The Villager, July 25, 2013

Page 11

July 25 - 31, 2013


The billionaires back Margaret Chin for City Council tAlkinG point By Sean SWeeney Voter beware! In a move that surprised few, a consortium of real-estate developers, landlords, investment firms and bankers have endorsed Margaret Chin for City Council, pledging a share of its $10 million war chest to elect the embattled councilmember. The Real Estate Board of New York, a.k.a. REBNY, a pro-real estate, pro-development, lobbying association of the city’s biggest real-estate developers, is spearheading a political action committee, or PAC, cynically named “Jobs For New York,” deceptively claiming it is seeking affordable housing and jobs for the middle class. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although candidates for the City Council can generally spend only $168,000 on their campaigns under strict Campaign Finance Board regulations, recent rulings now permit private-expenditure groups to spend basically an unlimited amount of money to influence an election’s outcome. The bulk of the $10 million that this new PAC is promising will go toward direct mail, TV and radio advertising. The group plans to spend $2 million on voter identification and field-targeting in 25 City Council races. The PAC also suggested that it would run negative campaign ads against Chin’s opponent, civil-rights attorney Jenifer Rajkumar. Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause, a government watchdog group, indicated that the multimillion-dollar effort is a significant shift in city politics that might alter the nature of campaigning on the local level. “The entire point of a City Council race is to reflect the needs of the neighborhoods in a district,” Lerner said. “This undercuts the neighborhood-based nature of a district and replaces neighborhood concerns with industry concerns.” According to The New York Times, “the [Jobs For New York] PAC represents an aggressive new involvement in New York’s heavily regulated city elections by a major independentexpenditure group…to direct donations to back candidates in both parties who support pro-development policies.” In a Times interview, REBNY’s president, Steven Spinola, called Mayor Bloomberg’s time in City Hall a “wonderful era” and said his organization’s PAC intends to support candidates who would advance a pro-jobs, prodevelopment agenda similar to Bloomberg’s. Crain’s New York Business reported: “The group hopes to elect a bloc of councilmembers that would make it more difficult for the Council to override vetoes by a businessfriendly mayor. … The PAC intends to focus on councilmembers, who tend to have great sway over development in their districts. Ironically, however, the group will advocate for members to play a lesser role in supervising development." The PAC has hired the powerful P.R. firm the Parkside Group to run its campaign to elect Chin. Parkside describes itself as providing “campaign management…strategic com-

is clearly the candidate closest to the issues the real-estate industry cares about. Bill O’Reilly, a Republican strategist who is not involved in the PAC, said he was impressed with Jobs For New York from the outset, and hoped it has learned lessons from past efforts to sway elections. “It’s smart what they’re doing, because there’s a very good chance we could have a mayor who is to the very, very far left… . I think the industry needs to protect itself. And the one place they could do that would be to have some voices in the City Council.” In case there is any doubt of the group’s agenda, REBNY’s Web site states the organization’s goals. These include: Fighting to oppose legislation on paid sick leave, prevailing wage and minimum wage; Opposing legislation that would limit commercial rent increases, a move that hurts independent retailers and momand-pop stores;

‘There's a very good chance we could have a mayor who is to the very, very far left. The industry needs to protect itself.’


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G.O.P. Strategist

Contemporary street art — painted mannequin legs placed above manholes on Prince St. — evokes shades of the old Soho.

munications and public affairs…for major real estate firms.” Parkside’s president has said, in describing the real-estate industry’s new PAC, “We are...supporting candidates who we think are most likely to support the issues that are important to us.” REBNY confirms it in Crain’s: “We’re going to run an aggressive field-effort to communicate with voters and promote candidates.” However, REBNY / Jobs For N.Y. know full well the public’s aversion to pro-real estate candidates running for office. Crain’s quotes a source close to the PAC: “The perception that some people have, historically when some of these endeavors are attempted, it’s like, ‘Oh, the business group is going to run the Chamber of Commerce guy,’ ” said one source. “Well, the Chamber of Commerce guy is probably not going to win. There are three to four legitimate candidates. Let’s see who’s closest to the issues the organization cares about.” With REBNY’s endorsement and money, Margaret Chin

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— Bill O'Reilly,

Photo by Tequila Minsky

Member of the National Newspaper Association The Villager (USPS 578930) ISSN 0042-6202 is published every week by NYC Community Media LLC, 515 Canal Street, Unit 1C, New York, N.Y. 10013 (212) 229-1890. Periodicals Postage paid at New York, N.Y. Annual subscription by mail in Manhattan and Brooklyn $29 ($35 elsewhere). Single copy price at office and newsstands is $1. The entire contents of newspaper, including advertising, are copyrighted and no part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher - © 2011 NYC Community Media LLC.


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PUBLISHER Jennifer Goodstein EDITOR IN CHIEF Lincoln Anderson ARTS EDITOR Scott Stiffler PUBLISHER EMERITUS John W. Sutter

Lobbying for government tax subsidies for the real-estate industry (while doing its best to remove rent subsidies for the middle class and the poor); Repealing President Obama’s healthcare reform; Seeking the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts; Opposing landmarking laws, claiming that historic preservation hurts economic growth (Tell that to Tribeca, Soho and Village residents); And, last but not least, supporting moderate Republicans. REBNY’s board of governors include, among scores of multimillionaire developers: Larry Gluck, who purchased Independence Plaza in Tribeca and removed it from Mitchell-Lama rent protection, dispossessing hundreds of people; Jerry Speyer of Tishman Speyer, who tried Gluck’s scheme at Stuyvesant Town / Cooper Village;

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