Develop - Issue 101 - December 2009 / January 2010

Page 45


Geomerics Enlighten Enlighten* from Geomerics gives artists the ability to interactively experiment with dynamic lighting during game development. Delivering real-time radiosity lighting in a way that lets artists OLJKW VFHQHV ZLWK WKH SUHFLVLRQ RI D Ă€ OP GLUHFWRU WKH (QOLJKWHQ software development kit provides an effective means to enhance the visual appearance of Triple-A game titles. Used effectively, middleware can help game development companies lower costs by providing solutions that address primary challenges—including lighting. In a recent interview, Gary Lewis, chief executive RIĂ€ FHU RI *HRPHULFV QRWHG ´, WKLQN HYHU\ LQGXVWU\ LV ORRNLQJ at costs,â€? he said. “Even the games industry has to be very aware of what they’re spending on games. We’re fortunate in the fact that the industry is still very buoyant and still growing at a tremendous rate—but we have to be aware that this probably will not continue at the extent that it has. I’m

sure developers and publishers are looking at the overall costs, and they’re looking at areas they can save—and Enlighten would help them.â€? Productivity is at the heart of the issue. “Enlighten provides a massive boost to productivity, especially when paired with the IntelÂŽ multi-core architecture,â€? said Julian Davis, chief WHFKQRORJ\ RIĂ€ FHU RI *HRPHULFV ´*DPH GHYHORSHUV XVLQJ (QOLJKWHQ ZLOO ORYH WKH KLJKHU Ă€ GHOLW\ DQG IDVWHU SUH FRPSXWHV Just switching to the IntelÂŽ Compiler gave us a 20 percent performance increase, and using IntelÂŽ Threaded Building Blocks our developers were rapidly able to multi-thread the code in a scalable, future-proof way, giving four to eight-fold speed ups on current Intel multi-core hardware.â€? To explore the possibilities offered by Geomerics Enlighten, visit To arrange an evaluation, send e-mail to

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