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Olvidarte jamás Tú dejas un espacio Imposible de llenar

To never forget You leave a space Impossible to fill

In February of 2011, Valeria Caamaño and Macarena Abarca Flores are kidnapped by Rosario Uberales1. After 15 days of intensive searching, these characters of the environment of contemporary art are found and returned to their homes (Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina) Claimed they were subjected to a curatorial experiment that has caused a shift in perception and encounter with the world.

From this moment they communicate with each other only by virtual channels and nobody knows what they hatch, what they speak or what they do. After eight months of virtual exchange they are contacted by Espacio OTI, an organism designed to communicate with external networks to themselves, to build a meeting -this time- physical, to be held between the months of October and November of 2011. They will reveal what happened during this time and even unknown details about the episode that changed their lives forever: the encounter with Rosario Uberales.

Valeria Caamaño and Macarena Abarca Flores meet again after eight months of physical separation and virtual communication in the city of Buenos Aires. Espacio OTI will host them so that they can carry out their new project that, we repeat, will elucidate the whole truth: PRUEBA PILOTO.


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