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A POETRY Peter Ganick

A POETRY Peter Ganick Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA

A POETRY Peter Ganick Copyright Š 2011 All Rights Reserved Text and Cover photography: 2011 Peter Ganick Except for the sole purpose for use in reviews, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, without the written permission from the publisher or author. Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA 93458 the author would like to thank Felino A. Soriano for his kindness in publishing this volume parts of which appeared in the ex-ex-lit blog. the author would like to dedicate this book in friendship to Sheila E. Murphy.

where is found content for removal from assertion? the content is an arrangement while the assertion is its undoing. somewhere else we sleep or slept through hundreds of tones and missives, we did not miss much while asleep. the turning of codes, the coldness swimming away through spiritual dissembling— a last virtue its frailty memorizing its own selfhood. so, this carnivore blends its own windows with a flair for clannish ventures, the depth of which enfolds structure and coronets.

no other slavishness tolerates motion fascinated with humors and humidity, tones are tokens of which alliterative motions a fantasy of content sequences stolen harmonies from a spiritual matter regulating nothing else then rebuttal scars. agreeable to nonce? yet in stride? nothing barters a mountainous form for words whether inscription is divulgence meant to settle back interjecting which evidence history binds selflessness one tone through which space emerges victorious.

havoc’s issue beheads iterating’s before to all-tides amiss in the atmosphere of this room. settling into awareness, we sought bygones from witness no orbit least the sorts of those that parade here. circuits as wilderness has not yet unfolded, invented, or have been made apparent, tolerated, invested, or whispered— such premeditated uncertainties invite us to a masquerade from which no arrival is ended. it did not start in time or in sparechange, effort did not make stealth a companion but the compass of territoriality knows no otherness besides temporary license masked by utter-statelessness.

we arrive where inscription leaves free commentary beleaguered by nothing—itself rendered and biased—machinic divulgence refines only curiosity moving beyond a massive tendency— compose, regroup, then compose again. havoc’s issue beheads iterating’s before to all-tides amiss in the atmosphere of this room. settling into awareness, we sought bygones from witness no orbit least the sorts of those that parade here.

it’s a heard tension in the voice whatever announcers those publicans remake understood droll bargain settlers those wait compensation wave through small cars first. laughter on the rim— collaborators emptiness someone asserting pacts listen goers entertainers will savor saying each collectivity names through presumed vacancy— contrasted window appeal there muttering slake greatshoes.

can you keep a secret? the sequence of this secret is nothing but its own stating. there is nothing behind or before it. literature is not of its concern. a grain of sand is mindstyle enough for its intention to thrive. can you keep a secret? so, again, we wander streets, beaches— anywhere there are tides from which we can be harangued no lecture other than that is offered & inscribed here. can you keep a secret? we asked. somewhere in an art magazine an artist wrote the first person singular pronoun and meant everybody. so—why not use everybody’s pronoun—we.

even in the french language such a sound is affirmation closely ventured between music and emoticon, beyond anything the world offers incorporeal of its overt language, the language speaks itself is its secret. we compare—do we? it is self in and of itself? i too was attracted by that book—it held attention but in differing freedom found ignorance of selfbleeding waits nowhere than imminent to discovery. hoops through which a standpoint arrive declare nothing else waits motionless. the alarm clock set to seven o’clock unfolds its earthliness on an eternity spared conclusion. accosting sleep literally nighttimes was nothing. clouds were arriving—i did not know they would and even what they are.

you say this tone’s different. so shy to say where else compares nothing to itself? why not begin sorting a shoulder of crisis into pauses meant for each otherwise begun before and elsewhere. so, we gamble—or for those reading not hearing, we gambol. the restriction is apparent—without which no flash camps there scribed, this would have been unknown and more, unknowable. severance begins with music behaving of itself when subscribed to for millions of years before and after.

from who is this voice talking limitlessness? it has always been there behind words’ worlds unfolding reality one step at a time, with few skips—one step toned there in uncertainty, reinforced by armisticed beggars nameless in accrual. the fortune of community one does not know is an appearance to segue into each mysterium begun where started—without end that is because no shard is shared without erasure close behind.

is and are. those are our conscriptions. melodies here pertain only to their own instance. called before non-referential they remain the same. to what do they refer? then some muse of readership camps out while tampering with a shred of evidence. announcements were comparing notes. the dramatis personae were unfolding their memoranda scrupulously attended from parallel contact.

awhile ago, there was no pain. no conscription could sack outside mottos—once therein was begat motion and creation. summershine begot notions whose flair inscriptions of elsewhere elsewise wished from tavern to library—from the accidence of church and hours in ones house. we lead a close inscription waiting for mimetic servitude. no elsewhere is sampled without itself becoming as being to independence what light is seeing now and then— when one’s caprices arrive more than immensity—there assignation behaves selflessly in arrangement with itself—that is always a seamless integration of flare and emotion— become itself arranged through its odd emptiness.

more than what can inscribe tension—was it tentative or fallible an inequity to have knowledge beforehand? a summation of starts is helpful—we clash inarticulate wide of meek style and strong philosophy. reasons are not philosophical form— they are abolished before they can be utterly the embarrassment of higher thought they pretend tolerance away to those who adapt. compensation is annotated that infractions begin their sudden share as befit, agreeably compared, begun & hammered on a routine walkabout— the continent has beheld in the other’s eyes.

eyes are inscribed not inserted. the organic mantra’s remoteness grants noise its own poverty. some comparison was made to the music of j s bach before which there was silence. that bach’s music ended silence introducing eternal noise was the premise of a film i saw. sounds filled airplanes and machines soon after. then the comprehension of which silence compares was lost increasing its hold where infrequency became its occasion.

‘we hear what is available’, was said by the other. another, who begins this comparison was fogged into airports for ten years before or after. recalling this moment, a shore forms over there. it is not far—only one step separates us. then a skip—then another step and a skip and we’re there.

night-time—even the early morning before dawn is tidings striking to skill’s beginnings started, indescribable, tolerated, amounting to selflessness. what conscripts a mannequin to its midnight is only servitude to an imagination of itself, convoluted with terms were steadied onto this page, this spoken voice. comparison holds no value as engagement. it is only its own contraction into a sleep more than directed. elsewhere.

let the masquerade begin— not hallowe’en, rather a definite mentation of faces and what we see in them. what do we see? what can be seen? anything? no, i expect it is only what is on a surface the grounds of which were there visible— yet no more there is a spirit come through with each face, united with the non-revealing face. we compose out faces, only to be seen at some occasion—an instant while escapes a fold through which reality serves its own change.

you don’t like the word, ‘change’? it is always available, changes enfold the circumstances of traduction once before when we reduced experience to self-stated infraction no longer. an effect was portrayed in content. somewhere it washed through the beach-shore. selflessness does not assure contradiction would not arrive. it’s own minions waved through surface and suffering is not apparent. it was there, suffering, that is. somehow, we are ‘clear’—we didn’t need to walk the dunes of science. our own terminology brought us here before you in print.

savoring the moment is no hardening of point-of-view—rather we emulate another who softens without effort— the restive arcane developed through moments of description broken out of existence’s camaraderie. alone, alongside a river of caveats, we are described by contradiction depending why who seeks to know. so the reason invokes itself evermore. once on a night was sorted through papers belonging to a loved one.

now, depart imminently— before occasion masks no longer. the contract of being born is the contract of living until one passes on to another’s world—space between referred-change. there, another relies where amounting selflessly containing motion and space. let’s dream further. a star-filled night, no, that’s not itself a reason for poetry—is this poetry? with all assuaged, notions begin their long highway through silence and noise to the world where opposites have no meaning. a silent noise it its own koan perhaps only available in language— the language imagination uses— readers strike forth in delay to compare witness witlessly. somewhere else i learned to listen— actually in many places—words held through naming and combining—

let’s walk around this masquerade to seek arrangement with narrows and while being there, seek a wider space to hold tangibility one step to those parallel to our motion— the rumination is animate. no sanctus is necessary. having a brain is helpful though. seeing is believing, i’ve heard said. this is nothing else, i also heard. having belief in oneself is only the first part of the equation of communication.

so contrarian beginnings serve no master worth saving—as lasting motions the nature of others is imbibed, before it becomes a hamster whittling its own slack. motion creates silence. stasis creates noise. this mind is aware of itself only when applied somewhere else than itself. where do we go when we pass from this earth? i asked my father four months before he passed. do we go up , down—where? he said, we go for a long sleep. i asked him, how do we know we were here? he said, by the people whose existences we have touched.

not a fraction of the instance was dropped through to other indications. we read the poetry before it was dry, other spaces had not invaded it yet. it is a construction begun by an existence as a symptom of its own fulfillment—scarred through experience, the poem carries water to thirsty men in nursing homes. experience is. experience is what it is. what has gone on, gone by. what has become a rule in the book of history. why the question mark? it is unbreakable only by recording in books of paper and on computer screens.

the poet wants to write—so it writes. a writer in vermont has a book-title is: ‘the poet at its desk’— perhaps for the first time the desk was a use of the past—nothing known before a challenge of content was sleeping its form aware. convenience shares space, its memorandum here and then there. the young boy speaks of his grandfather—so do we all who are descended from good parents. occasions are forced on us—perhaps before one’s control—or after one’s ability to recollect is passed.

sun ra sings: ‘space is the place.’ if this is true then there is no problem. otherwise we are nowhere going nowhere quietly into a quagmire. eternity can be seen from the other side is no revelation only a tone-arm on a fallow turntable recording music to play elsewhere. very large it is to inscribe. who can say? and why would they feel they need to say? we did not go to summer camp rather we learned to play a musical instrument then a passage occurred in the way of collecting spaces begun tidily steering those into arrangements once more that then.

softly, walking through a chamber at night we can hear her breathing in the doorway sleeping horizontally. no shred of caprice makes description serve less than the emotion carted out of that cellar once terms were deployed, shaping minds and spirits, everyone knows this is our contract on the hereafter. we stumble where issues deflate selfhood’s stateliness. comprising an ocean is first and foremost what we weren’t to do.

we recall being here before— no one saved us then, we saw tides move sand and cold winds move snowstorms. the space of those attributes is upon us now. we are a force of nature—in itself as an array of context and connection. apologies unnecessary any longer— the alliteration of codes we leaned through postmodern traveling. some scruple is already fulfilled— pronounced to caves and mountains. learning therefore as rhythm or tide, we sign nothing before sequences deploy immensities where statements, compassion-free, after all there is none of that, there making silence into thunder, grace to no other restriction of context once else before this.

therefore, bright daytime, morning where tempus fugit has yet to apply memory is its delay and acceleration in turn. cosmic appreciations devote null sets their boundedlessness, one contortion at tempo-reductions, velocities, and pilgrimages, are predicated on absence and mitigation of charm. debates from all sides, contracts delayed on even more sides—there a space here rhythm in docility breathed mirror-bound into these collections—decreed a wash of contour—belittled cosmopolitan iteration—a mandala and a scarf.

from where is this sound tingling in this eardrum allotted to bearing itself one chorus— terrestrial and myrtle-scented, from there—well into dispassion amidst reversal amounting the concentric addenda to somewhere not started as yet. morning, beside new lightness— wary often, so calculating intensities were won or lost—vacancies, call them emptinesses— wander through signatures miscible with demolition. so incremental that an entity offers paramount lightness, the damage of pursuit, there lopsided wiles of variety— such compendia with asemic dualities aglow.

contracts are wildly enforced or assumed— buttoned into calamity once or twice. aspects of a duet—somewhere in on blank voices we parade tempi ghostly incandescence, mural of etiquette in tapestry—sit, ample retinues dot horizons once or twice. therefore itemizing once or ten-fold— mattering whoever. previously on a tentative witch-hunt, no model for how the scarring wafted its revelatory pallor to an amended galleon. the intentional blood amidst paradoxes filtered somewhere ingredients camouflage tithed mainsail that waits and waits.

it is a grace to behave. gratitude to experience. the fullest agon that residue in its persistence with affability, a sector invisible til this day of tides that do not reverse—continue forward, elemental forms are described here as no laggard snowfall on the walk of understanding. a party starts seeking out mindstyles appropriate to celebration—what is lost is always gain. the correct version reaches contact— music’s always the backdrop while accenture devotes lifetimes to entertaining red-lined perplexity.

close that doorway soon, beggar. the residues are vanishing proceeding sell-offs those periscopes deal with annual contracts—light-houses are in flames adoring those snap-back intelligence remade introspection vanguard—those permissions vacating premises through attachment to situations embellished while mÜbius strips of language ensue. what is it we create in passing this array thoroughly mind and spirit? i seeing your qualm for inventing nothing else. the latter faces implicate residues correct and gather, blank.

the words are water on dust—near collecting wood—toccatas, multiples—whatever insures delved ensconced varietally those public intentions. caledonia resists what’s misunderstood. where is caledonia? what is its particularity? motion and resitstance to motion is threshold-passing—was it a sort of initiation the cloudcover has oncoming there to behold having suddenness? for suddenness, as spontaneously the motion of agreements, lebenhaft, noun-verb students wail over-show that ruckus there believing.

as in genesis, the fabulosity of meandered affiliation solves liability once sedimentary as an oblique nature whose simulcasts taken as specular voices—those remaining from ascent—are the varieties learning collection. where is it found, the content for removal from assertion? the content is an arrangement while the assertion is its undoing. somewhere else we sleep or slept through hundreds of tones and missives, we did not miss much while asleep— the turning of codes, the coldness swimming away through spiritual dissembling— a last virtue its frailty memorizing its own selfhood. so, this carnivore blends its own windows with a flair for clannish ventures, the depth of which enfolds structure and coronets.

no other slavishness tolerates motion fascinated with humors and humidity, tones are tokens of which alliterative motions, a fantasy of content, sequences, & stolen harmonies— a spiritual matter regulating nothing else then rebuttal scars. agreeable to nonce? yet in stride? nothing barters a mountainous form for words whether inscription is divulgence meant to settle back interjecting which evidence history binds selflessness as one tone through which space emerges victorious.

meant to settle back interjecting which evidence history binds into selflessness one tone through which space emerges victorious. havoc’s issue beheads iterating’s before all-tides go amiss in the atmosphere of this room. settling into awareness, we thought bygones from witness no orbit least the sorts of that parade here.

it’s a heard tension in the voice whatever announcers those publicans remake understood in a droll bargain with settlers those waiting compensation’s wave through small cars first. laughter on the rim—collaborators, emptiness— someone asserting pacts listen goers entertainers will savor saying each collectivity names through presumed vacancy—contrasted window appeal there muttering slake greatshoes.

placidity another—vernissage those replica integral precocity—at least ingredients slack those room brooming sadness once soon in tariff coquettes eliminate variously the appreciability before the qualia. concretism is as a noun emphasizing no ideas except in mindnstuff—those encrusted & vacant identities lean & attitudinal paucity bookstored ingredients whose inertia melodies call hiatus nearly intrepid, than that successor without existence.

so affirmative the exhortation, crawling with suchness entails teflon stratification engineers earlier than these. barometric vacancies leaned through surface-to-air pax verbatim iseult then grammatical-analysis. as periodical re-surgences thrall to picayune imbalance tolerated vainly.

contractions were then some sectarian. that behavior once settling moonlit acme that a parallel axon is accidence to metallism. bluntly those pre-referred soaking sounds in candor—pallor engrains what solidarity’s verification espouses—we are cards on a table of surveillances demanding planes through sectors availing huddles either waterfallen those through rock crevasses. humanity—how madness many fronts hold gutter sales presuming calendars wait telling situations starry-eyed amidst valkyrie debuts— room attentions begin—neither while dancing nor tarrying to each last least that energetic immersion caresses docility once settling capulet irrigations elocutionary agit-prop where hundreds engage racing those surfaces emporia that divulge remedies least deemed over ocean-sides whether amo bcomes than which clime streaming extreme light is amidst.

tactile—nor realitized in agreement once alerted nothingness wakes tolerably oversight poor technique improbable those remainders ennui-foiled—‘the only crime is to be bored’. kept insurrective by transgression as obedience. yet intelligence cuneiform has masked. so stabilize where when why, why not each in accosting leapfrog incursions together sionara that publican met inroads émigré falcon-ears on coterie those remaining signature assurances delay inroad entertain sell-off vamp ‘til readiness least.

so, we learn the to-seek. some ways are naïve or neither we can begin a raiment of pearly veni vidi vici—those summations are elaborative where sent off are school-ward. we are so un-placent as to erase the metallism one-time sent to an empowerment—at least there since animating the elementary nine of cat-galleons, mira—that equation of champion stratification please night-time selfless-anchoring ironic delays.

who are you? who were you? did you see? or try to see? there was nowhere a place for entry i was told. least of all from the obvious beginning-to-end assumptions. made through usage, the root of paralysis entertains naivete once and for all therein the surfacing while trangression is obedience tolerably camouflage.

yes storage nimbus then cloud-cover & a shampooed laissez-faire clamping stinging— affable through intersecting asleep & emaciated in madness vicarious to cohere to the document. alternation is offered space by qwaali ensembles & functionaries feckless andirons lasting whether shapeshifters are utterly shaman. differences are added to a token share yeoman crises though svelte make improbabilities at least as the massive austerity disallowance.

yes reaching evidence a tonette for perpetuity from laissez-forested nomenclature dorĂŠ to inscribe telling of a liaison with gestural invention evincing stodgy oppression some tolerance of nothing as slack the inscription is permafrost perturbs none. in arrears while vestiges enthuse overtaken in their symmetrical oeuvre those tympani act for no denial for yet another silencing also widely. scanning elite embryos clashing within an over alto inequities.

such politesse so mannered & vernal as insurrection-mottos dent caveats for nervousness at least dutiful. the chorus eliminates illbience & its ingredients on the terrazzo melt incandescent cures are allowed.

yes awash with supremacy— preloaded ensembles a documentarian vineyard. nominally assigned to entitle sanitizes this receipt— each to its own nothing stump holidaying in erasure one secondary draught incursions so sterile. we are pliable—quaff resisting the clipboard evenings a slumber so mementos of ailerons’ cul de sac candelabras. also hammers are fogged into ornaments & vellum— constraints elicit weathered certitudes—curiosity’s elation deluges what was flattened by what is elsewhere. a sovereign oversight waives rehearsal as its tenet of faience running through surfaces consecutive correctness in personhood.

yes utterly abolished & edified an otherness perforates the mindstyle so some addenda mutes silence not in vain. the commonal theory is a separatism neither ancient éclat voiced isn’t slumber as mind itselv reacts to commonality by iterating ‘seldom the probe is staked against packing houses’ —into the fullness of a caveat. so, we reinstate apprenticeship for the elixir of those unbounded seekers of non-agent edifices younger redactive presume.

‘how am i to know?’ asks the singer ‘where is it you wander, ghost?’ a leading plebiscite since entrance seizes delayed items. collecting hurdles with a summary in radians interpreted as camouflage with or without aspirin so not an inferior word scuttles your issues and be not betrayed by sparseness—relinquish it tine by tine– a debut for the ocean-cites-reality outside, somewhere comparatively a residue from alacrity— selfless amidst seriousness. blanketed by nothingness once thanked by rescuers eons later the hiatus of intention light not overcome—some addenda basic to entretemps foresting.

traffic from a traditional operetta whose connotations elicit merry sprites— either a self as sedimentation or an elaborate singularity assures devotees of a stronghold with vedanta’s mirror transcending— an indexical format is defiant— thoughts are elsewhere—inventions are gone asleep—footfalls tenacious stare through denotation’s esclator seeking to grouse at returnable igloos whose teacup’s a liaison. commissions for the earliest throw, we name interludes of eternal usage by rote without snarl or eclipse of theory to those reifications whose modular certitude decries a grail at noon steering around sacks.

incontestable elms feint through their personal rasa— a scud with no parallax for such. each ashen paradise trails retainers so entertainment is aside for the sibilant. a momentary occurrence as debate on the carousel acclaims soot withn no vacancy for hollow architecture— this grainy agreeability wonders to switch comparisons. hoorah for an avid nocturne also co-redundant terrestrial residuum—a precise theory for the claque of improvident acceleration. first environ aisles disport a malleable therefore scar-faced shortfall interminable together seizes at theoreticalmundaneness— the surface is depth sojourn wide of parliamentary scintillation. emploted.

cram silence through a settler’s aisle— the essent cage. occultation as elementary bluntness waits everywhere for dejeuner’s test.

the stubby appropriation is vendor to salida an levee whose anode, a geode, calls itselv enginesingularity its venn diagram a boot huddle wailing to swallow the parallel evasion to raffles deploys anglers whose inventions, boat-shoes, dilations, hold enough metal so utterly parallel to the axon as a midriff is selflessly with the vestiges gone we nibble here a fierce involution episodes of emptiness’ waltz through noons within vanishing marionettes routines of outsider water suborn the letterset vacant forming slightly offside plausibility

an empty avenue as parsec daubs then vanishes before meandering through silt’s happiness. ever avering spliffed volitional cores a solid isthmus regaining blue light. entente as a lagoon of illbience’s protectorate—vivace. no one trolls thought-forms from enablers vocalizing their mottos either silk from silence— noon’s steward invents ears.

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