6-½” ends together. TIP: Lengthen stitch to accommodate batting in back seams.


Step 4: Ornament Sew ornament to end of quilted hat cone. TIP: It is easiest to attach ornament now before joining hat with lining. However, if ornament is extra delicate, wait and attach it at end of project.

Step 5: asssembly Wrong sides together, put lining inside hat, covering the batting. Right sides together, match unfinished edge of band to bottom of hat. Nest back seams rather than trying to align them. TIP: Trim batting from seam allowances to reduce bulk in nesting seams. Stitch circumference of hat including lining and band in seam.

Step 6: Fold & Finish Band Fold band back 2� above seam. TIP: Use a ruler resting on seam between band and hat to measure fold. Tack band fold in place around hat. Fold hem edge of band to inside of hat, covering assembly seam (from step 5). Slip stitch to finish.


weeks e l p u o c nd Only a LIZ fu p l e h uilt left to 8ive Q e r C r t he eck ou h C ! Studio on oject her pr a arter, or Kickst bsite f e w c i t ke fantas p s. M a e e p e v a creati nd get a e g d a ple ade handm B gift! Lizzie

New at



Find Lizzie B been a lon Cre8ive on ETSY! g time com It’s in putting ou r SAMPLE ’....but we’re QUILTS u sale. Addin p for g sure to ch new quilts daily! Be eck it out!

patterns $2 clearance fabrics



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