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Fall 2012 Volume 5

CELEBR ATE The Gift of Life

Epilogue for Thomas This letter was written by Marc Quinet on behalf of and in honour of his 14 year old son, Thomas.

The Hampson family – the gift of life given twice.

WHAT’S INSIDE Epilogue from Thomas . . . . . . . . . 1 Message from the Chairman . . . . 3 Message from the CEO . . . . . . . . . 4 The Gift of Life Given Twice The Hampson Family . . . . . . . . . 5 Miracle Concert Gala Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Our Newest Board Members . . . . 8 Our Valued Partners . . . . . . . . . DFF Volunteer Profile . . . . . . . . Follow us on:

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y name is Thomas-Paul Quinet. I was born on December 23, 1996 and passed away on September 4, 2011… much too young! When I was just hours old, my parents were told I had Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic and life threatening disease. My parents, Marc Quinet and Suzanne Camu, decided they would give me the best life possible and do everything they could to make it a long and happy one. In my early years my disease was kept under good control and I enjoyed a wonderful family life with my parents, grandparents and extended family. Everyone spoiled me a bit and I liked that! J’ai appris a patiner, a nager, a jouer au mini-golf, a faire du go-kart, et surtout, a vivre normalement. J’ai voyage avec mes parents un peu au Canada pour voir mes cousins de Calgary et de Montreal, et aux Etats-Unis, notamment a New York, et en Floride. Soon I was having trips to the hospital and short stays for various infections and I was on many medications. I enjoyed going to school and made many friends, but wished I could be more active in the sports I had previously practised. continued on page 2

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I had time to enjoy a trip to Legoland, but eventually my illness caught up with me and I was listed for a double lung transplant. We had to move to Toronto to be close to SickKids Hospital. This caused a financial burden for my parents, but the David Foster Foundation stepped in and provided tremendous support to my family, and I even got to meet David Foster and have my picture taken with him! I was very lucky in Toronto because I received my transplant after waiting only 3 weeks. It wasn’t easy recovering from the surgery but I was looking forward to going back to school and being able to breathe easy… and I did! For awhile I was able to play sports and be very active with my friends. I had many wonderful experiences, like going to football, baseball and hockey games, Indy car racing, meeting sport celebrities and visiting many zoos, which was one of my favourite hobbies. I also learned a lot about computers and the internet. I started to make videos to post on Youtube and I am proud to say I had so many hits on my videos that ‘Google’ actually paid me!! Why don’t you visit my videos on Youtube at 99wasup. During this time, I decided I wanted to get my story out to the public… maybe I could help educate others! I asked my parents to contact Barbara Turnbull at the Toronto Star and she interviewed us and published our story.

Thomas-Paul Quniet holding a special possession, an autographed NHL football.

“We had to move to Toronto to be close to SickKids Hospital. This caused a financial burden for my parents, but the David Foster Foundation stepped in” However, after a couple of years, my body started to reject my new lungs and my health declined greatly. My parents and I did a lot of research hoping to find a solution that could prolong my life. We even went out to Edmonton to get a second opinion from the hospital there, as the doctors in Toronto wanted to list me for another double lung transplant. Eventually, however we had to accept their opinion as the Edmonton doctors agreed. In 2010 we had to move to Toronto again to await new lungs. This time however, the wait was very long, over a year and during that time my health continued to decline. I was glad that I had so many supportive family members and friends, who visited me in Toronto. It was very hard on my parents as they tried so hard to find a solution to save my life. They even created advertisements that were published in newspapers across Canada encouraging people to become organ and tissue donors. No new lungs came available, and on September 4, 2011, surrounded by my parents and family members, my body gave up the fight. There was a huge outpouring of support for my family and I appreciated all the kindnesses and cards and visits my parents received over the next several weeks and indeed, continue to receive! They are struggling to deal with the loss of their only child! However, my parents are not giving up the fight! They are both committed to increasing public registration for organ and tissue donation. My father sees his future career as serving in some capacity in the Health Care field. They wish to honour me in everything they do. I know how much they loved me and I was so lucky to have them for my parents. I did not live in vain! Please register as an organ and tissue donor. For more information about organ donor registration, please visit the David Foster Foundation website. www.davidfosterfoundation.com


Message from the Chairman “My hope is that with the 30 by 30 campaign we are able to ensure the foundation is here for these families for years into the future; parents of children requiring major organ transplant have so many things to worry about and every dollar raised helps us ensure that finances aren’t one of them.”


f someone had told me 25 years ago, when I first started the David Foster Foundation, that we would stage an event like the gala celebration we held this past May, I would not have believed them. It seemed fitting that we would return to my treasured hometown — the site of the very first David Foster Foundation event in 1987 — for our 25 year anniversary celebration, and Victoria did not disappoint. Thousands of supporters and volunteers contributed to make the weekend completely unforgettable and raise both much-needed funds that support our families and awareness of the importance of being a registered organ donor. I cannot thank everyone enough for their contributions and am overwhelmed and grateful that because of that support, we are able to help so many families going through the hardest time of their lives. To that end, I am very excited about our new 30 by 30 campaign in which we hope to raise 30 million dollars by our 30th anniversary. When you are faced with a parent’s desperate need to comfort and heal their sick child, it is never enough to simply coast on previous achievements, to be content with past lives saved. This is why the David Foster Foundation is constantly striving to increase awareness for donor registration and to continually raise money to help an ever-growing number of families. My hope is that with the 30 by 30

campaign we are able to ensure the foundation is here for these families for years into the future; parents of children requiring major organ transplant have so many things to worry about and every dollar raised helps us ensure that finances aren’t one of them. Every registered donor has the potential to save multiple lives, and every dollar raised gives a devastated family hope and comfort in a very bleak time. There is no greater accomplishment or purpose than to be able to contribute positively to these ends, no matter how small that contribution may be. Registering as an organ donor is the simplest way to save someone’s life (more information on the process can be found at www.davidfosterfoundation.com). I am humbled by the accomplishments of this past year, and believe that with continued enthusiasm, compassion and support from communities all across Canada and the United States, we can provide families with the financial assistance they need for many years to come.


David Foster, Founder and Chairman

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Message from the CEO


his past year was an extraordinary one for the David Foster Foundation. Not only did we host a fantastic event celebrating our 25th anniversary, but more importantly, we have helped more families than ever before. Since its inception in 1986, the David Foster Foundation has been committed to raising awareness for organ donation and to helping families with children facing a major organ transplant deal with their numerous and disparate financial concerns. Back when David first received a call from his mother with a request to visit a sick child in hospital, no one could have conceived that the foundation would grow to this size. Each year we help an increasing number of families through a very difficult time — the main reason we are able to do this is because of financial donors and volunteers like you. This year alone, hundreds of volunteers gave thousands of hours to help make the 25th anniversary gala celebration in David’s home town of Victoria a tremendous success; we raised 4.6 million dollars in one night. And a further 2 million dollar commitment over the next 10 years was made to the foundation by the Oak Bay Beach Hotel. This is a huge step in reaching the goal of our new 30 by 30 campaign, which sees the foundation striving to raise 30 million dollars by our 30th anniversary in 2017. The unwavering support of tremendous corporate sponsors like Oak Bay Beach Hotel, Telus, Westjet and numerous others has made the 30 million dollar goal look like an achievable reality.

“This year alone, hundreds of volunteers gave thousands of hours to help make the 25th anniversary gala celebration in David’s home town of Victoria a tremendous success; we raised over 4.6 million dollars in one night.” not exist without them and we are so very grateful for each minute that they contribute to helping us and therefore our families. I am thrilled to introduce our two newest board members, Rebecca McDonald (from Toronto) and Levi Sampson (from Victoria) who lend their business acumen, expertise and passion to the David Foster Foundation. Rebecca and Levi join our incredibly strong and dynamic board as we launch into the 30 by 30 five year national campaign to ensure we can continue to support thousands of Canadian families in times of medical emergencies, for generations to come. Looking to the future, we are firmly committed to the 30 million dollar goal. With increased awareness and support, I believe we can and will achieve our goal and I know its impact will be immeasurable. I would like to personally extend my heartfelt gratitude to every volunteer, supporter, sponsor and contributor who has brought the David Foster Foundation to where we are today.

Kind regards,

Mike Ravenhill, Chief Executive Officer

To say the volunteers of the David Foster Foundation are an integral part of the fund raising efforts would be a profound understatement. To put it simply, we could


Fall 2012


The Gift of Life Given Twice… The Story of the Hampson Family Alyson, the Hampson’s second child, was born May 25, 2011 at a teeny 4 lbs 14 oz. After she was born, early blood tests revealed that her liver was fine but later Alyson’s dad noticed her eyes were a little jaundiced. Doctors did blood work which confirmed the parents’ fears. Alyson’s liver was failing. She was tested and, just like Logan, no diagnosis was able to be made. Alyson was listed on December 15th, 2011. During that time Alyson’s dad, Jason, was being worked up to be a living donor for her. Alyson was seven months old and had been worse off than Logan when the transplant occurred. The Hampson family from left to right: Lynn, Logan, Jason and Alyson.


lose your eyes. Breathe. Everything is quiet. Then imagine a team of doctors and nurses walks into your 19 month old son’s hospital room and says “We are afraid the next virus will be fatal, we feel transplant is his best option”.

Less than three years later, it’s deja vu with your six-monthold daughter. This time a surgeon walks into your room a week before her first Christmas and says, “We’re worried she only has days”. We have heard these words before. Logan Hampson was born on August 18, 2008 at 6 lbs 9 oz., he was perfectly healthy. He was 4 and a half months when he presented with flu-like symptoms. Within a week Logan was completely yellow. Nothing was adding up. During the next 15 months Logan was in and out of liver failure four times. The last time, in March 2009, was when the word “fatal” was uttered. The doctors at Toronto SickKids hospital tested Logan for everything they could think of that would explain why he was in chronic liver failure but could not come up with a diagnosis. Logan was listed for transplant and his mother, Lynn was identified as a potential living donor for him. The surgery was scheduled for May 28th 2009. It was an amazing day. The surgeon said the Lynn’s liver was made to fit. Logan was a champ, and was discharged from hospital 13 days post-transplant.

Being so little and so sick was a challenge for Alyson. Jason’s liver was large and Alyson’s abdomen was kept open for two and a half weeks until swelling went down and she was able to be closed. She spent two weeks in the ICU and was released from hospital one month post-transplant. They say that having not one but two children with liver transplants is hard enough to go through, without having to worry about financial situations on top of that. With Logan’s transplant the family had to uproot their lives and move in with their father-in-law. The family went in to debt, not wanting to accept a lot of help. However, with Alyson the family was happy where they lived, they knew their neighbours, they loved Logan’s school and finally felt settled. Almost three and a half years after his transplant, Logan is a loving, caring, hilarious, energetic little boy. Alyson is coming up to a year post-transplant and although there are complications slowing her down, they are not liver related. She is a beautiful, playful, happy little girl. Lynn and Jason are thankful every day to be able to laugh and play with their children. The foundation exists to help families like the Hampson’s. Hearing stories like theirs makes us continue to believe in and feel proud of the work we do, knowing that we make difference in the lives of these brave and resilient children and their families. David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Miracle Concert Gala Weekend ”When stars come out to play, Miracles Happen…”


Shane Parker and son, Deacon Sunshine-Parker, David Foster Foundation Family.

hen the dust finally settles, Victorians will look back on a weekend that saw the naming of the longest harbour front path in North America at 5 kilometres, David Foster Way, the brainchild of Foster’s close friend and protégé, Michael Bublé, who flew in solely for the unveiling. Over $100,000 was raised during CFAX 1070’s Foster Friday radio telethon, and CTV2 broadcast live from the Fairmont Empress’ red carpet as guests and celebrities arrived for a sold out dinner and concert, hosted by the Oak Bay Beach Hotel at the Fairmont Empress. The Save on Food Memorial Concert and Gala dinner hit the highest notes, where the live auction and impromptu raised over $2 million. Combined with sponsorships and personal donations, Victoria gave its resident “HITMAN” a truly warm welcome home and embraced his foundation dedicated to providing financial support to Canadian families with children in need of life-saving organ transplants. Just before the curtain dropped on Saturday’s 6,000-person sold out concert, David Foster announced that $4.6 million had been raised for his Miracle Weekend in Victoria.

Loreen Harper, wife of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with the Canadian Tenors, Victor Micallef, Fraser Walters, and Clifton Murray.

Sarah McLachlan, Celebrity Gala Performer.


Fall 2012

Miracle Concert Gala Dinner.


Miracle Concert Gala Weekend

Josh Groban, Celebrity Gala Performer.

Michael Bublé, David Foster and City of Victoria Mayor, Dean Fortin, at the unveiling of “David Foster Way”

David Foster Foundation kid, Evanne Fisher and friends at CFAX’s Foster Friday.

David Foster with CFAX Volunteers hosting the “Foster Friday Radio-a-thon”.

David Foster and Wayne Gretsky, Winner of the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Rick Hanson, Celebrity Gala Guest.

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Meet our Newest Board Members Jeffrey Latimer


effrey Latimer has produced and managed live theatre, musical productions, artists, events and sponsorships in North America for the past 20 years. His company, based in Toronto develops, creates, produces, presents and manages the best artists, live entertainment, events, TV and film. Jeffrey and his associate Max Kubiak manage the Canadian Tenors, currently with two Platinum albums. They also co-manage Neverest, a young pop rock band with many hit songs on the radio, and an awesome Juno award-winning sole artist named Sean Jones. As well, they manage actress Lisa Ray (host of Top Chef Canada) and Ron White – Canada’s Shoe. Jeffrey is executive producer of “The Canadian Tenors: Live From the Royal Conservatory” for PBS TV, with guests David Foster and Sarah McLachlan, producer of CBC TV’s 2010 holiday hit special “Season of Song: The Canadian Tenors and Friends” (winner of two Gemini TV awards) starring David Foster, Paul Anka, Charice, Jackie Evancho and Justin Bieber, and of Global TV’s “Holiday Festival on Ice” in 2011. Jeffrey is also the executive producer of Gravity’s Pull, staring Gil Bellows which has just completed shooting in Cuba. Jeffrey’s charity work is vast; including: • Chairing The ONEXONE Foundation gala headed by Matt Damon and the Community Outreach Board of the SickKids Foundation. • Currently on the Board of The Jays Care Foundation, • Chair of Free the Children’s WE Day Toronto (3rd year) • Chair of Ron White’s “White Knight Foundation” (3rd Year) • In 2010 Jeffrey chaired the David Foster Foundation Toronto gala event with special guests Warren Buffet, Muhammed Ali and others, raising over three million in one night.


Fall 2012

Rebecca MacDonald


ebecca MacDonald is a founder and current Executive Chair of Just Energy Group, a Toronto based marketer of deregulated natural gas and electricity. Just Energy currently supplies more than 2 million customers across Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, having signed their first customer in 1997. Ms. MacDonald has been involved in the sale of deregulated natural gas and electricity for the past 25 years. Just Energy has annual sales of $2.8 billion, EBITDA of $283 million and currently pays out more than $173 million annually to its shareholders. Just Energy has recently expanded into two related businesses. Its JustGreen products offer customers an opportunity to reduce or eliminate their carbon footprint. The company has quickly grown to be one of the largest retailers of green electricity in North America. Its National Home Services division offers the rental of water heaters and HVAC equipment to residential customers in Ontario and is in the process of expanding into new jurisdictions. Just Energy trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange under the symbol JE. Ms. MacDonald immigrated in 1974 to Canada. In 1998 she founded Energy Marketing Inc., the first company which targeted small customers under Canadian natural gas deregulation. Following the sale of that business, in 1995 she founded a new company which aggregated customers within the UK natural gas deregulation which was again sold. She was a founder of Just Energy in 1997 with the intent of building a substantial company that could go public. Just Energy went public in 2001. In the ensuing years, Just Energy has been considered the most successful income trust in Canadian history. Its shareholders have seen a more than 400% capital appreciation plus they have received more than 400% return in cash distributions.


Ms. MacDonald was named Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year for 2002 by the Rotman School of Business. She was named Canada’s top woman CEO for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 by Profit Magazine. She was named Ontario Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young in 2003. Ms. MacDonald won the International Horatio Alger Award in 2009. She is Vice Chair of Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto and founded the Rebecca MacDonald Centre for Arthritis Research at the Hospital, sits on the Board of Canadian Pacific Railway and is involved in several other charities. She received an honourary PhD from the University of Victoria in 2009.

Levi Sampson


evi Sampson is President and co-owner of Nanaimo’s largest private employer, Harmac Pacific which employs over 300 men and women. Levi is a fresh face in the pulp industry and was instrumental in saving Harmac from being permanently shut down in the summer of 2008. His efforts included an impassioned speech before the B.C. Supreme Court, and his success has even inspired an upcoming feature film. Along with Levi’s involvement at Harmac Pacific, he is also part owner of CHEK Television and sits as Chairman of the Board. CHEK Television is another company that followed suit and adopted the employee-ownership model. The employee-ownership model provides all employees with a say in the future of their company, and a share in the revenue. Levi has been described as a visionary and an inspirational leader in the hallowed halls of British Columbia’s legislative assembly. Levi Sampson is also the host of a television series, Sky’s the Limit (skysthelimittv.com). Sky’s the Limit is a non-fiction television series that fuses the best of business travel and international culture into one great, and inspiring, family-friendly show. Sky’s the Limit follows two young entrepreneurs as they pursue and accomplish their goals.

Due to all of the success that Levi Sampson has accomplished for his innovative ideas, he has received accolades in every major media outlet in the country. Due to the impact that Levi has had on the city of Nanaimo, the Nanaimo Daily News has twice, in the past three years, ranked him 1st in Nanaimo’s 20 Most Powerful People list. Both Harmac Pacific and CHEK Television are considered enormous success stories in British Columbia. Levi Sampson is active in a variety of community and charity events. His belief of giving back to the community started at a young age and is an integral part of Levi’s life. The most recent event that Levi helped spearhead was Youth Sticking Together. This community event included over 40 youth attempting to break a world record for the longest street hockey game with the funds raised going to three great organizations: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Vancouver Island, Crimson Coast Dance Society, and the Nanaimo Youth Ball Hockey League. Levi served as a great mentor and leader for this group of youth. Levi also puts his name to the annual “Chicks with Sticks” golf tournament, which helps raise money for the kids support line. In addition, Levi speaks at corporate functions and in various high schools and universities throughout North America as a motivational speaker. He discusses what it means to be a leader in your community, the importance of giving back and how to set and achieve goals. At the age of 31, Levi Sampson has accomplished what most would achieve in a lifetime. He has a strong belief in the power of people and is passionate when it comes to helping a team achieve higher goals than imaginable. Levi and his wife Stacey live in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada and enjoy an active outdoors lifestyle with a passion for travel. The David Foster Foundation is pleased to welcome Jeffrey, Rebecca and Levi to the board and is looking forward to their contributions in helping support families with children undergoing life-saving organ transplants across Canada. David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Our Valued Partners support families with children undergoing life-saving organ transplants but also provides the Foundation with the ability to get our message out about the importance of organ donation in Canada.

The David Foster Foundation is an exceptional organization that TELUS is honoured to have as a partner,” says Jill Schnarr, TELUS vice-president, Community Affairs. “We are equally passionate about raising awareness of the chronic shortage of organs needed for transplants in Canada and taking collective action to ease the burden for families as their children fight bravely for their lives.” Are you an organ donor? Find out and register today!


ELUS is one of the David Foster Foundation’s main Corporate Sponsors. Their philanthropic spirit is rooted in the belief that in order to do well in business, they must do ‘good’ in the communities where they live, work and serve. That’s why when customers choose TELUS; their support directly impacts the company’s ability to give back to local communities by supporting the work of organizations like the David Foster Foundation. TELUS’ philosophy – We Give Where We Live – is about TELUS and their team members sharing their generosity of spirit to make a meaningful difference for those in need.

We are so pleased to have TELUS on board with our foundation. TELUS’ dedication to the communities it serves is truly amazing. We are so grateful to be working with a company that is truly making a difference in the lives of organ transplant recipients.” – David Foster, chairman and founder, David Foster Foundation

Did you know that TELUS has more than 2700 current, former and retired team members who volunteer in 21 communities where they live, work and serve across BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec?

During the 2012 National Organ Donor Awareness Week, TELUS along with the David Foster Foundation recognized the occasion with the launch of a new website, Days in Wait. Days In Wait refers to the number of days a donor recipient has been waiting to receive a life-saving organ. This website is an online community where Canadians can research information, ask questions and register to be an organ donor. The site will also enable Canadians touched by organ donation to share their stories of hope, support and inspiration.

There are many awareness websites, but nothing until now really put a face to the numbers,” Jill explains. “Like David Foster, everyone at TELUS was deeply moved by learning that more than 4,000 Canadians are waiting for life-saving organ transplants and that nearly 200 Canadians died last year still waiting. We hope that by using technology to share their stories through daysinwait.com, Canadians will be inspired to register as organ donors.” – Jill Schnarr, TELUS Vice-President Community Affairs

The David Foster Foundation is proud and fortunate to partner with a major community-minded company like TELUS, who truly gives where they live, and are committed to creating change and improving lives in communities across Canada. This partnership enables the David Foster Foundation to not only financially


Fall 2012


Our Valued Partners Did you know that watching TV or being on Facebook can help support families receiving assistance from the David Foster Foundation?

children in need of organ transplants. For every “Like” on the David Foster Foundation Facebook page, TELUS has generously offered to donate $2 towards family support.

Through the TV for Good campaign, every new TELUS TV customer in Victoria from February 9, 2011 to November 1, 2011, the David Foster Foundation received $100. Due to the great success of the first campaign, a second campaign was launched from November 14, 2011 to May 14, 2012. Thanks to TELUS and their customers across Canada, the David Foster Foundation received a combined total of $600,000 to support families with

Did you know that by the end of 2013, TELUS, their team members and partners will have contributed over $2 million in support of the David Foster Foundation? The David Foster Foundation would like to say Thank you to TELUS and TELUS team members across Canada for your support – you are truly making a difference in communities across Canada.

“ “

– Parent of a David Foster Foundation Family

– WestJet CEO, Gregg Saretsky

WestJet helps other family members to visit and stay connected to the child or sibling who was admitted into hospital, often far from home. Without them, this would not be possible.”

WestJet’s mission is to enrich the lives of everyone’s world by providing safe, friendly and affordable air travel. Contributing to the David Foster Foundation and the important work they are doing providing support to Canadian families with children in need of life-saving organ transplants is a natural and meaningful extension of enriching lives. It is a tremendous honor to be associated with the great work of the foundation.”


t the beginning of 2012, WestJet graciously renewed their partnership with the David Foster Foundation by donating 150 round trip flights for a second year. These flights are instrumental in enabling us to help transport families and patients to the medical services they require in times of crisis and to their ongoing clinic and follow up appointments throughout the year.

The David Foster Foundation is there for those times when the parents need help; those times that are really hard and stressful for parents. During these times, it would be really hard to survive or to maintain our home; everything is possible because of David Foster Foundation.”

– Parent of a David Foster Foundation Family

With the David Foster Foundation working in close correlation with WestJet Canada, I have personally witnessed families’ stress alleviated by the companies working together to cover flight expenses to and from Edmonton. Parents have been able to return home to take care of their other children, tend to job responsibilities, and have been flown back to Edmonton to ensure they’re supporting their child who has undergone transplant surgery. The process of the David Foster Foundation and WestJet Canada working together is nothing short of efficient, empathetic, and professional when accommodating transplant families.”

– Kyla Elder, Transplant Social Worker, Edmonton Stollery Children’s Hospital

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Our Valued Partners DFF Volunteer Profile Jamie Cormier is a 23 year old liver transplant patient who lives in Victoria BC. We asked Jamie some questions about what makes him tick. How long have you been a volunteer with DFF? I have been a volunteer with the David Foster Foundation for about 2 years now.


he David Foster Foundation collaborated with the Walker family, owners of the Oak Bay Beach Hotel, to develop a sustainable income stream for the Foundation to help the ongoing efforts to financially assist families with children undergoing organ transplants, with essential non-medical expenses. On April 12, 2011, Oak Bay Beach Hotel generously committed to 2 million dollars in funding over the next 10 years. When the Oak Bay Beach Hotel re-opens in Fall 2012, it will not only be Victoria’s premier destination resort and spa, it will also be home to the famed David Foster Foundation Theatre. A special wall feature is being constructed where the story of the Foundation will be told. The Hotel has committed to hosting David Foster Foundation branded events to further strengthen awareness of organ donation and fundraising for the foundation. This collaboration will see the Hotel donating a portion of the proceeds from every dinner theatre ticket sold for the next ten years to the David Foster Foundation, benefitting the families of children needing organ transplants. To date the Oak Bay Beach Hotel has donated $236,800 to the David Foster Foundation.

What motivated you to become a volunteer? So far, this is the easiest question out of the bunch to answer! I know what DFF families are going through having been in their position. So I wanted to do what I could to do my part to help make their lives easier, their families lives easier and the lives of those who work for this foundation day and night easier! Also I felt it was the perfect way to give back for what this foundation has given me and continues to give me throughout my life; hope. What kind of transplant did you have? I had a liver transplant on July 16th, 1989. How did the David Foster Foundation impact your life? The David Foster Foundation didn’t just impact my life, it SAVED my life! I truly believe that without the David Foster Foundation I wouldn’t be here today! If you could make one wish what would it be? That’s a very hard question, I have so many wishes for my life and other people’s lives that picking one would be tough. But if I had to then I would wish for more foundations like the David Foster Foundation! It’s hard to imagine one foundation doing the unthinkable and tackling ALL the health problems around the world while they cure cancer at the same time but hey, wishes and dreams do come true. I’m a living testament to that!

To donate to the David Foster Foundation and support children and their families receiving life-saving organ transplants, please visit www.davidfosterfoundation.com or mail in your donation directly to:

David Foster Foundation, 212 Henry Street, Victoria, BC V9A 3H9 CANADA


Fall 2012


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