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just been kind of a neat thing.” Mable, another resident at Ecumen Le Center who is in her late 90s, suffers from anxiety, dementia and Alzheimer’s, is a different person when Sweet Pea is by her side. “(Mable) always has to sit in her wheelchair where she can see the dining room,” said Carter. “I think being alone is scary for her. But on the days Sweet Pea lays with her on her bed, she doesn’t call out.” Sally Gallaher, who started working at Ecumen Le Center as the weekend cook this past November, has also taken notice to Sweet Pea’s impact on the residents. “She is a real spitfire, so she really brings lot of smiles and laughter to them,” Gallaher said. “Everyone just enjoys her and loves her. She’s always out and about.” Unlike the other cat that boards at Ecumen Le Center, Sweet Pea is never shy about interacting with the residents. “They just get a kick out of how she likes to sleep on their chairs, or she likes to chase the other cat,” Gallaher said. “She’s just really spunky and brings lot of life to all of us. On the gloomiest day, Sweet Pea is always there to brighten it.” Both Carter and Gallaher agree that having Sweet Pea at Ecumen Le Center creates a feeling of comfort and connection the residents need. “It’s good for people to have that,” Carter said. “People have nurturing and they need to have something to care about. Somebody, something, and Sweet Pea — I think fulfills that for them.” M

“On the gloomiest day, Sweet Pea is there to brighten it.” | John Cross 20 • may 2014 • MANKATO MAGAZINE

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