Lin Jingjing - Lov-Lov Shop

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Technological advancement continues unabated under the guise of efficiency and convenience. The new era of Automation Technology – namely artificial intelligence ( AI ) – is imbued with potential while raising unprecedented concerns. The best chess players in the world are no longer human beings, and Lin’s Lov – Lov Shop asks : “What if the best lovers and life partners were also no longer human?” Speculating Lin’s Lov – Lov Shop ( 2019 ) series, one might believe it to be true. Taking over half the space, the advertisement series presents different AI models of ideal lovers, one after the other. The vibrantly colored surfaces, ambiguously alluring faces along with their alleged qualities make the idea difficult to resist –  because as the title of one of Lin’s works suggests : Perfection is Attainable Here ( 2019 ). While it seems dystopian to replace humans with AI in romantic relationships, which in its nature require the most human of emotions, the more alarming issue is our attraction to the notion. As Lin points out, technological development is increasingly abetting our laziness while raising our standards. Humans are no longer aesthetically pleasing enough without the aid of digital enhancement and personalities are more intriguing when reaffirmed online. Yet, with our identities being shaped and presented in digital form, being attractive and interesting has never been easier. One can be the ideal partner, and one can find their ideal partner – perfection is attainable here. Using paradoxical concepts and humorous language, Lin Jingjing comments on our absurd desire to simplify existence. As stated in her artist statement, “Vanity and the modern conception of identity is the enemy of critical thinking and self – awareness”, Lin hopes that the pressure of living in the technological era will urge us to reconsider what it means to be human.



“In Lov – Lov’s world, consumers can freely download the appearance, voice, behavior, memory, wisdom, and even humor of any human in history, such that they may maximize their happiness and satisfaction.” 「在這個世界裡,客戶可以自由下載人類史上任何個人的外貌,聲音,習性, 記憶,智慧甚至幽默感,讓客戶最大限度地獲得幸福感和滿足感。」 7

You Need to be Careful With me : I Fall in Love and I Fall in Love Forever 2019 6 Screen Videos (dimensions variable, seen here as on six 65 x 112 cm screens) Edition of 6 + 1 AP 8’26”






“If you are too lazy to order an AI companion, all you need is a pill to experience love again and again – it is that simple and easy.” 「假如你連定制智能戀人都嫌麻煩,吞一顆藥丸就能讓你一次又一次地體驗熱戀 的感覺,無疑是個美妙絕倫的選擇。」 11

Transcendent Beauty 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Unsurpassed Joy 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Embrace Mysteries 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Goodbye Loneliness 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Awaken Divinity 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Irresistible Charm 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Love, trust, friendship, respect, even spirituality, mysteriousness, and confidence – all are attainable, and all you need to do is sit back and enjoy. Is this not the shortcut to altering minds and reality that many long for? 如此簡單明了,坐享其成,就能立刻感受到一貫渴求盼望的愛情,信 任,友誼,尊重甚至靈性,神秘,自信等等。



Fall In Love A Thousand Times 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Fall In Love With Yourself Instead of With Another Human 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



If You Are Tired Of Being Straight 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Falling In Love With A Tree Instead Of A Human 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches




“In this society, humans live unburdened by relationships as the AI takes into account our desires for social harmony, intimacy, and a sense of belonging.” 「在這樣的社會裡,人們無憂無慮地生活在他們虛擬的人際關係中, 完全滿足他們對歸屬,親密和社會融合的種種需求。」


Unconditional Love and Companionship On Call 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 200 x 300 cm ( 200 x 100 cm each x 3 ) 78 3/4 x 118 1/8 inches (  78 3/4 x 39 3/8 inches each x 3 )




“While AI surpasses humans in logical reasoning, information processing, and making intelligent decisions, it is also untethered from biological and personality flaws, and incapable of personal scandals and political tyranny.” 「一位有遠見,有魄力的未來領導人,不僅在邏輯推理,信息處理和智能判斷方面 都遠遠優於人類, 而且完全超越人類的生理限制和性格缺陷,絕對避免任何私 生活醜聞或者政治壟斷。」


A New Dawn for America 2019 Video projection Edition of 6 + 1 AP 7’25” 110 x 195.5 x 195.5 cm   43 1/4 x 76 3/4 x 76 3/4 inches



“The best chess players in the world are no longer human beings, what if the best lovers and life partners were also no longer human?” 「世上最強的棋手已不再是人類,倘若最完美的戀人亦不再是人類又將如何?」



Better Than Winning the Lottery 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Sensitive to Your Needs 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



With Every Challenge Comes Excitement 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Light Up Your Soul Like No One Else 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



The Affection You Deserve 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



Emotionally and Spiritually in Love 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches




“In a world perfect as such, will humans willingly terminate their relationships with other human beings and live happily ever after in an artificial simulation?” 「存在於這樣所謂完美的世界裡,人類會真的心甘情願完全切斷與 所有其他人類的關係,而從此過上幸福的人工虛擬的生活嗎?」


Perfection is Attainable Here 2019 Archival pigment print on canvas 160 x 100 cm 63 x 39 3/8 inches



The Human Element and Why We Don’t Need It 2019 LED light, acrylic 150 x 100 cm 59 x 39 3/8 inches




Lin Jingjing was born in Beijing, China in 1970. She graduated from the Fine Art department of Fujian University with a B.F . A . in 1992. The works by Lin Jingjing explore the depths of social and personal identity in the context of modern society, often examining themes such as confusion and quest, existence and absence, constraint and resistance. Running through all her pieces there is a questioning of identity, how we define ourselves, and how the effects of the outside world, such as other, culture, politic, history and economy fall upon on us. Her works span performance, installation, painting, mixed media and video. In her works, she layers thread over painting, installation and mixed media, creating a dazzling world. The surreal effect created via this method immerses the viewer into another consciousness; the figures that have been stitched over in the canvases become motifs for any individual, including the viewer. Lin Jingjing raises questions on the ground of paradox, this means that in considering her works, one also begins to questions one's own emotional reaction to the theme in question.

林菁菁1970年出生於中國上海。她在1992年畢業於福建師範大學美術系 獲得本科學位。 林菁菁的作品映射了現代社會中自我身份和文化、困惑和探尋、存在和缺失、 束縛和抗爭等主題。通過她的作品,觀眾會對許多日常的概念重新提出疑問: 我們如何定義「自我」, 而他者、文化、政治、歷史、經濟對我們的影響又是如何。 她的作品涵蓋了行為、裝置、繪畫、混合材料、影像等多種媒介。她擅長在繪畫、 裝置、混合材料作品中加入手縫的絲線,從而疊加出一個超現實的炫麗世界, 這個超現實效果創造出一種意識使觀者沉浸其中。林菁菁的作品以悖論的方式 提出問題,觸發觀者的思考和聯想。


Lin’s works have been the subject of solo exhibitions around the world : ......I......, Residency Unlimited ( RU ), New York, USA ( 2018 ); Take Off, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ( 2017 ); Tomorrow Was Wonderful, de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China ( 2015 ); Promise Again for the First Time, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ( 2014 ); Possible of Impossible, Neues Kunstforum, Cologne, Germany ( 2012 ); My Promise for Your Happiness, Alexander Ochs Gallery, Beijing, China ( 2012 ); The Method Of Paradox, Museo sin muros– Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Vespucio, Santiago, Chile ( 2011 ); Rose Rose, Museo sin muros – Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Trebol, Concepción, Chile ( 2011 ); Public Privacy : The Visual Memory of Lin Jingjing, Whitebox Art Center, Beijing, China ( 2011 ); Flying alone, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain ( 2008 ).

林菁菁作品一直以來作為世界各地的個展的重心點:《 ......I...... 》, Residency Unlimited ( RU ),紐約,美国( 2018 );《 脫軌 》,德薩畫廊,香港, 中國( 2017 );《 明天曾經無限美好 》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國( 2015 );《 完美 的諾言 》,德薩畫廊,香港( 2014 );《 不可能之可能 》,Neues Kunstforum, 科隆,德國( 2012 );《 完美的諾言 》,亞歷山大奧克斯畫廊,北京,中國( 2012 ); 《 悖論的方式 》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥,智利( 2011 );《 玫瑰玫瑰 》, 智利國家博物館,康塞普西翁,智利( 2011 );《 一個人的飛翔 》,瑪吉畫廊, 馬德裡,西班牙( 2008 )。


She has also exhibited in group exhibitions worldwide : Docile, SNAP Gallery, Shanghai, China ( 2018 ) ; Half Sky, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China ( 2016 ) ; She: International Women Artists Exhibition, Long Museum, Shanghai, China ( 2016 ) ; Research Room III: The Working of Non-Figurative System, Right View Art Museum, Beijing, China ( 2016 ) ; Fourth Biennale Italy-China, Beijing, China ( 2016 ) ; Standing by Themselves: China Now, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ( 2016 ) ; Stay Tuned, Lin Jingjing – Zhou Wendou, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ( 2015 ) ; Where Are We?, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ( 2015 ) ; Third Biennale Italy – China, Turin, Italy ( 2015 ) ; ( CC )TV, Galerie Herold / Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung, Bremen, Germany ( 2014 ) ; What If Objects Could Talk, OV Gallery, Shanghai, China ( 2014 ) ; Phoenix Symphony: Female Contemporary Arts, Tree Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China ( 2012 ) ; Half the Sky : Women in the New Art of China, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA ( 2011 ) ; Mind In Turmoil, Hand Better Busy, Long De Xuan Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China ( 2010 ) ; Cruzando el horizonte: Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo de China, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile ( 2010 ).

林菁菁也曾參加過許多國際聯展:《 柔軟 》,SNAP藝廊, 上海,中國( 2018 ); 《 半邊天 》,紅門畫廊,北京,中國( 2016 );《 她們 : 國際女性藝術家特展 》,龍美 術館,上海,中國( 2016 );《 研究室計劃(第三回):運行中的“非形象”》,正觀 美術館,北京,中國( 2016 );《 第三屆意大利中國當代藝術雙年展 》,都靈, 意大利( 2015 );《 (CC)TV 》,Galerie Herold/Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung, 布萊梅,德國( 2014 );《 假如作品會說話 》,OV 畫廊,上海,中國(2014); 《 鸞鳳齊鳴:當代女性藝術展 》,宋庄樹美術館,北京,中國( 2012 );《 半邊天:女 性藝術家當代藝術展 》,德雷塞爾大學卓克索美術館,費城,美國( 2011 );《 心糾 手結藝術展 》,龍德軒當代藝術中心,北京,中國( 2010 );《 飛躍地平線-中國當 代藝術展 》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥,智利( 2010 )。


Lin Jingjing currently lives and works in Beijing, China and New York, USA.





B.F . A . Fine Art Department, Fujian University, Fuzhou, China

Solo Exhibitions 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 2012


2009 2008 1997


Lov-Lov Shop, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong ......I......, Residency Unlimited ( RU ), New York, USA Take Off, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Tomorrow Was Wonderful, de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China Promise Again for the First Time, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Possible of Impossible, Neues Kunstforum, Cologne, Germany My Promise for Your Happiness, Alexander Ochs Gallery, Beijing, China The Method Of Paradox, Museo sin muros-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Vespucio, Santiago, Chile Rose Rose, Museo sin muros – Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Trebol, Concepcioń, Chile Public Privacy : The Visual Memory of Lin Jingjing, Whitebox Art Centre, Beijing, China I Want to be With You Forever, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China Flying Alone, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain Dreamlike, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Group Exhibitions 2018 2016



2013 2012



Docile, SNAP Gallery, Shanghai, China Half Sky, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
 She : International Women Artists Exhibition, Long Museum, Shanghai, China Research Room III : The Working of Non-Figurative System, Right View Art Museum, Beijing, China
 Fourth Biennale Italy – China, Beijing, China
 Standing by Themselves : China Now, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Stay Tuned, Lin Jingjing – Zhou Wendou, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Where Are We?, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Third Biennale Italy – China, Turin, Italy You, I Among Us, de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China Current Reality, Hidden Barriers, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong (CC)TV, Galerie Herold / Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung, Bremen, Germany
 What If Objects Could Talk, OV Gallery, Shanghai, China Summer Gallery Selection, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Entangled Particles : Four Contemporary Chinese Artists, Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery, Halifax, Canada First Biennale Italy – China, Villa Reale Di Monza, Italy
 Phoenix Symphony : Female Contemporary Arts, Tree Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China Half the Sky : Women in the New Art of China, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA Memory & Identity, MK2 Art Space, Beijing, China Mind In Turmoil, Hand Better Busy, Long De Xuan Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China The Possibility of Uncertainty, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China
 Cruzando el horizonte : Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo de China, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile




2007 2006 2005 2004




Deutschland und China – Gemeinsam in Bewegung ( Moving Ahead Together – Contemporary Art from Germany and China ), Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China 55 Days in Valencia, Chinese art meeting, Institut Valencia d’Art Modern, Valencia, Spain
 Time  – Lag : The New Force of Chinese Contemporary Art, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain Journey to the West, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, Austria Potential Dialogue  – The party of Sino-Austria young artists, RCM ART Museum, Nanjing, China Archaeology of The Future, The Second Triennial Of Chinese Art, Nanjing Museum, China EAST OF EAST, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia One to one : Visions  – Recent Photographs from China, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA The Different Same  – Chinese and Slovenian Artist Exchange Exhibition, Shanghai DuoLun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
 The First Triennial of Chinese Arts, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, China Cultural Forum  – New Millennium Chinese Landscape Painting, Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland

Public Collections He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
 Institut Valencia d'Art Modern ( IVAM ), Valencia, Spain Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China
 Museo de la Nación, Lima, Peru
 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile National Art Museum of China ( NAMOC ), Beijing, China Private Collections The Mountain Group Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Taida Museum of Modern Art, Tianjin, China Whitebox Art Center, Beijing, China




Lin Jingjing Lov – Lov Shop 25th May – 6th July, 2019 Hong Kong

DE SARTHE 20/F, Global Trade Square, No. 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours : 11am – 7pm, Tuesday – Saturday T : +852 2167 8896 F : +852 2167 8893 E     :  hongkong @ Design by de Sarthe (  Vivian Yau )

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