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Bristol Rovers is the first UK football club to support the Plastic Free Pint campaign, which is calling for a ban on plastic cups at all grounds. The campaign, spearheaded by A Plastic Planet, seeks an outright ban on plastic pint cups such as those used during music festivals and live sporting events. Bristol Rovers has moved away from using plastic cups at

The Memorial Stadium, switching to a planet-friendlier alternative. All cold beverages will be served in paper cups, which will be collected and recycled following each game. The club estimates that this switch will mean over a tonne of plastic waste will be saved from being sent to landfills every season. Head of Catering Iain Paterson said: “We are delighted to be working with A Plastic Planet and leading the way in working towards a plastic ban in sports stadia.”


“It makes sense that Bristol Rovers should be flying the flag for the city and the environment. I’m sure our fantastic supporters will embrace this project and help us work towards becoming a plastic-free stadium.”

Sian Sutherland, co-founder of A Plastic Planet, added: “It’s great to see Bristol Rovers lead the way in supporting our campaign to end this needless source of toxic pollution. They are helping to showcase how alternatives can be easily used at fantastic sporting events. I urge clubs across the UK to follow their lead and help turn off the plastic tap.”

For more information, visit www.aplasticplanet.com