The Paper - January 28, 2011

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Smoke in Library Leads to Evacuation

The Skilled Linguist As a freshman, Karen &KDLR LV DOUHDG\ Ă XHQW in three languages: English, Mandarin and “Animal.â€?

Meet the “Master of Meow,�



A Playlist for Every Mood Happy? There’s a song for that. Sad? There’s a song for that. Not really sure? There’s a song for that too.

Turn up the jams,



Green Hornet: Laughable, Not Memorable Superbad star Seth 5RJHQ WHDPV XS ZLWK newcomer Jay Chou in a new spin on ÀJKWLQJ FULPH

See the superheroes in action,


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By Chase Masciorini Cub Sports Editor

On Monday, Jan. 22 a mechanical error in the air handler of the electrical room under the library caused smoke WR Ă€OO WKH OLEUDU\ DQG 3RUWKROH Theater. The dysfunction was attributed to a faulty bearing, a component of the school’s ventilation system. Students and faculty members were evacuated to WKH VRIWEDOO Ă€HOGV DV D VDIHW\ precaution. School librarian Dede Bett, who reported the issue at approximately 7:45 a.m., ZDV WKH Ă€UVW SHUVRQ WR UHSRUW the smoke. The administration VXEVHTXHQWO\ FRQWDFWHG WKH Ă€UH department. 6DLG 3ULQFLSDO 'U 5REert Nye, “Anytime we see smoke, we take it very seriously. However, there were no students who were threatened at any time [by the issue].â€? According to Nye, the Ă€UH GHSDUWPHQW ZDV DEOH WR ORcate the source of the problem and shut down the ventilation system almost immediately. “It couldn’t have been avoided; maintenance usually checks those things,â€? commented Nye. At about 8:30 a.m., the Ă€UH GHSDUWPHQW FOHDUHG WKH DUHD DQG QRWLĂ€HG WKH DGPLQLVtration that school could continue as normal. Since it was a late start day and classes were not yet in session, few students were present at the school. Those that were entering the school were redirected to the softball Ă€HOGV XQWLO IXUWKHU QRWLFH The library was closed for the remainder of January 22 but reopened the next day.

photos by Emma Werderman

WORDS OF WISDOM (clockwise from top): Secret Service agent Laura Wilbur; Success Club president Aliza Braunstein and vice president Allie Gersten; Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen speaks to students.

!"##$!!%#&"'%($&#)*$!% +,-$$%."$!+%!/$01$-!% By Ashley Dougherty Cub Editor-in-Chief

On January 19, an internationally renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Volker Sontag, spoke to students. Sontag introduced his life background, stating that he was born during World War II. He then explained how he became a neurosurgeon and the level of education needed to qualify for this job. Sontag said there are

IRXU DWWULEXWHV WKDW GHĂ€QH D successful person: hope, hard work, honesty, humility. He says if you have those, you will experience success in your life. January 13 brought some rock into the gym with lead guitarist and backup voFDOLVW RI 'HI /HSSDUG 3KLO Collen. Def Leppard is known IRU WKH KLW VRQJ ´3RXU 6RPH Sugar on Me.â€? Collen began with a brief history of his career with the band and went straight into a question and answer peULRG &ROOHQ VDLG ´)XOĂ€OOLQJ

things–that’s really what success is about.â€? On January 7, Laura Wilbur, a Secret Service Agent for the United States government, explained her job guardLQJ SULRU Ă€UVW ODGLHV DQG JRYHUnors. She advised any students interested in the profession, “Keep your background clean.â€? Wilbur stressed that it is easier to reach your life destinations and gain acceptance into colleges if you stay out of trouble and keep your record clean. Junior Aliza Braunstein is the Success Club’s leader

and founder. She runs the club along with Allie Gersten, the club’s vice president. Braunstein started the Success Club because she was fascinated by how and why people become successful in life. She wants students to hear stories from successful people about how they reached their goals. Braunstien aims for students to gain inspiration from the speakers and become motivated to achieve success in their own lives. [6HH 3DJH 6XFFHVV &OXE]

&RQVWUXFWLRQ 7HDP 3ODFHV 7KLUG LQ 6HDWWOH By Lauren Pierce Cub Section Editor

The Dana Hills construction challenge team, ´3XUD 9LGD ¾ ZLOO DGYDQFH WR the Association of Equipment Manufactures (AEM) Construction Challenge National Championships in Las Vegas, Nevada. Having placed third in the regional Seattle ConstrucWLRQ &KDOOHQJH 5DOO\ RQ -DQXary 15, the team will proceed to the national championships on March 21-25 at the internaWLRQDO &21(;32 &21 $** construction industries trade show. 7KH ´3XUD 9LGD¾ PHPEHUV DUH MXQLRUV 5\DQ Lindeborg and Gillian Slee and freshmen Boyce Anderson, Alyssa Huitema, Meg

/D5RFFD $QGUHZ /LQGHERUJ DQG $XEUH\ 5KRGHV $V WKH only team from California, the students will compete against the other 23 top teams from the United States and Canada. “Hopefully, we’ll represent California well in the Vegas tournament. We’ve gained a lot from participating in this FKDOOHQJH Âľ VDLG 5KRGHV In Seattle, the students competed against 23 other teams in a challenge also created by the AEM. The rally was sponsored by Volvo Construction Equipment and Destination Imagination. ´3XUD 9LGDÂľ ZRQ D WRWDO RI Ă€YH DZDUGV LQ 6HDWWOH WDNLQJ Ă€UVW SODFH LQ WKH ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH 3ROLF\ &KDOOHQJH VHFRQG place in the Water Filtration Infrastructure Challenge and third place in the overall 1RUWKZHVW 5HJLRQDO FRPSHWLtion. In addition, the team

picked up two special recognition awards. One of them was “The Freestyle Award for Creativity.� The Dolphins were recognized for “creativity and risk-taking that truly goes beyond� in the Infrastructure 3ROLF\ &KDOOHQJH 6WXGHQWV employed Spanish, English, and music to relay a message about solutions to protect the California coast. The team was awarded for “exceptional acts of teamwork� while building the water infrastructure system. As part of the regional rally’s third task, the team successfully built a complex infrastructure system. The contraption was designed to transport a lacrosse ball more than eight feet through twisting s-turns and up-and-down bridges, around looping infrastructures and across various components.

PURA VIDA: :LWK FRQĂ€GHQFH LQ WKLHU VNLOOV FRQVWUXFtion team “Pura Vidaâ€? heads off to Vegas.

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Board Reinstates Two Furlough Days By Bailey Grebbin Cub Section Editor

Students in Capistrano 8QLÀHG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW (CUSD) will have to reconsider their plans for President’s Day and Memorial Day weekend. The district has announced that Thursday, Feb. 17 and Friday, May 27, previously furlough days, are to be restored as normal school days, with full pay

for the teachers. The furlough days were originally set in place after last year’s teachers’ strike. Part of the teachers’ union’s agreement with CUSD was that the teachers would accept reductions in VDODU\ DQG EHQHÀWV DV ZHOO DV ÀYH IXUORXJK GD\V However, these days would be reinstated should CUSD receive more education funding from the state. At the end of 2010, California slightly increased the amount of funding per student,

just enough for two fulough days to be reinstated. The fate of the other three furlough days scheduled for this year remains unknown. “I am thankful that the two furlough days are reinstated for two reasons. First, it Ă€QDQFLDOO\ KHOSV WR KDYH WKRVH days back, and, second, the students deserve to have those days back to learn,â€? said English teacher Georgette Johnson. However, some students have already made prior commitments on those days. “I

think it’s a little disappointing for people who already made plans, because now they can’t go,� said freshman Lora Dyakova. Other students think that CUSD should not have reinstated the furlough days because it’s not fair to reinstate school days students thought they had off. Commented senior Dan Wayner, “The two furlough days are lame because I wanted to play Black Ops, and now I can’t.�

Trustee Opposes Darnold MOU By Salil Dudani Guest Writer

When the Capistrano 8QLĂ€HG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW (CUSD) publicly posted the agenda for the school board’s Tuesday, Jan. 11 regular meeting, item 33 did not seem controversial. It was listed as a slight revision to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CUSD and the City of Dana Point regarding Mike Darnold, the school’s intervention specialist. The City of Dana Point pays Darnold to “educate kids, faculty and parents on all risky behaviors.â€? The alternate wording would change Darnold’s title to “consultantâ€? and “reinforce that the position reports not RQO\ WR FLW\ RIĂ€FLDOV EXW DOVR WR the school principal.â€? But at the board meeting, Trustee Sue Palazzo voted against the revision. “I have some personal reservations about this‌We have 10 counselors that are still RIF-ed out of our original 25‌I would like to see one of our RIF-ed counselors hold this position,â€? she said. Following her comments, Superintendent Joe Far-

ley said the City would not hire a credentialed individual such as a district-hired counselor. Palazzo did not change her stance. “The kids I work for on this campus are the people really at risk when Sue Palazzo makes comments like that, not me,â€? said Darnold. Darnold was a school board trustee from 1999-2008 and served during the tenure of Superintendent A. Woodrow Carter, who was dismissed in 2009. The victors of the 2008 election, including Palazzo, positioned themselves against &DUWHU DQG WKH WUXVWHHV LQ RIĂ€FH at the time. “Every single decision a board member should make should be based on the question, ‘What’s best for the kids?’â€? said Darnold. He continued, “There’s no time for politics and personalities on a school board in California if you’re doing your job.â€? When asked whether he felt Palazzo had this question in mind on January 11, Darnold refused to speculate. Palazzo was the sole dissenting vote, and the contract was revised as proposed. She did not return calls and emails from THE PAPER seeking comment.

Still, some view the addition of two school days favorably. “It’s excellent that these two days have been thrown back into the school year,� said freshman Paige Fohl. “It gives teachers more time for instruction, and it makes sure teachers are paid that little bit extra.� Junior Rachel Trant said, “The two extra days allow us to spend more time with our teachers in class instead of cramming at home.� CUSD and Dana Hills

are both working to ensure maximum student attendance on the no longer furlough days. Superintendent Dr. Joe Farley left a voice message announcing the restoration of the two instructional days on all students’ phones over winter break, and a memo has been posted on the school website and on every student’s Schoolloop page. Each announcement contained a request that parents ensure that their children attend school on the reinstated days.

District Raises AP Test Prices ers. By Salil Dudani Guest Writer

photo by Emily Cullen

TEACHER OF THE YEAR: On Friday, Jan. 21, history teacher and AVID coordinator Robin Mairs was named Dana Hills’ Teacher of the Year. Mairs garnered PRUH WHDFKHU YRWHV WKDQ ÀQDOLVWV (QJOLVK WHDFKHU %LOO 3UHVWULGJH 6SDQLVK WHDFKHU (]HTXLHO %DUUDJDQ DQG science teacher Randy Hudson. She will be honored with the rest of the school district’s teachers of the year on April 28 at Ocean Hills Community Church in San Juan Capistrano. One high school teacher in the district will move on to be considered at the county level.

)RU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH WKH &DSLVWUDQR 8QLĂ€HG 6FKRRO 'LVtrict (CUSD) will add its own fee to AP tests, which previously only cost students what the College Board charged. Last year, the College Board sold tests for $86 apiece. 7KLV \HDU WKH QRQSURĂ€W FRUSRration will sell the tests for $87, but students will have to pay $92. The price of $92 for on-time orders has been set throughout CUSD; previously, Dana’s costs were the cheapest. This is identical to the cost set E\ 6DGGOHEDFN 9DOOH\ 8QLĂ€HG School District. The district’s Assistant Principals of Guidance—who FRQIHUUHG ZLWK GLVWULFW RIĂ€FLDOV to decide the uniform price— told the high schools’ AP coordinators in an email, “This fee covers the exam, proctors and supplies needed for the testing administration.â€? Dana’s Assistant Principal of Guidance is Tim Horning, and its AP coordinator is Academic Adviser Audra Lee. Hornig explained that the increase in fees is largely due to the increase in test-tak-

“We’ve gone from an exclusionary model to a ‘come one, come all’ attitude,â€? Hornig said. “There used to be entrance exams for AP classes, but now, for the most part, anyone willing to challenge themselves with a rigorous course can sign up.â€? In 2005, 957 tests were taken at the school; 1,439 tests were taken in 2010. Proceeds from test sales will enter the “AP fund,â€? which guidance uses not only for AP-related costs but also for Achievement Awards, Senior Awards and, occasionally, postage stamps. Merry Lloyd is employed yearly to administer almost all the tests, which used to be proctored by the guidance counselors. She is paid the salary of a substitute teacher. Fee reductions for the tests are offered to students ZKR FDQ SURYH D Ă€QDQFLDO QHHG Last year, 34 students were granted the reduction and were required to pay $5 per test. Neither Hornig nor Lee was certain that the AP fund loses more money than it brings in annually. When THE PAPER requested the records, WKH DFWLYLWLHV RIĂ€FH GHFOLQHG saying all energy was being directed toward preparations for the district’s annual audit.

Editor’s Notes: - THE PAPER’s Cub Edition is produced by the students in Mr. Sampson’s third period Journalism class as a part of WKHLU VHPHVWHU ÀQDO &RPPHQWV DQG RSLQLRQV H[SUHVVHG LQ WKH &XE (GLWLRQ RI 7+( 3$3(5 DUH QRW DIÀOLDWHG ZLWK WKDW of the Dana Hills Newspaper Staff. - THE PAPER’s website, has been redesigned and is now available online for your convenience and enjoyment. For the time being, the website will only display content from this issue; however, we hope to have all issues online soon.



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RECOGNTION OF TRUSTEES, SUPERINTENDENT AND CONTRIBUTORS: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jack R. Brick, President Gary Pritchard, Vice President John Alpay, Clerk Ellen Addonizio Anna Bryson Lynn Hatton Sue Palazzo Joseph Farley, Superintendent

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Guitarist, USSS Agent, Doctor Relate Stories [Continued from Page 1] Braunstein said, “I hope that at least one speaker is able to inspire one kid. I will be thoroughly happy.� The club currently has about 500 members, and the number keeps increasing with each speaker. Braunstein said she was not expecting so many to join. “I was excited when 60 people signed up,� she said. The Success Club’s overall goal is to educate students about various careers by inviting successful speakers to talk about their experiences. Each speaker concludes with a question and answer period. Every month, Braunstein would like to have one speaker in the gym at lunch to speak to the students about their lives and occupations. Explained Braunstein, “I want to get everything from entertainers to Olympians.� In the future, she hopes to invite speakers that appeal to other clubs in order to involve them in the Success Club. In the future, the Success Club is expecting a senator, an Olympian, an entertainer and several businessmen. Braunstein wants others to be inspired to be successful by listening to the speakers’ own stories. She said, “I want to see someone who gets D’s and F’s walk into the Success Club and be impacted and think about it when they go home.�

photo by Emma Werderman

SUCCESS STORY: World-renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Volker Sonntag speaks to students in the gym on January 19. Braunstein also hopes to involve the Success Club with charity events and wants the club to continue even after she graduates. Commented Braunstein, “I want the whole school to be aware. I hope it’s like a mini dynasty.�

Success Club meetings are free and open to students all grade levels, as well as teachers, administrators and even parents. For this year and the future, Braunstein said, “I just really want the Success Club to be a success.�


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News Briefs „ District Moves to Regulate Social Media

sibility, the district does not. “Sure, I try to include funny little tidbits, but I The Capistrano don’t cuss, and I don’t post 8QLĂ€HG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW anything offensive. The (CUSD) is considering 700 people who see these revising its policies to messages would never be explicitly place schools’ offended,â€? said Sloan, a seand student groups’ so- nior. Walton said he hopes cial media outlets, such as Facebook pages, under DQ RIĂ€FLDO UHYLVLRQ RI ERDUG the school board’s con- policy will take place before WURO $Q\ JURXS RIĂ€FLDOO\ the end of this school year. - Salil Dudani recognized by a CUSD school, such as a student government or a club, „ Student Government is considered a student Re-evaluates Current group. Sports Finances “It would work the same exact way websites The ASU Committee work. There’s no one on Finance and the Student monitoring every single Senate Committee on Fisite, but someone always nance have each discussed holds the ultimate respon- possible reforms to the stusibility for the content,â€? dent government’s funding said Marcus Walton, head of athletic programs. of the district’s commu“The potential issue nications. “Just as with here is that, while our ASU websites, administrative spends 43 percent of its budoversight will ultimately get to help sports programs be the principal’s job.â€? VWD\ DĂ RDW RWKHU $68¡V LQ Alex Sloan, ASU’s our district are only spendSenior Director of Com- ing around 25 percent of munications, said he felt theirs. We want to make personally offended by sure that these expenditures the district’s new policy. are a responsible way to Sloan, who sends infor- spend the students’ money,â€? mational messages to all said ASU Commissioner of members of the Facebook Finance Gillian Slee, chair group Dana Hills High of ASU’s Finance CommitSchool 2010-2011, feels tee. that although the school’s ASU’s revenue sourcadministration trusts him es are ASU card sales (38 to carry out this respon- percent last year), ticket

sales for dances and other ASU-sponsored events such as Air Guitar (37 percent last year) and gate fees for sporting events (25 percent last year). - Salil Dudani

„ Student Fees Policies Change in Light of ACLU Lawsuit On Friday, Jan. 7, Superintendent Dr. Joe Farley published an open letter to the community explaining changes in the school district’s practices regarding student fees. The changes are a result of a settlement reached between the State of California and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ZKLFK Ă€OHG D ODZVXLW against the state in September 2010. The ACLU claimed that public schools were charging students fees for academic and extracurricular materials, a violation of the California Constitution. According to the settlement, sports teams will now have to provide free uniforms “substantially the same as those that are available for purchase.â€? - Salil Dudani

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Winter Formal Set for February By Jamie Osman Cub News Editor

The theme for this year’s Winter Formal is “All You Need is Love.â€? Since it is a Sadie Hawkins dance, girls traditionally invite boys to the annual Winter Formal, which will be held on Saturday, Feb. 12 from 7-11 p.m. The dance will be held at the South Mesa NCO Club on USMC Camp Pendleton. This location for the dance was chosen because Camp Pendleton charges the lowest price. Activities Director Ken Nedler said, “We use Pendleton strictly because of price.â€? This dance has been held at Camp Pendleton for the last 18 years. The cost for Winter Formal is generally around $29,000, whereas prom costs about $64,000 for the same number of attendees, according to Nedler. 0LNH 6WRHIĂ HU $68¡V Senior Director of Activities, said, “We chose the theme ‘All You Need is Love’ because the dance is around Valentine’s Day. We came up with the general theme, and then the Senate voted on ‘All You Need is Love.’â€? Until February 8, tickets will be sold online via the DHHS website and at the activities window during breaks and lunch as well as before and after school.

Individual bid prices are $40 with an ASU card and $55 without an ASU card. All checks can be made out to Dana Hills High School. The dress code for the dance is semi-formal, which entails a dress shirt and pants for boys and a semi-formal dress or attire for girls. Because of the success of the photo booth and games at Homecoming, such activities will also be available at Winter Formal in addition to music and a DJ. In order to purchase a ticket, students must have a GDQFH FRQWUDFW RQ Ă€OH &RQtracts are available on the Dana Hills website under the activities home page and outside the activities window. The list of students that already have a FRQWUDFW RQ Ă€OH LV SRVWHG RQ WKH activities window. Students who wish to attend the dance are required to abide by the district’s dress code. Also, anyone suspected WR EH XQGHU WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI drugs can be subjected to a breathalyzer test. If students who purchased bids do not show up to the dance, their parents will be QRWLĂ€HG 2QO\ VWXGHQWV ZLWK D satisfactory disciplinary and academic record are eligible to attend. “I think it’s going to be really fun and a big success,â€? said junior Kaitlin Anderson. “Well, as long as I don’t get put in time-out again...â€? she continued jokingly.

photo by Emma Werderman

photo by Emma Werderman

REPPIN’ IT: Senior Matt Angioli and former ASU President Garrett Samuelin DJ the Glow Dance.

FEELING THE BEAT: /RFDO VWXGHQWV HQMR\ D IXQ ÀOOHG evening of dancing at Camp James.

Glow Dance Barely Breaks Even By Jenna Allen Cub Entertainment Editor

The Go Green Glow Dance, originally scheduled for Friday, Dec. 17, was postponed to Friday, Jan. 14 due to parent concerns. Students gathered for the Glow Dance at an outdoor park at Camp James in Irvine. Although this dance had the same name as Make-AWish’s annual Glow Dance, it was an unrelated event held by OC Productions. This private company has no ties to the Dana Hills Go Green Club. Junior David Harned created OC Productions a few

months prior to the dance. He decided to start the business because he enjoys organizing dances and events. About 2,000 tickets were sold for the Glow Dance, and refreshments and T-shirts were available for purchase at the dance. The dance was unable to generate enough proceeds to donate to charities. However, Harned plans to donate a portion of the proceeds from a future dance. “There have been little or no proceeds from this dance,� stated Harned. “We barely broke even.� Music was provided by Matt Angioli and DJ Insomniac. Any students under the age of 18 from local high

schools were able to attend the event. Ryan F. Zackon, a director with Dynamic Protective Services, has been involved with the Make-AWish Glow Dance security the past three years and supervised OC Productions’s Glow Dance this year. “There were no extra security precautions added this year, and deciding to delay the dance was a unanimous decision reached by all parties involved with production of this dance,â€? Zackon said. Harned stated that the weather and necessity of hiring an attorney caused the low DPRXQW RI SURĂ€W “There were parents concerned, and they were

wrong to be. I understand that an event like mine is scary to some parents, but we had everything covered. We had a private security staff along with IPD at the event.� Harned explained that there were pat downs and security precautions to ensure the event was drug and alcohol free. “So in the end parents should put a little more faith in their kids to make good decisions and not have a few screw-ups be the face of the entire teen population,� concluded Harned. OC Productions plans on having a follow-up dance. Harned predicts this dance, which will be held sometime in March, will be his last dance of this school year.

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SOCSA Brings ‘Amahl’ to Life By Katherine McKinley Cub Feature Editor

photo by Emily Cullen

THEATRICS: Senior Gage Greenspan (Romeo Montague) and junior Brianna Curran (Juliet Capulet) perform their rendition of the famous balcony scene in SOCSA’s presentation of “Romeo and Juliet.�

Full House for “Romeo & Juliet� By Laura Lindenfelser Cub Feature Editor

On January 13-15, the SOCSA presented Shakespeare’s famous “Romeo & Julietâ€? at 7 p.m. in the Porthole Theater. Pattie Sexton, with the help of stage manager Carissa Mossman, directed the cast of 22 students. Auditions took place GXULQJ WKH Ă€UVW PRQWK RI WKH school year. Junior Brianna Curran was chosen to play Juliet Capulet. Curran said, “During rehearsal, there was a part in

the play where my father [Lord Capulet] was yelling at me. I actually felt like Juliet, and I started to really break down and cry.� Senior Gage Greenspan, who did not originally try out for the lead part, was cast as Romeo Montague. Greenspan commented, “I started to notice everyone smiling at me and patting me on the back and congratulating me; it wasn’t until then I found out I got the part of Romeo.� Other principal roles included Lord and Lady Montague (Ben Speare and Mackenzie Hewitt), Lord and Lady Capulet (Brian Albert and Brianna Baetz), Benvolio (Bran-

don Truman), Mercutio (Alex Sloan), Tybalt (Aaron Kohl) and Friar Laurence (Jp Bryan). About a month before WKH Ă€QDO SHUIRUPDQFH *HRIfrey Kaufman originally cast as Prince Escalus was unable to continue the role, so junior Carlie Clippinger stepped in to replace him. Costume designer Julia Ballou commented on Clippinger’s performance, “It was amazing how fast she learned her lines and how well she played that part with such little time to rehearse.â€? The costume designers for “Romeo & Julietâ€? were Mary Blackburn and Ballou. Said Ballou, “I had so

much fun making the costumes and putting them together.â€? According to the cast members, putting the play together was challenging. During the week leading up to the play, the students had rehearsals that kept them at school until 10 p.m. almost every night. Curran said, “It was difĂ€FXOW PDNLQJ WKH SOD\ RXU RZQ It is such a well-known play, so it was hard putting our own spin on it.â€? Commented Greenspan, “Putting yourself in Romeo’s shoes and developing relationships with the characters was the most challenging part of putting together such a famous play.â€?

On January 7 and 8, SOCSA presented “Amahl and the Night Visitorsâ€? in the Porthole Theater. The opera’s director, Linda Rose Linnebach, cast 13 year old middle school student Cole Henriksen as Amahl, the title character, and chose senior Emma Werderman to play Amahl’s loving mother. The 1951 one-act opera “Amahl and the Night Visitorsâ€? was brought to life on-stage during the performance. There were six principal performers as well as the opera’s supporting cast of 39 shepherds and Ă€YH GDQFHUV Directed by Ray Woods, the instrumental accompaniment was provided by a full professional orchestra as well as a student pianist, junior Shana Hu. The opera tells the story of Amahl, a young, poor, crippled boy who always lies to his mother. Amahl is greeted by three wise men and their servant, who ask if they can stop for a short rest, a little food and D ZDUP Ă€UH +RZHYHU $PDKO KDV GLIĂ€FXOW\ FRQYLQFLQJ KLV mother that there truly are three kings standing at their door. The three kings, Balthazar (Jonathan Bond), Melchior

(JP Bryan) and Kaspar (Ramzi Jneid), enter the home to rest, much to the amazement of Amahl and his mother. As they have no food or Ă€UHZRRG IRU WKH .LQJV $PDKO and his mother ask every shepherd to give the wise men gifts to show respect and appreciation for the wealthy visitors. 7KH Ă€YH GDQFLQJ PDLGens, juniors Carlie Clippinger, Lindsay Fiorentino, Serene Jneid, Erin Rathburn and Marisa Shimano, entertain the weary travelers. As the Kings rest, Amahl’s mother decides to take their gold, but a servant wakes up and catches her stealing. The mother is ashamed and returns the gold to the Kings. When Amahl’s crippled condition is miraculously cured, the three men ask him to join them on their journey WR Ă€QG D EDE\ ER\ ODWHU NQRZQ as Jesus, because they are convinced Amahl was healed by the grace of God. As said by audience member Mackenzie Elms, “The student production of ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’ exceeded expectations for a high school play. No one looked nervous or scared on stage. I really enjoyed it. â€? Said Henriksen, “I was RQO\ QHUYRXV Ă€YH PLQXWHV EHfore the performance.â€? The audience showed its appreciation with a standing ovation upon the opera’s conclusion.

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SURVEY: If you were trapped in a movie, which movie would it be and why?

“‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ because a black person doesn’t die in it.� - Devin Harrison, 12

“Any of the Narnia movies because then I could scream, ‘For Narnia!’� -Aubrey Rhodes, 9

“‘Sleeping Beauty’ so I could catch up on the sleep I’ve lost thanks to AP classes� -Stephanie Traver, 10

Random Kid Spotlight: Dylan Steiner has juggled multiple cultures since living in Switzerland.


large majority of Orange County teenagers dream of traveling across the world and visiting exotic places far from home. For freshman Dylan Steiner, the circumstances are a bit different. “I would rather live in America than Switzerland. It’s a lot easier to talk to people and make friends,â€? said Steiner. Although he was born in Switzerland, Steiner has lived in America for most of his life. He explained, “I lived [in Switzerland] until I was three. We moved here to America but then moved back a few years later.â€? While living in Switzerland, Steiner and his family were located in the small town of Goldau, located south of Zurich in the Central Plateau. “The town I lived in [Goldau] was a really small town. Everyone could walk literally anywhere they needed to,â€? commented Steiner. After a few years of living in America, Steiner returned to his homeland of Goldau. He moved back to Switzerland at the age of 10 and found it difĂ€FXOW WR OHDUQ *HUPDQ ,W WRRN him about two months to learn enough German to start small conversation with some of his classmates. $W Ă€UVW 6WHLQHU ZHQW WR a school where the majority of the students spoke German. However, he eventually transferred to an international school with English-speaking

photo by Emma Werderman

BETWEEN CULTURES: Freshman Dylan Steiner has moved from Switzerland to America and back multiple times. students. Following almost two years of Switzerland in this new school, he again moved to America to help his greatgrandmother. “My great-grandmother wasn’t hurt, but she needed our help, so we had to move back [to America],� explained Steiner. Although most of Steiner’s family made the move to America, his father stayed

behind due to his job. While Steiner misses his father and other relatives in Switzerland, he still visits his birthplace every summer on a family vacation. Living in two countries has allowed him to experience a variety of different holidays, customs and routines. For instance, America’s largest meal and gathering time is known as dinner. According to Steiner, Switzerland’s main

Guitar Heroes in Their Own Right

“‘The Proposal’ because I like to tribal dance with my grandma!� -Brooke Dorsey, 10

photo courtesy of Alex and Adam Stolinski

GUTIAR HEROES: Brothers Alex and Adam Stolinski plan to keep playing the guitar, and they wish to make it a life-long career. “‘Race to Witch Mountain’ because I love Ă€JKWLQJ FULPH ZLWK Âś7KH Rock.’â€? -William McKinley, 11

photos by Emily Cullen

meal is lunch. “The schools in Switzerland are very different, not just because they speak a different language. The classes have a smaller number of students, and people don’t sue schools,� Steiner said. Despite Steiner’s longdistance separation from his family in Switzerland, he enjoys living here in America. -Zara Flores

By Ellie Eichler Cub Entertainment Editor


or most people, “Guitar Hero� is as close as one comes to being a rock star. Brothers Adam and Alex Stolinski, however, sing a different tune. Adam, a freshman, and Alex, a senior, are talented young guitarists that far exceed

the monotonic tunes of video games in favor of something better—true music. The older of the two brothers, Alex, has been playing the guitar since eighth JUDGH IRU D WRWDO RI ÀYH \HDUV Following his brother’s lead, Adam began learning how to play the guitar three years ago. Just over a year ago, the Stolinski brothers found a new way to share their musical passion with the world: YouTube. At their father’s request, Alex

and Adam posted a few videos on the largest worldwide video-sharing community. The EURWKHUV¡ Ă€UVW YLGHR ZKLFK ZDV recorded by their aunt, featured them playing “Fade to Blackâ€? by Metallica. Adam is a part of a student band known as Left Alone, which was founded by freshman Daniel Bastis last summer. Left Alone also includes two freshmen from Aliso Viejo High School. According to Bastis,

Left Alone has now been together for about six months and is “very talented.â€? About a month ago, the boys started reFRUGLQJ WKHLU Ă€UVW DOEXP ZKLFK they plan on titling “Black Pearlâ€? or something similar. The album will contain around eight tracks. Currently, the band describes itself as a part of the trash metal genre. However, the band members hope to play more ’80s music in order to appeal to a wider audience. Though Alex isn’t presently in a band, he hopes to start or join a group in the future. Both Alex and Adam learned to play guitar from their father, who plays the guitar once a week with his friends. Despite their father’s LQĂ XHQFH KRZHYHU WKH EURWKers decided to try the guitar for slightly different reasons. Alex began learning guitar after being inspired to play alongside his father. On the other hand, Adam took up guitar shortly after Alex because he was “really interested in music.â€? The Stolinski brothers hope to turn their talent into a career of some sort in the long run. Alex and Adam’s goals are to keep developing their talents and to eventually play shows in a variety of venues.

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An Unlikely Job: Ready, Aim, Hire By Madeline Diamond Guest Writer

T photo by Quinn Mahony

photo by Quinn Mahony

INNER ANIMAL: Freshman Karen Chaio meows, showing her feline alter ego.

WOOF: Chaio is often called “part animal� for her animal imitations

Karen Chaio: Master of Meow By Ashley Dougherty Cub Editor-in-Chief


ost people know Chiao for one of three reasons: her animal noises, her energy or her violin -playing. Freshman Karen Chiao is, as some say, “part animal.� This is not referring to how she eats but the fact that she can make animal noises. Chiao discovered her knack for mimicking animal noises during her preschool days while playing “house.� She said, “I always used

to be the dog since I love dogs, so I decided to act like one and tried to bark.� Chiao surprised herself that day by barking like a dog. According to Chiao dogs sometimes respond to her bark. Chiao’s favorite noise is her dog bark because dogs are happy, “just like me.� When freshman Savannah Landau heard Chiao bark, she commented, “I was surprised because I actually thought there was a dog!� Along with her the ability to imitate a dog barking, Chiao can meow exactly like a cat. In middle school, vari-

ous people approached Chiao almost daily to hear her animal noises, but since high school started, people rarely ask her to make an imitation. Freshman Brian Du said, “I think her animal noises are just really cool. Her barks are interesting, and her cat meow is really realistic. And her seagull, which she can’t make anymore, is loud.� Chiao commented that whenever she produces one of her noises for an eager listener, she often receives a shocked reaction. Said Chiao, “[When I bark] people will turn around and look for a dog, and they

don’t see it, so they have this confused look on their faces.� She has also surprised her teachers by suddenly barking during class. Even they were surprisingly entertained. “There was one time when I barked, and the teacher thought it was a dog. She looked under her desk for it,� Chiao recalled. Chiao uses her animal imitations for many reasons: one, because she loves to make them, and, two, because it is for others’ enjoyment. She hopes she can entertain you someday with her creative and unique mock-animal sounds.

he closest most kids will HYHU JHW WR Ă€UHDUPV LV through a video game. However, senior Shayan Khalaj works with weapons all the time due to his training and competiWLRQV LQYROYLQJ Ă€UHDUPV Khalaj’s hobby, although not a typical one, will help him achieve his goal of being in the Marine Corps or working with diplomatic security. About six years ago, Khalaj became interested in Ă€UHDUPV DQG VWDUWHG WUDLQLQJ with them at private facilities in Las Vegas. He practices at Front Sight, a Las Vegas instiWXWH WKDW RIIHUV Ă€UHDUPV WUDLQLQJ as well as self-defense courses. Khalaj attributes his inWHUHVW LQ Ă€UHDUPV WR KLV SDUHQWV “My mom received military defense training during the 1980’s Iran-Iraq war, and my dad hunts,â€? he said. Putting his training to work, Khalaj most often participates in distance shooting competitions. He explained that when shooting distance, every factor matters. When trying to hit a target, he must take into consideration the Earth’s rotation,

wind and temperature. Clearly, VKRRWLQJ Ă€UHDUPV LV QR HDV\ feat, but that hasn’t stopped Khalaj from winning several local competitions. Whether he is training or competing, Khalaj admits WKH GLIĂ€FXOW\ RI KLV IDYRULWH hobby. “It used to seem a lot easier until I actually tried it,â€? Khalaj said. In addition to his various other accomplishments, Khalaj also conducts training with private defense companies. “It’s not special ops like the movies portray it–it’s tactical linguistic operations,â€? Khalaj said. The companies Khalaj works with are run by former American and Israeli special operators. Although he can only release limited information about his work, Khalaj is trained in land navigation, wilderness survival, several forms of marWLDO DUWV WDFWLFDO Ă€UVW DLG DQG trauma casualty care. .KDODM LV DOVR Ă XHQW LQ Farsi and Pashtun and knows some Arabic. When Khalaj is not training or working, he enjoys sports such as football, soccer and volleyball. While he might not be considered your typical teenager, Khalaj is nothing but humble about his fascinating career path.

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From “iCarly� to “Ben 10� By Ashley Richey Cub Opinion Editor

O photo courtesy of

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH: Commercial Music teacher Nathan Longdon plays a show with thatwasthen at the House of Blues in June 2010.

ABC Meets “Do Re Mi� By Myra Farooqi Cub Centerspread Editor


athan Longdon teaches Commercial Music as well as after-school SOCSA P.E. When he’s not teaching music, he’s playing music with his band, thatwasthen. Longdon is the band’s pianist, rhythm guitarist and back-up vocalist. The band’s name comes from the underlying theme of the musicians’ songs. Members often write lyrics about getting over “past situations in our lives. That was then.� Through its lyrics, the band delivers a message that people should “live in the mo-

ment.â€? The band consists of four other members whom Longdon met and befriended in high school and college. The entire band consists of Dana alumni, all of whom later attended UCLA. “We had the same teachers our whole lives,â€? Longdon said. A typical day for Longdon is working from 4:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. Then he drives to L.A. to rehearse music, record songs or play a show. Longdon admits that, because of his hectic schedule, KH FDQ UDUHO\ Ă€QG DQ\ WLPH IRU himself. On the other hand, he sees the positive effects of being in a band and being a music teacher. “Being in a band has,

for the most part, positively affected my teaching by giving me more responsibility,� said Longdon. “Being a music teacher makes the relationship more symbiotic by allowing me to actively practice what I preach on a regular basis.� Longdon added, “The best part about being in a band is the support from my friends and family and the support from random people. It’s good [that people] let us know that we’ve affected them in a good way.� From his experience, Longdon gives the cliche yet useful advice to all high schoolers, whether or not they are involved in music: keep trying even when it seems hard. thatwasthen’s new album, that was then, was released on iTunes on January 11.

n a trip to Wild Rivers when he was 10 years old, senior Tyler Guerrero wanted a balloon, but a park employee wouldn’t give it to him until he agreed to sign up for an acting class. Ever since then, Guerrero has committed to taking acting classes and pursuing a career in the movie business. Guerrero has appeared in movies such as “Air Buddies/Snow Buddiesâ€? and “Ben 10â€? and TV shows such as “iCarlyâ€? and “Veronica Mars.â€? He has also been featured in several commercials. Over the years, Guerrero’s acting classes have given him a great foundation in transforming himself into a wide range of characters. “Becoming another person can be challenging at times, but it’s always exciting to test myself,â€? Guerrero commented. The process of securing a movie role is strenuous. It starts with a call from his manager or agent to give him WKH ´EUHDNGRZQÂľ RI WKH Ă€OP Guerrero then auditions for the casting director. ,I KLV Ă€UVW DXGLWLRQ LV successful, he then auditions for the director. Before the auditions, Guerrero prepares by studying the scripts he is given. “The audition processes are brutal; you have to be able

to take rejection, and it all depends on your personality,� Guerrero said. While shooting on set, Guerrero feels everything is extremely hectic. “When I was younger, I felt nervous at times, but now everything comes naturally to me,� Guerrero said. One of the actor’s favorite on-set memories was on the set of “Ben 10.� “Food was everywhere! It has to be one of my favorite memories, but also my least,� explained Guerrero. “After the scene, everything smelled so nasty. Every food you could name was in this one scene.� Traveling up to Los Angeles at least once per week for

an acting class, this 17 year old must balance school with his acting career. Said Guerrero, “It’s hard EHFDXVH VFKRRO FRPHV Ă€UVW but luckily an on-set teacher is there to study with me for three and a half hours per day.â€? +H DGGHG WKDW Ă€OPLQJ movies can be a hassle because of the travel. ,Q RUGHU WR Ă€OP WKH PRYie “Air Buddies,â€? Guerrero and his family had to pack up and go all the way to Haja, Vancouver, Canada. After high school, Guerrero hopes to go into acting as a full time career. “Acting is something I love doing. It isn’t a hobby for me anymore; it’s my life.â€?

photo by Quinn Mahony

YOUNG ACTOR: 6HQLRU 7\OHU *XHUUHUR KDV KDG Ă€OP roles as well as television roles on various Nickelodeon shows, including “iCarly.â€?

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Shen Sends Helping Hands to Mexico By Riley Rhodes Cub Opinion Editor


he idea of winter break usually brings similar thoughts to the minds of teenagers across the country: one usually fantasizes of parties, holidays and a break from school. But for some, the vaca-

tion is an opportunity to make a difference. Over winter break, junior Tiffany Shen and 45 students from local Orange County churches traveled to Rancho Santa Marta, Mexico, to refurbish and improve a local orphanage. Shen and the other students volunteered on behalf of Fellowship Builders, a mission organization. The program

provides an opportunity to give back as well as meet new people and build new friendships. “Everyone who is part of [Fellowship Builders] is very open, and we all just get to know each other really well,â€? said Shen. “We have reunions every once in a while, so we all stay in touch for the most part, too.â€? As a group, Fellowship %XLOGHUV VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ WUDYHOV WR

photo courtesy of Tiffany Shen

‘A HELPING HAND’: Shen celebrates with some of the orphan children housed in the EDWWHUHG ZRPHQ¡V VKHOWHU GXULQJ D Ă€HVWD KRVWHG E\ WKH )HOORZVKLS %XLOGHUV JURXS

Mexico; however, many of the students also travel elsewhere to volunteer. Shen said she is working towards venturing to Thailand. Shen’s group traveled to Mexico to work at an orphanage for about a week. The students developed friendships with the Mexican orphans and become closer with each other as they worked together to improve the children’s lives. In addition to building houses and completing construction work, the students played with the children and SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ D Ă€HVWD ZLWK NLGV visiting from a local battered women’s shelter. The group had dinner together each night, and the orphans often cooked for them. “My favorite part was playing with the kids for sure,â€? Shen commented. “They’re so cute, and they get so excited to see you.â€? Shen continued, “It’s really awesome when one of the little kids remembers you from previous years. It makes you feel like you’ve done your part.â€? During the trip, Shen and her peers worked from 6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. on weekdays, when the group gathered for dinner. Throughout the day, the students performed construction projects, including trenching, cementing, trimming trees, laying foundation and painting. They usually worked alongside the older boys living at the ranch.

photo courtesy of Tiffany Shen

SAY ‘CHEESE’: -XQLRU 7LIIDQ\ 6KHQ VWULYHV WR PDNH D GLIIHUHQFH LQ WKH OLYHV RI 0H[LFDQ RUSKDQV E\ FRPSOHWLQJ YROXQWHHU SURMHFWV DQG ERQGLQJ ZLWK WKH FKLOGUHQ 6KHQ DORQJ ZLWK KHU )HOORZVKLS %XLOGHUV JURXS WUDYHOHG WR 5DQFKR 6DQWD 0DUWD 0H[LFR DQG DWWHQGHG 9DFDWLRQ %LEOH 6FKRRO Later in the day, the group participated in Vacation Bible School, a three-day program with a daily two-hour session. The program, which included Bible study, games and crafts, was both a time to learn and an opportunity for the volunteers to get to know the kids and socialize. “Most of our time is ac-

tually spent working; it’s just all the memories come from the time with the kids.â€? Shen H[SODLQHG ´,W¡V GHĂ€QLWHO\ ZKDW I take with me every year.â€? Shen then summarized, “It’s just a really fun trip and a great experience. It’s amazing to see how happy the kids can be with so little compared to what we have on a day to day basis.â€?

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Pendleton: Worth the Drive? By Claudia Varney Guest Editor

Between the pageantry of Homecoming in October, and the sophistication of Prom in June, the mid-year Winter Formal dance can be easily forgotten. The dance’s low ticket price functions as an incentive for students to attend. Our school spends half the amount of money on Winter Formal compared to every other high school in the district. While it can cost the school up to $65,000 to hold Prom at the Grove or the Phoenix, the school manages to spend only $29,000 on Winter Formal by holding it at Camp Pendleton. This cost saver is reà HFWHG LQ RXU WLFNHW SULFHV³ZKLFK LV D UHDVRQDEOH this year (with an ASU card). Despite the negative association of being on a military base, Camp Pendleton’s venue offers a quality evening at a venue outside of Dana at a more than reasonable price. Delicacies including chocolate-covered strawberries are offered at the dessert buffet, icy drinks are served at the bar and there is a large, open GDQFH à RRU $GGLWLRQDOO\ WKHUH DUH QXPHURXV WDEOHV for students to sit at to drink their strawberry smoothies and take a break. &DPS 3HQGOHWRQ JLYHV WKH VFKRRO à H[LELOLW\ DQG discounted prices by allowing the option to reduce amenities, should the school not sell enough tickets to cover the initial cost of Winter Formal. This in fact happened two years ago due to the economic downturn. As some veteran staff members may recall, 2011 marks the 18th year that Dana’s Winter Formal has been held at Camp Pendleton. Why change it now? While some students bemoan the fact that the location of our Winter Formal is on a military base, they fail to realize its favorable offerings: low cost and a KLJK TXDOLW\ YHQXH QRW WR PHQWLRQ LWV VKRUW PLQXWH distance. If given a choice, would you rather go to a Winter Formal held on campus the same way Homecoming is, or would you be willing to spend up to $80 on a ticket to go to a venue that, most likely, is even farther away than Camp Pendleton? By factoring the cost and the quality, holding Winter Formal at Camp Pendleton is a clear winner.


By Kevin Cahillane Cub Sports Editor

How far away is Camp Pendleton, truly? Ten miles? 20 miles? Guess again. The South Mesa Club in Camp Pendleton is a whopping 30 miles from Dana Hills High School. To put this in perspective, it would take the same amount of time to drive to Angel Stadium or Disneyland as it would to reach the dance hall at Pendleton. Why would anyone want to drive 30 miles for a dance that lasts a meager three and a half hours when you could spend the travel time on preparation, dinner or even a pre-party? Why would anyone host a dance at a high-security military base when entering the facility may become too much of a hassle? There’s a better way. San Clemente High School, for instance, has held its winter dance at such places as WKH 4XHHQ 0DU\ $ ELW H[WUDYDJDQW SHUKDSV EXW WKHUH are certainly more accommodating places to host a dance than a military base. From personal experience, I can say that entering Pendleton is an inconvenience and a nuisance. Students wanting to enter the marine base are required to undergo a thorough inspection by military personnel DQG SUHVHQW WKHLU LGHQWLĂ€FDWLRQ $Q\RQH ZKR GRHVQ¡W pass the inspection or simply forgets his/her ID will be treated with a pleasant view of the outside of the GDQFH KDOO DQG D PLQXWH GULYH EDFN KRPH (QWHULQJ the dance will seem more like going through airport security than the relaxing, romantic evening Winter Formal is meant to be. Some may say that the Winter Formal will be their only chance to see the interior of Camp Pendleton, a real military base. In reality, there isn’t much to see; the scenery consists of plains of dead grass, old, dilapidated buildings and bland hillsides that extend for miles inland. Unfortunately, Camp Pendleton is truly not the fascinating tourist attraction that we hope it to be. The venue of this year’s Winter Formal, Camp Pendleton, is truly inconvenient and unnecessary. :H¡UH WHHQDJHUVÂłQRW SROLWLFDO RIĂ€FLDOV DW D VWDWH GLQner. Hopefully, in future years, the school administration will choose a more interesting, appropriate and convenient location for the Winter Formal.


%R[ 2II 1HWĂ L[ YV 5HGER[ By Rebecca Gates Cub Opinion Editor

For passionate movie watchers, choosing between Redbox and NetĂ L[ PHDQV D GLIĂ€FXOW KHDWHG DQG long-lasting argument. 0\ GDG LV D GHYRWHG IDQ RI 1HWĂ L[ FRQVWDQWO\ criticizing the opposing side. My mom, however, believes Redbox is the solution to our family’s movie problems. As for the rest of the family, we couldn’t care less where it comes from, as long as we watch the movie we want. Since Blockbuster is doomed, Redbox DQG 1HWĂ L[ DUH EDWWOLQJ LW RXW WR EH QXPEHU RQH Receiving movies by mail can be a convenient alternative to movie rentals. Due to its wide selection DQG FKHDS SULFHV 1HWĂ L[ LV H[WUHPHO\ SRSXODU 1RZ the company offers instant play that is comprised of older movies and TV shows. As a huge fan of “The 2IĂ€FHÂľ ZKLFK LV RQ 1HWĂ L[ ,QVWDQW 3OD\ , XQGHUstand the appeal. +RZHYHU 1HWĂ L[ SUHVHQWV FRXQWOHVV Ă DZV , KDWHG 1HWĂ L[ EHFDXVH , FRXOG QHYHU UHPHPEHU WR FKDQJH P\ queue. Nearly every time my family and I would receive a movie, it would be one we had already seen because it came out on DVD weeks ago. ,Q DGGLWLRQ LI D PRYLH LV SRSXODU RQ 1HWĂ L[ there is a longer wait time, which adds another agoniz-

LQJ ZHHN XQWLO \RXU PRYLH DUULYHV :LWK 1HWĂ L[ UHQWing a single movie for the standard price is impossible because the fee is the same every month, no matter how many movies are watched. My family closed our 1HWĂ L[ DFFRXQW IRU WKLV SUHFLVH UHDVRQ However, Redbox also presents several problems. I can’t stand it when the people before me in line take almost as long as it would take to watch a movie, to pick one. They study the list 10 times, refusing to pick D Ă€OP WKDW KDVQ¡W EHHQ WKRURXJKO\ VFUXWLQL]HG $QRWKHU downfall of Redbox is compromised security due to several cases of stolen credit card info. Nevertheless, Redbox’s straightforward approach WR UHQWLQJ D PRYLH WUXPSV 1HWĂ L[ +HDG RYHU WR \RXU neighborhood market, and bask in the glory of that PDJQLĂ€FHQW UHG ER[ FKRFNHG IXOO RI PRYLHV \RX¡YH EHHQ ZDLWLQJ WR VHH 5HGER[ KDV RYHU NLRVNV QDWLRQ ZLGH HDFK Ă€OOHG ZLWK PRYLHV WKDW \RX PD\ keep until 9 p.m. the next night. One of Redbox’s great features is that you can rent a DVD at one location and return it to a different kiosk. There are Redbox’s at grocery stores, such as Albertsons and Ralphs, and also at Walgreens, Mc'RQDOG¡V DQG (OHYHQ 5HGER[ QRZ RIIHUV %OX 5D\ Discs for $1 more than the standard disc and Wii and X-Box games for only $2.50 per night. So the next time you’re looking to rent the latest new movie or TV show, consider your options. Personally, I would advise you choose Redbox because it UHDOO\ LV WKH PRVW HIĂ€FLHQW ZD\ WR UHQW D PRYLH

!"#$%#"&'#()$*$(*#(+##%&'(")*'+#"&,"--The reinstated furlough days are a cause for controversy. In the overall picture of our state, the school budget is a heated dispute. Should the government keep taking money from VFKRROV DQG HGXFDWLRQ" 2U VKRXOG WKH\ Ă€QG RWKer ways to cut expenditures? It is understandable that furlough days were reinstated, as the district clearly has the power to do so. However, the fact that these days were reinstated half way through the year is annoying and a hindrance to those who attempted to plan in advance. Because students are now required to attend school on days previously noted as non-student days, family vacations, college visits and other pre-planned events have now been interrupted. While some students may argue that these extra days allow for more teaching time, the vacation time is needed to “de-stressâ€? from school. In addition, information about these reinstated days was only announced in passing to some students rather than on the announcements or on the bulletin. The issue was poorly addressed, and numerous students and parents have complained that they were not properly QRWLĂ€HG RI WKH FKDQJH (YHQ WRGD\ LQIRUPDWLRQ on the furlough days has not been widely publicized; information is available on School Loop and the school website only if one makes a speFLĂ€F SRLQWHG HIIRUW WR VHDUFK IRU LW


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Ashley Dougherty Zara Flores Jamie Osman Annamarie McGrath Lauren Pierce Myra Farooqi Ashley Richey Rebecca Gates Riley Rhodes Bailey Grebbin Laura Lindenfelser (OOLH (LFKOHU Jenna Allen Kevin Cahillane Katherine McKinley Chase Masciorini Salil Dudani Sara Gold Lexi Cotcamp Kailey Cox (PLO\ &XOOHQ Serene Jneid Olivia O’Brien Alfonso Ordaz Claudia Varney (PPD :HUGHUPDQ Gillian Slee Stephanie Cheng Tyler Hartung Jake Rosen Max Wolotsky Devin Valenciano Tim Sampson

Writers: -HQQD $OOHQ .HYLQ &DKLOODQH $VKOH\ 'RXJKHUW\ (OOLH (LFKOHU 0\UD )DURRTL =DUD )ORUHV %ULWWRQ )RUNHU 5HEHFFD Gates, Bailey Grebbin, Laura Lindenfelser, Madison Martinez, Chase Masciorini, Annamarie McGrath, Katherine McKinley, Jamie Osman, Lauren Pierce, Riley Rhodes, Ashley Richey, Angelina Rivera Guest Writers: Lauren Black, Madeline Diamond, Salil Dudani, Tyler Hartung, Marilyn La Jeunesse, Jake Rosen, Sara Vandegrift, Claudia Varney Lifesavers: Sahand Nayebaziz Photographers: (PLO\ &XOOHQ 4XLQQ 0DKRQ\ (PPD :HUGHUPDQ The Paper is published tri-weekly throughout the year by Dana Hills High School newspaper students. Comments and editorial opinions expressed in The Paper are those of the staff and do not represent the position of Dana Hills High School, its administration, student government RU WKH &DSLVWUDQR 8QLĂ€HG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW $GYHUWLVHPHQWV DUH QRW endorsed by The Paper.

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Sleep in Late or Party Early? Having early-out instead of late-start would EH PXFK PRUH EHQHÀFLDO WR VWXGHQWV DQG SDUHQWV 3DUents would be able to drop off their child at school just as they would on a regular school day and not have LW FRQà LFW ZLWK WKHLU ZRUN VFKHGXOH 6WXGHQWV ZLWK DIA typical teenager greatly values any ter-school jobs could get to work earlier and possibly extra time available to sleep in on a late- work longer, which would also create an opportunity VWDUW 0RQGD\ 6RPH VWXGHQWV XVH WKH H[- for more students to get jobs. Early dismissal is also WUD WLPH WR VWXG\ IRU DQ XQIRUWXQDWH 0RQGD\ WHVW RU WR an advantage to those with extracurricular activities come to school a little earlier to get help from one of by allowing them more time in the afternoon to work WKHLU WHDFKHUV 7KH ODWH VWDUW VFKHGXOH LV DOVR D EHQHÀW on homework. Some people may argue that amount of sleep for teachers because they can hold meetings before would still be an issue. However, early-out would alschool. However, there is a handful of students who low more time for homework during the day, therefore don’t sleep in more than they would on a traditional PDNLQJ LW HDVLHU WR JR WR EHG HDUOLHU DQG IXOÀOO WKH UHFbell schedule day. School only starts 44 minutes later ommended eight hours of sleep per night. Despite all of these pros to having an early-out than usual, which doesn’t create much additional time in the morning. Also, some parents struggle with get- schedule one day a week, there are still some possible ting their kids to school because the later start time drawbacks. Because it is likely that parents would be at work during the early afternoon, arranging rides for FRQà LFWV ZLWK WKHLU ZRUN VFKHGXOH A solution to this is to have an early-out schedule students could pose a problem. In this case, a carpool instead of a late-start schedule. At least for one day a could present an environmentally friendly solution. I think it is much better to end the school day week, we will not have to keep glancing at the clock earlier than to delay its start by 44 minutes. HYHU\ ÀYH PLQXWHV ZDLWLQJ IRU WKH GD\ WR HQG By Lauren Pierce Cub Feature Editor

No Substitutes for Real Books By Britton Forker Cub Photo Editor

What can you take away from Spark Notes? Does it really help you? In English, we are required to read certain books. However, numerous people read Spark Notes to casually browse over the book instead. Sure, this is the easy route to take, but it will not truly benHÀW \RX LQ WKH ORQJ UXQ By using Spark Notes, you can impress your teacher with a general knowledge of the book’s plot and theme. Unfortunately, some students feel that they can rely on Spark Notes in place of their reading assignments. However, once you are presented with reading comprehension tests, the real struggle begins. You cannot possibly believe that reading a mere summary of the book will help you understand all the questions. Since most teachers know that some students do not read the book, some will purposefully include

questions on the test with deeper meaning than Spark Notes can provide. Relying on Spark Notes may prevent you from writing an adequate academic essay because the website can only clarify your knowledge to a certain extent. Spark Notes covers the bare minimum, which PD\ QRW EH D VXIÀFLHQW IRXQGDWLRQ IRU GHYHORSLQJ DQ analytical thesis. If you have already read the book, Spark Notes can help you thoroughly understand its themes and characters. This useful reference can also help clarify confusion about particular details. Spark Notes has a wide variety of titles, so you can look up almost any book you need and start studying. Additionally, the site offers reading comprehension tests that can be a valuable studying tool for students. I believe Spark Notes is a useful resource to supplement your reading. However, if you never read the book, you will prevent yourself from learning, which LV WKH UHDVRQ ZH DUH KHUH DW VFKRRO LQ WKH ÀUVW SODFH Overall, Spark Notes is an effective and reliable secondary source if students use it correctly.

The Written Word Wins Again By Bailey Grebbin Cub Entertainment Editor

Books and movies. One is printed on paper, while the other plays on the silver screen. One is the product of a single person’s imagination; the other is the result of several hundred people’s combined creativity. One can be carried virtually anywhere but its counterpart can only be viewed using certain technology. However, these two very different mediums share one common ground: books that have been made into movies. Popular book series such as “Harry Potter,� “Twilight� and “Lord of the Rings� have been transformed into movies in recent years, and the question of which version is better remains unsolved. I, for one, greatly prefer books over movies for a number of reasons. Books require you to actually contemplate what you are viewing. While many students may think this is a bad thing, I beg to differ. Studies show that reading can greatly increase one’s vocabulary and writing skills, both of which are quite useful when facing the dreaded SAT and the required California High School Exit Exam. When reading a book you can bring your own imagination to enhance the story, but when you watch a movie, you can only stare blankly ahead at whatever the director places in front of you. I’m not saying that all movies are horrible and ought to be scoured from the face of the Earth, but I am suggesting that books are generally much better

than their movie adaptations. 7DNH ´7R .LOO D 0RFNLQJELUGÂľ IRU DQ H[DPSOH Although all freshmen are supposed to read the book, many resort to watching the movie instead. While the movie is excellent, many complex themes and details can only be ascertained from the novel itself. TeachHUV RIWHQ LQFOXGH RQ WHVWV VSHFLĂ€F GHWDLOV RI ´7R .LOO D 0RFNLQJELUGÂľ WKDW DUH RQO\ IRXQG LQ WKH H[DFW GLDlogue of the book. Another more light-hearted illustration of this concept is “Harry Potterâ€? and “Twilight.â€? Both are widely popular book series, and while their respective movies added to the franchises’ overall fame, the movies weren’t always true to the books’ story lines. Because of this, people often miss out on the funniest, sweetest and all around best moments in the books, and fans of the original books may be disappointed. Past that, there are movies that completely and utterly slaughter the books on which they are supSRVHGO\ EDVHG 0RYLHV VXFK DV ´(UDJRQÂľ DQG ´3HUF\ Jackson and the Lighting Thiefâ€? both strayed so far from the original plot lined, it was hard to believe they were depicting the same story and characters. According to a survey of students, around 75 percent of students prefer books to movie adaptations. With movies based on the best-selling books “The +XQJHU *DPHVÂľ DQG ´0D[LPXP 5LGHÂľ FRPLQJ RXW soon, one can only hope that these students don’t fall prey to the dark, downward spiral that is books made into movies. After all, who would want to spend $10 on a movie that lasts just two hours versus a treasure that you can experience over and over again, anywhere you want?

Letters to the Editor „ No Facebook, No where your classroom Clue When deactivating my Facebook back in September, I was dismissing a highly accessible form of procrastination and narcissistic behavior. I was also saying goodbye to Alex Sloan’s weekly informative messages that he sends out through the Dana Hills 2010-2011 group. Jeremy Lin does an adequate job informing our student body over the announcements in the morning, but often the classrooms are loud, making them inaudible. Thus, it seems that for one to stay informed, Facebook becomes the only option. This should not be VR 0\ VROXWLRQ LV WKDW we have Alex Sloan, or someone else on ASU, publish the same message that is sent out through Facebook on -Kelsey Borovinsky, 10

„ Freshman Hallway Hold-Up I know by now that the freshmen have heard many times how they don’t move well through the halls. Everyone complains, and it was even made fun of on “The Splash,� but I still don’t think they get it. On the ramp, you must walk on the right side of the road at a good pace; if not, you will slow everything up. Just because you see a friend in the halls, doesn’t mean you have to go say hi. I know this school is big, but trust me, you will see them again sometime soon. It isn’t necessary to stop and talk while everyone is forced to go around. By now, there is no excuse for not knowing

is, so there is no need to wander through the halls with a lost look on your face. Look up, walk fast and know how to push your way through the crowds. If you’re a freshmen, you don’t want to draw more attention to yourself by not knowing how to walk through crowds. This concept reDOO\ LVQ¡W WKDW GLIĂ€FXOW to understand, yet most freshmen still don’t get this. -Courtney Reid, 10

„ Faulty Letters to the Editor Policy I continue to see a problem in the way the newspaper is run. The error? The Paper’s policy on letters to the Editor. I have several friends on The Paper, and I know Ă€UVW KDQG WKDW WKH\ DUH required to bring in “xâ€? number of letters. Not only does this bother me because I am often the one my friends come to for a letter (like this one), but also I think it leads to the letter to the Editor being insincere. Also, the fact that the letters can’t be anonymous prevents certain students from wanting to write letters that may be critical of certain aspects of the school. I hope these policies will change so that the letter to the Editor can truly represent the views of the writers. Also, so I don’t have to keep writing them. 6DFKLQ 0HGKHNDU

LETTERS POLICY Please submit legibly written, signed letters to room 708 during VHFRQG DQG Ă€IWK SHULRG RU WR 0U 6DPSVRQ¡V PDLOER[ LQ WKH RIĂ€FH RU to The staff reserves the right to delete or condense letters to meet space requirements or content restrictions. Unsigned letters will not be accepted.

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Film Presents a ‘Dilemma’ for Audiences By Ellie Eichler Cub Feature Editor

Romantic comedy movies are not usually my thing. When my friends do succeed in dragging me to the movie theater to see a “rom-com,� I usually complain the whole time before and the whole time afterwards. On this occasion though, I’ll admit that I went with my mom and enjoyed “The Dilemma� much more than I thought I would. Truthfully, my hopes were low. I had already noted the main characters–Ronny (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Kevin James)–and decided it was going to be your average cheesy comedy romance. Was “The Dilemma� your typical romantic comedy drama, you may ask? Partially. I walked into the theater and found all of eight people occupying the red velvet seats, if that. My expectations already low, dimmed a bit more at this observation.

However, I soon found that, unlike most movies I have seen, I actually found myself laughing out loud at times. Luckily, I wasn’t alone, the few other people in the theater were laughing with me. Ronny and Nick have been chummy since college, both best friends and business SDUWQHUV LQ DQ DXWR GHVLJQ ÀUP Throughout the whole movie, they attempt to land a dream project to launch their company. Nonetheless, matters are complicated when Ronny catches Nick’s wife, Geneva (Winona Ryder), cheating with a man, Zip (Channing Tatum). Ronny, attempting to get proof of the cheating, places himself in many sticky situations, involving broken cars, poisonous plants and several bloody noses. Tatum played his role ZHOO FU\LQJ RYHU KLV GHDG ÀVK DQG à DVKLQJ KLV VPLOH\ IDFH tattoo. $OWKRXJK WKH ÀUVW KDOI RI the movie was entertaining, I was dying for a nap, or at least a Dr. Pepper, during the rest of WKH ÀOP

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!"#$%&'()*)+,#-.''!"#$%&'(")*#%+,))-%./()0"%/1234)5%1)*%6(07%.8"9()%:1;"#5%#<")*%=21>($-%?;1)@%%$(;"%$,3"$4"'A In the end, I found myself relatively appeased with the movie as a whole, as did my mother. The eight other people were even smiling tiredly as we ÀOHG RXW D VLJQ WKDW WKH\ DSSUH-

ciated the movie as well. After the movie, did I rush to my computer and start typing my review as fast as I could? No, I fell into bed and

didn’t stir until the morning. Does that tell you anything about my opinion of the movie? No, just my sleeping habits. Honestly, I would only recommend “The Dilemma�

if you truly appreciate “romcomâ€? movies. Would my friends like LW" 'HĂ€QLWHO\ 'LG WKH FULWLFV" Eh, not so much. Did I? Shockingly, sort of.

“Country Strong�: For Fans of All Genres By Angelina Rivera Cub News Editor

If you are looking for a movie that is surprising and dramatic, then “Country Strongâ€? is just for you. “Country Strongâ€? is a country-based Ă€OP WKDW ZLOO VKRFN DQG VXUprise you. This movie follows the lives of country singer Kelly Canter (Gywneth Paltrow) and her husband, James (Tim McGraw), as well as rising singer/ songwriters Chiles Stanton (Leighton Meester) and Beau Hutton (Garrett Hedlund). The movie portrays the struggles that Kelly, a fallen country singer, deals with before and after entering rehab. From beginning to end, the audience is captivated by the relationships between Beau and both Kelly and Chiles. Although Kelly is depressed by her experiences before rehab, she convinces her husband she is emotionally stable so that she can begin her tour and grow as a performer. However, Kelly starts to let her alcoholism get the best of her. Her career slowly starts to spiral out of control after she becomes too drunk to perform one night. This experience prompts her to end her drinking. When the time comes to perform again in Austin, Texas, she experiences a dramatic increase in fame. Her encore performance in Texas proves to her fans that she is ready to continue her singing career. The movie showcased the vocal talents of Gwyneth Paltrow, Leighton Meester and Garrett Hedlund. Meester and

Hedlund sing a duet together in the movie, entitled “Give In to Me.� In the movie, while on tour together, each character changes. While some characters are getting better, others are becoming worse. Their relationships between each other get better. Each character has something big that happens to them that is life-changing. “Country Strong� appeals to all audiences regardless of whether or not you are a country music fan.

Not only is it a country Ă€OP EXW LW LV DOVR D GUDPDWLF movie. The movie gained good comments about the plot from the critics. The movie also contains dramatic scenes that leaves audiences wanting to know what happens next. A few of the scenes in this movie are for mature audiences only because of sexual content. Some of the scenes will bring you to tears along. “Country Strongâ€? is an exceptional movie that will entertain you for days to come.

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RUNNING LIKE THE WIND: %ULWW 6HWK 5RJHQ DQG .DWR -D\ &KRX YRZ WR Ă€JKW crime and defend the innocent in “The Green Hornet.â€?

Buzzing with Success By Madison Martinez Cub Cartoonist

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COUNTRY KISS: Kelly Canter (Gywneth Paltrow) shares a dance with songwriter Beau Hutton (Garrett Hedlund).

“The Green Hornetâ€? is D Ă€OP DERXW %ULWW 6HWK 5Rgen), who takes extraordinary measures to take control of his family’s media empire after his father’s death. After spending his life slacking off, Britt decides to turn things around with his new business partner, Kato (Jay Chou). After a night of insanity (including stealing the head of the statue of Britt’s father), %ULWW DQG .DWR GHFLGH WR Ă€JKW crime and defend the innocent. Britt then discovers that Kato wasn’t just employed as a coffee maker for his late father. With unparalleled skill in martial arts and creating unbelievable gadgets, Kato helps Britt come up with the idea of becoming “The Green Hornet.â€? Kato created a new car with

guns, bulletproof windows, parachutes under the seats and steel machine guns surrounding the car. The two men decide to play as the “bad guysâ€? so they can get closer to the villains and throw them off-guard. Britt not only tries to save his newspaper company but also tries to save the citizens of his whole city. Kato and Britt are soon faced with a new challenge. One of Britt’s co-workers tries to kill him by sending him and his friends to get all the gang members in the city. Later, Britt discovers that the worker caused his father’s death. Kato and the worker soon battle each other on the IUHHZD\ 7KH FRQĂ LFW VRRQ FUHates destruction as many buildings are crashed down. I loved this movie. This movie is an extremely enterWDLQLQJ Ă€OP ZLWK FKDUDFWHUV who have an unforgettable. Additionally, the LQWHQVH Ă€JKWLQJ

and stunt scenes with animations were very impressive. The animated scenes will make you feel like you’re part of the action, while the costumes will makes you want to dress up as a super hero and pretend like you are four years old again. For the especially enthusiastic, this movie may even make you want to bust out your karate moves as soon as you leave the theater. “The Green Hornetâ€? was given three and a half stars by the New York Daily News. Producer Neal Moritz, director Michel Gondry and lead actor Seth Rogen contributed to what I viewed as the movie’s success. In addition to starring as Britt, Rogen was also a cowriter of the script, along with Evan Goldberg. 2YHUDOO WKLV Ă€OP¡V GHlightful action and comedy made it an enjoyable movie appropriate for most viewers.

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“Cake� Not as Sweet as Anticipated !"#1%2&%#1345*46*(+*& !"#$,+(&.(1)+2&+($,-)(*.

As I was scanning through iTunes for a new album to purchase, I came across a list of the current top albums in the nation. Immediately, I noticed my all-time favorite band’s new album, Showroom of Compassion, nestled among a swarm of rap hits and autotuned nonsense. Seven years have passed since Cake’s last album release, so it’s an understatement to say that I had high hopes for the latest album. Unfortunately, Showroom of Compassion was less than satisfying. With its roots in SacUDPHQWR &DNH Ă€UVW EHFDPH popular in the late ’90s with its hit album Fashion Nugget, released in 1996. The musicians were greeted with instant acclaim for their hit song, “The Distance.â€? By 2004, Cake had released four additional albums, including Prolonging the Magic, Comfort Eagle, Pressure Chief and B-Sides and Rarities. The band also released several hit singles, such as “Never There,â€? “No Phoneâ€? and “Short Skirt/Long Jacket.â€? By that point, the band was very well-known for John

McCrea’s half-sung, half-spoken vocals, the songs’ humorous lyrics and the raw guitar sounds so characteristic of the band. Cake’s latest album, Showroom of Compassion, was released on Tuesday, Jan. 11. Climbing to number 3 on the national charts, Cake appeared to be heading in the right direction once again. However, the 11 tracks on this album seemed to be rather boring and repetitive. They simply did not sound like the Cake I used to love. Although Cake has managed to maintain the same crunchy guitar riffs, distinct horn sections and unique percussion, the songs on the CD all sound similar to one another. The melodies sounded unbearably dull, which is particularly unforgivable considering the lengthy period of time it took to develop the album. Cake, as a band, sounds as though it has tried to maintain its alternative funk sound and speak-sing vocals that so many fans adore, but this time around, the music is less interesting because of it. The hit single “Sick of <RXÂľ ZDV GHĂ€QLWHO\ WKH PRVW exciting song on the album, as well as the most popular. It didn’t lack as much creativity and energy as the other 10 songs did. With its strappy bass and distinct horn sections, the song

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ICING ON THE CAKE: Despite occasional negative reviews,“Showroom of Compassion� is expected to be Cake’s most prominent success, as the album already debuted as number one on the Billboard Album Chart. resembled the previous Cake hits that we all love. On the other hand, the songs “Bound Away� and “Italian Guy� were disappointing to me. “Bound Away� sounded like a dawdling country folk song, while “Italian Guy� is comparable to mariachi music.

Although I was somewhat pleased with the album’s diversity and creativity, it sounds a little overdone. It seems almost as if the band members are running out of ideas and trying a little too hard to experiment with their genre. Overall, I think that

Cake has lost its youthful bounce and cleverness. With the release of Showroom of Compassion, it appears to me that the band’s desire to create unique music turned out to be a huge disaster. With the exception of a few songs, namely “Federal

Funding,� “Sick of You� and “Long Time,� “forgettable,� “indistinguishable� and “dull� are a few adjectives that come to my mind after listening to this album. At least this time, the recipe for cake was not very sweet.

A Not So Happy Birthday to You !"#$%&%#'()&*+ !"#$%&'()*+$,-)(*.

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THE INDIE LOOK: The Decembrists aim for a fresh, new vibe in their 2011 album, The King is Dead.


Long Live The Decemberists !"#,*-*..%#/%0*+ !"#$/0)+)*+$,-)(*.

Before the indie folk group The Decemberists released their newest album, The King Is Dead, I had never even heard of the relatively unknown band. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect. Now, after experiencing this fresh, new creation, I expect that these tunes will be playing on a constant loop in my head for weeks to come. As the opening track, “Don’t Carry It Allâ€? began, I FRXOG GHĂ€QLWHO\ FRQFOXGH WKDW this was my kind of music. The opening ballad had everything: a great beat, uplifting lyrics and even some deft tambourine playing. Each song pleased my ears and heart and further motivated me to keep listening to

the dulcet tones. “Januaryâ€? and “June Hymnsâ€? are perceived by critics as the winning songs on The King Is Dead. The two have surely won my heart over as well. They are both intriguing and oddly peaceful. A traditional, upbeat number, “Rox in the Box,â€? adds a folksy touch to this album. With its strong drums and acoustic guitar playing, the track augmented the strong country vibe that The Decemberists created for their newest production. As a testimony to this new sound, The Decemberists wrote and recorded these new tracks in a barn that was recently converted in to a studio. This change in location certainly inspired The Decemberists in WKHLU OHDS IURP IRONORUH LQĂ Xenced ballads to country-fried, rustic tunes that almost all audiences can enjoy.

Although The Decemberists have continually progressed over their 11 years together and the six albums they have produced, The King Is Dead GHĂ€QLWHO\ VWDQGV RXW IURP their past work. The Decemberists include vocalist Colin Meloy, guitarist Chris Funk and drummer Nate Query as well as Jenny Conlee, who plays the Hammond organ, accordion, melodica and piano. The various instruments used in the recording of the album truly add a unique touch and set the band apart from the other cliche guitar/bass/drums groups nowadays. The last song, “Dear Avery,â€? ended the album on a melancholy note. The slow melody and depressing lyrics, although touching and beautiful, did not give the desired effect of a closing track. The song’s dull tone only managed to make my eyes

heavy. Despite this anomaly, The King Is Dead was tremendously impressive overall. $IWHU WKH ÀQDO FKRUG UHVonated through my speakers, I found myself clicking back to previous favorites and singing along to their sticky melodies. The King Is Dead has the perfect balance between fast-pace tracks and tranquil songs. This variation of sound makes the album a pleasant listening experience. In addition, The Decemberists’ signature passionate and meaningful lyrics add further interest to The King is Dead. Although the acoustic and country feel of this album departs from The Decemberists’ trademark sound, the band keeps the listener interested from beginning to end. Truthfully, The King is Dead is a timeless record that I will certainly cherish for years to come.

To be perfectly candid, I expected more from Thank You, Happy Birthday, Cage the Elephant’s second studio album. It’s been almost two years since the group’s debut album, Cage the Elephant, came out in early 2009. 6LQFH WKH ER\V¡ Ă€UVW VWXdio album, Cage the Elephant’s sound truly has changed. Unfortunately, this makes some of the songs sound like they just don’t belong an the album by the same artists. Of course, none of these new songs are the new “Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked,â€? but they do come pretty close to their quality. Even though Cage the Elephant’s latest works aren’t number 1 on the charts, they are still noteworthy and worth atleast the few dollars it takes to buy the album. “Always Somethingâ€? from Thank You, Happy Birthday and “Back Against The Wallâ€? from Cage the Elephant share the same concept. On the RWKHU KDQG ERWK VRQJV GHĂ€QLWHly have a different sound. “Always Somethingâ€? has an intriguing and mysterious sound to it and is very catchy, making it one of my personal favorites on the album. “Back Against The Wallâ€? has more of a slight pop. Just because “Always Somethingâ€? seems similar to “Back Against The Wall,â€? doesn’t mean that all the songs are similar. In fact, some sound quite unique.

It’s been quite a while since their previous album was released; because of this, there was bound to be some incongruities. For a majority of their most recent album, their sound is still rock/alternative. “Shake Me Downâ€? has two different sounds to it: one peaceful and relaxed, the other more accelerated by drums and guitar. “Rubber Ballâ€? is entirely peaceful and slow, a truly heart-felt song. Although it is rather repetitive, with 75 percent consisting of lyrics and 25 percent being the music itself, it’s an overall pleasing song. One song, “2024,â€? does not even belong on the album, in my opinion. It’s far too inconsistent and escalates at rather awkward times. Plus, who needs another song about the future 13 years from now? We can barley get over the fact 2011 is here. Another track, “Sell Yourself,â€? not only comes off as demeaning but is probably the most outrageous song on the whole album. The song sounds more like “screamoâ€? and is not very similar to the other songs. It’s better separate from the album, maybe with a different band, one with a name that relates to something like eternal suffering. The album may not be perfect, but it does have some awesome songs. Cage the Elephant GHĂ€QLWHO\ GHVHUYHV FUHGLW for that. Even with the slight changes, I can say with conĂ€GHQFH WKDW WKH\ DUH VWLOO WKH band most of us know and love. If you haven’t already sampled the tunes of Thank You, Happy Birthday, \RX GHĂ€nitely should; they’re worth a listen.

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Movie Tickets Too Expensive By Ashley Richey Cub Section Editor

From cents to $15, these movie ticket prices just won’t stop rising. At the current rate of growth, a single movie ticket ZLOO FRVW DERXW ZLWKLQ Ă€YH years. It is completely mindboggling to think that when my grandmother was in high school, only a single nickel was needed to watch the latest blockbuster. I completely understand that part of the current $15 fee covers the salaries of theater employees and the rent of the building. Despite these expenses, there is no reason why a ticket should be so costly. The cost of one $15 movie is equivalent to Ă€YH FHQW PRYLHV Currently, movie theaters in Orange County are charging approximately $11 per ticket and $15 for each 3D show. Some are even setting their prices as high as $20. Andrew Love, an employee at the San Juan Capistrano Regency theater, stated, “Our prices are high EHFDXVH RI WKH VSHFLĂ€F 9 , 3 seating. We did this because we wanted to offer something different than the other local theaters offer.â€? Even though the theater offers new and improved ser-

YLFHV VXFK DV 9 , 3 VHDWLQJ ZLWK waiters who serve food, this ticket is still wallet thinning and does not cover the price of popcorn, a drink or your favorite candy. I have not enjoyed a single movie without some sort of scrumptious snack to go along with it. Incorporating these IHZ VQDFNV LQWR D IXQ ÀOOHG night can amount to an additional $10 to $15. 3HUVRQDOO\ , ORYH JRLQJ to the movies with my friends, but my friends and I can rarely go due to the skyrocketing ticket prices. I am almost better off waiting until these movies are available on On Demand. The individual ticket price is too high. A ticket price of $5 would be much more reasonable for a regular movie. Movie theaters have been raising prices because fewer people have been coming to the theaters. However, the theater owners need to understand that, in the current economy, few people are going to pay $15 for a single ticket. If they chose to instead lower the ticket price, more people would be able to afford a fun night at the movies. As a result of more movie-goers, theaters would HQMR\ LQFUHDVHG SURÀWV DQG less would be spent out of our wallets. Someday, I hope to be entertained by a movie in theaters at a more affordable cost.

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UGLY TRUTH: ABC Family’s “Pretty Little Liars� hits your TV screen for the season two premire on January 3, 2011.

Truth Cannot Be Masked by Lies By Jamie Osman Cub News Editor

The show everyone has been waiting for is back. ABC Family aired the VHDVRQ WZR SUHPLHUH RI ´3UHWW\ Little Liarsâ€? on Monday, Jan. 3. Season one: Spencer (Troian Avery Bellisario), Hanna (Ashley Benson), Emily (Shay Mitchell) and Aria (Lucy Hale) Ă€QG RXW WKDW WKHLU IULHQG $OOLVRQ 6DVKD 3LHWHUVH KDV GLVappeared. The missing girl is found dead soon after. Throughout the seaVRQ WKH 3UHWW\ /LWWOH /LDUV DUH blackmailed by the anonymous

“A,â€? who threatens to reveal all of their deepest secrets. While Aria is dealing with dating an older man who is also a teacher of hers, Emily is struggling with her feelings for the new girl, Maya (Bianca Lawson). Hanna must deal with her mom’s debt as well as her own boy problems, and Spencer has a new love interest: her VLVWHU¡V Ă€DQFp As the four girls struggle, Jenna (Tammin Sursok) and Toby (Keegan Allen) come into the picture. Toby is suspected of Allison’s murder because he had previously taken responsibility for a crime Allison and her friends had committed.

Toby was thus sent to reform school, a reason for him to hate Allison. Only “Aâ€? knows the truth of these events, and she continues to threaten the girls. Still questioning who “Aâ€? could be, the girls know that he or she is watching their every move and knows all of their secrets, including past secrets that only Allison knew. The information could potentially ruin the girls’ lives. ´3UHWW\ /LWWOH /LDUVÂľ SUHPLHUHG RQ -XQH IRU LWV Ă€UVW season. It became ABC Family’s highest-rated series debut for the coveted 18-34 demographic. The premiere garnered 2.47 million viewers and was

ABC Family’s most popular show in that time slot. The show is a spin-off of the book series of the same name, written by Sara Shepard. ´3UHWW\ /LWWOH /LDUVÂľ never fails to leave me at the edge of my chair after every episode. It is very suspenseful. 7KHVH 3UHWW\ /LWWOH /LDUV KDG me fooled, as they were lying the entire season. The reason the show has been so successful is because it has the perfect mix of thrill and unexpected twists without the explicit violence of similar dramas. Drama, not to mention cute clothes, never fails to make an appearance in the lives of these girls.

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Golden Globes Elegant, Not Exciting ! the Golden Globe Goes to... And By Annemarie McGrath Cub Writer

In anticipation for the 68th annual Golden Globe Awards, the red carpet was rolled out, and the jubilant attendees were ready for the awards to begin. Once again hosting was Ricky Gervais. Numerous stars commented on the remarks made by the popular comedian. Gervais pleased several in the audience, but others were offended by his rude remarks concerning the stars’ pasts. Said actor Christian Bale, “Thank God for comedians‌I’m hoping [Gervais] is going to keep going further.â€? With 150 countries watching the event live, the stars looked stunning. The women were wearing beautiIXO Ă RZLQJ GHVLJQHU JRZQV DQG WKH PHQ GRQQHG WKHLU Ă€QHVW tuxedos. Olivia Wilde from the TV show “House,â€? wearing a sparkling Marchesa evening JRZQ ZDV Ă€UVW WR EH LQWHUviewed on the red carpet. Natalie Portman, who won Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture– Drama for “Black Swan,â€? was wearing an elegant Christopher Bailey evening gown. Emma Stone from “Easy Aâ€? was wearing a peach colored Calvin Klein evening gown that was described by many as modern and simple,

but gorgeous. This year, according to, worst dressed was “Mad Menâ€? star January Jones in a scandalous ruby red dress. Colin Firth’s performance in “The King’s Speechâ€? won Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture– Drama. Surprisingly “The Social Networkâ€? “won more goldâ€? at the Golden Globes than “The Kings Speech,â€? which received more nominations than “The Social Network.â€? “The Fighter,â€? nominated for six Golden Globes, including both Amy Adams and Melissa Leo in the category of Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Unfortunately, Leo won over Adams, who gave an especially amazing performance. The Cecil B. Demille Award recognizes a person ZKR KDV PDGH VLJQLĂ€FDQW FRQtributions to the entertainment sphere. Robert De Niro was the recipient of the award this year. De Niro expressed, “Thank you for this extraordinary honor. I was very, very PRYHG DQG JUDWLĂ€HG ZKHQ \RX made the announcement two months ago, before you had the chance to view ‘Little Fockers’‌â€? The Golden Globes was a glamorous event, although not as exciting as past years. Those who enjoyed watching The Golden Globes should enjoy watching the 83rd Academy Awards, which is scheduled for February 27, 2011.



Best Dramatic Actor

Best Actor, TV Drama

Colin Firth, “The King’s Speech�

Steve Buscemi, “Boardwalk Empire�

Best Dramatic Actress

Best Actress, TV Drama

Natalie Portman, “Black Swan�

Katey Sagal, “Sons of Anarchy�

Supporting Actor

Best Actor, TV Musical or Comedy

Christian Bale, “The Fighter�

Jim Parsons, “The Big Bang Theory�

Supporting Actress

Best Actress, TV Musical or Comedy

Melissa Leo, “The Fighter�

Laura Linney, “The Big C�

Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

Best Actress in a Supporting Role in a TV Series

“The Kids Are All Right� Best Motion Picture, Drama “The Social Network�

Jane Lynch, “Glee� Best Actor in a Supporting Role in a TV Series Chris Colfer, “Glee�

Animated Film

TV Series

“Toy Story 3�


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!"#$%&'()*+'($*,'-%."/ By Jake Rosen

Guest Writer

photo by Emily Cullen

TEAMWORK: Before a game versus Trabuco Hills, the girls meet to discuss strategy.

+.&.*0##1$*2%"#34*5&'6# By Sara Vandegrift Guest Writer

To do well in any sport, it is necessary to have precision. This season, the lady Dolphins have effortlessly proven that they have mastered this skill. On Monday, Jan. 24, the girls overtook Trabuco in another League victory. The girls continued to score until the last PLQXWH Ă€QLVKLQJ “We made history! This LV WKH Ă€UVW WLPH ZH¡YH ZRQ games this early in the season,â€? said senior Gina Zatica. )URP -DQXDU\ WKH Dolphin girls played in their most recent tournament. The

weekend included wins against Poway, Warren and Torrey 3LQHV ZLWK VFRUHV RI DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ The Dolphins did face losses against El Torro and Corona, DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ “The tournament really helped us; the momentum carried us all the way until the end of the Trabuco game,â€? said senior Colleen McNaught. 2Q 7XHVGD\ -DQ the Dolphins defeated Aliso Niguel. The girls kept a consistent pace, scoring about six goals per half. The match ended with a 9-2 win. The girls continued their pattern of success in League on 7KXUVGD\ -DQ 7KH\ WRRN DGYDQWDJH RI 0LVVLRQ¡V VORZ VWDUW DQG Ă€QLVKHG ZLWK D VFRUH RI

The team had another League competition on TuesGD\ -DQ DJDLQVW 7UDEXFR Hills. The girls were able to end the game with a satisfying YLFWRU\ 2Q )ULGD\ -DQ WKH girls faced off against HunWLQJWRQ %HDFK 7KH WHDP¡V assists aided the girls, contribXWLQJ WR WKHLU ZLQ The Dolphins won yet another game on Thursday, -DQ DJDLQVW 6DQ -XDQ +LOOV one of the newer schools in the /HDJXH 7KH 6WDOOLRQV¡ EHJLQQHU¡V OXFN VHHPHG WR EH PLVVing, as Dana triumphed with a Ă€QDO VFRUH RI Earlier in the season, RQ 7KXUVGD\ 'HF WKH ODG\ Dolphins hit a rough patch during a game against Edison, losLQJ

Due to unexpected wins E\ VRSKRPRUH 'DOWRQ GX¡&DVVH and junior Alex Rodriguez, the wrestling team prevailed over $OLVR 1LJXHO DW LWV ODVW /HDJXH GXDO RQ -DQXDU\ “Everyone wrestled very well,â€? commented senior .DPURQ $EHGL SRXQG weight class). “Even though the referee did not call pins, we still won the match. The younger kids did really well.â€? The win pushed the ER\V¡ /HDJXH UHFRUG WR D IRUPLGDEOH At the Five Counties Invitational at Fountain Valley +LJK 6FKRRO RQ -DQXDU\ DQG VHQLRU %U\DQ 6HHIULHG pound weight class) placed Ă€IWK 7KH WRXUQDPHQW KRVWHG teams from Nevada and New York, among other places. The team suffered a devastating loss to Tesoro RQ -DQXDU\ $IWHU DOO wrestlers had competed, the VFRUH ZDV WLHG CIF rules state that in the case of a tie, the team with the most pins is victorious. The two teams were tied at six pins each. Next, the referees look at who won the most matches. Each team won seven matches. Finally, the referees ORRN DW ZKR VFRUHG Ă€UVW ZKLFK JDYH WKH ZLQ WR 7HVRUR 7KLV ZDV WKH 'ROSKLQV¡ Ă€UVW loss in League this season. Abedi said, “It was

pretty stupid how we lost after we tied because of criteria.â€? 2Q 7XHVGD\ 'HF WKH ER\V¡ LPSUHVVLYH ZLQ over El Toro was the ultimate way to start season. 6HQLRU $XVWLQ 'H9RQH SRXQG ZHLJKW FODVV SXW it simply: “We smashed domes OLNH QRERG\¡V ¡ELGQHVV ¡¾ 6HD 9LHZ /HDJXH )LQDOV

ZLOO WDNH SODFH RQ )HEUXDU\ DW $OLVR 1LJXHO +LJK 6FKRRO ´:H¡UH JRLQJ WR 0RUUR Bay for a tournament this week to get ready for League Finals. :H¡UH H[SHFWLQJ WR JHW Ă€UVW LQ League,â€? said Abedi. With the Tesoro duel being their only loss, the 'ROSKLQV ZLOO FRQĂ€GHQWO\ HQWHU League Finals.

photo by Emily Cullen

BLOCK: Senior Jordan Toavs ties up with his opponent. The team ultimately defeated Aliso Niguel on January 18.

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Soccer Ends Games in Ties By Kevin Cahillane Cub Sports Editor

photo by Quinn Mahony

SWEET VICTORY: The surf team ended their 2010-2011 season successfully, defeating Newport in its last meet on Tuesday, Jan. 18. The score was a close, but the team was excited to have defeated 1HZSRUW IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LQ WKUHH \HDUV $OWKRXJK the Dolphins fell short in boys’ longboard and boys’ shortboard, wins in girls’ longboard, girls’ shortboard and boys’ bodyboard pushed the team to victory. Sophomore Scott Weinhardt and senior Sam Orozco of boys’ shortboard gave the most notable performances of the meet. Freshman Nickiah Shetley RQFH DJDLQ DFKLHYHG Ă€UVW SODFH LQ ER\V¡ ERG\ERDUG while senior Sebastian Perez placed second.

gling team from San Juan Hills High School. The Stallions struggled during the pre-season, and the girls took advantage with a convincing win of 6-0. The boys’ team has not quite followed in the girls’ successful path. On Friday Jan. 14, the boys pulled off a 2-2 tie against a strong team of Cougars from Capistrano Valley High School. The boys hosted the league-leading Mission Viejo Diablos on Wednesday, Jan.

12 with high hopes of winning. Unfortunately, the Dolphins were defeated, 4-0. For the second game in the league play, the boys journeyed to Trabuco Hills. The result was a 0-0 tie. The boys started the season off on a high note with a 3-0 win at home against the San Juan Hills Stallions on Wednesday, Jan. 5. Captain Dara Diba put it best when he said, “We are gunning to win league by embracing a brand new up-an-at’em attitude.�

The Dolphins hope to win their rematch against the Trabuco Hills Mustangs. Both the girls’ and the boys’ seasons are already in progress. The girls have been able to play with precision, ZKLOH WKH ER\V DUH ÀJKWLQJ DQ uphill battle against a vicious competition for the title of league champions. So far this season, the girls have achieved a respectable 3-0-1 record. Meanwhile, the boys have had a rougher start and are now 1-1-2.

Soccer is back, and the girls are taking the Sea View League by storm. With league play already in progress, our Lady Dolphins are living up to the expectations. For their second game of the league, the girls representing Dana traveled to Tesoro for the most anticipated high school game of the year. The result was a 2-2 draw. ´7HVRUR ZDV GHĂ€QLWHO\ our hardest game, and we should have beat them but we play them on January 20 and we will beat them this time. It will be a really good game,â€? said senior Kelly Whelan. Whelan was right. The rematch against Tesoro was a hard-fought match. Unfortunately, the outcome was not as the senior had hoped. Junior Lynsey Gaines scored a crucial goal in the secRQG KDOI EXW WKH Ă€IWK UDQNHG Titans tied the fourth-ranked Dolphins. On Thursday, Jan. 13, the girls squared off against the Cougars, a solid team out of Capistrano Valley High School. Led by the unyielding goalie Kelly McCormick, the Dolphins came out on top by a score of 2-0. The girls played the Hawks from Laguna Hills High School on Tuesday, Jan. 11. The girls won the close game, !"#$#%&'%()*+'%,-++./ ending with a 2-1 victory. To open league play, the FORWARD: Junior Lynsey Gaines makes a fast break from Laguna Hills defenders at the Lady Dolphins hosted a strug- team’s match on Tuesday, Jan. 11.

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Loss Ties Lady Dolphins in League; New League Proves Tough for Boys By Tyler Hartung Guest Writer

By Marilyn La Jeunesse Guest Writer



With the start of a new year came the start of South Coast League play for the boys’ basketball team. Although the boys did not achieve the pre-league record that they had been hoping for, they still went into League with the hope of winning the school’s second South Coast League title. “We’ve been practicing hard and watching tape of all our opponents,â€? said team captain Dylan Schumacher, a senior. The Dolphins’ most recent game had them facing off against the Mission Viejo Diablos, who have a 22-0 record at this point in the season. On January 21, the boys, who had previously been blown out by Mission, came out of the gates strong and were only down by four at halftime. A third quarter surge gave the Dolphins a sevenpoint lead at the beginning of the fourth quarter. However, the Diablos followed with a surge of their own and remained undefeated with a 57-52 victory. The Dolphins then faced Laguna Hills in a non-league game on January 19. The game went back and forth, with ERWK WHDPV Ă€JKWLQJ KDUG XQWLO the very end. Ultimately, the Dolphins came out on top with a close 49-45 victory. Schumacher and senior Jeremy Bass both came through in the clutch late in the fourth quarter–Schumacher with a three-pointer and Bass with free throws. On January 14, the team’s next League opponents were the Capo Valley Cougars, who came into the contest with an impressive 16-4 record. $ SRRU Ă€UVW TXDUWHU spelled defeat for the Dolphins, as they were unable to recover IURP WKH HDUO\ GHĂ€FLW ORVLQJ WR the Cougars by a score of 5338. With the new leagues drawn up this year, the Dolphins found themselves playing against El Toro in OHDJXH FRPSHWLWLRQ IRU WKH Ă€UVW time. On January 12, the game remained close until the third quarter, when the Dolphins were able to pull away and consolidate the victory, 59-53. Junior Alex Brown and senior Jeremy Bass collectively scored more than half of the team’s point, with 17 and 16 points, respectively. 7KLV ZDV WKH Ă€UVW time that the Dolphins have defeated El Toro during Head Coach Tom Desiano’s tenure. Schumacher attributed the victory to an overall team effort and a 10-0 run in the third quarter. On January 7, the team traveled to Tesoro, looking for their second league victory. First-year varsity member Ian Wright, a sophomore, led the way with 12 points and 10 rebounds.

After numerous practices and half a dozen games, the girls’ basketball team is performing well in League and has achieved multiple wins. In their battle against Laguna Hills on Monday, Jan. 24, the lady Dolphins suffered their third loss, with a score of 43-51. 7KH JLUOV VWDUWHG WKH Ă€UVW half of the game well, with a Ă€YH SRLQW OHDG DJDLQVW WKHLU RSponents; however, the Hawks retaliated by scoring a miraculous 23 points in the last quarter alone. Senior Katherine ChasWDLQ VDLG ´:H GHĂ€QLWHO\ SOD\HG really well last night. This loss ZDV WRXJK EXW LW ZLOO GHĂ€QLWHO\ make us stronger.â€? On Thursday, Jan. 20, the lady Dolphins endured their second league loss to San Clemente by a mere six points, ending the game at 35-41. The game began with DQ KROG LQ WKH Ă€UVW TXDUWHU with Dana pulling four points ahead by the end of the second quarter. But by the last half of the game, the ladies weren’t able to pull through, and San Clemente gained 26 points. “We had a bad start this game, and in the end we couldn’t pull though with a win,â€? said junior Laura Johnson. On Tuesday, Jan. 18, the eight team members triumphed over the Mission Viejo Diablos. The Diablos were missing two starters and were unable to stop the Dolphins from dominating the boards. The game began slowly with only a four-point lead for the Dolphins; however, this lead increased dramatically by the second half. With captains Olivia Winokur, Hayley Nordback and Kristi Nishihira scoring 13 points each, the Dolphins conquered the Diablos. The girls achieved a 22-point victory over Mission Viejo, 54-32. The Dolphins defeated the El Toro Chargers on ThursGD\ -DQ ZLWK D Ă€QDO VFRUH of 52-41, the girls’ second League win. The Dolphins held their lead over the Chargers for the entire game. Nordback was the lead scorer with 19 points; Winokour followed close behind with a total of 18 points. 7KH JLUOV¡ Ă€UVW /HDJXH win was against the Tritons RQ 7XHVGD\ -DQ 7KH Ă€QDO score was a close 55-51. The Dolphins pulled ahead of the Tritons, scoring 23 points in the last quarter. With two games left in league, the girls have a record of 3-3-0. Their next League game will be on February 7 against El Toro; the team’s last League game will be against Mission Viejo on February 9. Winokur commented, “League is more competitive this year. At this point, as long as we get the job done and win the rest of our games, we could potentially win League.â€?

photo by Emma Werderman

TOUGH SHOT: Senior Kristi Nishihira goes in for a lay-up despite an El Toro defender’s attempts to block the shot.

photo courtesy of Tony Tribolet

DRIBBLING: Senior Dylan Schumacher takes the ball down the middle of the court. However, the boys came up short and lost 59-41. “We started the game 1-19 (shooting), so once we got down like that, it was tough to try and come back,â€? Schumacher explained. “We just didn’t play well at all.â€? On January 5, the team’s Ă€UVW JDPH RI WKH QHZ \HDU ZDV against the undefeated Mission Viejo Diablos. Despite a valiant effort by the Dolphins, the team was unable to cut the opposition’s lead to less than 10 at any point

in the game; the boys lost by a Ă€QDO VFRUH RI The Dolphins recognized that they have room to improve and will look to do so as League competition continues. “The rest of our games are at home, so playing in front of our crowd will help us,â€? said Schumacher. Schumacher added, ´:H¡UH JRLQJ WR NHHS Ă€JKWLQJ towards making CIF and then trying to make a run from there.â€?

photo courtesy of Tony Tribolet

SHOOTING FOR THREE: Senior Jeremy Bass shoots from long range, well above the opposition’s defense.

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