D+PAD Issue 1

Page 21


21 As for the pointer, that itself has received an upgrade in the form of ammunition. What were previously simple collectables (the weird spiky rainbow coloured objects known as ‘stardust’) can now be aimed and fired using the Wii mote, allowing you to stun enemies and hit other objects. In the same line of pointer related tomfoolery is the ability for a second person to pick up a Wii remote and join in; this second player can also shoot stardust as well as hold projectiles and perform various other actions to assist their friend. However, for the more malicious friendships out there, the second player also has the ability to hinder the player by tickling Mario or moving things into his way.

Super Mario Galaxy is looking amazing in every way, and it feels like Nintendo are only showing us a snippet of what the full game will have to offer. With only a few months left before the game hits store shelves at the end of the year, Nintendo are sure to let a little more information slip, but regardless of how much they tell us, Mario’s latest adventure is looking like it’s set to take platformers into bold new territory.

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