Diplomatica 37

Page 84


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Malaysian Farewell

Farewell dinner for the Ambassador of Bulgaria La fin de mission au Maroc de l’Ambassadeur de Bulgarie a Ă©tĂ© saluĂ©e par un dĂźner Ă  son honneur offert par Diplomatica et auquel ses amis ont Ă©tĂ© conviĂ©s.

To say good-bye to Ambassador of Bulgaria at the end of her mission, Diplomatica has offered a dinner to which her friends have been invited.

Diplomatica a offert aux Ambassadeurs asiatiques un dĂ©jeuner Ă  l’Amphitrite Palace en l’honneur de l’Ambassadeur de Malaisie au terme de sa mission.

Diplomatica has offered to Asian Ambassadors a lunch at Amphitrite Palace in honor of the Ambassador of Malaysia at the end of his mission in Morocco.

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l’occasion de la visite au Maroc du Maire de Minneapolis (MN), R.T. Rybak, l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis et son Ă©pouse ont conviĂ© plusieurs amis pour un dĂ©licieux dĂźner aux Ă©changes toujours passionnants.

n the occasion of the visit to Morocco of Minneapolis Mayor, R.T. Rybak and his family, Ambassador of the United States and his wife have invited many friends to a great dinner with most interesting talks.


84 Numéro 37 - 2011


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