Trinity University Reality Hackers

Page 265

COLE GRAY Hello, my name is Cole Gray and welcome to my blog The Parapatterner. In case you're wondering what a parapatterner is I suggest you read the short story entitled "The Worm that Flies" by Brian W. Aldiss, one of my favorite pieces of science fiction. Pretentious literary references aside though, I've never really been that into keeping a blog, visiting Facebook, 'tweeting' or even texting so I'm still a bit of a novice when it comes to social technologies but I'll try my best to accommodate any person so kind enough to read my electronic monologues. So let's begin with some basic biographical facts. I was born in Austin, Texas on June 26, 1989 and I'm currently 20 years old. I go to Trinity University in San Antonio as a sophomore looking into a major in Communication and a minor in Environmental Studies although I'm still not quite sure that this will be my final decision. I have an identical twin brother named Travis who also goes to Trinity and plans to major in History. I have myriad interests but my main hobbies include reading, writing poetry, drawing, running, weight lifting and video games. My favorite books are classic literature, authors like Dostoevsky, Kafka, Tolstoy, Hemmingway, Nietzsche and J.D. Salinger. I also like to read Shakespeare as well as Greek or Roman tragedies. I tend to write a lot of poetry and have even gotten a few of poems published but I also like to read and memorize poetry. My favorite poets are T.S. Eliot, William Blake, Galway Kinnell and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. I do like to draw and although I've never taken an actual drawing class I believe that I am pretty decent at it. My style is an attempt to combine photorealistic drawing with surreal landscapes or characters. For my exercise I usually sprint about eight miles and lift some free weights coupled with a lot of sit-ups and pushups every other day. As for my religious views I consider myself an existential atheist. I hope that covers just about everything, thanks for reading.

Reality Hackers : Appendices : Participants


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