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First and foremost there will be plenty of bowling to enjoy. Around forty mixed friendly games home and away, men’s and ladies league games, a club league, club competitions and participation in competitions organised at county level. The club will once again take part in the Bowls England Promoted Bowls Big Weekend at the end of May and be offering free try bowling sessions from May until the end of the season in September.


Plenty to look forward to in 2023 and there are plans to develop a Junior Section from the children and young people who came along to try bowling in 2022.

Bowling is often perceived as a game for old people, played on a lawn with the sun shining and tea and biscuits half way through – oh – and there is a raffle. It is in fact a game for people of all ages played in whatever conditions it is playable in --- with tea and biscuits or maybe squash and crisps.

The club is looking to boost its membership numbers in 2023. Currently around 33 it needs to increase to at least 50 during the coming season.

Founded in an office at The Port in 1970 the club was entirely male until the early 1980s. Once the ladies arrived the club grew and by 1983 a resolution was passed to put a cap on membership –120 was to be the maximum and specifically 80 men and 40 ladies.This really was the heyday for the club not only in terms of numbers but also achievement. Ladies from the club played in National Finals in Leamington Spa. They didn’t win a final but did well to reach the stage they did.

Over the years numbers have decreased although into the early years of the new millennium numbers were still between 80 and 90. Two games were being played each weekend then and selection for either game was not guaranteed. Since then the decrease has become more pronounced and as a result the number of games played each season has reduced and ambitions have been somewhat eroded.

The men once had two league teams playing in divisions one to three. There is now one team playing in division four and being supported by a permitted number of lady bowlers.

So --- a revival in numbers and ambitions is urgently required.

The club would like to see a boost in numbers coming from younger people --- maybe families. In other parts of the county of Gloucestershire sons and daughters, grandsons and grand- daughters of existing bowlers have followed their parents or grandparents have followed their parents or grandparents into bowling and become excellent bowlers themselves. There is an academy in the county set up to develop young bowlers into bowlers of the future. This is open to children and young people from all clubs in the county --- including us – so—why not use it?

Bowling is unique in that it offers the opportunity to play the game to people of all ages and backgrounds.

It’s an easy game to learn --- you can be well into the basics in a few sessions. Becoming a good bowlers takes longer and there is the challenge --- improve game on game and you will achieve something special --- you will become that bowler that wins things if you keep trying and improving.

But bowling isn’t just about bowling woods on a green. It’s much more than that. Once you join a club you are part of something big. You make friends and are part of the social circle of bowling. Go on the Summer Tour or the Winter Bowling Break and you meet people who bowl in a different part of the country. But --- you are all a part of the same thing --- bowling.

At the City and Port of Bristol Club there are social events through the close season. They bring people together --- they may not otherwise see each other until the start of the new season. The latest event was one of skittles on January 15th --- all great fun --- not everybody plays skittles but they come and have a go. Flo and Ken Grimes were top skittlers this time --- Lynn Burand won the game of killer in which nobody actually died!! Next up is a quiz on February 12th.

So --- a late New Year’s Resolution ---- come bowling at the City and Port of Bristol Bowling Club in 2023. Learn a new skill --- become good at it and --become a winner.

For further information about the club and its activities call David Hinksman on 07932 387217.