DFF 2015/2016 Winter Newsletter

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Winter 2015/2016 Volume 13

CELEBR ATE The Gift of Life

The Dickson Family’s Transplant Journey


Kidney recipient, Cora Dickson. Be sure to read about the Dickson family’s amazing story!

WHAT’S INSIDE The Dickson Family’s Transplant Journey Story . . . . . . Message from the CEO . . . . . . . . . .

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Message from the SVP, Fund Development . . . . . . . . . . .


Message from the Chairman . . . . .

Message from the Director of Family & Community Relations . . Toronto Miracle Gala & Concert . . . .

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2015 Vancouver Island Motor Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Operation: Registration . . . . . . . . . 11 2016 Winnipeg Miracle Gala & Concert . . . . . . 12 Follow us on:

n February 12, 2006, Chad and Sharlene Dickson welcomed their third child, Felix, into the world. For the first three weeks of his life, Felix was like any other baby — he ate, slept, cried and enchanted! He was the Dickson’s only son and they were thrilled to welcome him into their family. Sadly, three worry-free weeks was all the Dickson’s were given with their son. He was admitted to McMaster Children’s Hospital with pneumonia at three weeks old. After extensive bloodwork and many other tests, it was determined that his liver Felix Dickson showing off his transplant scar. was caked in bile from a condition known as biliary atresia. With biliary atresia, bile becomes trapped, builds up, and damages the liver. The damage leads to scarring, loss of liver tissue, and cirrhosis. continued on page 4

Message from the Chairman


015 has been such an amazing year for me personally and for the David Foster Foundation. Working on the new Disney album with some incredible talents has been such fun and I am so proud of what we have produced. I am even prouder of the accomplishments of the Foundation which raised over 6.5 million dollars on September 26th in Toronto! Stevie Wonder, Michael Bolton, Peter Cetera, Kiesza, Sinbad and many others put on an incredible show for our supporters, and I cannot thank them enough. We were even treated to a surprise performance by the legendary Gordon Lightfoot and Ronnie Hawkins who were in the gala audience that night. It truly was a night I will never forget. Most importantly, it was a night that raised an incredible amount of money for the families we support. Our work is so important, and it requires the support of thousands of generous people. The Foundation is able to fill a critical need for which funding is not otherwise available — taking care of the non-medical financial needs of families with children undergoing a life-saving organ transplant. Many children have to travel great distances to get the proper medical care, and this can place a huge financial burden on parents who are often forced to stop working. Paying the mortgage, rent or even buying groceries becomes impossible. No family should have to carry the burden of this experience, when their child is fighting for their life. 2016 looks to be another busy year for myself and the Foundation. We will be working hard to support even more families with critically sick children, it is work we could not do without the ongoing support of each and every corporate and individual donor, as well as the endless hard work of the Foundation staff and our Board of Directors. With the help of my friends and the


Winter 2015/2016

“Many children die waiting for an organ transplant and the majority of Canadians support organ donation but only a fraction of us are registered donors.� many generous donors and corporate sponsors, we have raised millions of dollars to help close to 1,000 families from all across Canada, and with your ongoing support we will be able to help many more. I am so thankful for each dollar we raise, but there is still so much work to be done. Many children die waiting for an organ transplant. The majority of Canadians support organ transplant, but only a fraction of us are registered donors. It takes less than five minutes to fill out the online registration form, but that five minutes could save many lives. Thank you all, and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Sincerely,

David Foster, Founder and Chairman

Visiting Toronto SickKids hospital in September 2015.


Message from the CEO


t is hard to believe 2015 is drawing to a close. This has been an incredibly busy year for the David Foster Foundation with our Operation: Registration initiative, bringing more awareness to organ donation through our social media and YouTube channel, and a tremendously successful Miracle Gala & Concert in Toronto on September 26th. So many people come together to help us make our galas possible and through them we have raised millions of dollars to help the families of critically sick children. We remain firmly committed to building this endowment so the David Foster Foundation can continue to help families for many generations. The Miracle Gala & Concert provides a spectacular backdrop for us to bring awareness to our cause, and to raise the necessary funds for us to continue making a difference in the lives of so many. This year was no exception. We had fantastic auction items and the bidding was quick and exciting! Our Sponsor a Family segment was even more exciting as many gala guests stepped up to pledge their support. It costs roughly $10,000 to support one family for one year. During our Sponsor a Family portion of the evening we raised $1,921,000 which will go directly towards non-medical family expenses. I would like to acknowledge the incredible financial support of our corporate sponsors for the Miracle Gala & Concert; our Presenting and National Partner TELUS in Partnership with WestJet, Luxury Sponsor; Bedat & Co., Miracle Maker Sponsor; CIBC Children’s Foundation, and our Red Carpet Sponsors; Boston Pizza and The Slaight Family Foundation. They make the world a better place with their commitment to helping those in need, and there is no greater need than that of a family with a truly sick child. Our work is so important, and it takes the collaboration and

“So many people come together to help us make our galas possible and through them we have raised millions of dollars to help the families of critically sick children. The Miracle Gala & Concert provides a spectacular backdrop for us to bring awareness to our cause, and to raise the necessary funds for us to continue making a difference in the lives of so many.” dedication of many supporters to ensure our viability and longevity. I look forward to continuing this work in 2016 and to helping build the David Foster Foundation’s endowment fund to ensure we can help many more families for years to come!

With gratitude and appreciation,

Mike Ravenhill, Chief Executive Officer

Mike Ravenhill with Stevie Wonder and David Foster at this year’s Miracle Gala & Concert.

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


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Chad and Sharlene say that time was, “simply amazing to physically see the difference in his physique, and energy level over the months to come. He soon had beans enough to stay up until 10 at night.”

Felix waiting for a life-saving liver transplant.

Cirrhosis is a chronic, liver condition caused by scar tissue and cell damage that makes it hard for the liver to remove toxins from the blood. These toxins build up in the blood and the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions. Without treatment, the liver eventually fails and the infant needs a liver transplant to stay alive. The doctors operated on Felix, performing what is known as the Kasai procedure. The Kasai procedure involves removing the blocked bile ducts and gallbladder and replacing them with a segment of the child’s own small intestine. This segment of intestine is sewn to the liver and functions as a new extrahepatic bile duct system. As soon as Chad and Sharlene were told about Felix’s condition, they decided to feed Felix only healthy foods; no sugar, white flour, or processed meats. They ground their own flour, baked their own bread, gave only natural vitamins, and relied heavily on their faith to help them through the dark times, asking God daily to extend their baby’s life. Through the years they were just thankful to have Felix still alive, and overlooked the fact that he had a huge belly, a protruding vein in his belly button, and turned yellow from time to time. His energy was sapped by seven in the evening and he always crashed like a derby car, but over the years the family just adapted and got used to Felix’s version of normal. The Dicksons soldiered along until one night, when they were awakened by Felix coming into their bedroom vomiting blood. He was once again rushed to McMaster Children’s Hospital where he was stabilized and the


Winter 2015/2016

family was told that he should be seen at SickKids Hospital in Toronto for a transplant assessment. There, he met the criteria for needing a new liver, and Chad volunteered as a living donor. Chad was nervous, not about the operation, but about being approved as a donor. It seemed like so much could go wrong. He was eventually approved, and less than a month later, the Dicksons received a call from SickKids Hospital saying that a date had been chosen for the procedure – Felix’s birthday, February 12, 2014. Chad had to rush to Toronto for last minute bloodwork and due to a miracle, he managed to make it to the lab before they closed, despite all traffic odds being against him! Five days later, Chad and Felix underwent surgery. Felix initially recovered better than Chad did, but after a week and a half, Felix’s bloodwork and overall appearance regressed suddenly. A bile leak was detected and he was operated on again. By this time, Chad was thankfully recovered enough to join Felix in his room at SickKids, and be with him all the time which was such a good thing as Felix was developing some serious anxiety issues at that time about all of his medical procedures. After another 3 ½ weeks of watching movies, drinking milkshakes and incredible care from the SickKids staff, Felix was ready to go home. Chad and Sharlene say that time was, “simply amazing to physically see the difference in his physique, and energy level over the months to come. He soon had beans enough to stay up until 10 at night. His balance was improved, not having a huge belly. He began to put some meat on his bones. And he could concentrate so much better with his schooling!” Chad says that Felix recovered far faster than he did reminiscing that it “took me a good six months to even feel like I could comfortably eat again. Oh, to be young again!”


“The Dickson’s luck would hold through this second transplant, and both Chad and Cora’s surgeries were textbook perfect.”

Cora plays doctor on her doll as she waits in the hospital.

Remarkably and sadly, during the time the Dicksons were fighting to save Felix’s life, their fifth child, Cora Nicole was born on October 29, 2012. Three days later, she was admitted to McMaster Children’s Hospital with dehydration, despite her breast-feeding normally. Tests revealed that she had kidney cysts and one kidney wasn’t working. She had a patchwork operation designed to buy her some time while a proper care plan could be devised. Chad and Sharlene were told Cora would need dialysis someday, or better – a kidney transplant. The Dicksons put this out of their minds, and just stuck to their faith, praying that God would heal her kidney somehow. Cora, much like her brother, is such a happy-go-lucky little girl. She has an ability to win your heart with a smile. As she grew into a toddler one couldn’t tell she had chronic kidney disease – it has been called the silent killer for a reason! Despite her bubbly outside appearance, the waste products kept increasing in Cora’s blood, and it reached a point when SickKids Hospital was alerted, and little Cora was assessed for a transplant. Chad once again inquired into the possibility of being a living donor. As a little over a year had passed since he gave a portion of his liver to Felix, and his blood work was a match, Chad was approved as Cora’s living donor. He would once again save the life of one of his children. This time Chad was a little nervous about the operation itself, knowing full well how uncomfortable it was to give up a piece of his liver! It was a lonely feeling, getting

up at 5 in the morning the day of surgery, and making his way alone from Ronald McDonald House to Toronto General for round two of organ donations. However, Chad was lucky enough to have the same surgeon operate on him who had saved his son Felix’s life just one year before. As luck or divine intervention would have it, the Dickson’s luck would hold through this second transplant, and both Chad and Cora’s surgeries were textbook perfect. Cora is now four months out of surgery – she was running around after two months! Chad wrote to the David Foster Foundation and said of Cora: “She never lost her smile or her life-affirming gift of love that she imparts to everyone she meets. As I write this, she is just now weathering her first cold virus, and hopefully will be rid of it soon. It is remarkable, that in our family, where sometimes we bring in viruses backto-back, that both of our transplant kids were sicknessfree for almost four months post-transplant. It hurts sometimes to take the family out of social encounters for a time, but as we explain it to the kids, it’s for a greater good.” The Dicksons credit much of their strength to their faith and in their letter to the Foundation said: “But I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” This verse from the Bible explains how the David Foster Foundation has given to us. It was there when we could only see the difficult road ahead, but instead we were able to see the incredible gifts and provision made for us. It was also in that dark place, when we may have been questioning why our two children had such unlikely and strenuous circumstances, that we felt the incredible reassurance that we were cared for. By God, the medical team surrounding us, friends and family, and by the David Foster Foundation.” David Foster Foundation Newsletter


Message from the SVP, Fund Development


s I approach my three year anniversary with the David Foster Foundation and look ahead to 2016, which is just across the “street”, I would like to share a few of my personal thoughts and observations. As the SVP of Fund Development, the following are the questions I am most often asked at the initial meeting with a prospective donor: 1. Is David Foster really involved with the Foundation? David is far more than a figure-head of the David Foster Foundation; he is an active Founder and Chairman. David meets the families in the hospitals, attends special events and not only donates an inordinate amount of his personal time to the Foundation, he also financially provides support. David is a very humble individual and will tell all who will listen that he wants his legacy to be the wonderful work provided by the Foundation. 2. As one of the most prolific song writers, music producers and performer, how does David have time to be part of the philanthropic community? Over the past decades, through his musical talents, David has lent his support to over 500 charitable events. 3. How can I be assured that the money I donate reaches the families and does not become the financial subsidization for the administration of the Foundation? We have a special segregated account whereby 100% of all the funds donated will go to direct family support. 4. Who decides which family receives financial assistance from the Foundation? There are seven transplant hospitals located in Canada and one transplant social worker is assigned to each family and works directly with our Director of Family and Community Relations, Lara Knudsen, to establish if a family qualifies for funding.


Winter 2015/2016

5. What measurable difference has the David Foster Foundation achieved over the years? Since inception, the David Foster Foundation has provided financial assistance to close to 1,000 families who have a child going through the life-saving organ transplant process. 85% of the families going through this challenging process would end up divorced and/or bankrupt if they do not receive assistance. Your generous support today will help families in the present and in addition to the internal goodness you will feel for the good deed, from a pecuniary perspective, you will receive a tax receipt for the amount of your donation. When I visit our families in the various hospitals and see the children smile and a tear from the parents acknowledging their very personal gratitude, I am receiving more than I can possibly imagine, in return. As this is our final newsletter for 2015, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your support over the past year and wish you and your family the very best health and happiness for 2016. I would like to end my final 2015 message with something my late father told me and my three brothers on many occasions, “You will be judged by others, by what you do for those who cannot do anything in return”.


John Danson, Senior Vice President, Fund Development

How to make a donation to the Foundation: 1. Mail your cheques to David Foster Foundation, 212 Henry Street, Victoria BC V9A 3H9 2. Credit card–call our Victoria office using our toll free number @ 1-877-777-7675 3. Online at www.davidfosterfoundation.com


Message from the Director of Family & Community Relations


s 2015 comes closer to an end, it is a time to look back and reflect on all of the hard work accomplished and the amazing people we continue to meet along the way. We are so proud to work alongside so many fantastic organ donor awareness groups across Canada and the United States. We have been grateful to share in the successes and helping people to become more aware of the need to become registered organ donors through both local and national initiatives. We have personally had the opportunity to meet with many families throughout the year, celebrate the successful organ transplants, and take steps towards a second and healthier chance at life. We have shared in the heartache with the families, friends, and social workers at the transplant hospitals as some families have had to devastatingly say goodbye to their child. We have witnessed the emotional sense of gratitude from parents that no longer had to choose between keeping a roof over their heads, food on the table, or being present to help their child fight for their life. Due to our supporters, the David Foster Foundation is able to give these families the greatest gift of all… time.

“We have witnessed the emotional sense of gratitude from parents that no longer had to choose between keeping a roof over their heads, food on the table, or being present to help their child fight for their life.” Time to allow Mom or Dad to comfort their child, hold the hand of their loved one as they make important decisions, or time to be able to care for their family. Everyone would agree that time is precious, and we never seem to have enough of it. This season we encourage you all to pay it forward by taking the time to register to become an organ donor and give someone someday the gift to extend their time. Your gift really does save lives!


Lara Knudsen, Director of Family & Community Relations

30 Years

of keeping Families together – Where are you now? If you were one of the 1,000 Canadian families over the past 28 years that received assistance through the generous support of the David Foster Foundation, we would like to hear from you. If you are interested in sharing your story please contact: families@davidfosterfoundation.com Lara with the social workers and transplant medical team from CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal, QB.

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


2015 Toronto Miracle Gala & Concert… “The annual event raised $6.5 million to help Canadian families with children undergoing pediatric organ transplants.”


n September 26, 2015 our Chairman, David Foster, thanked the more than 900 gala guests and 1,600 stadium seating ticket holders for attending the 2015 David Foster Foundation Miracle Gala & Concert – presented by TELUS and in partnership with WestJet. The annual event took place at Mattamy Athletic Centre at the Gardens and raised $6.5 million to help Canadian families with children undergoing pediatric organ transplants.

Lara Knudsen, Mike Ravenhill & Brian Williams with Felix & Cora Dickson.

The gala kicked off with trumpet fan fare, followed by a surprise satellite stage, lowered from the ceiling, where world-renowned pianist William Joseph performed with violinist Caroline Campbell. The star-studded evening was seamlessly emceed by CNN’s Michaela Pereira and eTALK’s host Ben Mulroney and guests were treated to performances by Foster, Stevie Wonder, Michael Bolton, Peter Cetera, Kiesza, and comedian Sinbad. Veteran Canadian sports broadcaster Brian Williams joined David Foster to present the David Foster Foundation Visionary Awards to two well-known Canadians. The National Business Leader of the Year was presented to WestJet CEO Gregg Saretsky, a long-time supporter and partner of the David Foster Foundation.

Stevie Wonder had everyone on their feet as he closed the show!

David Foster with Gordon Lightfoot for a surprise performance on stage!


Winter 2015/2016

National Business Leader of the Year award recipient, WestJet CEO Gregg Saretsky.


Highlights of a Magical Evening! The National Humanitarian Leader of the Year award was presented to Simon Keith, retired professional soccer player, motivational speaker and author, and one of the oldest living heart transplant recipients. Felix Dickson, liver transplant recipient, and Cora Dickson, kidney transplant recipient, joined David on stage with their parents to share their heart-wrenching transplant journey with the audience. The crowd was in awe as a true hero stood before them. Chad Dickson, the father and live donor to both Felix and Cora, donated a kidney and a piece of his liver to both of his children within a 12 month time frame. The Dickson family received a standing ovation for their touching transplant journey.

Kiesza lit up the room with her energy and performance!

Thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters, and amazing volunteers for coming together and making the Toronto Miracle Gala & Concert such a success!

“Chad Dickson, the father and live donor to both Felix and Cora, donated a kidney and a piece of his liver to both of his children within a 12 month time frame. The Dickson family received a standing ovation for their touching transplant journey.” Photo credit: Suzanne Teresa Photography, George Pimentel Photography, Nick Lee David Foster Foundation Board of Directors with Stevie Wonder.

National Humanitarian Leader of the Year award recipient, Simon Keith.

Performance by Canada’s former Prime Minister, the Honourable Brian Mulroney.

David Foster Foundation Newsletter


2015 Vancouver Island Motor Gathering


n August 22, 2015 the David Foster Foundation joined Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island and Saanich Peninsula Hospital Foundation as one of the benefactors of the Vancouver Island Motor Gathering held at Viscount Aerocentre in Sidney, BC. With over 250 show vehicles, 3,500 spectators, 70+ sponsors, and over $200,000 in in-kind sponsorships, a record-breaking $118,000 was raised for the three benefiting charities. GAIN, Vancouver Island’s Premier Dealer Group, proudly hosted the Vancouver Island Motor Gathering, a fun-filled family event showcasing an array of classic, unique, modern and custom cars and motorcycles for enthusiasts of all ages. Join us for the next Motor Gathering on August 21, 2016 at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Resort at Lake Cowichan, BC! Bauer and Evanne enjoying all of the festivities!

Photo credit: Veronique Gagnon Photography The David Foster Foundation was presented with a cheque from the proceeds!

Steven and Mitch Reilander, both liver transplant recipients, utilized DFF in 1997 and 2006 during their time of transplant.

To donate to the David Foster Foundation and support children and their families receiving life-saving organ transplants, please visit www.davidfosterfoundation.com or mail in your donation directly to:

David Foster Foundation, 212 Henry Street, Victoria, BC V9A 3H9 CANADA


Winter 2015/2016


Operation: Registration


his year, the David Foster Foundation put out a challenge to all Canadians to participate in the first Operation: Registration Video Challenge! Participants were instructed to create a 60-90 second public service announcement encouraging and inspiring their fellow Canadians to become registered organ donors. “We were excited to develop and execute a grassroots campaign across Canada that inspired people from coast to coast to submit videos for consideration,” says Michael Ravenhill, CEO of the David Foster Foundation. “We had a series of strong contenders, and our selection committee worked to narrow the finalists to just three. From there, it was up to the more than 25,000 followers on the David Foster Foundation’s Facebook page to choose what video they felt was the most impactful.”

Howard Dell at the 2015 Toronto Miracle Gala & Concert.

Operation: Registration three finalists included: “Second Chance” by Howard Dell, “Give the Gift” by Lia Michakski, and “You Are The Future” by Trey Robinson. All three videos were posted publicly on the Foundation’s Facebook page where over 3,500 people participated in voting for their favourite video. Once the polls were closed, Howard Dell’s video “Second Chance” had accumulated the most votes and officially won the first Operation: Registration Video Challenge! Howard won the opportunity to be a VIP guest at the David Foster Foundation Miracle Gala & Concert in Toronto where his video aired in front of many influential business leaders and celebrities! Howard Dell is a former Olympian Bobsledder, retired CFL football player, philanthropist, actor, motivational speaker, and most importantly of all, he is a liver transplant recipient. Congratulations Howard!

Howard Dell encouraging fellow Canadians to register as organ donors in his PSA.

Lara Knudsen and Gordie Tupper discuss Operation: Registration on CHEK News!

Operation: Registration winner, Howard Dell, and runner-up, Lia Michalski.

David Foster Foundation Newsletter



save the date saturday, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 MTS centre, Winnipeg, MB, canada A night you won’t want to miss, a cause you will never forget! For updates visit us online at: www.davidfosterfoundation.com

Photos from past events.

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