Budd Hopkins - Missing Time

Page 176



from earlier sessions here-that there is a definite transition where all of a sudden calmness seems to prevail {pause). I almost have the sensation that I could be floating in a re­ clining position, or at least not aware of whatever may be supporting me, but there is just a kind of energy field sur­ rounding me, or a kind of hazy kind of quality. I could imag­ ine that there is some presence there. . . . It's almost as if, you know, I can sense that someone is around, but I do not see anybody. { Lo ng pause.) I have the sense of something uncanny, and, ah, you know, like the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz . . but then I did go back to that, ah, sense of paralysis. The strange thing is that my attention is drawn to a telephone at the head of the bed, and I do recall at that time I had the sen­ sation that I should reach for the telephone and call fo r help, but there wasn't any telephone there. I don't know why I would think of a telephone. There was no telephone there. That was one thing that was very illogical. Could you describe this "Wizard of Oz" figure? It was . . . the Wizard of Oz character. . . . It wasn't . . . I'm sure it wasn't anything that I saw. It was j ust an association. I'm trying to imagine leaving the house and, for some reason, I see myself leaving by the front door, which I don't think I would have normally done . . . . I'm just trying to imagine what possible way I did go when I left the house. For some reason. I do j ust feel d rawn to that spot, the {Heinz) house. I see kind of an aerial map and all of the lines are pointing in that direction . . . . It, ah. it's as if I'm sort of tracing through it without so much experiencing it, but I can imagine myself going up a driveway which is rela­ tively close to the house and, ah, there's almost an arrow that points over to the, to my left, which would be on the opposite end of the house, and. ah, almost a kind of a sense of inquisitiveness on my part-not a fear or anything. And I think that, at another time, I have said that I sensed a sort of activity there. Now, it isn't so much as if there is an activity. but it's almost as if there are people standing there, almost in a line. I don 't see them precisely as people, but you just have the impression of figures. and, ah, there's nothing more to see there. It's all very dark. It's more of an impres­ sion. {Long pause.} .


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