Lin Jingjing - Elsewhere

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de sarthe

de Sarthe is pleased to present its fifth solo exhibition for Beijing- and New York-based contemporary artist Lin Jingjing. The exhibition, titled Elsewhere , features a new body of mixed media works on canvas that contemplate the collective displacement from reality caused by the near-surreal ongoing chain of global events. Integrating narratives of extraterrestrial phenomena into settings of vaguely familiar land and cityscapes, the artist constructs an alternate dimension revealed through a series of large-scale windows that line the gallery space. A poetic yet eerie speculation of the prevailing world at large, the exhibition illumines an imagined paradigm in which the boundaries of reality and unreality have seemingly dissipated – a dramatic reflection of the social, political, and technological concussions that currently reverberate around the globe. Elsewhere opens on 26 March and runs through 7 May. Lin Jingjing’ s Utopian Reality (2021-) is a series of mixed media diptychs comprised of silk thread, acrylic paint, and archival pigment print on canvas. The near-theatrical artworks depict solitary figures, some dressed in futuristic attire, whose faces are either obscured or turned away from the viewer. The composition of each work is partitioned by bold, black lines, as if the viewer is looking through a window. Two meters tall and two meters wide, these disproportionately large windows reveal picturesque sights of urban architecture and natural landscapes that stretch into the vast distance. Comprising lakes, mountains, as well as football fields and swimming pools, the imagery appears familiar yet estranged, lacking in identifiers that would allow one to place its location.


「別處」,展覽展出一系列全新混合媒介架上作品,思考由近乎超現實的持續全 球事件鏈所引發的集體偏離現實現象。林菁菁將外星融入模糊卻熟悉的土地與 城市景觀中,透過畫廊空間中的大型窗戶向觀眾展示了另一個維度。展覽對現存 世界進行了詩意又怪誕的推測,闡明現實與非現實的界限似乎已經消散的想像 範式 —— 這亦是當前在全球範圍內動盪的社會、政治和科技衝擊的戲劇性寫 照。「別處」將於 3 月 26日開幕,展期至5 月 7 日。 林菁菁的《烏托邦現實》 (2021-)是一系列由畫絲線、壓克力顏料及檔案級顏料 打印組成的混合媒介雙聯畫。近戲劇般的作品描繪了孤獨的人物,他們身著未來 派的服裝,有些臉龐被遮住,有些則背對著觀眾。每件作品的構圖由粗體黑線分 隔,彷彿是人們正在透過窗戶觀看。兩米高、兩米寬的不成比例的大型窗戶呈現 了視野開闊、風景如畫的城市建築和自然景觀。畫面中的湖泊、山脈、足球場和 游泳池看起來既熟悉又陌生,卻讓人難以找到一個標誌去準確定位其位置。

Contemplating the 21st century modes of existence, Lin Jingjing introduces extraterrestrial narratives into the picture through forms of U.F.O.s and space capsules – a whimsical play on the invasion of technology in all aspects of life, which is growing far more noticeable in times of turbulence. Within the artwork, the entities navigate through vivid billows of clouds, mapping the topography below. In comparison to the historically negative representations of aliens in books, movies, and academia, the artist’ s use of highly saturated color and contrast carries conflicting undertones of both optimism and gloom. Vaguely recalling religious imagery, vibrant arrays of light radiate from the vehicles, as if here to sweep humanity into a higher dimension. The artist believes that the perpetual development of technology is continuously redefining our pre-existing notions of reality. On one hand, things that once seemed absurdly out of this world and science-fictional, such as semi-automatic drones, recreational space travel, and electronic currency, have now become conversations vernacular to the general populace. On the other hand, as a predecessor in paradigm-shifting science, social technology such as virtual meeting rooms and social media platforms are now fully integrated into reality, arguably to the extent that more living is done online than in real life. Corresponding to the rapid and paradoxical shift in humanity’ s perception of reality, Lin Jingjing’ s imagery appears dramatic yet strangely pedestrian; phenomenal yet strangely familiar. Introducing her audience to a parallel universe in which fact and fiction cannot be differentiated, the artist illuminates the potential for infinite possibilities in a world without the anchors of reality.

林菁菁探究21 世紀的生存模式,通過不明飛行物與太空艙的形象將外星敘事融 入畫作,描述關於科技滲透生活方方面面的怪誕遊戲,在動盪時期更引人注目。 作品中的主體在生動的雲層中穿梭,標識下方的地形。不同於以往書籍、電影及 學術界對外星人的負面描述,林菁菁對高飽和度和對比度的色彩運用同時帶著

樂觀與憂鬱的矛盾底色。隱約的宗教意象、明亮刺眼的機械光束,都彷彿要在這 裡將人類帶入更高的維度。

林菁菁相信蓬勃發展的科技正在不斷重新定義我們原有的現實概念。一方面,半 自動無人機、休閒的太空旅行、電子貨幣等曾經看似荒謬和奇幻的事物,現在已 成為大眾的日常話題。另一方面,作為典範轉換科學(paradigm-shifting

science)的前身,虛擬會議室和社交媒體等社交科技現在已完全融入日常生活, 線上生活甚至在某種程度上已比現實生活更加豐富。為了與人類對現實感知快


熟悉。藝術家引領觀眾進入一個無法區分事實與虛構的平行宇宙,闡明在沒有現 實束縛的世界中,藏有無限的可能性。

Lin Jingjing Before And Beyond 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing The Waves of Time 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Constantly Consistently 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Once was Improbable 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Irresistible 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Everything Happened Here Happened Long Ago 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Nothing but Moments 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Everlasting Echo 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Lin Jingjing Eternally Destined 2022 Acrylic, silk thread, and archival pigment print on canvas, diptych 200 x 200 cm Each panel 200 x 100 cm

Ling Jingjing b. 1970 Shanghai, China. Lives and works in New York, USA.

Lin Jingjing was born in Shanghai, China in 1970. She graduated from the Fine Art department of Fujian University with a B.F.A. in 1992 before completing her advanced studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 1994. In 2020, she received an M.F.A. from School of Visual Arts in New York. Lin Jingjing explores the depths of social and personal identity in the context of modern society, often examining themes such as confusion and quest, existence and absence, constraint and resistance through a lens of paradox. Of particular focus is how individuals define themselves amongst the effects of the outside world, vis-à-vis culture, politics, history and the economy. Her artwork spans performances, installation, painting, mixed media and video. She is also well known for layering thread over painting, installations and other mixed media to create dazzling worlds. The surreal effect created via this method immerses the viewers into another consciousness. Lin’ s works have been the subject of solo exhibitions around the world: You Can Trust Me , San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, California, USA (2020); Lov-Lov Shop , de Sarthe, Hong Kong (2019); ......I...... , Residency Unlimited(RU), New York, America (2018); Take Off, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong (2017); Tomorrow Was Wonderful , de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China (2015);

林菁菁 1970 年出生於中國上海。現於美國紐約居住和工作。

林菁菁出生於中國上海。她在1992年畢業於福建師范大學美術系獲得本科學位,1994至1995進修於中央 美術學院,並於2020年獲得紐約視覺藝術學院碩士學位。 她的作品映射了現代社會中自我身份和文化,困惑和探尋,存在和缺失,束縛和抗爭等主題。通覽她的作 品使觀者對許多日常的概念重新提出疑問:我們如何定義“自我”,而他者,文化,政治,歷史,經濟對我們 的影響又是如何。她的作品涵蓋了行為,裝置,繪畫,混合材料,影像等多種媒介。她擅長在繪畫,裝置,混 合材料作品中,加入手縫的絲線,從而疊加出一個超現實的炫麗世界,林菁菁的作品,旨在以悖論的方式提 出問題,觸發觀者的思考和聯想。 林菁菁曾於世界各地舉辦過多次個展:《You Can Trust Me》,聖荷西當代藝術學院, 加洲,美國(2020 );《Lov-Lov Shop》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國(2019);《......I......》,Residency Unlimited(RU),紐約, 美國(2018);《脫軌》,德薩畫廊,香港(2017);《明天曾經無限美好》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國(2015); 《完美的諾言》,德薩畫廊,香港(2014);《不可能之可能》,Neues Kunstforum,科隆,德國(2012); 《完美的諾言》,亞歷山大奧克斯畫廊,北京,中國(2012);《悖論的方式》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥, 智利(2011);《玫瑰玫瑰》,智利國家博物館,康塞普西翁,智利(2011);《一個人的飛翔》,瑪吉畫廊,馬 德里,西班牙(2008)。林菁菁也曾參加過許多國際聯展:《Light 約,美國(2019);《Look Location








Promise Again for the First Time , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong (2014); Possible of Impossible , Neues Kunstforum, Cologne, Germany (2012); My Promise for Your Happiness , Alexander Ochs Gallery, Beijing, China (2012); The Method Of Paradox , Museo sin muros - Museo Nacional de BellasArtes, Mall Plaza Vespucio, Santiago, Chile (2011); Rose Rose , Museo sin muros - Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Trebol, Concepción, Chile (2011); Public Privacy: The Visual

Memory of Lin Jingjing , Whitebox Art Center, Beijing, China (2011); Flying Alone , Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2008). She has also exhibited in group exhibitions worldwide: Light Year

55 , Projection on the Manhattan Bridge, New York, USA (2019); Look Both Ways , SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA (2019); Non-Location Specific , SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, USA (2019); Escape From, Escape To , SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA (2019); Docile , SNAP Gallery, Shanghai, China (2018); Half Sky , Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China (2016); She:

International Women Artists Exhibition , Long Museum, Shanghai, China (2016); Research Room III: The Working of Non-Figurative System , Right View Art Museum, Beijing, China (2016); Third Biennale Italy-China , Turin, Italy (2015); (CC)TV, Galerie Herold/Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung, Bremen, Germany (2014); What If Objects Could Talk , OV Gallery, Shanghai, China (2014);

Phoenix Symphony: Female Contemporary Arts , Tree Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China (2012); Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China , Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA (2011); Mind In Turmoil, Hand Better Busy , Long De Xuan Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China (2010); Cruzando el horizonte: Exposición de Arte

Contemporáneo de China , Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile (2010). Lin Jingjing currently lives and works in Beijing, China and New York, USA.

To》, 紐約視覺藝術學院切爾西畫廊, 紐約,美國(2019);《Docile》,SNAP 畫廊,上海,中國(2018);《 她們:國際女性藝術家特展》,龍美術館,上海,中國(2016);《半邊天》,紅門畫廊,北京,中國(2016); 《她們:國際女性藝術家特展》,龍美術館,上海,中國(2016);《研究室計劃(第三回):運行中的 “非形 象”》,正觀美術館,北京,中國(2016);《第四屆中國 —— 意大利當代藝術雙年展》,北京,中國(2016) ;《屹立:中國當代現狀》,徳薩畫廊,香港(2016);《第三屆意大利中國當代藝術雙年展》,都靈,意大利 (2015);《Stay Tuned:林菁菁 — 周文斗》,德萨画廊,香港(2015);《我们在哪里?》,徳萨画廊,香 港(2015);《(CC)TV》,Galerie Herold/Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung,布萊梅,德國(2014) ;《 假如作品會說話》 ,OV 畫廊,上海,中國(2014) ;《鸞鳳齊鳴:當代女性藝術展》,宋庄樹美術館,北京,中 國(2012);《半邊天:女性藝術家當代藝術展》,德雷塞爾大學卓克索美術館,費城,美國(2011);《心糾 手結藝術展》,龍德軒當代藝術中心,北京,中國(2010);《飛躍地平線-中國當代藝術展》,智利國家博 物館,聖地亞哥,智利(2010)。 林菁菁現生活與工作於中國北京和美國紐約。

Artist CV

Lin Jingjing b. 1970 in Shanghai, China. Lives and works in New York, USA. 1992 B.F.A. Fine Art Department, Fujian University, Fuzhou, China 2020 M.F.A. School of Visual Arts, New York, USA Solo Exhibitions Elsewhere , de Sarthe, Hong Kong 2022 You Can Trust Me , San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, California, USA 2020 Lov-Lov Shop , de Sarthe, Hong Kong , China 2019 ......I...... , Residency Unlimited (RU), New York, USA 2018 Take Off, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong , China 2017 Tomorrow Was Wonderful , de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China 2015 Promise Again for the First Time , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China 2014 Possible of Impossible , Neues Kunstforum, Cologne, Germany 2012 My Promise for Your Happiness , Alexander Ochs Gallery, Beijing, China The Method Of Paradox , Museo sin muros-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza 2011 Vespucio, Santiago, Chile Rose Rose , Museo sin muros-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mall Plaza Trebol, Concepcioń, Chile Public Privacy: The Visual Memory of Lin Jingjing , Whitebox Art Centre, Beijing, China I Want to be With You Forever, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China 2009 Flying Alone , Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain 2008 Dreamlike , Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China 1997


林菁菁 1970 年出生於中國上海。現於美國紐約居住和工作。 1992 2020 個展 2022 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 2012

福建師範大學美術學院本科學位,福州,中國 視覺藝術學院碩士學位,紐約,美國

《You Can Trust Me》,聖荷西當代藝術學院,加洲,美國 《Lov-Lov Shop》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《 ......I...... 》,Residency Unlimited ( RU ),紐約,美國 《脫軌》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《明天曾經無限美好》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國 《完美的諾言》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《不可能之可能》,Neues Kunstforum,科隆,德國 《完美的諾言》,亞歷山大奧克斯畫廊,北京,中國 2011 《悖論的方式》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥,智利 《玫瑰玫瑰》,智利國家博物館,康塞普西翁,智利 《公共隱私》,白盒子藝術中心,北京,中國 2009 《我要永遠和你在一起》,北京宋庄美術館,北京,中國 2008 《一個人的飛翔》,瑪吉畫廊,馬德裡,西班牙 1997 《似夢》,劉海粟美術館,上海,中國

Group Exhibitions Please Form A Straight Line , Blue Star Contemporary, Texas, USA 2020 Light Year 55 , Projection on the Manhattan Bridge, New York, USA 2019 Look Both Ways , SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA Non-Location Specific , SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, USA Escape From, Escape To, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA Docile , SNAP Gallery, Shanghai, China 2018 Half Sky, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China 2016 She: International Women Artists Exhibition , Long Museum, Shanghai, China Research Room III: The Working of Non-Figurative System , Right View Art Museum, Beijing, China Fourth Biennale Italy-China , Beijing, China Standing by Themselves: China Now, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China Stay Tuned, Lin Jingjing – Zhou Wendou , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China 2015 Where Are We?, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China Third Biennale Italy -China, Turin, Italy You, I Among Us , de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China 2014 Current Reality, Hidden Barriers, de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong (CC)TV, Galerie Herold/ Künstlerhaus Güterabfertigung , Bremen, Germany What If Objects Could Talk , OV Gallery, Shanghai, China Summer Gallery Selection , de Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, China Entangled Particles: Four Contemporary Chinese Artists , Saint Mary's University Art Gallery, 2013 Halifax, Canada First Biennale Italy-China , Villa Reale Di Monza, Italy 2012 Phoenix Symphony: Female Contemporary Arts , Tree Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China , Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, 2011 Philadelphia, USA Memory & Identity, MK2 Art Space, Beijing, China Mind In Turmoil , Hand Better Busy, Long De Xuan Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China 2010 The Possibility of Uncertainty, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China Cruzando el horizonte: Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo de China , Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile

群展 2020 2019

《Please Form A Straight Line》, Blue Star Contemporary, 德州,美國 《Light Year 55》, 曼哈頓大橋視覺投影, 紐約,美國 《Look Both Ways》, 紐約視覺藝術學院切爾西畫廊,紐約,美國 《Non-Location Specific》, 紐約視覺藝術學院熨斗畫廊,紐約,美國 《Escape From, Escape To》, 紐約視覺藝術學院切爾西畫廊, 紐約,美國 2018 《Docile》,SNAP 畫廊,上海,中國 2016 《她們:國際女性藝術家特展》,龍美術館,上海,中國 《半邊天》,紅門畫廊,北京,中國 《研究室計劃(第三回):運行中的“非形象”》,正觀美術館,北京,中國 《第四屆中國 —— 意大利當代藝術雙年展》,北京,中國 《屹立:中國當代現狀》,徳薩畫廊,香港,中國 2015 《Stay Tuned:林菁菁 — 周文斗》,德薩畫廊,香港 《我們在哪裡?》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《第三届意大利當代藝術雙年展》,都靈,意大利 2014 《你我間》,德薩畫廊,北京,中國 《現實 —— 障礙》,德薩畫廊,香港,中國 《(CC)TV》,Galerie Herold/ Künstlerhaus,布萊梅,德國 《假如作品會說話》,OV 畫廊,上海,中國 《夏季群展》,徳薩畫廊,香港,中國 2013 《Entangled Particles: Four Contemporary Chinese Artists》,聖瑪特大學博物館,哈利法克 斯,加拿大 2012 《首屆意大利中國當代藝術雙年展》,蒙扎皇家宮殿,意大利 《鸞鳳齊鳴:當代女性藝術展》,宋莊樹美術館,北京,中國 2011 《半邊天:女性藝術家當代藝術展》,德雷塞爾大學卓克索美術館,費城,美國 《記憶和身份》,MK2藝術空間,北京,中國 2010 《心糾手結藝術展》,龍德軒當代藝術中心,北京,中國 《不確定的可能性》,宋莊美術館,北京,中國 《飛躍地平線-中國當代藝術展》,智利國家博物館,聖地亞哥,智利 2009 《同行:德中當代藝術展》,武漢美術館,武漢,中國 2008 《在瓦倫西亞 55 天中國當代藝術展》,瓦倫西亞現代藝術博物館,瓦倫西亞,西班牙 《時差:中國當代藝術新力量》,瑪吉畫廊,馬德裡,西班牙

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003


Deutschland und China- Gemeinsam in Bewegung (Moving Ahead Together- Contemporary Art from Germany and China), Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China 55 Days in Valencia , Chinese art meeting, Institut Valencia d'Art Modern, Valencia, Spain Time-Lag: The New Force of Chinese Contemporary Art , Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain Journey to the West , Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, Austria Potential Dialogue -The party of Sino-Austria young artists , RCM ART Museum, Nanjing, China Archaeology of The Future , The Second Triennial Of Chinese Art, Nanjing Museum, China EAST OF EAST, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia One to one: Visions —Recent Photographs from China, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA The Different Same ---Chinese and Slovenian Artist Exchange Exhibition, Shanghai DuoLun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China The First Triennial of Chinese Arts, 2003, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, China Cultural Forum -- New Millennium Chinese Landscape Painting, Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland

Public Collections He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China Institut Valencia d'Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia, Spain Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China Museo de la Nación, Lima, Peru Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing, China

Private Collections Long Museum, Shanghai, China The Mountain Group Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Taida Museum of Modern Art, Tianjin, China Whitebox Art Center, Beijing, China

2007 2006 2005 2004

《西游記 —— 中國當代藝術展》Kunstraum Niederoesterreich,維也納,奧地利 《潛在的交流 —— 中國奧地利年輕藝術家的派對》,南視覺美術館,南京,中國 《未來考古學:第二屆中國藝術三年展》,南京藝術博物院,南京,中國 《東方的東方》,利比阿那城堡,利比阿那,斯洛文尼亞 《一對一 —— 來自中國的攝影》,前波畫廊,紐約,美國 2003 《不一樣的一樣 —— 斯洛文尼亞中國當代藝術交流展》,多倫現代美術館,上海,中國 《首屆中國藝術三年展》,廣州藝術博物院,廣州,中國 2002 《Cultural Forum — New Millennium Chinese Landscape Painting》,Tikanjoa 美術館,瓦 薩,芬蘭 公共收藏 何香凝美術館,深圳,中國 瓦倫西亞現代藝術博物館,瓦倫西亞,西班牙 劉海粟美術館,上海,中國 秘魯國家美術館,利馬,秘魯 智利國家美術館,聖地亞哥,智利 中國美術館,北京,中國

私人收藏 龍美術館,上海,中國 山美術館,高雄,台灣 泰達美術館,天津,中國 白盒子藝術中心,北京

26 March – 7 May, 2022 Hong Kong

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, No.21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11am–7pm Tel: +852 2167 8896 Fax: +852 2167 8893 E-mail: Texts: Lin Jingjing and Allison Cheung Design and photographs: Hamish Chan

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or part, without prior written permission from the gallery and the artist. 版權所有。未經畫廊和藝術家的事先書面許可,不得以任何形式或手段全部或部分複製本出版物的任何部分。

de sarthe 20/F, Global Trade Square, 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong E-mail: Tel: 2167 8896

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