Are Eye Floaters Dangerous?

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Are Floaters In Eye Dangerous? So you are seeing some floaters in eyes and are wondering if you should be worried. Well, the thing is that in most cases eye floaters are harmless. They are triggered by the accumulation of the protein known as collagen into the gel-like substance that is in the back of the eye. This gel-like substance is called vitreous humor, and in it, these small fine collagen fibers can shrink and accumulate affecting the way light hits the retina, thus causing the appearance of floaters in eyes. These eye floaters can take the form of black dots, squiggly lines, cobwebs, rings or threads. They can show up at any age, but they are most common between the ages of 50 and 75, and also in nearsighted people and people recovering from cataract surgery. There are some cases however when eye floaters should be a cause for concern. If eye floaters are getting worse over time or suddenly, if you see flashes of light or start losing vision, if they pop up after surgery or trauma, or if they are accompanied by pain, they can be a symptom of retinal detachment, retinal tear, vitreous bleeding, infection, inflammation, or eye tumors. If you start experiencing any of the above symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. For normal floaters in eyes, the ones that are not accompanied by the more serious symptoms, you’ve probably noticed that if you move your eyes, they move as well. You could either try to get rid of them that way, or you could just wait until they slip out of your field of view. If eye floaters start to encumber your vision, your doctor could recommend a vitrectomy. This is a procedure in which the vitreous humor is removed and replaced with a salt solution. However, there are many complications that can occur with a vitrectomy, making it a rarely used procedure.

Floaters, Not Normally A Concern So unless you have one of the serious symptoms associated with serious eye damage, the floaters are not a cause for concern. In most cases, they are permanent, but they can and do become better over the years. Eye floaters are very rarely dangerous. If you are aware of the symptoms that can pose a problem, you are safe. Just pay attention and if they pop up alongside the floaters in eye, do not hesitate to call the doctor. Click this link for more information.

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