Mak Ying Tung 2 - Home Sweet Home

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Mak Ying Tung 2 Home

Sweet Home

de sarthe

Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home

de sarthe

de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing


能超出物理現狀的範疇, 讓人 可以實現生活中不可能完成的 任務。通過在遊戲當中得到前 所未有的快感以至隨心所欲地 4

佈置夢想虛擬家居,完善生活 方式,人們往往能夠用模擬的 事物來遮掩不完美的現實。

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

The appeal of a simulated experience is its ability to operate beyond the boundaries of physical actuality, which enables one to pursue what real life prevents. From gratifying our fantasies in games to decorating our homes with imagery of an imagined and perfect lifestyle, we are able to mask unfulfilling realities with simulated facades.


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

麥影彤二為了更深入的探索模仿能力 創造了作品《Robot Mak Mak》(2019)。 藝術家利用全身人像合成科技,將自己 的臉疊加至人工智能機器人Sophia的


網絡視頻並與其融合。Sophia的發明旨 在儘可能地模仿人類。通過逆轉人類和 人工智能技術一直被定義成模仿者的 角色關係,從而探討人類是否願意被其 他形式的存在所包容,以及作為機器 人相對於人類存在的價值。與真實的 人類相比,擁有機器人一樣的外表或行 為是否能給與她更多的「真實」。

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

Mak’s investigation of simulation’s capacity for mimesis is continued in the video work Robot Mak Mak (2019), in which the artist simulates herself. Utilizing full body image synthesis technology, Mak superimposes her facial expressions onto online footage of robot Sophia, an AI machine designed to act and look as human as possible. By reversing the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence technology, in which AI predominantly poses as the impersonator, the artist raises questions regarding our willingness to be subsumed under alternative forms of being and the value of existing as a robot vis-à-vis a human. She questions whether looking or acting robot-like affords her more “realness” than being completely human.


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Robot Mak Mak 2019 Digital video with dual channel video 1'45" Dimensions variable

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

《更完美的海》(2019)是由一系列 印有三維虛擬景觀的浴簾和浴墊








海洋,將人們理想中的完美風景 投射到家中。

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

A More Perfect Sea (2019) comprises a shower curtain and a line of bath mats depicting sand and sea, and a window overlooking a running stream. While the combination of beach, ocean, and palm fronds is the epitome of imagined paradises, the bathroom accessories on which they are printed suggest domesticity and fixture. The intention behind one wanting an ocean-print curtain is obvious – they wish to shower next to the ocean. Yet, the curtain is merely a simulation of the ocean, an association of the ideal that one can project into one’s home.


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 A More Perfect Sea 2019 Shower curtains, bath mats, towels Shower curtains: 265 x 195 cm each

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 A More Perfect Sea 2019 Shower curtains, bath mats, towels Bath mats: 80 x 120 cm each

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 A More Perfect Sea 2019 Shower curtains, bath mats, towels Towels: 150 x 70 cm each

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

《美好家園》(2019) 這一系列作品分别 由幾組三聯畫呈現。作品透過電子遊戲 《模擬人生》創造,然後再由中國電子購 物平台淘寶上的畫家描繪出來。在《模 擬人生》裡,一眾玩家能隨心所欲地創 造自己所喜歡的世界,對藝術家及很多 人而言代表了一種規避現實的脫離方式。 麥影彤二在這一世界裡運用不同的物件 構築了一個怪誕而荒謬,像夢一般的家。 只要你電腦屏幕的解析度夠高,建構出 來的世界就可以看似完美無瑕疵。但當 她的電子設計變成真實的畫作時, 作品會 因為畫家們的主觀認知、技巧和顏料等 因素不一致而變得難一判斷。通過使外 部因素介入麥影彤二對於家的個人願景 及繪畫本身過程發生在中國大陸的操作, 《美好家園》不僅闡明了現實與幻想之間 那無可避免的巨大落差,更像是在討論 在香港現實應該如何被理解與建立 。

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home (2019) is a series of triptychs composed using the popular life simulation game “The Sims” and materialized by painters on the Chinese e-commerce platform– Taobao. Lacking in specific objectives, “The Sims” allows players to design their worlds however they find ideal and for the artist, as well as many others, it represents a form of escapism used to circumvent reality. Through its simulated gameplay Mak Ying Tung 2 constructs dream-like home environments using bizarre and nonsensical elements, which the game renders perfect and immaculate nonetheless. However, as her digital home environments are translated into reality via paint and brush, the outcomes become unpredictable owing to interpretive inconsistencies, different skill levels, and varied materials. By enabling external factors to intervene in the actualization of Mak Ying Tung 2’s individual vision of home and for the act of painting itself to occur within Mainland China, Home Sweet Home not only elucidate the inevitable disparity between fantasy and reality, they craft a comment on how reality is construed and constructed within Hong Kong.


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: 1,2,3 cheese 2019 Acrylic on canvas 120 x 213 cm, triptych (each panel 120 x 71 cm)

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: TV Bath 2019 Acrylic on canvas 200 x 355 cm, triptych (each panel 200 x 118.3 cm)

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: Rosy Rumba 2019 Acrylic on canvas 200 x 150 cm, triptych (each panel 66.6 x 150 cm)

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: Rosy Drone 2019 Acrylic on canvas 200 x 150 cm, triptych (each panel 66.6 x 150 cm)

de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Home Sweet Home: Flower Pool 2019 Acrylic on canvas 200 x 150 cm, triptych (each panel 66.6 x 150 cm)

de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

《假笑》(2018-19) 是一件多頻裝








效果的真實性嗎?有些事情是否 無論如何也無法假裝的? 」

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

In the multi-screen installation Fake Laugh (2018-19), Mak invites her family and friends to feint laughter in front of a camera. Although the laughter is superficial, the irony, sarcastic humor, and intimacy created through the exercise are genuine, and the artist asks: Does the realness, or the lack thereof, of a source affect the authenticity of its effect? Are there things that cannot be faked no matter how hard we try?


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Fake Laugh 2018-19 6 screen video installation Ed. 1+1 AP Dimensions variable

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Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

在錄像裝置作品《靈魂出竅 》

(2018) 中, 麥影彤二通過在淘寶購










Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

In the video installation Out of Body Experience (2018), the artist recaps her experience attending a group exhibition in Los Angeles for free through purchasing witchcraft online that enabled her soul to leave her body. Using metaphysical occurrences as a metaphor, Mak conveys how the global mobility of the Internet accommodates an imagined ease of living in the prevailing conditions of our era. As she ships her soul to Los Angeles via the online network, she overrides the demands of reality and how others expect her to live.


de sarthe


Hong Kong | Beijing

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home


Mak Ying Tung 2 Out of Body Experience 2018 Vinyl, PC computer, screens, rock salt, light, tissues, two digital videos Ed. 1 + 1 AP HDV 2:37

de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

在《美好家園》,麥影彤二考察模擬 用於逃離現實的各種形式。在物價高 漲、責任纍纍的世代,人性需要應變 存在的艱苦。我們編織替代品來滿足 50

我們的需求,放棄與現實徒勞的談判。 可是,模擬品可於什麼程度上彌補現 實的空白?在一個不屈的世界中,依 靠超現實而生存會減少我們作為生物 的存在價值嗎? 在一個普遍存在這些 問題的城市,我們該如何應對?

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

In Home Sweet Home, Mak Ying Tung 2 examines the ways in which simulation is applied in postmodern escapism. In light of rising costs and growing responsibilities, humanity has adapted to face the escalating hardships of being. In lieu of futile negotiations, we settle for satisfying our needs through fabricated substitutes. Yet, to what extent can simulated replacements compensate the void of actuality? In an unrelenting world, does subsisting on hyperreality diminish our existence as living beings? In a city where these questions are common place, how do we cope?


de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

About Mak Ying Tung 2 麥影彤二於 1989 年出生於香港,並於2013年取得香港城市大學的 Critical Intermedia Art 學士畢業。她現於香港定居及工作。 麥影彤二是一位以多媒介來進行創作的概念藝術家。她近期的作品多以人 文科學的視野思考當代議題。她的作品往往呈現出幽默的表達方式與出其 不意的手法,例如,她在作品《你最好注意》(2017) 裡,在一個充氣水晶 球裡加入電子二維碼來暗喻互聯網上無處不在的監察。她的作品不僅充滿


了玩味的元素,還通過探索空間引導觀眾思考隱藏在我們周圍事物表面之 下的力量。 她的作品曾於世界各地展覽,展覽包括:《We Didn’t Mean To Break It (But It’s Ok, We Can Fix It)》,Galleria Pedro Cera,葡萄牙里斯本 (2019); 《Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes》,歌德學院, 中國北京 (2019);《The Anything Machine》,德薩畫廊, 中國北京 (2018);《Invisible Cities》 ,Crow Collection of Asian Art,美國達拉斯 (2017-18);《com/.cn 》-由 KAF 和 MoMA PS1聯合主辦, K11 藝術基金會, 中國上海 (2017-18);《Reversal Ritual》,德薩畫廊,香港 (2017);《COMEINSIDE: EAT ME》,PingPong 129,香港 (2017);《COMEINSIDE: BABY SHOWER》,安全口,香港 [2017];《Artists’ Film International》,白教堂畫廊, 英國倫敦 (2016);《The Second “CAFAM-Future” Exhibition》,中央美術學院美術館, 中國北京 (2016);《Artistic or Autistic - The Seventh Annual Exhibition》,中間美術館, 中國北京 (2014);《Almost Empty》,安全口,香港 (2014);《SOFT OFF : But I love it when your mouth is a little shut》, ltd Los Angeles, 美國洛杉磯 (2013)。

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home

Mak Ying Tung 2 was born in Hong Kong in 1989. She graduated from City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s degree in Critical Intermedia Art in 2013. Mak Ying Tung 2 currently lives and works in Hong Kong. Mak 2 is a conceptual artist and her work is not defined by any medium. Her recent works contemplate contemporary issues through the study of Humanities. The aesthetic experience she crafts is bound by the dualism of humor and intense, often dark inquisitiveness. For instance, through incorporating QR codes within a playground-like setting, her artwork You Better Watch Out (2017) illustrates the wide spread surveillance implications of an open internet. She does not prompt audiences to merely laugh, but also to explore spaces and direct the viewer's attention to the forces that lie underneath the surface of their surroundings. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally in: We Didn't Mean To Break It (But It's Ok, We Can Fix It), Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal (2019); “Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes”, Goethe-Institut China, Beijing (2019); The Anything Machine, de Sarthe, Beijing, China (2018); Invisible Cities, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, USA (2017-18); com/.cn - Co-presented by KAF and MoMA PS1, K11 Art Foundation, Shanghai, China (2017-18); Reversal Ritual, de Sarthe, Hong Kong (2017); COMEINSIDE: EAT ME, PingPong 129, Hong Kong (2017); COMEINSIDE: BABY SHOWER, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong (2017); Artists' Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom (2016); The Second "CAFAM-Future" Exhibition, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China (2015); Artistic or Autistic - The Seventh Annual Exhibition, Inside Out Art Museum, Beijing, China (2014) Almost Empty, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong (2014); and SOFT OFF: But I love it when your mouth is a little shut, ltd Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA (2013).


de sarthe

Hong Kong | Beijing

Artist CV 2013

2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 2012





BA (Hons) Creative Media, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Solo Exhibitions Home Sweet Home, de Sarthe, Hong Kong, China The Anything Machine, de Sarthe, Beijing, China COMEINSIDE: EAT ME, PingPong 129, Hong Kong, China COMEINSIDE: BABY SHOWER, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, China Art-It, HOCA Foundation, Hong Kong, China Almost Empty, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, China Fotanian Open Studios, Hong Kong, China Funny Stationery, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China Group Exhibitions Hot Flows: Pearl River Delta Arts Retrospective, Ox Warehouse, Macau Whatever Works, Whatever It Takes, Goethe-Institut China, Beijing, China We Didn't Mean to Break It (But It's Ok, We Can Fix It), Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal Beckoning the Mutation, Club Pro Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA Invisible Cities, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, USA .com/.cn- Co-presented by KAF and MoMA PS1, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai, China Reversal Ritual, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China Marching in Circles, Long March, Beijing, China Artists' Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom COME INSIDE Autograph Signings, OCAT, Shenzhen, China Bori Bunder, Sir JJ College of Art, Mumbai, India A Man Who Doesn't Celebrate His Birthday, Clark House Initiative Mumbai, India Bori Bunder, VT Station Platform B, Mumbai, India Performance with C&G @ LUNG CHING Game Zone, Cattle Deport Artist Village, Hong Kong, China Pop-up Shop: Conversations I ruangrupa: Toko Pura-Pura, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, China Fashion ID, K11 Hong Kong, China MaD The Free Markerteers Singing Performance with C&G, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong, China

Mak Ying Tung 2 | Home Sweet Home



The Second CAFAM-Future Exhibition: Observer . Creator – The Reality Representation of Chinese Young Art, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China Sparkle! Regarding Lightness: On Life’s Way, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong, China Under the Influence, Floor 5 1/2, Hong Kong, China After/Image, Studio 52, Hong Kong, China The Second CAFAM-Future Exhibition: Observer . Creator, K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong, China Glossy! Shiny! Fertility!, StarProjects, Hong Kong, China Artistic or Autistic – The Seventh Annual Exhibition, Inside Out Art Museum, Beijing, China Shampoo Whatever #1, The A-lift Gallery, Hong Kong, China Regarding Lightness- The Weight of Lightness: Bio-gravity, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong, China BOING!, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China SOFT OFF (but I love it when your mouth is a little shut), ltd los angeles, Los Angeles, USA SCM Annual, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong Cool Kids, Lane Crawford, Hong Kong, China Media Art & The Environment : The Desert Metropolis, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China House of Sound, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong, China Best Before, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Hong Kong, China Micro Narratives: Invented Time & Space, Blue Room, Hong Kong, China


Awards Creative Media Award - School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, China

2014 2013

2012 2011

2016 2014

Artist Residencies Bori Bunder @ [En]counters 2016 - Hong Kong X Mumbai Art Exchange Project, Mumbai, India Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China


Mak Ying Tung 2 Solo Exhibition Home Sweet Home 23rd November 2019 – 11th January 2020 Hong Kong

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, No.21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 7pm T: +852 2167 8896 F: +852 2167 8893 E: Design and photographs : Vivian Yau All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist.

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