Contemporary Show Off

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Contemporary Show Off


de sarthe


Double Fly Art Center


Zhong Wei


Ma Sibo


Mak Ying Tung 2


Lin Jingjing


Andrew Luk


Richard Streitmatter-Tran



Contemporary Show Off


de sarthe



Double Art Fly Center

Contemporary Show Off

Double Fly Klein Blue 3 (2015) and Double Fly Klein Blue 4 (2015) by artist group Double Fly Art Center are acrylic on canvas paintings that are both the remnants and result of an absurd and comedic performance in which the artists slid down an inflatable slide – nude and covered in blue paint. A pastiche of Yves Klein’s Anthropométries under the context of mathematician John Conway’s “Free will theorem”—which advocates the existence of free will beyond the influences of the past—the performance was an attempt to experience pure consciousness and achieve true arbitrariness within an isolated event. 藝術家組合雙飛藝術中心的布面壓克力畫《雙飛克萊因藍 3》 (2015)和《雙飛克萊因藍 4》 (2015)是一場荒誕幽默 表演的成果。表演中,藝術家們將藍色顏料塗上他們裸露 的身體,然後再反覆滑下一條充氣滑梯。這場表演模仿了伊 夫 · 克萊因的「人體測量學」,在數學家約翰 · 康威(John Conway)提倡自由意志可超越過去影響的《自由意志定理》 的考慮下重新演繹。這場表現試圖在一項獨立的事件中體 驗純粹的意識及真正的隨意性。

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Double Fly Art Center Double Fly Klein Blue 3 2015 Acrylic on canvas, sponge 155 x 183 x 5 cm (61 x 72 1/16 x 2 in.)


Contemporary Show Off

Double Fly Art Center Double Fly Klein Blue 4 2015 Acrylic on canvas 155 x 183 x 5 cm (61 x 72 1/16 x 2 in.)


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Double Fly Art Center Double Fly Klein Blue 2015 Performance Single-channel video, audio 16’46”


Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off

Zhong Wei The raging chaos found throughout Zhong Wei’s artworks is perfectly arrested in this iconic and exemplary large-scale painting, Cold Boot (2020). Drawing inspiration from a wide spectrum of subjects, such as Internet culture and traditional Buddhist art, Zhong Wei’s artworks speak to the vibrant and infinite folds of Internet-culture. Working with a massive database of memes and imagery found online, Zhong uses his computer to build digital sketches before translating his work to canvas. To Zhong Wei, this coupling of seemingly random imagery mirrors the hyperactive behavior of cyber culture, which generates the energy driving both society’s exponential growth and the fragmentation of our consciousness in the post-information-explosion era. 鍾慰的大型畫作《冷啟動》將他一向凌亂混沌的畫風加倍放大。由互聯網 文化至傳統佛家藝術,鍾慰從多種題目吸取靈感,多元素的作品反映著生 機勃勃和擁有無限褶皺的互聯網文化。藝術家蒐集網路模因和圖像,組成 豐富的數據庫,利用電腦建構電子草圖後再將構圖轉移到畫布上。對鍾慰 而言,圖像間看似隨機的耦合相應著網絡文化過度活躍的行為表現, 在後 信息爆炸時代中驅動著我們意識和現實的增長和瓦解。 12

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Zhong Wei Cold Boot 2020 Acrylic on canvas 195 x 310 x 5 cm (76 3/4 x 122 1/16 x 2 in.)


Ma Sibo

Contemporary Show Off

Ma Sibo’s translucent yet luminous paintings play with light and its relationship with the space it envelopes. He often uses familiar objects in his work to anchor otherwise elusive imagery, yet, the fluid and misty quality of light creates a weightlessness that permeates the canvas. The environment in Out of Gravity (2020) is seemingly void and flooded by light at the same time. The work is an impeccable example of Ma Sibo’s masterful command of light and space. Merging fact and fiction, the enigmatic narrative within his artwork recalls distant memories and storied emotions.

馬思博彷如透光的畫作巧妙地玩弄光線與其 包含的空間。他經常在作品中利用熟悉的物 件來錨定除此之外虛無飄渺的景象,流暢的光 線和朦朧的氛圍產生一種滲透畫布的失重感。 《Out of Gravity》中的環境看似虛空,同時被 光線淹沒。他作品中的神秘敘事將事實和虛構 融合,讓人回想遙遠的記憶和史詩般的情感。


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Ma Sibo Out of Gravity 2020 Oil on canvas 200 x 300 x 5 cm (78 3/4 x 118 1/8 x 2 in.)


Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off

Mak Ying Tung 2 Mak Ying Tung 2’s Home Sweet Home: Long Rose Pool (2020) is a triptych on canvas, composed using the popular life simulation videogame “The Sims” and painted by three separate painters on the Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao. The monumental sized painting depicts a swimming pool sporadically filled with red roses. In the background, floor to ceiling windows look out into an open sky amid lesser buildings. Due to its freeform structure, “The Sims” is often used as a form of escapism. By granting players the absolute power to control and alter their surroundings, its simulated gameplay temporarily alleviates the limitations of real life. However, as the idyllic virtual imagery is materialized via paint and brush, the final outcome becomes unpredictable owing to the painters’ inconsistent skill levels, techniques, and use of materials. By enabling external factors to intervene in the process of actualization, Mak 2’s Home Sweet Home: Long Rose Pool elucidates the inevitable disillusionment in the pursuit of fantasy, caused by the sobering realization of how reality is construed and constructed. 麥影彤二的三聯畫《美好家園:巨型玫瑰游泳池》(2020)運用了電子遊戲《 模擬人生》創造,而每一幅都由中國電子購物平台淘寶上,三位不同的畫家 繪畫。這龐大的作品描繪著一個裝滿一支支紅玫瑰的游泳池。背景中,一 排落地玻璃窗從周邊的建築物之間望向一片開闊的天空。《模擬人生》沒 有具體的遊戲宗旨,因此許多人透過此遊戲造就虛幻世界,逃離現實。玩家 在遊戲中擁有虛擬世界的掌控能力,以虛擬生活來暫時緩解現實世界的侷 限。但是當夢幻的意境透過顏料和畫筆實現的時候,最終的成果都會因畫 家不同的程度、技術和材料運用而變得無法預測。《美好家園:Long Rose Pool》透過允許外來因素介入實現的過程解剖現實世界的建構,並以此闡 明追求理想的過程中,無法避免的幻滅。


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Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: TV Bath 2019 Acrylic on canvas, triptych 200 x 355 cm (78 5/8 x 139 3/4 in.) 200 x 118.3 cm each (78 5/8 x 46 9/16 in.)


Contemporary Show Off


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Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: Long Rose Pool 2020 Acrylic on canvas, triptych 260 x 461.75 x 3 cm (102 3/8 x 181 13/16 x 1 3/16 in.) 260 x 153.9 x 3 cm each (102 3/8 x 60 9/16 x 1 3/16 in.)


Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off

Lin Jingjing Lin Jingjing’s mixed media artwork Before the Thunder Rolls (2019) is an archival pigment print on canvas, overlaid with hand-embroidered lines and shapes. Through playful juxtaposition between objects and reflections, substances and silhouettes, Lin’s quadriptych confuses its viewers and blurs the lines between what is real and what is not. Often employing romantic elements in her practice, her artwork references the famed lyrics of American country singer Garth Brooks’ song “The Thunder Rolls”, speaking to the state of illusive and rosetinted perception prior to the moment of clarity. 林菁菁的混合媒體藝術品《Before the Thunder Rolls》(2019) 用檔案級顏 料打印在畫布,再在其上手工刺繡線條和形狀。透過將實物、倒影、物質和 輪廓巧妙地並置,林氏的四聯畫模糊了真實與虛構之間的界限,引發猜想。 她的創作經常採用浪漫元素,而此作品則引用了美國民謠歌手葛斯·布魯克 斯的歌曲《The Thunder Rolls》內的著名歌詞,描繪醒覺前一刻的虛幻和 過度美化的感知。


de sarthe

Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: Long Rose Pool 2020 Acrylic on canvas, triptych 260 x 461.75 x 3 cm (102 3/8 x 181 13/16 x 1 3/16 in.) 260 x 153.9 x 3 cm each (102 3/8 x 60 9/16 x 1 3/16 in.)


Contemporary Show Off

Andrew Luk Andrew Luk’s Infinite Horizon (2018) is a pinnacle artwork within his ongoing Horizon Scan series. In making this series, Luk uses homemade napalm to torch and char painted canvas, the burned remains of which are then carefully collaged together, occasionally receiving another coat of paint before being submerged in layers of resin. Strips of LEDs shift between warm and cool, lighting the work from within its frame and revealing nuances and subtleties in the unfamiliar topography of Luk’s imagined landscape. The geometric shapes and forms in Infinite Horizon represent the user interface of a remotely controlled predator drone aircraft that was formerly used by the United States military and the Central Intelligence Agency. The violent nature of the artwork’s subject and fabrication reflect the real-world landscapes that we inhabit, our view of which is often shaped by machines of war and stories of conflict.

陸浩明的裝置作品《無限視野》(2018)是《地平線掃描》系列 的進一步發展。在創作此系列當中,陸浩明使用了自製的凝固 汽油灼燒帆布、木頭和銅版等材料。藝術家將灼燒後的材料小 心拼貼,浸沒於樹脂,並不遺餘力地打磨數日以製成成品。作 品完成後,LED燈會從內部照亮,在四周的牆上形成一幅不同 尋常的風景畫。燈光隨著時間而變化,光影圖層隨之上升和抽 離,展現出複雜微妙的變化。《無限視野》中的幾何形狀與形 式代表美國軍方和中央情報局往昔使用的遙控捕食者無人駕 駛飛機的用戶界面。該系列所運用的材料和創作方法本身均 與「暴力」緊密相連,反映了現實生活中我們所居住的環境,看 似優美,其實往往都建立於戰爭和暴力的敘事之上。


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Andrew Luk Infinite Horizon 2018 Epoxy resin, polystyrene, plastic, paint, canvas, LED lights 200 x 200 cm (78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in.) The image here portray a single artwork that slowly shifts every 10 minutes between two different hues of light.


Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off


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Contemporary Show Off

Richard Strei Richard Streitmatter-Tran’s painted portrait belongs to his series Bless the Beasts and Children 2020 (2020), which comprises eight portraits of ethnically diverse protesters standing together in a field of silence. Inspired by the concurrent global socio-political crises, his work portrays the unification that arises from mutual struggle and the tenacious human spirit that is brought forward in the face of conflict. Thinking of his newborn child, Streitmatter-Tran’s artwork remains optimistic regarding the clouded path ahead.

陳德良的肖像繪畫屬於他的系列《保佑野獸與孩子2020》。 在這系列中,八位不同種族的年青人沈默地站在一起。他的 作品回應著現時的全球社會政治危機,描繪共同鬥爭所鑄 造的人性團結和因面對衝突而鍛造的人類精神。考慮到他 的新生孩子,陳德良的作品對於朦朧的前路保持樂觀。


de sarthe


Richard Streitmatter-Tran Bless the Beast and the Children 2020 No.1 2019 Acrylic on canvas 150 x 100 cm (59 1/16 x 39 3/8 in.)


Contemporary Show Off Double Fly Art Center, Lin Jingjing, Andrew Luk, Ma Sibo, Mak Ying Tung 2, Richard Streitmatter-Tran and Zhong Wei Jul 04, 2020 - Jul 11, 2020

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, No. 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm T: +852 2167 8896 F: +852 2167 8893 E: Design & photographs: Vivian Yau All rights reserved.

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