Feminarum issue 21

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June 2015 
 interview with Brian Johnson from the Beach Boys... Our black and white gallery.. The campaign story behind the IFAW and the hunting ban... And all the normal articles from the team..

For women by women

FEATURES 04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins.

08 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas

nemis omins.

BUSINESS 04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins.

08 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas

nemis omins.

LIFESTYLE 04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins.

08 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas

nemis omins.

ENTERTAINMENT 04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins.

08 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins.


FROM THE EDITOR This months issue is all about Black and White. We will be filling it with images from the public. It's always been a very interesting media to use and it can produce some amazing images. We will also have an exclusive interview with Brian Johnston from the famous Beach Boys. As always we welcome submissions from everyone and anyone. The magazine has and always will be about the people. We will be having more adverts in the magazine but they will be from the companies and charities that we work for. We will also be having a special gallery of images that have been sent in for this issue. If you want to advertise in our magazine then please get in contact with us.. Katie Rose is now the Project Manager for the charity calendar which we have been working on. Our chosen charity will be the Prostate Cancer Charity.

Editor In Chief Helen Wright

Contributing Writers Darren Essex Pollyanna Hale

Katie Rose


Maxine Harley


Shahna Thwaites Kate Henwood Steve Wright (Front page image by Double 8)


Black and White issue.. "We always want to produce something dierent and thrive on originally and fresh ideas..."

This magazine is always striving to be bigger, better and to give its readers what they want. We don't shy away from tackling issues that are relevant to everyone in the 21st Century. This month finds us working with the IFAW helping them with their anti hunting campaign. It is an issue that many people have an opinion on and feel very strongly about. We at FEMINARUM magazine are no dierent. We have the freedom to write about what we want and help anyone and everyone who contacts us or whom we contact. Those normal media constraints don't apply to us and that is a major factor in our international success..


"Black and White has inspired artists and designers for years. There is something very stark and smart about these two colours when they are put together."

We will also be having our exclusive interview with Bruce Johnson from the Beach Boys in this issue as well..

magazine. This will include videos and reviews of things in the magazine and cover what we will be doing in future issues.

All of our regular readers and writers know that we as an organisation are always happy to help others be it charities or groups in spreading their message but as a business we still need to make money.

We can't do any of this without he support of our readers from India to Israel so please keep on supportive us and what we stand for.

Our advertising spaces are still on going g but we will be putting together a YouTube account for the

Thousands of you have been reading. The magazine each month and this number just keeps growing. As a business we are honest,

transparent in our aims and seek to your input. For over a year and a half, our readers have shaped how FEMINARUM magazine has looked. You have told us what you want and what you don't want.. More to the point, we have listened.. Helen Wright, Founder and Editor. (Photos by Double8)




Most commercial health clubs, with their rows of cardio machines and racks of weights, are designed to encourage this attitude toward training, and the majority of personal

Many fitness enthusiasts and athletes are now blending Eastern and Western exercise techniques for better results, including mind-body health. Find out why this fusion works so well — and how you can create a harmonious fitness mix for

trainers approach fitness from the “yang” angle — pushing their clients to challenge themselves by working hard and with single minded focus. Even yoga classes tend to have a hardcore element to them in this environment.

yourself. In Chinese culture, the yin-yang symbol represents

Mark Allen, a six-time Ironman Triathlon world champion and

the interaction between two opposing forces: dark and light,

co-author of Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Happier, Healthier

cold and hot, soft and hard, feminine and masculine. Almost

You (Benbella Books, 2008), is intimately familiar with this

everything, from food to environments to individuals, can be

approach to training: “When I started racing, all I cared about

described as having both yin and yang properties and exercise

was physical fitness. I lived by my training log and focused

is no exception.

almost exclusively on wanting to be a champion.”

If you start each day with restorative yoga, stretching and sun-

Even if you don’t have a competitive bone in your body, you’ve

saluting to your heart-chakra’s content, chances are you lean

probably experienced a similar kind of focus during tough

toward “yin” exercise. If, on the other hand, you prefer to run

workouts, perhaps when trying to put up a new personal

several miles a day, lift weights multiple times a week, and

record in the bench press or beat your previous time on your

have a shelf of workout logs dating back to 1998, you’re

local jog or run. And that’s a good thing.

probably more a “yang” exercise type. The yang approach can be time efficient and tremendously To the yin-style exerciser, working out is a cup of chamomile

effective in reaching short-term physical goals. And the health

tea. To the yang, it’s a triple espresso. Neither approach is

benefits of the Western method are well documented. “Hard

wrong: Exercise can stimulate you as well as relax you, and

training helps you maintain your cardiovascular health and

wind you up as well as calm you down. The problem is that, in

stimulates the release of human growth hormone, which helps

isolation, both approaches have their limitations. Without

maintain and build muscle mass. Since muscle loss is a

some fire and force in his program, the super-yin yoga junkie

biomarker of ageing, you might say that a certain amount of

can wind up lacking in muscular and cardiovascular

intense exercise keeps you young,” says Allen. “But like

endurance. Without some flow, ease and recovery time, the

anything, too much of a good thing can be dangerous, leading

super-yang fitness nut is bound to get injured, burned out — or

to injury, illness and burnout.

both. Many cutting-edge coaches and trainers are moving away from the “all-intensity, all-the-time” model and toward a


more integrated approach that blends the best of two worlds. Ta k e n t o a n e x t re m e , a p u re l y y a n g a p p ro a c h — Call it yin-yang fitness: integrative exercise programs that

examplebodybuilding, crash diets and many super-intense

combine the mind-body awareness often associated with

workout systems — can become dangerous. Instead of

“Eastern” methods with a more physical go-hard-or-go-home

enjoying their workouts, yang-style exercisers may try to work

“Western” approach to build whole-person fitness from the

through extreme pain, blocking out important signs of distress

inside out. And, it’s worth noting that often a shift in perception

and increasing their risk for injury. “The intensity junkie who

is all that’s necessary. I’ll take you through the essentials of

thinks the only good workout is an extreme one is quickly

these two different approaches and show you some of the

going to wind up injured and unable to exercise at all.

newest and best methods for combining them into an optimal blend — one that delivers serenity, resilience and strength.

The tendency to focus on repetitive, physically punishing methods of exercise — at the expense of your own well-being


— may well find its roots in some of our more deeply held Western values.. You can’t split the mind from the body, or

Most of us are familiar with the Western approach to exercise:

divide yourself into muscle groups, work them in isolation, and

goal-oriented, intense, and specialised. The core assumption

expect to improve performance.

in “yang” exercise is that exertion equals results.


Maxine Harley BLACK AND WHITE – and all shades in between... Nothing in life is ever as simple, or clear cut, as being either black or white although we may choose, or need, to perceive it that way. Why would we do that? That would entail a rigid 'all or nothing' or 'this way or no way' attitude to life. It would create a huge selfimposed restriction, and a loss of the opportunity to experience all that can come between the two extremes. A life lived in black and white would be like only having a bulky television set from the 1950s to watch... because there wasn't yet a lightweight slimline full colour plasma screen TV set available which offered a much truer and more accurate reflection of life's rich spectrum.


In a black and white life the absence of colour equates to the reduction of our perceptions and decreased flexibility of our emotions. A rigid life attempts to stay safe in the shadow of darkness, and to avoid the potential risks that a more colourful and vibrant life would bring. Why live fearfully in the shadows when there are rainbows outside to be enjoyed? We also have both dark and light aspects to our personalities and characters. The darkness of shame fear, envy, lust, s e l fi s h n e s s , g re e d a n d cruelty; contrasting with the brightness and lightness of kindness, compassion, love, hope, generosity, integrity and gratitude. At least we have a choice about what colour we are on the inside, and what we

can radiate out to the world. These words I'm writing right now are in black, and as I write them they become bold and alive by being contrasted against the background. One needs the other. All colours have their own vibrational frequency and mood, and they all deserve to be included in the wonderfully contrasting mix of life.

Maxine Harley (MSc Psychotherapy)


w w w. p s y c h o t h e r a p y sussex.co.uk

"In a black and white life the absence of colour equates to the reduction of our perceptions and decreased flexibility of our emotions." (Pictures by Double8)


Pollyanna Hale Dear Readers,

What should I eat? Is this food healthy? I just did X exercise, that’s pretty good right? Oh how I hate those questions. Well I don’t hate them as much as I’m just sorry I can’t give the questioner a direct answer, because nutrition and fitness are not black and white. As humans we demand specific answers and guides, because it gives us security, but when it comes to nutrition the most annoying yet most accurate answer I can give? ‘It depends’.

Does fat make you fat? It depends – did it contribute to an excess in calories overall? If yes, then yes, otherwise no. Is sugar bad for you? It depends – do you consume sugar other than that found in fruits and some vegetables and starches on a daily basis? You might be getting too much. Are you running a marathon? Simple sugar (even if natural like honey) is the most efficient way to fuel your deleted muscles. Are you a type 1 diabetic? If your blood sugar dropped too low the sweet stuff could actually save your life.

Should I eat low carb and high fat? High carb low fat? High or low protein? Vegan? It depends. What is your current health, exercise habits, goals (e.g. weight loss, strength gain, a sporting competition etc.), and what have you tried that did or didn’t work in the past?

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I don’t actually give specific meal plans to my clients, even though they do ask. I actually can’t. How on earth can we predict how someone will respond to a protocol without a bit of trial and error? Yes we can make educated guesses based on the information we have but they are at best somewhere near what will work. But we persist, we tweak, change, add, take away, and keep at it until we get it right. The perfect diet is the one that works for you.

Polly xxx www.pollyannahale.co.uk info@pollyannahale.co.uk

Polly has been writing for us for some time and we have always had great feedback from our readers. They appreciate her honest approach to a subject which is always in the news for good or bad. We all want to be healthy and provide our family's with healthy nutritious food.

hours to focus on what we put in our bodies. Pollyanna and her determination to help women eat well and live well, is inspiring so many people to rethink their relationship with food. It's time we thought about what nourishes us and what is harmful to us as well...

The world we live in demands so much of our time that we never seems to have the

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Katie Rose Dear Diary, I’m currently sat here writing to you a week before the Tiny Chichester Peace Festival which I will be helping with on Sunday 21st June. I’m very excited about what the day will bring as at present we are very fortunate to have stalls from Amnesty International, Conscience, Transition Chichester and a campaign against the arms trade. There will be local poets, artists, singers, dancers and even some amazing yo-yo tricks. As part of the crew of the Peace Festival I’m also quite nervous, this is the first Chichester Peace Festival event to ever be put together but we have hope that it won’t be a one off. I’m looking forward to hearing the poetry and stories that people bring to read in the open mic. I’m wondering if I should dust off some of my own writings or whether I should just stay as the MC, I’ll have to judge my nerves on the day! I’ve been putting some serious time into training these last few weeks as myself and a friend of mine have vowed to do a 5km charity run together before the end of the summer. So, as I sit here I also ache which gives me plenty of excuse to just relax and make some lace for the Vintage stall. As June is a special issue, what better way to present the lace coasters I’ve been working on? They look wonderful in a crisp black and white photograph but in reality they are made in soft pastel colours. I’ve ventured onto some larger doilies lately in deep gem colours as well as giving my knitting needles a dust off. Although it is hot summery weather at the moment I find this is the best time to get the chunky wool out. If I don’t start now I’ll never have anything done in time to wear next winter - even if I do look quite odd knitting up some chunky knee-length socks in the middle of June. During my summer holidays I had planned to try and take some time out for myself and enjoy the end of another year at University but it’s turning out to be much busier than term time. I will be starting a second job next week, very proudly looking after the Gallery of Guys Charity Calendar and media pack as well as trying desperately to keep afloat of dissertation prep for next year. I do love, love, love being busy. No, really - I do! Of course, I couldn’t end June’s issue without a little mention of my wonderful cats who are in fact black and white! Here they are doing their very best impression of book ends. All the best, Katie

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In honour of Feminarum’s support of animal rights this month I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about the responsibility we have as pet owners and how I feel this relates to these wider issues. It is a vitally important aspect of nature that different species can live together; this is known as symbiosis and relates to birds which feed off of hippos and humans that bring all and every small, friendly animal into their home. This is great in so many ways; living alongside another creature is a wonderful experience as they give us company, fun and a reason to keep going when things are difficult.

When an animal which has been hunted dies it is not sport, it is not a game. That animal ceases to be, in all ways. It cannot be restored to the wild so the chase can start again, it has died and it will not be coming back. No animal should be considered fair game. Some traditions get left behind for good reason. We as a species should have the ability to grow and let go of the barbaric, unnecessary and elitist views of our Earth before we damage it beyond repair.

I think it is important to remember what the animal experiences in this relationship too. It is also a huge responsibility to take care of an animal that you have limited communication with. As a pet owner we take on the role of protector as well as friend and it takes a huge amount of trust for an animal to accept this and make your space their home as well. Of course we feed them, love them and give them all we think they need but do we make sure that these nurturing feelings extend to the nature outside of our front door.

Project Manager for the Gallery of Guys charity calendar.

Katie Rose,

"Animals feature a lot in our lives and have become valued members of our family."

We all have the same need to feed, sleep and survive. We may think ourselves superior with our intelligence and technology but we do not have the right to take away the life of another creature certainly not for sport.

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Chemo 4 - Past the halfway point

So today was chemo 4 - blood tests were all good and I've been able to drop the Piriton so I'm not so dozy this afternoon. Chemo brain kicked in quite quickly - that moment when you know exactly what you want to say but the words just won't make it out of your mouth! Cycle 3 was fairly uneventful, hence the lack of blog.....let's hope cycle 4 is as uneventful.....having said that, there's a few things in the diary, all of which I can cancel / postpone/ excuse myself from if I need to.....and my trusty Angels are very good at pointing out when I need to do that, especially as I will push myself a bit too hard at times.....to them I am eternally grateful. Having said that I've just taken the dog for a 3k blow along a very windy seafront - it's still blowing a gale out there.....I've found that if I can give the toxic gunk they pump me full of on chemo days a helping hand to get out of my system, I do much better. The steroids I have just before and after chemo really muck up my sleep - this "walk" might just help tonight - fingers crossed please. Cookie should sleep this evening and not terrorise the poor cat! It's windy weather like we have at the moment that makes you eternally grateful for eyelashes and nasal hair.....my eyes and nose streamed every step of the way - I wasn't crying - honest! Oh and I got bored with the hair growth that made its way through so I've had it all shaved off again! And last Friday at The Glitterball in aid ofBabyBuddy, the long wig got it's first proper outing and fooled everyone - no-one knew it was a wig so thanks to Gary at Creations for his excellent choice of wig and to Amanda for styling it so brilliantly for the occasion! So that's it really - if you don't hear anything much, it's cos everything is going well and fairly normal. Fingers crossed that that is the case.

Oh and it's only 6 weeks till the Race for Life....I have 25+ people in my team for the walk, who have raised over ÂŁ1000 - how brilliant are they! It doesn't matter who you sponsor but please sponsor someone that's taking part, anywhere in the country....all the money goes to finding a cure for cancers.....here's the link for our team page....any donations, from pennies to pounds WILL make a huge difference...... Oh and one final thing...if you're on Twitter, could you go and follow mypage....I'd really like to get my blog out there....not for me, but to make this whole journey less scary for other people....."The C Word" BBC on Sunday did a fabulous job.....let's keep it's momentum going......

Kate Henwood •



The story of his adventures Harrison talks about the journey that has brought him from being a model to an escort....

Harrison’s bio… I have been modelling for some ten years, part time, mainly for fun. I am a mature model at the ripe old age of 51 now, but still enjoy getting in front of the camera when I can. I have worked with some amazing people and it is always a great laugh. Ever since I was a young man, I have always wanted to be a gigolo, thought it must be great fun to be in the company of women, entertaining them, making them feel special, sexy, respected and treated well, but never perused this dream, unit a few years ago. I decided to give it a go, male chaperone or escort, being single, nothing to lose. I was not too sure how my family and friends would react to this mad idea of mine, but when I told them, the response was amazing! Completely positive, full of encouragement and support, decided to use the name of Harrison for my anonymity, even though it’s hardly a national secret amongst my group. We openly talk about ‘Harrison’, if he’s busy this weekend, what he’s been up to, etc.. I have never been interested in the rawness of just intimate contact, or ‘quickies’ and one hour bookings, just not me, not my character. I will only take booking of three hours or longer, where we have a chance to meet, have a few drinks, maybe something to eat then move on for a more intimate time a bit later. I believe in being a polite gentleman, educated and well mannered. I treat the lady well, maybe a bit old fashioned, but that is just me. I complement them, make them feel sexy, attractive and wanted, I listen to them, engage in great conversation and make them laugh! I explain that they are in complete control of the whole evening, they do as much or as little as they want. I am there for them and if they feel uncomfortable at any point, I will stop, respect at all times. No one will do anything that they do not want to do. Many of my clients are similar age to myself, married and or divorced, grown up children who have left home, husband has decided to find another younger model, or quite often the husband also wants to get involved, some fantasy they both want to act out, or just spice up their sex lives, the variety is wonderful and exciting! I keep myself fit and healthy, nothing obsessive, but try and keep everything ticking along nicely. I do not smoke or take drugs, but a glass or two of Malbec is never refused. I am a patient lover, very attentive with good stamina and control, enough said in that department! Decided to keep a journal of my experiences and may publish it in the near future. From being an adolescent boy and the amazing discovery of self-pleasure, to how I seem to have taught myself Tantric stimulation before I had ever heard of the work Tantric and onto my escorting exploits. Please note that my writing is explicit, graphic and to the point, I am no writer, I just put into words what happened, all real, nothing is made up or expanded. I would love to know your comment and feedback. Feel free to contact me through the magazine or directly at harrison64@live.co.uk. Harrison X 16 •

First client…… Very wealthy lady, investment banker in London, too busy to have a boyfriend and all the hassle that comes with a relationship, so decided to book an escort for the evening. It was her first time and quite apprehensive. Of course I didn’t let her know it was my first time too….but I felt confident in myself that I could make her feel great and have an enjoyable time… We chatted a few times on the phone, which was very important as I wanted to reassure her that the whole experience was about her and her enjoyment, no pressure from me, she will be in complete control and if at any time she wants to stop, then we will. She must enjoy the evening to the fullest, respect and honesty was guaranteed as with complete discretion. We met in a nice wine bar in London, near to her apartment. Beautiful lady, petite, long auburn hair and dressed casually in a trouser suit and blouse, great style and confidence. Very attractive and educated businesswoman. Far too busy for the complications of having a partner. We soon engaged in a great conversation about finances, investments, why we were both single, living in London, favourite food…. couple of glasses of wine and a good laugh in a quiet corner the bar, I offered her another glass, she declined as she had a bottle waiting for us in her home, so we left, hand in hand…Beautiful apartment, balcony overlooking the wonderful London skyline, exquisite furniture and decorations…pure style and taste. My payment was handed to me and put away, that is the ugly side of the job, but part of it. We sat side by side on the sofa, another glass of wine poured and we continued chatting… I got the feeling she was eager for a bit more intimacy. Gently laid my hand on her thigh, she tensed a bit and I smiled to reassure she has nothing to fear. I reiterated that she is in complete control, we can do as much or as little as she wants. I always have a laugh, even though I am a very sexual person, I never take myself too seriously, it is all about having a great time and wonderful fulfilling sex… She relaxed, we chatted more and I slowly moved my hand, gently stroking her inner thigh, she was relaxing to my touch, her breathing got deeper and a lovely horny glaze came over her eyes…. My hand came to rest gently between her legs, I could feel her heat and wetness through her trousers and began gently rubbing, increasing the pressure, she began to moan, head back, mouth open and eyes closed, she was so horny, instantly hot and ready, I increased the pressure and the rubbing through her trousers and she shuddered into a lovely orgasm, one of many she was going to experience that evening… I gently pushed her back onto the sofa, I knelt between her legs and I buried my face against the now wet trousers…..pushing with my face and mouth against her, once again she began to writhe and moan…..I slowly loosened her trousers and removed them, leaving her very sexy black panties on her… I was going to enjoy this, I love oral sex, I can stay in that position for hours. I once again buried my face onto her, this time the heat and wetness was amazing, her smell was electrifying and I pushed my tongue against the sheer fabric, feeling her lips through the material and finding her clit, swollen and tender, waiting for my attention, slowly I pulled her panties to the side and my tongue went deep into her, she screamed and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me deeper into her feeling her shudder against me, my face covered in her hot cum….I was in heaven, I greedily licked and drank at her cup, not a drop was wasted…. I was in quite a lot of discomfort as my throbbing erection was still being restrained in my jeans, I managed to undo my belt and open my flies and release my cock from its prison, all the time keeping my face buried and my tongue working it’s magic inside her…..what a relief to let my cock free and to achieve a full erection… I withdrew from her, looked up to see her smiling, eyes half closed, I moved up to her and kissed her, my mouth wet from her, she devoured me and I am sure I felt her shudder yet again…. She led me to her bedroom, she seemed quite pleased with the evening so far…I stripped her naked and she slowly undressed me, then I returned to her with my tongue and brought her to another crashing orgasm…. She lay there, totally relaxed and open to me, I rolled a condom onto my aching cock in preparation and back between her legs my tongue went, slowly working up her hot thighs and back to her waiting sex, she moaned again, I slowly got into position so I could rest the tip of my cock against her clit and pussy, I started into her eyes, she was trying to get me to enter her, but I waited, kept staring and smiling, then slowly increased the pressure against her pussy, she opened up to me and I very slowly eased in a bit, she closed her eyes, I kissed her and slid further into her, her tightness and warmth swallowing my cock until I was totally consumed by her…I stayed in that position so she could relax fully, I slowly started to slide in and out of her as I felt her open up to me more, she moaned and I increased the speed, I was pumping in and out of her like a piston, then I quickly withdrew and buried my tongue back inside her, she went wild… before she knew it, my cock was back inside and I was kissing her, feeding her juices back to her as my cock worked inside her once again, I kept repeating this until she had a massive shuddering orgasm, grinding her pussy against my cock, her head rolled back, hands across my back and finger nails digging deep into my flesh….. I was happy, I had made this lady have a great orgasm and she now lay there, exhausted and totally relaxed. I kept my cock inside her as I knew it would be uncomfortable to withdraw from her just now, her grip on my cock was impressive…she finally let go and I slid out of her, still rock hard and ready for more if she so pleased… I kissed her again. We lay next to each other, just talking, I was gently stroking her side and breasts, she was pulling at my cock which was hard and willing, I explained that the evening was all about her and I didn’t need to cum, as long as she was satisfied, I was satisfied, she smiled and let go of me. She gently pushed me onto my back and before I knew it, her mouth was onto my cock, warm, wet and gently sliding down my shaft, she slowly moved her head up and down repeatedly, taking me to a wonderful plateau of sexual bliss…I was there floating, being edged to the brink of cumming.. after a while shestopped, getting tired and needed to rest, she lay back and I returned to bury my face in between her legs, the taste and smell of our sex was everywhere, exquisite nectar, I lapped it up. She was moaning quietly as I continued with my tongue deep inside her, I got up to get another condom, but she asked me not to, said she had had enough and felt a bit tender, satisfied, but tender. I was a happy man!

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Designs Editing your photos is now easier then ever. Just select the photo you want to bring it up full size and then tap Edit in the

In the days of film cameras if you took a picture, and it wasn't

top right hand corner.

quite what you wanted, then you were stuck with it, or had to use another frame of the film to take another one. Then when

You are then presented with a selection of options (either down

digital cameras came along we could just delete the old one

the right hand side or bottom of the screen, depending on

and take it again. But if you couldn't get the right picture, or

orientation). These are as follows:

needed to change the composition or colour saturation, you were left with no alternative but to transfer the photo to a PC or

• Enhance - This automatically enhances your image for colour,

Mac and use a (usually expensive) Photo Editing Application to

light, tone etc, to give you the best image possible.

adjust the picture.

• Crop - This allows you not just to crop the image but it also

These days, with the popularity of smartphones, this is no

allows you to rotate then image to the orientation your require,

longer a problem. As both Google and Apple provide onboard

and also sorts out the horizon level of your photo, so you don't

photo editing software for you. Apple has recently upped there

have to put up with lopsided photos anymore.

ante even further with their new Photos App, which allows you to link your photos over all your devices, so if you edit the photo

• Filters - Filters gives you the ability to give your photo that little bit

on your iPhone the




personality. You can

finished picture will

change it to Black &

also appear on your iPad and your Mac.

White, Sepia or even

In this article we

instant camera look.

give it that 70s style

will take a look at

• Adjustments - You

this very neat piece of software.

can change either

Photos for iOS

Colour Saturation or

the Light Balance, Level of Black &

The new Photos

White. These can

app for iOS 8 is in

either be adjusted

some ways a lot like

from a photographic

the old Photos app,

slider, which gives

and it allows you to

you a visual cue on

view you collection

the outcome, or

of photos either in


Ye a r s , C o l l e c t i o n s


by the

(Places) or in Moments. You can also see your shared photo

numerical values. (eg saturation, contrast and cast for the

albums or break down your pictures into All Photos or specific

Colour Adjustment).

Albums. • Red-Eye - Finally we come to the ever handy Red-Eye However where things have changed is in the way these photos

Reduction setting. This couldn't be easier, just tap each red-eye

are shared around your other devices. With the power of iCloud

to remove.

if you take a picture on your iPhone or save a photo from and email, it is automatically put onto your iPad and Mac without

Other features in the App include the ability to search your

you doing a thing. Similarly, if you edit a photo or create an

photo collection for a specific type of photo, date or place. If

album or shared album, these are automatically synced to your

like me you have a large collection of photos from over the

other devices as well. The whole process works seamlessly and

years, you will appreciate how handy this feature can be.

it gets rid of the old ‘Now what device did I save that picture on?’ problem.

Photos can be favourited, and these show up in a Favourites Album so you can easily access them, say to show someone easily, rather then trawling through album after album to find

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each of your favourite pictures.

Finally photos that you delete are held in a Recently Deleted

One big addition to the Mac version of this software is the

Album. So if you do accidentally delete that treasured family

ability to order professionally printed photos, books,

photo, you can always recover it.

calendars and cards of your photos directly from Apple. These make fantastic gifts for family or friends and are very

Photos for Mac Photos for Mac brings the familiar iOS App experience to your

competitively priced. You can also create a slideshow of your photos, complete with music for presentation.

Mac. In a lot of ways its very similar to the outgoing iPhoto App that it replaces. You have access to all your Photos, Albums and you can even use Face Recognition to sort your

The app is by no means a replacement for professional

photos by the people in them.

editing software, such as Photoshop, and to be honest photographers would probably hit the limit on what you can

You do of course have the same iCloud integration as on the

do very quickly. But for basic photo manipulation and colour

iPhone and iPad, so anything you do on the Mac version will

correction, etc this app is a very handy and lets not forget,

automatically sync with your iOS devices.

FREE, piece of software and comes highly recommended

You can as usual see the meta data for any picture and share

from us at Janus Designs.

these pictures over email, iMessage and various social media and cloud based storage platforms. Editing brings the same functions as on the iOS app, along with a Retouch tool and automatic selections for best picture on the Adjustment function sliders. You can even bring up a set of thumbnails of all your photos on the left hand side of the screen in editing mode, so you can easily select a photo to edit. •


Gallery of Guys

Come and see some model mono ima!s in "r gallery






The Beach Boys Bruce Johnson talks to FEMINARUM.

1: How did you get involved with the Beach Boys?

5: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time.?

I actually lightly knew the guys in the band and Mike Love phoned me on April 9, 1965 and explained to me that Glen Campbell was not available to perform at the next three Beach Boys concerts (Glen was replacing Brian Wilson on tour in the band for three months in early 1965) and Brian also was not available. Mike asked me to suggest some competent musicians I might know that could fill in and I phoned a few of them but they were all busy. I then volunteered myself for the three weekend concerts and that’s how it all began for me.

I see myself and the band continuing touring worldwide (just like Tony Bennett does now) and I see a lot more symphonic concerts in our band's future.

May 1965 backstage interview photo:

In the photo left to right: Al Jardine-Mike Love-Dennis Wilson-Carl Wilson-Bruce Johnston

2: What do you do in your spare time.? In my spare time I surf in front of my home in Santa Barbara and I sail in the Wet Wednesday races. I also work on projects for the non-profit Surfrider Foundation and they focus on clean water (FYI: I am a founding member of the Surfrider Foundation and we have 85,000 members worldwide).

3: What is your favourite food? Italian (just like Prince Charles!!!).

4: What is the best thing about being in a band? It’s a second family for me and the great Beach Boys music is mind boggling to record and perform! • 27

Libellus Recenseo

Book review -

Hello fellow readers, Well, almost two weeks ago it was my birthday and when people were asking me what I wished to receive what could I say other than books or any other thing which related to that...hint/ hint?!?Except, perhaps a Starbuks voucher but that goes along with me sitting reading in the gorgeous sun that we're experiencing at the moment ☀ ď¸? . The picture of the Book above I received from my wonderful Father, whom is also a keen reader and which is probably where I get it from. He had seen it advertised in Waterstones and after reading the review he apparently assumed, as 28

I am a cat lover, that I would enjoy it as was based around the story of one man and his cat and how this cat seemingly saves his life. D e n i s O ' C o n n o r, a psychologist, had just moved to Northumberland to work when whilst, during a snowstorm, he hears vivid loud cries outside coming from an animal of some kind. On investigating he comes across a cat with her two kittens looking close to death. He hence, hurries them to a n e m e rg e n c y v e t s . Once there, he is told that there is no hope or chance for them but he seems to believe and think dierently. Hence the story begins. Now, I have not had time to completely finish it yet however I am t h o ro u g h l y e n j o y i n g reading it finding the

writing both very good amidst the wording he uses which is very intriguing and interesting. Words that quite simply help to keep you gripped to story. The book is not set up in chapters but in seasons of the year making it interesting as to see how both the cat and Denis fend along with each season together. If not already read, this is one which I definitely recommend, particularly to other likewise catlovers out there!

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Eilean Donan Castle Mono images from Scotland Eilean Donan, which means simply "island of Donnán", is named after Donnán of Eigg, a Celtic saint martyred in 617. Donnán is said to have established a church on the island, though no trace of this remains.

The castle was founded in the thirteenth century, and became a stronghold of the Clan Mackenzie and their allies the Clan Macrae. In the early eighteenth century the Mackenzies' involvement in the Jacobite rebellions led in 1719 to the castle's destruction by government ships. Lieutenant-Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap's twentieth-century reconstruction of the ruins produced the present buildings. (Wikepidia)

On my travels around Scotland, I have found myself drawn back to one of the most famous and photographed castles in Scotland. Eileen Donan. In all of the pictures I have seen of this castle, I noticed that most of the images were in colour.

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So with my camera set to mono and a promising weather, I set off to see if I could produce a black and white image of this iconic image of Scotland. On the trip, the weather look very threatening with dark and heavy rain clouds skimming over the Scottish hills. By the time I arrived with friends, the weather had improved and the sun was trying to shine. It was clear from my images that light plays a keen part with the subject of mono photography. Whilst walking about, I suddenly saw the perfect picture before me. With the camera settings all good, I snapped away and produced my favourite image from my collection of Eilean Donan.....

(Photo by Double8)

This is Scotland's most famous castle, Eilean Donan has appeared in many films including "Highlander"



Tricia Wellings talks about her black and white drawings...

I met Tricia a while ago and was so impressed with her artistic drawing of animals.. She has such a great eye for details and she sprang to mind when we looked into doing an issue about mono and also including animals. Her work shows a deep passion for her subjects....


Last year I fell in love with a dog on Facebook. There she was, looking up at me with her ear tagged, cold in the snow, begging me to rescue her from a grizzly and certain death in Romania. Don’t ask me how, but I knew, without doubt, that this was a gentle and highly intelligent dog. Within 24 hours I had committed to adopt her, and 3 weeks later Paws2Rescue put her in a van and she was driven to the UK.

charcoal. I work on commission from photographs, and my mission is to capture the unique character and soul of an animal. I work from my studio at home, with Lola beside me, and I often wonder ……. who is more grateful?

Tricia Wellings Tricia Wellings Fine Art

On arrival to my home Lola was almost too frightened to move. Her safe place was the sofa. However, over time her confidence has soared, and she has proved to be precisely the gentle and intelligent dog I intuited her to be.

www.triciawellingsfineart.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/ TriciaWellingsFineArt?ref=hl

I am an artist, specialising in emotive and characterful drawings of animals in

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New Ad campaign

Controversial new ad campaign highlights sly tactics of fox hunts which flout the law (London

– 5 May 2015) – Hunters are given a fox-like makeover in a controversial new advertising campaign launched by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) today to highlight illegal fox hunting. ‘The Sly Ones’ campaign, featuring photographs of models with subtle fox-like features in hunting attire, drives home the message that 10 years after the ban on hunting with hounds, foxes are still being illegally hunted and it is time to strengthen the Hunting Act. The images are captioned ‘It’s not the foxes who are sly’. Philip Mansbridge, UK Director of IFAW, said: “As we campaign for a strengthening of the Hunting Act, we wanted an impactful advert to highlight the fact that many hunts continue to flout the law and are slyly getting away with it. “The Hunting Act is a vital piece of wildlife legislation but with hunts continuing to illegally chase or kill foxes and evade prosecution, it is time for the Act to be amended to make it more effective. "With many hunts using a false alibi of trail hunting and other dubious tactics to get around the law, we wanted an image to reflect that and make people think about what is really going on.” The vulpine-featured images of three mock hunters were created by the agency J.Walter Thompson (JWT) and will continue to be used as IFAW campaigns for the Hunting Act to be strengthened. IFAW is calling for three amendments to the Hunting Act: • The introduction of a recklessness clause to prevent ‘trail hunting’ from being used as a false alibi; • The removal of the ‘observation and research’ exemption, which has been abused by stag hunts to avoid prosecution for illegal hunting; • An increase in the penalty for illegal hunting to include custodial sentences, in line with other wildlife crime legislation. Mansbridge added: “The changes we are pursuing are simple and logical and would bring back the spirit of the Act. Amidst all the pro-hunt propaganda it should be remembered that the Hunting Act was introduced because the vast majority of the UK public found it abhorrent that British wildlife could be chased or killed for so-called sport. "Only with these amendments can we end the sly abuses of the Hunting Act and protect our wildlife.” IFAW was one of the key groups involved in successfully campaigning for the Hunting Act to be introduced and has continued to peacefully monitor hunts and collect evidence of illegal activity. To view the adverts click here http://g.ifaw.org/notthefoxes

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Everyone at FEMINARUM magazine feels that we could give our support to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and their campaigns, including working to keep the hunting ban and improve it so it is properly enforced and to eventually abolish this cruel practice altogether, which unfortunately still takes place even if hunting has been theoretically banned for 10 years now. But for now, education and a need to highlight the legal and illegal acts surrounding this topic need to be addressed first. The research and statistics that IFAW and others have been collecting, clearly shows that the opposition to hunting in all its forms remains high both in urban areas and in the countryside, with the latest MORI poll showing that 80% of the public think that fox hunting should not be made legal again, 86% think deer hunting should not be made legal again, and 88% think hare hunting/coursing should not be made legal again.

So what has IFAW been doing to prevent the laws on hunting being repealed or weakened? · Lobbying politicians (and asking the general public to do the same), urging them to defend the ban by not voting for the repeal or weakening (the so called “Middle Way”) of the Hunting Act 2004, but instead supporting an improvement of the Act to make its enforcement easier. · Deploying professional Wildlife Crime Investigators into the field to gather evidence of illegal hunting and developing prosecutions against those that ignore the hunting ban. · Researching the hunting fraternity to expose the tricks and deceptions they have been using to deceive the public and authorities into believing that they do not hunt animals anymore. · Support landowners, scientists and wildlife rehabilitaters in their efforts to prevent foxes, deer, hares and other animals being chased and/or ripped apart by packs of dogs for sport.

And this is what IFAW would like the public to do: · Contact your MP and tell him/her to defend the ban so the Hunting Act is not repealed or weakened, but improved instead. ·

If you witness any hunt acting suspiciously report it to the police by calling 101.

· Send us any information to info-uk@ifaw.org which may help us to expose the wrongdoing of the hunting fraternity. · Support us so we can continue our work on this issue by liking our Facebook page and following us in Twitter (@ifawuk), and by giving us donations via our website www.ifaw.org

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Gallery of Black and White ima"s

This is our gallery of black and white images submitted by our readers.....(www.cherished-photos.net Gallery: http://cherishedphotosnet.shootproof.com/ Facebook: Paul Michael Sargent by cherish)

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The Black and White Gallery The idea of a Black and White Gallery came from my love of vintage mono photos. There is something very stylish and simple about the method of mono. As always with the magazine, we wanted our readers and supporters to contribute and be part of this issue. Myself and the staff from the beginning have welcome submissions from everyone and anyone. So we put out an bullion on our facebook and Twitter account for people to come forward with their images. The ones you will see are a selection that were chosen by myself as they illustrate black and white perfectly. Thank you to everyone who contributed and we will be doing something very similar to this in future issues.... (Photo by Double8)

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44 • Photo by Double8

Photography: Paul Webster Model/Stylist: Kira Krueger Wardrobe: Tokyo Royale



The model is myself ( wendirose) The photographer is ( charlie lapworth) The makeup artist is (steph bowing)


Photography: Paul Webster Model/Stylist: Kira Krueger Wardrobe: Tokyo Royale

48 • photo by FoxPic Photography

Photo by FoxPic Photography • 49

50 • Photo by Double8

Image by Double8 • 51

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.