Tougaloo college catalog 2013 2015

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Humanities Division will study only each other’s work through the workshop method. Each class period will be dedicated to the discussion and analysis of original student poems in terms of craft. Students will be required to participate in the peer review as well as revise their own poems after they have been work-shopped. The course will meet once a week for three hours. Prerequisites: ENG 200, ENG 302, or by permission of instructor. CREDIT: THREE SEMESTER HOURS. ENG 403: Advanced Workshop: Creative Non-Fiction. Advanced students will study only each other’s work through the workshop method. Each class period will be dedicated to the discussion and analysis of original student non-fiction in terms of craft. Students will be required to participate in the peer review as well as revise their own pieces after they have been work-shopped. The course will meet once a week for three hours. Prerequisites: ENG 200, ENG 303, or by permission of instructor. CREDIT: THREE SEMESTER HOURS. ENG 404: Advanced Workshop: Dramatic Writing. This workshop course will be used to analyze student work in terms of craft. Advanced students will study techniques of structure and dialogue in dramatic writing. Students will be required to participate in peer review as well as revise their own written work after it had been work-shopped, and author an original one-act play. The course will meet once a week for three hours. Prerequisites: ENG 200, ENG 304, or by permission of instructor. CREDIT: THREE SEMESTER HOURS. ENG 410, 411, 412, 413: Special Interests. These courses, developed by individual faculty members, offer advanced students the opportunity to delve deeply into a particular genre, technique, or subject matter, such as Novel Writing, Memoir Writing, Spoken Word and Performance, Dialogue and Scene, Exposition, Rhythm and Meter, etcetera. Prerequisites: ENG 200, at least one 300 level Forms Course, or by permission of instructor. CREDIT: THREE SEMESTER HOURS EACH. ENG 423: MAJOR AMERICAN AUTHORS. This is an upper level course treating the works of a particular author and selected criticism about that author. The author will vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: ENG 101-102 or 103-104, ENG 201 or 205, and ENG 210. CREDIT: THREE SEMESTER HOURS. Page 153

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