Tips to Help You Build the Perfect Chicken Coop

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Tips to Help You Build the Perfect Chicken Coop! Chickens need a good place to stay during those times they go to sleep and relax. Chicken coops are exactly what they need, but it can really be a hard task to build one, especially if you have very little experience. Coop building can be done quickly and fast as long as you dedicate time and effort with building one for your chickens. Size Matters :­ Make sure that you build that coop giving your chickens space to breathe. Too often, people only give just enough space for them to sleep in without thinking about space. Simply one square foot per chicken should be good enough, but anything smaller may suffocate them. Easy Access :­ Make sure that the chickens have easy access to water and food. Don't place them far away from the closest water bowl. Keep food near their coop as well, or you may even want to implant a water bowl in the coop itself. You must be able to access the feed bowl for refills and cleaning. Place It On A Slope Or Hill :­ Sometimes the draining of the water could be left inside, but when it sits atop a hill or a slope, the water can be brought down easily and drained down faster. Doing this prevents water from entering inside the coop and damaging the wood framework. Use Low Cost Materials :­ Using low cost materials shouldn't be a bad idea. Many people usually get the most expensive materials, but they seem to forget that the chickens don't really care where they lay their eggs. However, you should make sure that all the wood and windows are still very strong and sturdy.

These are just some very basic tips on building coops. While they may be helpful, reading a nice book or receiving help should be beneficial. Your chickens need a nice place to stay during the night and to also keep them away from predators. Follow the tips above on chicken coop building to avoid making the wrong types of coops. All in all, building your own backyard coop isn't too hard if you have the right plans, designs, and step by step instructions. In fact, with a few friends I was able to build my own coop in just one weekend, without paying any contractors.

Visit for the best coop plans available online.

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