Dog News, January 18, 2013

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support any sacrifices for a commercial puppy broker in this day n the January 4th issue I wrote an editorial and age. It’s questionable enough that AKC does business with about a report I had received which indicated that such a puppy broker with which to begin but understandable the Hunte Corporation, one of the major commercial and acceptable to this writer in any event when alleged to having puppy brokers in the world, was about to have a debt of been done to “help dogs generally”. It is totally another thing to $310,000 forgiven to it by the AKC/CAR corporation. And help them out to make its bottom line look better. And when one while the debt was to be written off as non collectable, which considers that CHF had its donation cut by AKC it makes the I called as did this report a necessary accounting protocol prospect of helping out Hunte all the more unacceptable. all due efforts to somehow collect these monies from Hunte I can only presume that the following letter was posted on were to be made by CAR. It was further alleged that a soluthe Delegate e-line on January 11th is in answer to the Editorial tion to help resolve the debt and which was allegedly supI mentioned above: Continued on page 105 ported by some of the people who served on the AKC Board as well as the Board of CAR was TO HAVE AKC PAY THE DEBT TO CAR ON BEHALF OF HUNTE! Allegedly but not The AKC CAR spelled out in the original Editorial was for AKC to adverBoard would lik e to share some mance of Americ facts about the pe an Kennel Club tise on Hunte’s website and to sponsor Hunte’s breeder Companion Anim rforseparate affiliate al Recovery (AKC of AKC. conferences among other monetary proposals as a form C A R ), a · AKC CAR enrollm of the payment. This concept was said to be supported en ts have reached ne cessfully reunited arly 5 million. W over 420,000 lost by at least one CAR Board members who is presently site have sucpets with their ow this past year. ners… nearly 15 ting on both AKC’s and CAR’s Board and is running for ,000 in · We closed the year with significa re-election to AKC’s Board this year as well as another best financial perf nt net surplus of revenue, yielding ormance in 8 year our s. former AKC Board member also seeking re-election to T he forecast for 2013 · Our strong is even better. financial perform ance is attributed AKC’s Board. The editorial strongly questioned the wisforts of Tom Shar to the significant p and AKC CAR efstaff to continue – in particular gr dom of such a stand stating that in no uncertain terms to diversify our busi owth from our P ne ar en ss t Club microchip programs. Today, should it be permitted for AKC to pay the debt to CAR program and shel no single custom er accounts for m ter revenue; which in in any form on behalf of Hunte. Whatever the reasons ore than 5% of sulates the organi ou r to za ta tio l single business. n from the finan for this debt being allowed to slide for so long whethcial performance of a · Our strong finan er it revolves around a bad deal made between CAR ci al pe rf or m ance has allowed cantly support th and Hunte with regard to microchips sold by CAR to e good work of AKC CAR to sign the AKC – and ifistronger support w e ha ve committed to in 2013. Hunte for Mexican use or due to a too cozy relationev en · Last year (2 012) saw continue ship some on CAR’s Board may have had with Hunte d commitment to that give so much give back to the to us. The Search or for reasons somewhere in between the fact is that dogs an d to support those Rescue Fund mad ve e meaningful gran ry special dogs and a cash-strapped AKC cannot financially nor morally ts their owners impa their handlers, an cted by Hurricane d to those dogs an Sa d nd y. · The American Kennel Club has Consequently, th no liability associ e AKC CAR boar ated with AKC C AR. d has no expect else is responsibl ation that AKC e for any debt. or an yo ne · AKC CAR, like al l businesses that who may fall behi extend terms, ha nd in meeting th s some customer eir payments. We s address outstand diligently and ag ing receivables w gressively ith the goal of achi from the custom eving full paymen er. AKC CAR is fu t directly lly responsible fo Any current or fu r its financial perf ture losses are so ormance. lely funded from The success achi the assets of AKC eved in 2012 only CAR. serves to spur ou to strengthen AK r efforts for new C CAR’s role in ways helping reunite lo and ongoing supp st pets with thei ort of the AKC’s r ow ners go od works to help Board and Staff all dogs. The AK are committed to C CAR realizing those go Thomas M. Davie als. s, Chairman AKC CAR for the AKC CA R Board of Direc tor

Hunte And CAR, A Return Home ...

More By Matthew H. Stander

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