Budd Hopkins - Missing Time

Page 91




j ust tiny spots . . . j ust a few on the pillow and sheets. I couldn't see anything on my body . . . I didn't. . . . Maybe it was a mosquito. There are mosqui­ toes . . . [Sighs.) It's cold. [Shivers, folds arms over chest.) Your body temperature is going to go up to normal and you won't feel cold any more.

(HR shivers and sighs.) AC: HR:


Your body temperature will rise to normal. [After a long pause) It's morning and I'm dressed. Walking around outside the house in the light, and it's late. I slept late. I don't do that too much. By eleven o'clock, I'm tired, really feel tired. And I'm walking around outside the house and the back and the grass. [Sighs.] I feel really apprehen­ sive and strange . . . and I go outside . . . I feel silly and foolish. And I think I called Budd. For some reason, I feel I should call Budd up, and talk to him . . . or talk to some­ body . . . so I did that. Talked to Budd. And then he sug­ gests I call the police and see if there are any lights or flares, Dix . . . it's an army base nearby, and I call them and they say no, there were no lights or flares . . . that night, and I talk to this officer who asked me lots of questions . . . lots of questions. {A long pause e nsues.) What is your neck feeling like? It hurts . . . it's stiff . . . there's a dull pain there. [Sighs.) I feel strange for a few days. I get in my car and I drive over to the base. There are a lot of back roads and pine forests, and for some reason in the late afternoon I'm driving around over there and j ust get out of the car at this spot and walk around, and I really don 't know why I do that . . . I j ust look around . . . drive to another spot . . . and look around. It's late afternoon, and sunset, and then drive back home. [Long pause. Sighs.) Looking for something. Looking for something. Something happening down there I'm looking for, there's something happening down there . . . I can feel something happening down there. Oh! [Loudly, and then in a whisper) Something's hap­ pening down there. [Long pause.) Something in the face. And there's pain in my stomach,

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