Budd Hopkins - Missing Time

Page 229

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I Our collective human ego is about to suffer the same pro­ found dislocation it experienced centuries ago when Copernicus established that we were n o longer the center of the universe. Having got used to the idea that the Earth is merely one of several planets circling the same star, we will soon have to adjust to the idea that we may n ot even be the most advanced intelligence operating within our own atmosphere. And we must now take cer­ tain steps to minimize the inevitable damage to our collective ego that will occur when the evidence of extraterrestrial visitation be­ comes overwhelming. First, I believe, we must try to make the invisible epidemic visible: we must try to take the measure of the UFO abduction phenomenon. How many people have actually been "used," and for what purposes? A recent experience of mine provides a textbook example of how we must be alert for clues in attempting to learn more about the extent of UFO abductions. A casual conversation at a Whitney Museum opening led to my being told-second-hand-about a recent UFO sighting. The witness was a microbiologist at a New York City hospital, and his April 2, 1980, sighting was a rather routine n ighttime observation of an oval object with lights. The thing that caught my attention was my informant's feeling that the witness, a close personal friend, had been unusually disturbed by the event. The disparity between a powerful. emotional reaction


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