Rhode Island College Normal School Catalogue and Circular: 1881

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1 8 8 1.

P I1 0VIDENCE : E. I..

FREE:.~ fA N

& CO. ,


18 8 1.

TO 'l'nl<: STA1'E.

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Tl oxon l!EXHY 11. F.\Y. \roon~ockct.

Hv.Y. C' lTA HLES .1. WlfiTE,

ll "'·· OIWHOE L. LO CK IC,


Hr·:L D .\NTlcL LE .\C'li, D . D. ,


DWTOI 1' 1' H. AD.U!R,

Ccntrc"i llc.

R.li\fUJOr. JT. CROSS, ' 1 ' 1 !0~ 1 .11:\ If. CLAHK E,

\Yestcrl_r. Kcwpo rt.

T JT OMAR B. RT OC' I{\\' EJ. J,, Commissioner of Public Sc hools an d Rccrctar·y of tile Bonrd of Trustees.


of Qtfn mincr%, r 88o-8r.

HE\'. J. 0. YORE, D. D .. A)!O S S IJim ,I JAX, l'sQ.,

Providence County.


New port Coun ty.

R r·:\'. J,. A. PLAT TS,

\'\'a sllinglon Counl y.

HE''· DAN II•: r. GOOD W IN, If. fl. HTC'H AHDSON,

K ent County. Bristol County.



+- - - - --+ I

~ o:nb

of J[n%tnrdion .

,f. C'. GHEEXOUG rT, A. M.,


Jhntol and .lfoml Sdtnce. 8cz~nce rrnd Art nf 'l'carhing. Rlutm路ic, General lfi:-<tory, T,atin .

ammmal', f.rt11{/IW{jl', Phy,>liolog,lj, nrolngy, ZoolnglJ.

S.\ H.\1[

~ L\ HBT.K

(1flnl1i8fr,1j, ) finaalogy, JYatuml Philo.'(opll,l/, !?tadin,rJ, J,ituaturc, Latin.

Ummdry, UeograJJhy, Arithuutic.

Jlrithnutic, Botany, Algebra.

A,;<tronouzy, Drmring, Latin.

C [[ABLES II. 0.\TE f\, l''rtncll. B . \\". lfOOD,

+- - - - - -+


C.I'LILOGUE .1::\ D CIHC'U L.Ilt OJ.' Till•;

CALENDAR li'OR 1RRI-S2. 188 1. SEP'l'E.~ IBIO: R





l Vulne:Jday.

Annual ex aminati on for

F al l and

\\~ int rr

NovE:'>tBEn: 24-26.

'l'h anksgiYing Hcress.

D~CEMBt·: n

Cl1ristmas Heccss.


;Himi:;;s ion .

T er m begin-;.

1882. JA NUAHY


9.30 .TA NUA I{Y


Semi-an nun! pnhlir cx nminati on beginning






Graduatin g exercises beg inning at 10

A. ~L





Scmi-annllal cxn minati on for admission.

T uesdt(lj.


Rpring and Rum mer T erm hegin s.

w·edne.wlay. \Yashington's birthday.

APn.n. l:"i- 25.

Spring Recess.

~l AY


T uesday.






/f 1J'id(l,y.


Decoration day.

(No exercises.)

(No exercises.)

Semi-annual puhlie exam inati on beginning at

A. ) f.

Graduatin g exercises beginning at 10 A. :-.r.

+,- - - - - - +

~-------_+ IULODE I'L.\);Il XOI!M .IL S(' II OOL.

o I


First Class. J UK£ ~Ali L S .

28, 1 872. H ES!Dt:NCES.

•\li en, BLeil aU. . .. .' J•rovidcncc . . \ pjll elon, Dora. ....... . .... .. . . . . . . .l'ro1·ide nce . .\rmin glo n, Jhllie A.. .... .. . . Cranslon. Amold, Gertrude E .. .. . . ... . . ....... . . W oonsocket. Brown, Ar thm W ..... . . . .......... . . . . Middletown. Bu cklin, It Anna C .... .. . .. . ..... .. .. . Proriclenee. Donw, Belle C ...... . .. ... .. . .. . . .. .. .. P awtucket. Freeman, Lester A . .... .... . .. . . . ... ... \\' :Ltchemoket. lla "ard , Hos:t K Cr .... . . . . . . . .. ...... Providence . .\l cC:ary, r.ydia J . .. ... . . . .. ............ Providence . .\I a\·ble, Barah . ... . .... .... . .. . . ..... . .. Woonsocket. ~lunay, Li "z ic :)I. A.. . . . . . ... l'rovicle nce. l'cck, Anni e S . ..... ... . . ... . . . . . . . ... P rovidence. Pitman, J ulia. P. . . . ..... . . .. ... .... . Newport. He<L, ] htti e A... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Barringto n. Hoynolds, .)Icrcy . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . P rovidence. Hobi nson, J_,izzie S .. ... P r ovidence. Salisbury, Ad~la C. . . . .l'rovicle nce. S now, ] ,i"zie N . . . . . . . \ I' oonsoekct. ::lwi ul.Ju rn e, Lizzie li . Newport. Walker, \\' illanl S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oln eyville. \\' hal ey, ~.lary . \. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kewport. Wood, ~Iary E. . . . . .. . ... . . . N ell'port.

+ - - - - - -+ I


T_II _E ___________ __


Second Class. N.\'1t:~.


Harne;;, Irene C. Botlli,;h, I ~Klhcr \I'. Uuokc, J~ mma _E. J.;,;Jcn, ld" J, ........ . ........ . 1-,axon, Chnrle,-:; J ~ .. . ·llcll'et t, J lal'l·iel J~ . .. . lro11o<, Stephen C. 011'011. J•:lixabcllt i{L·ynohl,;, "\ma11<la B . . Steere.* ) lartha C 'l' illinghasl. J ra L .. \\'illiams, ::>. Lizzie.

. . Grecnrillc. . IV. Sall(lll'ich, .Jlass. . .. l'roridcncc. . . l'awlllckct. . . l'rovidcncc.

l'ro1 idcncc. . .I [a nnony. .Chepachd. . . Chcpachcl. . .l'rorid cncc. . Hiehn1ond. . .... . . .JH. Pleasa nt.

Third Class. Jus1~·t7 ,

18'j' 3 .

. J'awt uekcl. Acl:uns, Annie J ................ .l'<Lwtuckcl. . \lrcr><o n, J~lnom _\[ . \l'cslcrly. . Barber, Lixxic A. . ... l'rorido uco. lkano, El sie A . . l'roridcncc. Bowell, J Jolon X. . . W. .J lansliold, Mass. B riggs, L illora B.... . . ...\ lnnr illo. Clwse, Ann:L .1 '..... . .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . Wa rren. Child, X ollie M. . Burrill rille. Clarke, Bello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\'arrcn . Cole, .llarllm D . l'ro,·idencc. Conant, Carrie .Jl . . .. W:t lTC i l. Drownc, l_louisc I_,, .. . . .l'rovidcncc. llardou, Bmilic J . Central l<'alls. H axarcl, Ella V. . . l'awtllckcl. lfurnby, A nnie J\ [ . . ... Pnhidcnec. Ir ussoy, Emnut P . J'oLlc r H il l. Kenyo n, J ~rnm:.t F . . .. 1\'arron. Lil'cscy, .Jlary .D . . l'awLUokct. P aine, 0. i.J i ~:~. i c. . Central .Falls. P otter, .Jlinnic P.

.~------+ •Dccca~;cd .

+- -





J)ratL. * Lizl.iC F ..


Sherman, I Ji;~,r,ic 0. SimmonR, lfal tic 13 .•. Si,w11, Alice J\l ..... . ..•.... Snow, Sophie J> . . ...•. .. • . •..• !:ltecro,* H r!en l\l . . . . . .. . .... . Stone, l•:llcn. Sutton, l ~llllll<L F . ... Swift, Clara L '.l'hornlon . J•:lla ~[ ...... . . •.. 'Pompkin :;, Eleanor L Wh ile . .Emma ll . .. ....•... \\' ood, Carrie "\. ... . W ood, Sarah 8 . . ............ .

I.on,llale. . . . \ 'alley Falk . . Central Fall s. . .Qnidnick. . .. l'l1cnix . . . C:locest,•r. . .. l'ro,·idence . . . . . East l' ro1idL'llf'C. . Prorid enec. . .. Pro' itlence . . Lillie Compton. . ... W oonsockel. . . . . East Prorillenec. . .East Pro1idence.

Fourth Class. JA::> t;.U \Y

23, 1874. RE>liDENCE,.. ,

"\ sllll·orlh, Santlt Crompton. Bailon , ])e,irc F. . . Lin co ln . Booth . Sarah J . . .. . ... . .. . . . l'romplon. Ca,e, .\LaII ic. . . .. . .. Xorth f-Jcituate. l'hnrch. llelen . \ ..... . . . . ... .... . . .. Pro\ it.lencc. Clarke ..\l innic L . . Lincoln . Collin' . •\.m y F. . . .. Pnnidcntl' . !Jodge, H allie J . .. . \\' all'hemokct. J~nehe~<i . ~\ lice G. . Nmithlicl<l. t: oJI. Corm•lia 1\1. . . ProridL'IICl' . (; l'iswo ld, F anny. . . . \\'atehcmokel. l taywa rd. S. l~m ma. . . l' rori<lencc. I ronx. Ida ll . . UI OL'l'~tcr . K iern an. j\l"ary B. . .. l'roYidcnce . J\1 nso n, Ada I~ . . l'roridcncc. •\ l.owry . S. Kcllic . . t;miLhliclll . .\lur my, .\ L Allllie .. . . ...... J.'roridcncc. Perry, ] L. J ~: mm a. ll ehoboth, ::\ Lass. L)i Lc..:hcr, f,'ann ic 1. . . .Ea~L Greenwich. l'Jace, Com .E. \\' arrcn.

+- - - - - -+ •Dccen:::cd.



A'>D CIHCUUll Ol·' 'l' II E



llESIOt;!\ CES.

'J'i n klor, llosa H Wh iLe, Rcheccn II . . . 1\"in,o r, Ellen Ji ... .

.. Prol'idcnco. . l'rol'idcncc. . Georgia rille.

Fifth Class. J


20, 1 8'/L Ht>IUEN CES .

Angell, Orra ~\ Ularkc, .\l. Bello .. .Durfee, Lydia S J~aton, ~Iary JC: . .. . Gardner, Jda :\I .. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . Grccn\'illc. . l'aw t uckot . .. J'rol'id onco. .l'rol'itlcnce. . l'ro,·idonco . . . Oxfor<l, .\[ass. . Prol'iclcnce. ..... Roslyn , L. I. . . Lonsdale.

lluling, f:>usic E .. . U ull, Ulam L Kenyon, Anni e E. Kerr, J ossi e

Xichol s, Orianna '!<j ••• J'h ill ip;, Lillis 0 . . .. .. .. . .. . HaLhbun, Lyd i:t S 'J'aylor, J<; ll;t A. . . . ' l'illoy, ,\I "''Y S... . 'l'homp;on, Alice B . . .


. . ... Pascoag. ... . L'rol'ideneo. \V osLor ly. . ... Newport. . .. , XowporL.

Sixt h Class. J'.IN UAltY ~~' NA.\I ~: s .

A born, L ouise L. Aloxnndor, Stella :\1 AylosworLh , Fannie W . ... · BooLh, Lu cy Onrdin er, :-Iadcline ]~ . Gri swold, Clitra . .. JJagrtn, Ji: rnma gc nc A. K enyon, lel a, :\1 . 1\l.arblc, llaLLic .J. ~ I anchester, :\I ary G :\ l.owry, Lucie P :\fcX;wghton, Lilly. ::\ewell, -'L E stelle

1875. ]{F::<lDl::NCES.

. ... Prol'idoncc. . .... Con Lra 1 F alls. . .... . :Yewport. .. Pro,·idencc. . .... P;Jwtuxet. . . ·wal;ohemoket. . . ProYido nce . . . ProYiclo nce. . .Alb ion. ... .Provide nce. . ... 1\.Lt leboro', Mass. . . Prol' icl enco . . . Con tral Falls.


+ - - - - - - -+ I

+·- - - - - - 9+I I

RHODE I SL.\KD :\ORM.\L - S(-'II OO_L_. _




Sanders, l<:lla 0 . ....... .. . ~prague, l1ydia. 0 . ... ....... . 'J'roo p, l<;cliLh A ... . \VaLerm an, Susie ]~ . .. . Wech, Clam S ...... . W illi:tm s, lela R ... .

. . .. ProYirlencc. . . . . Ashton. . . ProYidcncc. . Cumberland Hill.

. . 'Kingston. . .... Prol'idcncc.

S eventh Class. JusE 25, 1 875 . NAlrt:<t.


Rl'Own , Sarah \LA. ... . . . i\liclLll ctown. Cady . ~r ary K .. . .. . Darrin gton Centre. D cnnii'. Benjam in L . ....... .Abin gton . Ct. Precman, Sarah J~ .. . . . . . Albi on . Gardiner, Cnni c P .. ... . . ... . . . WanYick Xeck . J [nrtshorn , Ann ie.. .. . . . . . . . . .... Proriclcncc. J ror lon, Sarah L . . . .... . .. . lllll'rington . Patterson, Emcstinc . . . .. ProYiclcnce . .Pcnrcc, J da L. . . . . ... . ..... Pawt ucket. Rcmingl.on, * CmTi c C. . . . . . .. . . . . . Providence. 'l'hi cl, Man· L.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .ProYidcnce. 'l'yler, Nabbic E . . . Moosup Yallcy. \\' hitc, Yi ol:t M .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woonsocket. Wh ilchc:ul. l\Iartha A. . ~;J nwillc .

E ighth Class. JA.\'UAHY

2G. 187G.

N .... .,,~:s.




Church . C:lJTie P. Cook, Ali ce A . . . 0 recnc, A lbert. Gri swo ld. I ncr.. fT orto n, Vi c tor .P . . .... .. . . • • • . Lufl , W ilhelm inn A . 1\ fagn11 s, Ann: 1 0. Koonan , 1£11cn '1'. Hho,l cs, * Oom clia II. V .. ' l'afl'. M . 'Ella ... . . .. . . . .


. .. \\'arren . . . W oonsockcl. W esterly. . \\'alchcmokct. . .... J oh nston . . . P rovidence. . .. P roviden ce. . . r,·oridcncc. . P rori!.lcncc. .. Mii iYi ll e, Mass.

+- - - - -- + * D ccc n~NI.

~l_O___________C_A-.L-\L_O_G-.c-·r.--.1-X_l_C_I_H_C_I'-L,-\1-!-0-I'--T-1-E-----------~ Ninth Class. JrsE 23, 187G. R~:S I Ot:K('f:~ .

. Blac kston e, Mass. Aldrich. (icnicrc l'~. Pro,·idcncc. Brigg,;, H elen L .... ... .... . .Nortlt Scit nat.c. ]~stcn. ~r ro. Tlh olln A . .... . . Wi ckfonl. Fraser, }fary A . . . . . G rccn vi ll e. Oanlincr, l(l:t ·1·~ .... . . ... . Pro.-i!l ence. }l owry, ]<;liza A . . ..... . W esterly. ) laeombcr. Alice J .. . Knig hlsrille. Hic-hanhon . )Jary J . . Proridenre. . . . . . ......... . Si one, Carrie I Pawluxet. 1\' illiams, B ctse~- A . .

T enth Class. J .ISU.\ HY ;2G, 187< . Jh:SIDE~C F: S.


Brow n, P hilip A (il·ee ne, Mary A K elley, Solon C ~\ I nine, Susan V. l{opcr, Loretl<L J. Schac!l'er, Anni e B . Tnrncr, Hmm a _P. K . \~aughn, Carolin e A

. . 1\I iddlcLown. .l'ro,·ide nce . .. P:tw lnckeL ........ .. .. N . Stonington, Ct. .Elm int, N. Y. .Peace Dale. . .. .. ....... P roviden ce. .. . . S umm it.

Elevent h Class. Jnnc 29_. 1 877 . ~.un:s.

Tit~ <; IJlF.X Ct:S.

Brady, .Ellen M. C.:nmpbell. Annie L 1-'arrcll, Catherine ~\I.


. .. AtLlebo ro·, i\Iass. ....... \\'alchcmoket. .... . . ..... . . ... Walche mok et. Free man, Phila I~. . Camd e n. 1\I c. Fre nch. ls:tbcl 0 .. . . . ...... . ... P :nrl nckct. Kent,* ld:t J ~ . Ph e nix. Noyes, Abbi e 0 .. Proride nce. P nin c, H arriet B. . . I'J ain,·ill e, Mass. ll eminglon, L ou ise P. . . . . Proriclence. Shippee . l ~ lm c r W . . . . . ... . .. . . . l<'oslcr. 'l'h omson, J ~ l izabe th i\I . . 1\. Attl eboro', Ma ss . \ ' cd!ler, Sus:tn }[. . Prov idence. *Dccca>cd.


~-------------R-If_O_D_E_T_S_L.-\~-.D--~--0-R_M_A_L_S_C_J_JO-O-L-.-----------1-1~ Twelfth Class. J .\S/J .\ HY


25, 1878. HE~ID'f:N('ES.

All en, (l race (l ................ . ..... .. . Paw tucket. Bntes, J dell a F. . . . .l3lackstone, Mass. Oh ee1•er, H elen N ... ... . .. .. . ... ... .... N . Attl eboro', Mass. D rmforth, J~ Jla S... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lowell, )Iass. Oodrhrd, JDs lclln ..\I. ....... .. ...... . . Cransto n. Hall, Oomhell e. .. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .Kcwport. Jam es, J •~ mma E .. . . ... .... . ..... . . . Proridcncc . ..\I ill er, 1\lary 0 .... . . . . . . Proridcnce. Koyes, J ~rlwin A . ... .. . . .KingRton. Olm stead, ]~Imin a S ... . .1£. Franklin, Vt. Phillips, J£rn est W ....... . Korth Smithfield. Roberts. Ali ce T... . . Prorillc nce.

Thirteenth Class. JUS/l

28. 1878.


HE !il tnt:~ c ~: s .

Dam es, Heria R . Br iggs, M:try J ... . .... .. . . . . K ent, Sophie B .......... . Porler, E "lh cr A. J. Sheldon , I mogcnc ]~ . ... \\"hippi e, I La.Ltie E. Wood, Leon;t i\ [ ...

. C:rccnYillc. . ... Oharlesl own . . Ph enix. . . Pro1·idenec. . Cross· Nill s . . . Oen tral F:tll s. . ... Graniterille.

Fourteenth Class . JAX JJA RY NA3tt:~ .

Bl ackburn, Hlln .. . Collins, i\lar i:T nn:t ... . TI:trrin gton, Ida S. H orl on, Sa rah ,J .. . . La wto n. i\rm·tha. S. Le n I. L:tur:t 0. P eterson, ) f:trie L. Smil h, )[:try ]~. Well s, h ht L.... Wh it in g, Elmim E.

:/4, 1879. R~SIDENCES.

. Providence. . . . . Sonl h Scituate. . ... Ji'osler. . . S. AI tlcboro ·, Ma ss. . . . . . . .. Ph e nix. . . . P:tw l neket. . Pror ide ncc. . .. . Provide nce. . .Na tick. . .. Cu mberland.


+·- - - - - -+ I




Fifteent h Class. JL'XE

2'/. 1870.


Rt: 8 IDF;!\C£S.

. .. . N . K ingsto wn. Allen. El'a B. . . . P ro,·idenee. Beane, L ucy 1\f.. . l'i orlh Sc iLnatc. Case, Snrah I ~ Bristol. Ooggeslwll. Ahby J3. . . . . . . . . \\'ren t ham, ;.rass. Cowell, I [a rri ct P . .. . . .. aichcmoket. ll' . . . . . . . . • • . . . Vnrrcll, An na '.C . . . . . .. .. l'orl'smonth . Ihll, George P ..... ... . ... . H ol mes, Tda J . ....... .. .... . ... .... . ... Wrentha m, ;.rass. . .. Foster. H opkin s, i\l arlha... ..... .... . . . . . . . Roslyn . L. I. K enyon, Irene. ........... . .. Locke, Ali ce E. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProYidcncc. ;.rcUloskey. i\fary Cl... . . ... .. . .. . ... . . Woonsock et.. . .. . T~owcl l , Mass. :i\Joffitt, Fl ora I. Danicl so nYill e, Ut. Rhort, J~l la ;.r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .NcwporL. Silonc, Josephine A.

Sixteenth Class. J AXU .U\Y

23, 1880. RE SI DKKCES.

P rol'iclcncc. Br.v:Lnl, 1 ~ rsnl a A . . J>rol'id ence. Campbell , Annie ]~. . idence. .Prov .. . . . . . . . .. . .. Day, Abbi e D.. . . l~ast woocl. Ali ce J . . . .... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... P roYide ncc. . . Providence. Gelchel l. H elen F. . . Por ts mouth . Hi cks, Rclwarcl R l':cwlucket. P eace, 1 [en ry A .... . l' rol'iclcncc. 'l'aylor, A. Florence ..

Seventeenth Class. J t ·I{ E ~.),

1880. H ESil)E KCES .

Col g:tn. ;.r:trgaret T. . G:trdin er, J£lizabe lh W . Gilbert, l\' illi:1m II . .... Graha.mc, Ali ce D. .Jon es, j\[;1rtha ~I . K ell ey, :i\[nnly S .

. Cr:Tnslon. . .. . Providence. . 1\'oonsocket.. . . .. l'la infi clcl. Uo nn . . . P rol' idcnce .

+- - - - - -+ . . PawLuckct.


+-------R-JI_O_D_E_J_~L-.-~~--1-) ~0IDL\L ~('110(-)L-.- - - - -1-3 HE'<IUt:SCES .

~ l :ilkin. Ne lli e ~[

.\ IeJ<: n Lee, ,\ Iary .\. J'hillips, J<: Jizabel h K S n1i t h, C. 1\' inLh rop .. .. 1\'ood, Angelino H .

•• I

. . . 1\' illimanlic, Conn. . Pro,-idonco . .. . ProYidcncc. . . . . .. . . Ph enix . . . . . . . l 'roridonce.

Auo1 tl ninety-sc1·cn per cent. of tho gradunles teach after g r:uln atio n. I·' I'CfJLlCntly lhe dem:~nd Jor lhc graduates as tc:wliCr.; is greater t han the supp ly. Sororal of lho first po:;i tio ns in t hi s city and elscll'ltorc at·c already occupied by t hem . Th eir success in schools of crcr.r grade, owing bot h to their training as teachers and t heir enthu sias m in lhcir ll'ork, is justly a so m co of oucon ragomon t to them aml to t he friends of edu cation throughout the State.



GRADUATES. 1-'ALL .\XD \V ISTE it 'l'EH11, ESDlSU J .\ K L:AilY

28, 18;31.

R£l!' I DE~ct:s .

Al exan der , Nell ie F. Bn sheo, Hache! L. G r:~ y, l el a J. .. .. ... . .. .. . l! c :~ t h, 'J!'lorcncc N . . . . . . .. ... . J olli e, !,il i<Ln 11. L into n, J:w c A . ... :Jiooro, J-osephi ne 0 P eace, H enr ietta \\' oilman , . \ lm im R. 1\' hi le, K ate A.

. 1\IonL ,·illc, Ct. . . A ttleboro', ~la ss . . .. H ope Valley. . . . Haningto n. . P:nv tuck ct. Pror id cncc. . Woonsocket. .. P awt ucket. . Ch epachet. . . .. Chicago, Ill.

+ - - - - - -+ I



C.IT.ILO(:U I" .I:<D Cl llCUL .\ 1\ 01-' TilE

I l b:S I UEN CES.

.l\ laehias, lll e. ]~merson, ~lla J .... . .. .. .. . . . . ... .. .. .. l'ro.-idencc . . . .. W illimantic, Ct. .Frye, EmnH~. . ... .l'roriclc ncc. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . Gage, Ellen I . . l'ro\' idcnoc. . .. . . .. . . . . . Gormau, ~li~;._t H. . l'awtuekct. Hopkin s, H arriet R.... .Soose Xeek H ill. Lc1ris, S. Josephine. . . . . " 'alchcmoket. Head, Emma B. . J'roridence. Scribner, \\'i ll is S. . Pawtuekct. \\'right, Lola H...

AmeK, Julia P.

]h;SI DI>NCt: S.


Ada ms, H arriet J~. Angell , J ~ lll rna A. :s ,~i l cy, J ohn li Barker, ) [abel A Bo wen, H an nah S . B rockway, Bl anche Chandl er, Grace J). Clmpman, ) leloclia Cooke, Char lollc E. Donn is. J essie E Durfee, i\IarUm B . l,'ar rcll , E mm a F li'cnLo n, Ann a P . C: cmlcl, Anna) [ . .. . Go ulil, Omncla A Gran t, :Edi th i\l . H all , JTa nn;ch A. H ar low , Chaun cey P H oward, Cl ara :E .. li un i , Uylincl a E. ll un t, Theresa J .


. . . Walclwmokct. . . . l•'ruit H ill. . North S mith flclcl. .Oak Ln.w11. . . .l ' roYicle ncc. O>tk L aw n. . P lymout h, Mass. .North Smi Lhli clcl . . . . SeiL n ;~Lc . . l'ro r iclc nce. . . .. J£ast J' ro r idencc. . \\'aLchemokel. . . Cumbcrl:tn d ][ ill. . . . ..



. . F ra nklin, }) [ass.

IV. IVrcnthan. J\fass. . t) 11rn tn it.

. P rov ide nce. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . Cu m berland. . . . C c n t recl r~l e. . .. . . ... Centr ed ale.



HIIODE J'L .I C>;D C>;OHll.IL ,;cllOOL.

J h:~IIJES<.:t:,;; .

J u<l ki ns, jJ aria L . ... . ... .• .. Lowe, Mabel 'l'. Lu t her, Ella F. :.'\i cho l, Willi am J l'cc kharn, Alice M. l'ond, J~ llon ll. A. t;a under~, Jt' rcclcriG li Smith . Nellie .\ l Straight, I farrict E \\'ccde n, .\nni c L \\'ighlman, J. Lewis.

.. . Corn l'ille . .\lc. . .... J'rol'iclcnco. \\'arron . . J'awluckcL. . . Boston Kock . . \\' oonsockct. . . \\' oo nsockcl. . Ucrrlml Fa IIs. . \l'alchcmokct. . ..... Cnm berland .

.. . 'r i rcrLon .

g[unior Qi:lll$1>. NAl!E8.


Aycr, Oharlotle D . Babcock, Su san A Baker, Clam j , . llalo n, J lann:rh A ... llar bor, Slillrn>tn H . G . . . Bo", Lucy A llrown . O:rrric B. Brow n . j [al tic .1 ~ Bnmnin g . .\tinni e L .... C:trey, J) Lary 'I'. f:). C:r rpcn le r, J I oLlie P. Cl em e nce . Mary A . Collin s, :'l laria \\' . Cornel l, .\ l ary A. Cu m1n ing~, Aib B I ilio n, J ose phin e . . Fowl er, Jj' ranc;cs T[ .


(~ . )

Uctrdn cr, J\[argarot A. C:ardincr, l,uclla D . I fariord, Loi'Crcnc A. Id e. "dillr A J clrcrs, .J e nni e . . John son, ..\buy B. 3

. S. Killingly, C t . . . H ope Y alley. Norlh Smithficltl. .. W arwi ck, . U lcrrrock . . . . X. Scitualo. . C: loce,lcr . . Seekonk . •\la ss. .... B oston X cck. . . .. I'<Lwluckct. . ... J ~a~t Prori<.lcncc . ..Jo hn s to n. . . Purchase, X. Y. . .. .. . . Harrin gton . . ..\ It lcboro ·. )lass. l'rol'idencc. . . l'rovidcnce. . . Prol'id cnce . . . . . Gcorgial'illc. . . . . . l'rol'idcnce. . .... ~ast .l 'r·ovidcnce. .. .. . l';twtuckct. . .. . ... . . ..... Chepachet.


- +

l'.\'1'.\lj)(:UI·; .I:"D ( 'I H('UI. .\1( OF TilE

HE,.IIJEl' tES .

Lawson , .\ l ar_r A. "\[arlin. "\hbi e M . .\l:"on, .Elizabeth 11· ~lft: Clo:;key . :lfary G . ]1\ oo rc. H. 1 ~ 1\a .\ lomn, Cathe rin e A Pa ine, J ~: mm a Ji; ... \',•i rce . S:tr:th I' . l'h il lip, . [•'annie E Phill ip, . .]a me.< S. Bi c hanl,on. 1\' il\iam Jl .. H iley . .\label K Sulton . ~ l ary II'. 'l'arbox. Eni e L ..

rl'iftany, Fanni e ]~ TrafLon, Agnes :JI

. l ~ast Proridc nc:c. . .. Banin gLon . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\'arren . . . l,o nsrlal e. Hi c hmoncl . .. l' roriil c ncc. l{oc k land. . 'l,in:o rlon .

. South Hcnrl , 1nd. . .. North Smithfield. . . 1\ ndovcr. .\I a". ... J ~a:.:t Proriclcncc. . . J' roridc ncc. . Plainfi eld, Ct. .... Warwi ck Keck. . Paw luckcL

(~ . ) ~,\)!~;,.,,

Alling , JlarricL S Harbour, ~ cllic b' . . lhnl cn , Carrie J). Bowen, ·1[aLLic A . .

Brainard, 'JDra E ... . Hucldin, Joseph L Chandler, Annie E. 0 h asc, l,eonor:t IV . Clemence, Ida :II . Cole, Lilli e .\I . . Collins, .\ Lary W l~mns, Allen l3 . Fleming, Eli;,abcth . Fyfl'e, ~ l aggic S. l l ami ll, ~ l a gg ic L H oughton, Emily ;{ J ame;;, .\[chi table. Lord, Gcorgiactbt.

H I':MLJE:-.Ct::;.

. \i: . \) u rha m, X . Y. . .A1:\ hLo n.

S. Sc1L ualc. . .. . HarTington Cen tre . . Cro n1 plon . . . l 'roriclcn cc. .1\' cslminsler \\' csl, \ ' L. . . f,illle Complon. . . .. .. J.ohnslon . . . . J\loos np Yall ey. . ...... P awLuekeL . ... No r l h S m il hfl cld . . . . . Valley Falls. . . W esler ly. .. P roride nce. .... . EasL Proricle nee. . ... H ic hm ond . . l' roriclence.



ll ll OOic

I ~ L . I:\Jl

'0 1m .1L '(' II OOL.


RE,:; I JH::\" CF.<:.

Jfa nc h r~tc r,

Susan E. ..\1 cU udden . ..\1 a rg<lret L ..\ ldla ste r. C: enent. ~\ J. i ll s, ..\ rarga ret P. P ie rce, F<lllni e R. Pi erce . .Jessie A .. flay, A 1·ery, 0 Read, K c lli c \\". Hi c ha rdson, ..\[a rgarct A . Sherm an, I Iann ah S S h ippee, ..\l innie ll. S te,·ens. \\' eltha A . 'l'a ruox. E. ~~ lt h ea. rl hoJna:-;, Lena A . . L~llc r, liaiLi e 0. \\"allacc, .~nna S. \\"atson , A 'lah S .. 1

. .. . T ircrlon . . . . . l'awtnckct. .. . . 1\" illington. Ct. . l'rori<lcnce . . .. Pa wtucket . . ... Gree ne. . .... Ve rsailles , Ct. . .... J~ast l'ro,·icl c nce . . . . . X or t h l'roride nce . .. . . P ror i<lcnce .

. East Gree nwich. . P roridence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ohnston . . .. X . A ttl eboro', ~L1 ss . . So ul hpor t, C t. . East l'ror iden ec. . .... . . l'ro rid en ce.

+S' lTDE~T:-:;

Pl ' HSl ' IS(l 0:\E




A nH's ..) n li a P.

An ge ll. Emm a A.

H a ll. lfa nnah .\ . H oug h to n. Em ih· X. .J cfl"e rs. J enn ie Law ::.;o n, ~ f a ry :\ .

Bail e.'·, J ohn H. Barbe r. S ti llman li. 0. Ba rk er . ..\ 1abe l ~~ ­ Lonl. Gco rgi<tetla. i\[a nc lwstcr. Sn ~ an J_{j , Boss . Lu cy A. Brownin g. ~ I inni e T.J. 'l c C.:l os kcy . ;\Iat·)· 0 . Cl c nJC•nee. Tda J\ L Pain C' . Emma 1~ . Clc nwncc, ..\ lary !\ . Ph il lips. i'<lllni e E. Cooke, C harl ot to K Pond, .E llen H. A. Fe nlo n. An nn _P. H icltarcl son, Wm. P. -pryc . l ~ rnm a Saunders. F rederic II . Gardiner. L ue lla D. Shippee. Minnie li. Tarbox . E. Alth ea. Other stud ent s pursuing speci al course. \\"hole nt11n bc r of pupils in th e school dming the r ea r

10 . . . . 13G

- +

+ 路'




+ - - - - - - -+ il


R. I.

T hi s institution was established on its present bnRis by t he State of Hhodc lsh1nd in 1871. ll,r the net of the General Assemhly, passed :\[ar<"h JtJ. 187 1, the Hh odc Islan d Kormal Sc hool wac:: ph1ccd ''under th e man ~ agemcnt of th e State Bo<l rd of Educatio n and t he Com mi ssione r of Public Sc hoo ls. as t he Boa rd of Tru stees." 013,/ I~C'l'

01;' '1'1110: SC II OQ I,.

Th f' o hjc(路t of' the sc hool is to enable t hose \yho arc to teach to pre pare for their work. Some of t he spec ific objects of the ~c h oo l arc as follo ws: 1. T o :1id the pupils, n.nd to prepare them to aid ot hers, in secu ri ng firm phys1c路al:hcalth. Earh f'lass enterin g the ::~c h oo l begins at once tile sturly of physiology. with the a id of a mauikin and other apparatus. Every pupil is instructed to make the prescn路:1tion of healt h n primal duty. Th e amount of srhool work assigned to a pupil may lJc diminished at any time if health req uires. 2. 'l' he ~e lection and the topi cal nr rangemcnt in nntnral o r log ical o rde r of the ohj crts and s ubj ects which the pupiL::~ arc to teach in the public sc hools of th e Stntc. 'rh is in clud e!'. modes of usin g text路 hoo ks in studyin g an(l in tcnchin g. flccord in g to th e lopi cnl m ode. T o gain <1 knowl erl gc of the s uhj ec t maHer of th e seve ral bran ches included in the "Co urse of St ud y.'' 4. 'J'o gain n kn owl edge of the princ iples o f leac hin g as determin ed by t he f:lC'IIil ics of t he human mind and th e lnws of th e ir de ve lopment. G. rl'o gai n a kn owl edge of th e best met hods of teac hin g and to :lequire skill in th e usc of meth ods, by teac hin g.




('_\T.ILOGUE .1:\"ll C' I HCCL.\ 1\ OP 'l' II E


To gnin n l.;;n ow lcdp:c of the

zation nnd g:ovcrnmcnt.


ancl m e thods of sc hool organi-

Sinc·c !'t'lf-ronlrol is the firsl condit ion of the

powN to gon'rn others, the pupils of the Kormal Sehool nrc trn.incd to h:lhit::: of ·self-control. 7.

T o kadthosc who nrc to tcaC'l1, to th:tt appre<· iation of the value of

p:ood tcac·hing whieh 8.


csscnthd to tl1c genuine e n thu s ias m of a teach er.

T he formation of tlJC chaxaC'Icr of those who arc to leaf' h.

T hi s oh-

jret in it s morn\ significance is the most imporl:lnt ohject of th is sc hool. C'.\1\DID..\'l' I<J~

1'01-: ,\D.\ II S:-t!ON.

~ f air applic·ants for admi;;:.sion to the sc hool mu st he ~eve n teen years of

age: fc m:1l e applie:wts, :->ixtccn.

.\pplication for flllm iss ion should he m:.ulc in prr:.on. or hy irller. to the PrincipaL or to th e ('ommi~~ioncr of Public RC'lwols, oflice in l:Jizaheth Buildin g. ~o. 10 1 Xorth ~ f ain ~ trPcl, P ro,·i -

dcn('C, H. 1.

Cn.ndidate:o:; wh o appl_,. hy letter

~ h ou l d 1) tatc -


Xnme in full


Post Ollice

:3. 4.

Age. Plac-e of previous education nnd the


If candid<tte h as ta ug h t, UIC llll lrt he r of !(' rill s' PX JWr icnrc.

~ \. ddres s.

~lud i c~


Ccwdidatcs sh ould al so furni-"' h a. w ri tten test imon ial of good m oral c h aracte r from some responsible perso n A ppl ic-;tnts furnis.h ing S<liis fnctory t'\' id e nce of hav ing ho11orably <·om pletcd a ]J ig h School cou rse will he ad m i llcd w ith o u t an ex:.t m ination: ot he r npplicn.nts w ill be exa mi ned in

Hra di ng. S pe lli ng, Penmanshi p,

A rithmetic to ] nvolution, Geograp hy. Gnt m m a r , an d L:ni tcd St~ltes \l isto ry. Cnnd idatcs for ad mi ssion mu st. prese n t t !J cmsrlvcs i n t he Study J I all of the No rmal Sc hool Bu ild ing. o n T uesd ay. t he fi rst day of t he term , at 9.:l0 o'<·lo<·k,


A. ~ ~ -




:\OIOl.\1. S{' JI()OL.

{!i;ottrtc of j!i tltlllJ .

. \ two years' cou r~c of sLUdy lla~ hccn prc~cribcd hy the B oard of Edu c·:ltion.


Gradu ates of lli gh Schools u:sually fi nish the cour~c iu less thau


~\ II can didate~ for grad uation arc required to pa ...s a s:tt i:-;faclOry exa mi -

nation in writing in all of the prescribed gtud i c~. Fir~t


Physiology. Geo metry LC!-<SO ns in L anguage. J~lc m c ntary

Phys ics and Chemistry.


&cond TU'm. A rithm ctic beg un. Ocou;r:tphy. Hc:l( \itt g.

Grammar. Drawing.

T hird Tam." .\ t

ithmcti c co mpl eted .

Hh etoric. En g li:-;l t Lit cntturc.

Ocncntl Jl i:o:to ry. Ph ysical Gcognl phy .

'I •

. \ lgcbrn.

Lessons in Phw ts.


1 ~nn .

•\ stronomy. N:ttura\

Ph ilo so ph~· -

J~lc ment s of :.\l inc ralogy and Geology.

+------+ I

~l cnl alHnd

) [ora l Ph iloso p hy.


l'.IT.ILOt:UE .I:<J> l"I!{("IJL.\1{ l>J.' TilE

:Science and J •.rt of T each ing, in<:luding


Principles and .Jlct hods of _il hl ru c:t io u .


School Organization and Government.


School Law• of Hh odc Island .

General C.\Crcisc.s iu Spelling, -'lu sic and P enma nship . ~\ ~.rste m of GymnastiC's, a(i<lptcd to pro m ote th e health of t he pupil s,

and su('h as <:an be used in the :-;<.: hool.s of t he tltat(•, ha'i been ;-t doptcd.

Lccturc.s by specia l iu st ru ctor.s, aud ot her:::;, arc g iven thr ough out t he

cour.sc. The follow ing lectures ha,·c bee n giq:n during th e yc:1r· 1-<fll,fJWI!JC-

13. G. X o rthrop, LL. D., t)c('l'ctary Connecticut B oa rd of

Edu cation.

Life '!f the . l m:ie1d Graks-Hc,·. C' .• \ . .L. Hic..: ha rd s, Pro,·idcncc. T he J'ory Side of lite A merican Ru:olution as seen in its L iterature-Pro f. )L C. T yler, LL.D. , Ann Arbor, )Jich . The J'outh tif Sltaktspcare- 11. B. Sprague, LL.D. , Priu. Girls' High School, Boston.

_Yo polton's idence.


Uompoign- Huv ,J. U. f:5to<.:ldJridgc, D.lJ., Prov-

'l'h t ('honi.~t''!J (?f the JlitJJ/IUl ./Jod/f-0. V. Ul1npin, JU. D., Pro vidcncl'. of Rlwde h lruul- 1lon. T . B. Stochn.dl , Uom. of Publi c Sc hool s, ProY idcncc. ,~dwot /, rur~J

Th ose wh o ho no rably comp lete the co urse of !'5 ludy rccci,·c a diplt>ma j~...,u cd by auth or ity of th e State, and ~ i g ncd hy the

Go,·c rn or , the UOIII ·

mi .s:sio ncr of P ublic Sc hoo ls, a nd the Principal. .-\1)\' ANCED


. \ _n ad\'<tnccd course of study, includin g La t in , Greek, l•~ rcnr h , G cr m:w , ) l athcmnti('~,

ancl :Xatural Science, hati IJC'Cil au t h orized,


t h:u gTadual cs

of the sc hool and other:; who a rc qualified may mak e fuller preparation fo r teaching tha n


be sec ured by the two ye;n :-;' co urse alone .

.An advance d study may be pur!:> ucd i>y nny pupil in t he two years' cou rse, but not to the neglect of the studi es

~1ut h o rizc d

in t he c.:o mm ou

sc hools of the Dtatc.






Hll OJl E JSL.\ NO NOJDL.\1 , S(' ll OO L.

(l}oJJir.s ani!

QJ: l lt ~l'i

"'Vorh in d ndnl ilt J it'.\lt QJ:om,\lc.


C J~ A SS .


1 o o ·:'".

Co urse of les!'o ns in fo r m.

Glass IVork.

T eac hin g- a ud d emonstratio n o f t heo rems.

Lessons in Fo rm taugh L o hjccti \·ely.

st nltcd and a ppl ied by means of problems.

Th eore ms d cmonO rig ina l dem ons tra tions of

t h eo r e m ~. D rill in teachi ng theo re ms hy the indu cti\'C m et hod. Mod es of reci tat io n i1wcntcd by the pupi l. ) l od es of teac hi ng Geo metry. \Vri t· ten exa mina tion:::. E J, E.\ I" ENTA H Y C lll!: .\I ISTHY :\XD Pnv s r c~ .

De fi niti o n of term s. sourecs aud

U tiCS

F orces.


P hys ical a nd chemica l pro perties, na me,

of t he m ore co mm on si mple substan ces.

Si mi lar to pics

in regard to th e more impo rtant co mpo und s ubstan ces, with the addition o f th e che mi cal anal ys is of th e co m po und. na ture.

La ten t heat :l!1d its cif ects iu T heo reti cal Uh emi:;try, sufli ciouL to und ersta nd and apply t.hc la.w

o f mult ipl e pro po rt ions. Ula:(f!. ·w ork. Object lesso ns t hro ug ho u t t he co ur:"e fo r Leachin g the meaning o f te r ms, an d f or leachi ng th e facts o f c he mi stry . Leach in g aud rec ita t io n. :1p pnrat.u s.

:.'\[anipul at ion of

g la ~s

t u bin g.

~J o d cs


) fa king simple

P ractice iu perfo rmin g ex perim en ts.

P n Y ~ I O L OO Y .

100. A na to my of the body,-sk iu, m uscl es, ho nes, vi sce rn , nerves and s pec ial se nse o rga ns. P hysiology of each part , d ealin g es pecially \\"ith the fo rces t h:'tL produ ce th e va ri ous cha nges in th e hum a n body. ll yg ieuc of each o rga u an d fun ction, s pecial a ltCJJL io n be ing g iven to t he ev id ences o f incip ient di sease, a nd to the ge ne ral clHw gcs in ha bits t hat will chec k ;md preve n t such di sease. Olo ,~s

·w ol'k.

'J' he fi rs t fifty lesso ns nrc s pent by p u pils in cxnmi uiug

nnd st ud y ing Lhe body, a ided by a hum an sl.: cleton

~l!L d

man ik in, an d di s-

sections of bodies of lo wer a nim als. • Approximntc mtmbcr of lessons.




- -+

CIH CU L.IIt 01' T il E

The special aim in t hese lessons is to teach the pupils how to study the human body, an d how to prc8crvc it from harm :md dis.casc. The ot her fifty lessons arc taught by the pupils th e mselves. Th e subjects considered not having been presented to the class before, the st udent teacher is requi red to select the matter to be taug ht, to arrange it, and to teach it without other aid in prcp;tration t ha n what he ca n get front boo ks a nd specimens by his ow n efforts. Th ese lesso ns ;u路c fo llowed lJy question and criticism on both matter and method, and inaccuracies arc carefully corrected. \Vritten papers frequent. L .\N GLHH:.


Hul cs fo r capitals. tion.

Punctuation. LcLtc r writin g. Eleme ntary co mposi-

Ola~tJ IVork. Oral teaching o f rul es, with \Hillen and ora l nppl ication s of th e same. Practice in letter-writing and ele mentary composition. 7 ' \ riLtcn exam inati ons.


30. Careful st udy of typical forms. Classification of animal s. General study of mammals. Specific st ud y of IJirds. Gen e ral k nowledge of in sects.

Glass IVol'k. Dissection of typica.l form s. Prn,ct ice in teaching with objects of th e c lassification and description o f anim:.tls. Collections of insects and methods of preservatio n.



(A .)


Operntion s with numbers.


lVork. Teach ing exe rcises-illustrat ing by object s-on all to pics included in elementary work, to occasion ideas and lead the c hi ld to di stin g ui sh them. iiiodes of recitat ion and rev ie w, ori g inal and imitative. Dril l in variety of forms of fundamentnl processes. 2. Principles of Arithmetic t hroug h th e :Metri c System.

Class 路wo,路k. T eac hing exe rcises by w hich princip les, definition s ;tnd rul es arc taught according to the inductive method. Proble ms, orig iual and selected , for appli cation o f principles. " ' ri ttc n exn minations. 100 . . Geometrical problems. Free- ha nd drawin g, includ ing copying patterns, object-draw ing an d designin g. Perspective.

D H .\W I NG.

+- - - - - -+ I

1 I

~-------------------25~ I




Class ll 'OI'k. Pmcticc in problems, free- hand work, and perspective with pencil aud on black-boa rd. LKSSONS 0~ PL.\ N'l'S.



Study of th e root, stem, bud. leaf, flow er, frui t and seed. plants.

Analysis of

Class TV01路k. Constant teachi ug exe rcises upon all the topics named, using for illustnttion, specime ns co llected by the c lass. \:Vritten examin ations. GEOGllAT'IIY.



tudy of the Earth by actual observation. Rep resen tation of relative position of objects obse rved: first, while observing ; seco nd, fro m memory. Oral and wri tten descrip tions of objects and relations observed. Object l cs~o u s on linea r and square 111 CllSures, ca rdinal and in termed iate points of compass, drawin g by scal e. Lessons on water in all its forms, Yerti cal f orm s of land a nd drainage, horizontal forms, climate. Study of Rhode Island by mean s of observation. model. ma p, and descriptions. Form and size of Earth. Rotation of the Eart h and its results. Form , comparative size, and rela.Live posiLion of conLin cut s a.nd occn ns. Para.llels and mericlin,n s, latitude and longitude. Map of the 'Yorld. Study of No rth Ame rica by means of observation, globe, mod el, map and desc ri ptions. Natural features, people of di stant pnrts and the ir customs st udied by means of pictu res and desc ript ions. P olitica l divi sio ns of North A merica. R evo lut io n of th e Earth and inclina t ion of its ax is, w ith results. ('lass 1\"ork.

T eachin g , modellin g, map-draw ing from memory.

W rit-

len <:X:11n innt ions. READ 拢NG.

100. Exercises in a rticulation, pi tc h , fo rce, etc. Pract ice in read ing

Cla<JiJ WOrk.


t eac hin g.

:Modes of

G H A .\ IM :\ lt . 100. Anal ys is an d pa rsin g. Glw~s 1VO?路k. Exercises in teachi ng all the fac ts and princ iples of t he subject. Drill in a.nnl.ys is an d pa rsing, inc lu d in g m odes of o ral and w ri tten recitatio ns. Exe rc ises for tra in in g the pupil to detect ~1n d co rrect e rrors in t he usc of la ngungc. Discussion of 1he prCYftlen t modes (,f teach in g Gm mnlfi r.

'V rittc n exa minations.


~~2-G-----------C-.t-1-'A_L_O_G-~I-,-.I-~-D--C-l-lC_U_L_A_Il_O_I_'_1_'H-E-----------~ l\IIUDLE (::LA SS .



Olas.~ -1\(Jrk.


Principles tnup:ht orally and nppl icd, first by m en tal , an d

then hy written excrch;cs. teaching the several top ics. transactions.

nrodes of teaching.

]i;a('h pup il t ra in ed in

Solution of original proble ms.

Modes of making and

a~s i gning

Bu sin ess

original p roblems.

\Vr iL-

tc n examinations. ALC:EH IL\.


j\fodc!'l of teaching and ref'itntiou.

Definition of terms.

H. u lcs.

ples for practice. , Solution and cxplanntion of problems. Glass -ll f>rk. Practice in leaching. Solution of prohlems. original problems. R H ETOI!IC.


l\Iak ing

"\Y l'itten examinations.


Definition and general div isions of language.

Outline of menta l fac ul -

ties. P hilosophy of taste. T he principles o f beauty and sublimi ty. rrh e forms and the philosophy of "·it. F igumtive ill ng nn ge. Th e essential elements and the q ual ities of English style. Ap plication of p rin cipl es in written exercises, and in rhetorical criticism. l\Icthods of teachin g co mposition wr iting. Cla,'i8 lVork. Principles taught lly Ulac k-Uon rcl exe rcises. R ecitat ions and application of pri uciples by blncl,-board exe rcises in w h ich pupils usc thei r ow n selections for ill ustmtion . \ \' eck ly praetic·c in difl'crcn t kinds of 'nittcn composition, descr iptive, argu mentat ive, etc. rr he makin g and development of plans in e~say wri ting. Correction and re-w riting o f essays. Rc\·iews antl w ri tten examin at ions. ENG LI SH LI TE I U'ITHK


R ecitation of the histo ry of th e Eng lisl1 lang uage u nder top ics. Grouping of im po rtant facts in the histo ry o f English L iterature. Prese ntation of the lives and tim es of auth ors :l S relate<l to th eir writin gs. rl' he verba l, logical, a nd rh eto ric·al anal ysis o f t.y piral selecti ons of literat ure . Modes of teachin g. S pecial exercises by the several mem bers of tbe class in gaining an o utl ine of a n au t hor's life, ~1 nd in analyz ing his sty le, acco mpnn icd by readin gs selected by t he pup ils. \ \' ritten cxn min atio ns. Gla:Js ·work.

P 11 YS rCA T~ GEoo nArn''·


Defi ne.


E arth iu the universe- in t he soln r system. The Ea rth as a. mag net.

Ear th- its

~-------------R-ll_O_D_8_J_S-L .-\~-.D--~-.O-H->I_A_L_S_C_I_IO-O-L-.-----------2-7~ rons idcrcd independently of su n's heat. Volcan ic phenomena. tion and cnnscs of volcanoes. Ea r thqual.:es. IT.

Genera l aJTil.ngcmcnt of tbe land mnsses.

co ntin ents.

R elief form s classified.

Stru ct ure of t he new world.

Dist ri bu-

H orizontal forms of the

Pl a ins, plateaus, mountains, valleys.

Stm ctu re of Asia, Eu rope, Africa, and

Au stralia. J_.a ws of continental reliefs. coral, and of volcanic islands.

I slands classi fi ed.

Formation of

IlL a. Water as a geograp hi cal ele me nt. b. Continental W aters. Hi vc rs-thcir formation and age ncy. Lakes-their formation and distribution. Drainage of N. America, S. Am eri ca, Asia, Europe, Afri ca, Au stmlia. c. The Sea. Composition of wate r. T emperature. Marine life. Sea bottom. The oceans-their forms, sizes, depths, etc. Oceanic movements, waves, tides, currents. IV. The atm os phere as a geograp hica l element. Climate. Astronomi cal cli mate, law of di stribu t ion of heat, influence of ea r th's moti on. Physical clim nte, deviation from nst rono mi cal C'l imate. General circulation of atmosphere, t rade winds, periodi cal and vari able wind s, revolving sto rm s. Di stribution of vapor in the atmosp here. Time nnd character of rains in diiTercnt latitudes. Rainfall of th e difl'e rent co ntin ents. S now, h orizontal and vert ical di st ribution. Gla cie ~路s, formati o n and geographical distri bution. Opt ical and luminous phenom ena of the atm os phere. V. L1~'E t: PO~ '!' HE E"\RTrr. a. Y egeta ti on in the different latitudes. Distributi on of vegetation in the northern contin ents. Venical di strilmt.i o n o f vegctnt ion. Y cgctatio n of the so uth e rn contin ents. Animals of the no rthe rn C!> ntin c nts. Auimals of th e southern co nti nents. b. Prodsion fo r human life and social prog ress. )fateria ls for food , raiment and shelter. Mi neral s empl oyed_ in the arts. c. rl, he hum an fn mil y. The geog:路aphical ra ces, the ir location nnd character isti cs. L 11w o f vmiat.ion of types. tori cal im portance of Lhe difl"c rcnt rarcs. d. T crrcst.rifll co ntrasts. co ntin c nls of h istory. lf JST OHY.

nian nnti o ns.






J [is-

Orig in of nations.

Sketch o f Greeia u

l l i ~to r y.

A ryan, Semitic and Tu ra Sketc h of Ho man H isto ry.

Brcaldng up of the R oman Empire. FonTlation o r stntes and k ingdom s o f modern Europe, includin g the early histo ry of Great Brita in. Special study of t he Hc na issnncc and Hefo rm ation.

- -+


C lllC'UL. \1~

- -+

OF Tll8

Daily rccitlllions according to topics arran ged so as to keep

Class lVork.

constantly in view the relations to each other, of prominent events in the ci,·ilizcd world. \rritten exam ina t i on~. 2.

UKITED S·r.\'l'ES IIrsTOHY.-D il)cove ri cs.

lut io nary period.

Colon ial Histo ry.

P eriod of the Co n federa ti on.


United States unde r the

present Constitutio n. ('lass W'"ork. Prepa ring topics, su ital)\c to be give n in co mm o n sc hools, upon the variou~ pe ri ods.




D efinitions. T he ea rth in its relat ion to the solar system. 'rlw sun. The moon. ' rh C' planet~ . OhsNvation of t he principnl constcll nt ions. Cla.qs

-~ Vork

lin eation s. PIIY~J C:;<.

Dail y recitations and tcnehing exercises.

Original exe rcises.

Black -boa rd de-

\Vrit.len ex:tminat.ions.


Genera.\ desc ripti on of the fo r ms of alt.rad ion and h1ws gove rnin g t heir ac·tion. nrccll anir8. IT yd rostaties. ll ydrauli cs. Pn e\111Mt ics. "MagnetOptics.


Exerci ses in perfo r mi ng ex perim ents necessary to illust rate bwgh t. and in dedu(· in g the princ· iples Uy the aid o f illustra· D rill in solv ing philoso phi cal problems. Da il y exercises iu teach-

('(aRB ·w 01·k


~ ulJjcrts

ti o ns. ing

hy~ e\'e ry

pupi l.

\rri tten e.xam iuation s.

) l rNE lU T.OG Y O H GEOT.OG Y.


A kn ow ledge of the mo re rom mon mi nera ls nnd the rocl' s w hi c· h they for m. An outl in e of the structure and hi sto ry of th e ea rth , and the formntions of the Age o f ~\fan. (/la:-.s -!Vorl.·. Th e ana lysis and na min g of min era ls.

Collectin g s peci-


'!' he uses of t he min era ls st udi ed in nature and in t he useful a rts. 'l'he histo ry of the ea rth deve lo ped by t he a id of d iag nun s u pon th e bhwk -board. E xam ina tions by means o f new s peci mens and by wriLi en exe rc ises. Sc n :NCE AND






('la.is -!Vo!'k.


T eac hing t he s ubj eet induc tivel y, th e general o utline bein g de"eloped fr o m t he facts of t il e pupil's co nscio usness. Heading a nd aualy-






sis of subjec ts included under P syc hology, as presented in reference and text-hooks. Practice in teaching -Psyclwlogy. Class di:;cussions of questi ons sugges ted by reading and recitations. tions.

.,. I

He views and written exam ina-

2. J\[ou.,\L ScrEN CE. Object; to ga in a knowledge of the fundamental prin ci ples of m.omlity as dete rmined by tile mental and moral nature of man, nud to fo rm plans for g iving mo ral iu str uctiou, Uy object lesso ns to young pupils, and by precepts to older pupils. Class ·~vork. Similar to that under P sychology. 3.

Sc HOO l:. l xS'l'Ht:CTlON.-Modcs of teaching and study.

Cour:->c of

study arranged for the primary school, for the in termediate or seco nd ary schoo l, ancl for the g rammar schoo l. Clas~ II Ork. Arrangin g pl~.~ns for teac\Jing. 7 T eachi ng exe rci ses. Discussions o f the art of teachin g, occasioned by the exercises presented. 4.

Sc u ooL





Go\-E H.:-; _,IENT. -

Organization of

Tardiness an d abse nce.

School reco rd s and rctums. Nec es~ ity of sc hoo l govemment. 3)[oll es of sec uring the cnd:s of school government.

Causes of failure iu sc hool go \·ernm c ui.

Th e se lf-report in g syste m.

Th o marking system_

Corporal · punishme nt.

Other a nd better o f sec urin g schoo l order. as cl etc rmiu cd b_v the nature of the child. Communication during st udy hou rs. Un co nscious influence of teacher. mod e~

Th e teacher's relation to society. in mann ers :l!ld mora ls. 5.

JE st hetics in the sc hool -roo m.

L esso ns

OB~I·: H VA' I ' ION AKDiPH .\ CT I C'~ IN T EAC' II IN<..: . -Th c

schools of Provian e xce ll ent oppod unit y fo r me mbers of th e Senior Clnss to acq unint themselves w ith the govern ment and in s-t ru ction of excel le nt schoo ls of . eve ry grade. d ence



furni ~ h

Th e arrn ngement mad e by th e superintend e nt o f;:::choo ls and tcaeh ers o f the city by whic h members of !h e 8-enior Clat->s have real practice in teac hing is of great ser vi ce to them. T he co() pcral ion of tonchers of this city in }liding Lhe pupils of Lhe schoo l to make the best usc of their o pportunities fo r oUset·vntion and practice is wo rthy of es pec ial commendation.


+- - - - - -+ I


C'.IT.ILO(:UE .1);1) ('JilCUL.I Il OF T il l·:

~Hi.$ rrlln n ro u ,1.

L IBH .\ 10 ",


Th e library is furnished with \"aluahlc wo rl.;s of reference.

Th e Phil o-

sop hical and Chemical Departments arc fumished with s uch appn.ratus as the cou rse of study requires. A Yatuablc collection of mineral s tt nd a Zoolog-ical collcf'tion enable the pup il:"; lo prepare their lc:;;so ns in Nat ural History in the be~t manner. Th e attent ion of the friends of educat io n is ca ll ed to th e fact that dona tions of miuemls and other .!;pccimcns of Natural Hi sto ry arc g ladly received, and will be used iu the class work of the schoo l. TUITION.

Tui Uon will be free to all pupil s who complete the co urse of study with '!'h ose t he intention of tca<' hin g in the puhlic ,~o:.c: hoolti of Hh ocl e Js!and who do not intend to teach may enter the ~c: h oo ! for a full o r pa rtial co urse at reaso n able rates of tuition 1-'.E Cl;~ I AH Y A ID '1'0 'I' II OSE I N AT'i'f'::NOANCE.

Th e m ileage a pprop ria tion o f fifteen hund red d o lla rs will be di st ribut ed

am ong those pupils wh o reside in the State at a. di stance exceed in g five mil es from Prov id ence. P upils bo~nd iu g in P rov id ence will l.Je e ntitl ed Lo the same mil eage as if t hey li,·ed at home. Th e aid furni 8hed to auy oue pupil ca nn ot exceed forty dollars pez: year.

T h ose who l.Joarcl in the city us uall y pny fr o m $3 to $5 per week 'J' I<: X'I' - 1 ~00 1 \S.

'f ex l-IJooks need ed fo r refe rence


a 1·c in p art

furni shed IJy the sc hool.


'l'hc sc hool hold s ils sessions on T uesday, \Vcd ncsday, Th ursday, Priday

and Saturday of each school week, from 0. 30

A. M.

to 2.30

I' .•u .

T he




1')dl0ol is open to visitors during every session.

On Saturday, in counce-

lion w ith the usual exercises of the school, Jeeturcs arc giYcn by Professors of Brown University, and by others, upon subjects adapted to interest and instruct tho!'e actually e ngaged in teaching, as weJI as the pupils of th e sc路 hool. I' H O ~IP 'I'



A'l' T Ei\DANCt<.:.

T he work of ca('h cJa~;s is so ~ystcmntically arranged and so much of t h e instruction is giYcn independe nt of text-books th at it is grc<~tly to the adYantagc of C\'ery pupil to be pn'"cnt on the .fir.~t doy of the term and, if pos-

'ihlc, at


exercise of the dass.



'!'he railroad'"' whkh ecntrc in Providence enable pupils in a large portion The school buildnf the Stnt<' to hoard <\l homr while attending school. ing i~ located on Benefit "trcct, corner of l Vatcrmnn street, within a few minutes' wnlk of the Central Depot on Exchange Place. H orse-cars on


all the lines meet on ) farket Squnre, from which the school building is ca~ily accessible.

.\_II parts of the ri ty and State nrc thus, by ra ilroad a nd

horMc-car~. brought iuto direct and easy communication with tlw schoo l.

Hailrond compan1c:> furn ish tickets at reduced rates to those attending t he Xormal.~khool.


'1'\ l(' Prin('ipal \\'ill aid pupils in obtnining these tickets.


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