Fall Home Improvement 2012

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Save up to $1,200 from day one. How’s that for efficient?


3URIHVVLRQDO 3DLQWLQJ 7RROV FDQ KHOS \RX FRPSOHWH HYHU\ SURMHFW :LWK FRROHU WHPSHUDWXUHV RQ TXLFNO\ DQG SHUIHFWO\ &RQVLGHU WKH ZD\ WKHUH¡V QR EHWWHU WLPH XSGDWLQJ D JXHVW EDWK RU DGGLQJ WR ILQLVK FKHFNLQJ LWHPV RII WKH DQ DFFHQW ZDOO WR \RXU IDYRULWH KRPH LPSURYHPHQW WR GR OLVW URRP $ KHOSIXO WRRO IRU SDLQWLQJ VPDOO UP DUHDV -XPER 0LQL 6HYHUDO SURMHFWV DUH PXVW GR¡V RECEIVE TOLV AWKH $1,200 REBATE-plus 6 months same as DQG VKRXOG EH FRPSOHWHG EHIRUH 5ROOHU E\ 3XUG\ 7KH Âź LQFK cash-when purchase any qualifying Trane XLi system through DQG you Âź LQFK FRYHUV DOORZ \RX WKH KDUVKHU ZHDWKHU DUULYHV 0RVW May 29, 2008. WR DWWDLQ D SHUIHFW ORRNLQJ SDLQW DUH VLPSOH HQRXJK WR DFFRPSOLVK ILQLVK DQG FRYHU WKRVH KDUG WR LQ MXVW D FRXSOH GD\V UHDFK RU VPDOO DUHDV )DX[ WUHDW &RPSOHWH WKHVH SURMHFWV WKLV Install a new Trane heating and cooling system and you’ll be rewarded ZHHNHQG DQG VSHQG WKH UHVW RI PHQWV DUH DOVR FRPLQJ EDFN LQ year after year premium comfort FUHDWH D URRP WKDW¡V and lower energy bills. Now IDOO HQMR\LQJ \RXU KRPH DQG VW\OH 7R with Save up to $1,200 you’ll also be rewarded up to $1,200 back—significant savings RQ WUHQG SLFN XS with D 6\PSKRQ\ IDPLO\ from day one. How’s considering what a great value )DX[ )LQLVKLQJ 7RRO DQG Trane DGG systems are to begin with. 3DLQW LW )DOO LV WKH SHUIHFW D ´ZDVKÂľ RU ´WH[WXUHÂľ WR \RXU Fitzenrider, Inc. will even give you six months to make a payment, VHDVRQ IRU SDLQWLQJ DV \RX¡UH that for efficient? ARA Content Photo IDYRULWH VSDFH IRU DQ HYHQ PRUH DEOH WR RSHQ \RXU ZLQGRZV MXVW which means you’ll save even more. If you want to add value to your projects, add insulation, cover grills and outWith fall soon to be here, it is time to preFXVWRPL]HG DSSHDUDQFH HQRXJK WR NHHS WKH DLU FOHDQ homeDV and everything you do inside of it, it’s thethe opportune time to harsh buy. winter weather. door air conditioners. pare home for the ,QVSHFW LW 5HJDUGOHVV RI aWKH \RX DSSO\ D IUHVK FRDW RI FRORU WR Nothing enhances your comfort like Trane. We think you’ll feel pretty LQWHULRU ZDOOV 3DLQWLQJ LV D TXLFN W\SH RI KHDW VRXUFH XVHG LQ \RXU Now is a good time to finish outside painting good about the savings as well. DQG GRDEOH ZHHNHQG SURMHFW WKDW KRPH EH VXUH WR VFKHGXOH DQ WHPSHUDWXUHV GURS 7KLV ZLOO WKH HOHPHQWV :LQWHUL]H DQ\ IDFHOLIW XVH D 3XUG\ 3UHS 7RRO Expect more from your independent Trane dealer. SURYLGHV LQVWDQW UHVXOWV 3XUG\ DQQXDO LQVSHFWLRQ EHIRUH WKH VDYH WKH your H[SHQVH RI KDYLQJ LW SLSHV WKDW DUH H[SRVHG WR RXW VXFK DV D ZLUH EUXVK WR VFUDSH Your new heating and cooling system will affect comfort—and FKHFNHG GXULQJ WKH EXV\ VHDVRQ GRRU WHPSHUDWXUHV DQG FRQVLG DZD\ DQG UHPRYH WKH H[LVWLQJ energy bills—for years to come. That’s why Fitzenrider, Inc. is DQG UHGXFH WKH ULVN RI VSHQG HU LQVWDOOLQJ GRRU DQG ZLQGRZ WUHDWPHQW WR HQVXUH WKH SURSHU committed to helping you find the best LQJ system forGD\V yourLQ needs. We D IHZ D FROG KRPH GUDIW JXDUGV WR NHHS \RXU KRPH UHILQLVKLQJ RI WKH VXUIDFH RECEIVE UP TO A $1,200 REBATE-plus 6 months same as conduct a detailed analysis of your home and ductwork, clearly ZLWK D EURNHQ IXUQDFH ,I \RXU ZDUP DQG HIILFLHQW 6SUXFH LW XS *LYH DOO VKUXEV cash-when you purchase any qualifying Trane XLi system through explain your options, and provide installation too.DQG Some KRPH and KDV service, D ILUHSODFH FKLP 3URWHFW LW 1HZO\ May LQVWDOOHG DQG WKH ODZQ RQH ODVW WULP EHIRUH 29, 2008. people might say we go the extra mile, but it’sKLUH just D how we like to FKLP do QH\ SURIHVVLRQDO GHFNV DQG SHUPDQHQW ZRRG ZLQWHU WR NHHS \RXU KRPH¡V HQ IXUQLWXUH UHTXLUH FXUE and DSSHDO JUHDW ZHOO business. When you expect more you QH\ VZHHS WR UHPRYH DQ\ GHEULV get more. It’s that simple. Install a new Trane heating SURWHFWLYH and cooling system you’ll ORRNLQJ be rewarded year after with premium comfort lower energy bills. Now WKDW FRXOG FDWFK ILUH DQG ZUHDN VWDLQV RU year YDUQLVKHV %H VXUH WR and EH\RQG WKH ILUVW IURVW RI WKH VHD you’ll also rewarded with up to $1,200 back—significant savings KDYRF RQ \RXU KRPH DSSO\ WKH beSURSHU SURWHFWLRQ WR VRQ 5HPRYH VHDVRQDO SODQWV considering what a great value Trane systems are to begin with. :LQWHUL]H LW &RYHU JULOOV DQG WKH VXUIDFHV SULRU WR WKH DUULYDO WKDW ZRQ¡W ODVW WKH ZLQWHU WR DOVR Fitzenrider, Inc. will even give you six months to make a payment, DLU FRQGLWLRQHU XQLWV DQG VWRUH RI ZHDWKHU WKDW save FRXOG HQVXUH WKH RXWVLGH RI \RXU KRPH which means you’ll evenGDPDJH more. If you want to add value to your everythingZRRG you do inside of it, it’s the opportune time to buy.WKURXJK RXWGRRU IXUQLWXUH LQ D VKHG WR home DQ\ and XQWUHDWHG ,I \RXU ORRNV ZHOO PDLQWDLQHG enhances your comfort like a Trane. We think you’ll feel pretty SUHYHQW UXVW DQG GDPDJH IURP Nothing GHFN LV ROGHU good DQG about UHTXLUHV D RXW WKH FRPLQJ VHDVRQV ,I LW the savings as well. ORRNV WRR dealer. EDUH IRU \RXU OLNLQJ Expect more from your independent Trane Your new heating and cooling system will affect your comfort—and FRQVLGHU D IHZ SRWWHG PXPV RQ energy bills—for years to come. That’s whySRUFK Fitzenrider, Inc. is IRU DGGHG WKH RU VWRRS committed to helping you find the best system for your needs. We IDOO FRORU .HHSLQJ conduct a detailed analysis of your home and ductwork, clearly WKH SODQWV LQ SRWV ZLOO VDYH WKH HIIRUW RI explain your options, and provide installation and service, too. Some people might say we go the extra mile, but it’s just how likeIUR]HQ to do JURXQG GLJJLQJ LQWR we WKH business. When you expect more you get more. It’s that simple. ZKHQ WKHLU OLIH VSDQ LV WKURXJK 5HSDLQWLQJ H[WHULRU GRRUV GXU $Q\ FDUSHW FOHDQLQJ RU XSKROVWHU\ LQJ WKLV WLPH D IXQ ZD\ WR Call now for LV your FOHDQLQJ RI RU PRUH PDNH D VWDWHPHQW DQG GHOLYHU DQ Fitzenrider, ([SLUHV $1,200 rebate and HQWLUHO\ QHZ ORRN WR WKH RXWVLGH Inc. 6 months same$GG asD ZUHDWK RI \RXU KRPH Defiance, Ohio RU VZDJ WR \RXU QHZO\ cash and a free SDLQWHG GRRU WR VKRZFDVH \RXU SHUVRQDO 419-784-0828 home www.trane.com VW\OH comfort %\ WDNLQJ WKH SURSHU SUHFDX consultation. WLRQV DQG FRPSOHWLQJ WKHVH Fitzenrider, ZHHNHQG SURMHFWV \RX¡OO VDYH Inc. WLPH DQG PRQH\ DOO ZKLOH NHHS Rebate up to a maximum of $1,200 is available on qualifying systems only and may vary depending on model purchased. Available through participating dealers only. Void where prohibited. Finance Charges accrue from the date Defiance, Ohio sale unless the Same As Cash plan balance is paid in full prior to the Same As Cash expiration date, in which case they are waived. Regular credit terms apply after the Same As Cash period expires. Annual Percentage Rate 1255 of17.90%. Carpenter Rd. Defiance, OH Minimum Finance Charge: $2.00. (APR and Minimum Finance Charge may be lower in some states.) Terms subject to change without notice. Subject to credit approval. See Account Agreement for complete information 419-784-0828LQJ \RXU KRPH ZHOO PDLQWDLQHG and important disclosures. Other open-end and closed-end credit plans may be available. Ask seller for details. All credit plans subject to normal credit policies. NOTE: Rebate up 3HUU\ 6W 'HĂ€DQFH 2+ to $1,200 is dependent upon systems purchase. www.trane.com ORRNLQJ JUHDW DQG UHDG\ IRU WKH “Call Us First!â€? “Call Us First!â€? ZLQWHU $5$



Call now for your $1,200 rebate and 6 months same as cash and free AIRaCONDITIONING home comfort HEATING consultation.

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Rebate up to a maximum of $1,200 is available on qualifying systems only and may vary depending on model purchased. Available through participating dealers only. Void where prohibited. Finance Charges accrue from the date of sale unless the Same As Cash plan balance is paid in full prior to the Same As Cash expiration date, in which case they are waived. Regular credit terms apply after the Same As Cash period expires. Annual Percentage Rate 17.90%. Minimum Finance Charge: $2.00. (APR and Minimum Finance Charge may be lower in some states.) Terms subject to change without notice. Subject to credit approval. See Account Agreement for complete information and important disclosures. Other open-end and closed-end credit plans may be available. Ask seller for details. All credit plans subject to normal credit policies. NOTE: Rebate up to $1,200 is dependent upon systems purchase.

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