The Book of Spells and Misspells

Page 81

this case, the original Spanish (in brackets without diacritics.) How could u expect me not tu be consurnd at what that antiqàted lejislàter (antiguo legislador) thay caul the public wil say when it sees me now com out with a tàl as dri as a rush, barin of invention (invencio« n), devoid of stìl (estilo), poor (pobre) in conseption (conceptos) and laking in all erudition (erudicion), without qotàtions (acotaciones) in the marjins (margenes) or nòtes (anotaciones) at the finish (fin); wheras I see other wurks, never mìnd how fabùlus and profàn (fabulosos y profanos), so ful of sentenses (sentencias) from the hòl hurd of filosofers (filosofos) who ar admìrd (admiran) and get thair authers a reputàtion for erudition and eloqens (eruditos ye elocuentes)? This problem that troubled the author, Miguel Cervantes, 1547–1616, is still with us.

International English spelling and the world What most people do not know about other writing systems Here is a list of other languages that have already made writing system improvements – some with a lot of fuss and some with none, some with minor changes and others with complete revolutions. But they can do it! (Why can’t the English?) This list is incomplete. Afrikaans 1925 Albanian 1909 Belgian 1946 Brazilian Portuguese 1912, 1943 Chinese 1956, 1958, 1973 Czech early 1950s, Danish 1948, 1997/1 Dutch Netherlands 1815, 1883, 1934, 1946, 1954 Filipino Finnish 16-18th century


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