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JULY, 1980

SIWf(, QUARTERLY Every Chapter News Report * Honor Roll Report Pennsylvania Reinstituted, Massachusetts Installed

The Pennsylvania Chapter of Delta Upsilon was reinstituted on March 29, 1980. Brother Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64, member of the Delta Upsilon Board of Directors, led the reinstitution team. Brother Adams was assisted with his ceremonial duties by twleve Pennsylvania alumni during the weekend festivities. The reinstitution banquet was highlighted by the presentation of the President's Citation, the International Fraternity's most prestigious award, to Brother Fulton W. Samson '21, former board director and loyal Pennsylvania alumnus, for his outstanding service and devotion to the fraternity. Chapter President Michael J. Donahue '80 presented the Meritorious Service Award to Brother Fred H. Kelley, Jr. '50 and the Alumnus of the Year Award to Brother Robert M. Bartus '71. The candidates pictured on the cover rank number one academically on the University of Pennsylvania campus.










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The QuarterlyApplauds

The second Delta Upsilon Presidents' Forum was held in Indianapolis in mid-March, led by Director Richa1"d Momn, Rutgers '72, shown in the top left jJhotogmjJh. Nine chapter jJresidents representing diverse chajJters and with varying levels of experience came together to discuss mutual problems and experiences. The Presidents' Forum program allows for a Fee interchange of ideas and help with jJroblem solving as members of the fraternity staff and officers and directors meet with the group during the three-day program. The next Fonl1n is scheduledfor October 24,25 and 26, 1980 and registrations are now being taken fOT this program which is limited to the first sixteen who register. "

OFFICERS President Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 (Vicc路Chairman) Lord, Day and Lord 25 Broadway. New York, New York 10004 Chairman of the Board Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65 Pendleton Banking C~~~di~~~'1~g6~tate Street, Pendleton.

crhe President's GReport

Vice路Presidems D. Bruce Decker, \\Testel'll Ontario '51 Post Office Box 40240, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240 Dr. Hugh W.Gray, Nebraska '34 803 North DuPont Road, Vlcsto\'er Hills, \Vilmington , Delaware 19S07 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 88 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Secretary Howard Kahlenbeck,Jr., Indiana '52 Krieg DeVault Alexander & Capehart, 2860 Indiana National Bank 'lower, One Indiana Square, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Treasurer Donald C. Rasmussen, Pu rduc '46 Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., One Indiana Square, Suite 2350, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Assistant Treasurer G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61 6810 N. Shadeland Avenue, #204 Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Directors LelandJ, Adams,Jr., Bucknell '64 44 Griscom Road Sudbury, Massachusetts 0 1776 (1980) Arnold R. Baum, Kansas '81 Delta Uysilon Fraternity 102!) Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 (1980) Terry", Brady, Missouri '62 Gagc and Tucker, 2Boo Mutual Benefit Life Bldg., P.O. Box 23428, Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (1981) The Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas Slate '61 J9dge of the District Court, Shawnee Count}' Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas 66603 (1981) Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State'4 7 P.O. Box 1705 Fon Wayne, Indiana 4680 I (1980) Past Presidents HoraceG. Nichol, Carnegie '21 \VilIiamF.)ones, Nebraska '27 Arad Riggs, DePauw '26 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn. State' 18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Harry W. McCobb, Michigan '25 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 Charles F.Jennings, t\:larietta '31 ] ames C, McLeod. Middlebury '26 W, D. 'Vatkins, North Carolina '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51

Executive Director Wilford A, Butler. CAE Senior Developlllent Director Richard Moran Leadership Consultants Martin T. Baxter II Troy E. Horine Scott A. Johnson Bradley K. Wolf Quarterly Editor W. A. Butler, CAE, ""estern i\ :lichigan '61 Assista nt Editor ] 0 Ellen Walden Design Consultant J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48 Official Photographer Ed Lacey.]r, DI'LTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraterlllty, founded in 1834, Incorporated, December la, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. B9x 40f08, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Headquarters is open from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m., E.S.T., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-293-8926. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY is published in January, AI)fil,Jul y and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indial1apo is, Indiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75 <? Send changes of address and correspondence of a business or editorial nature to Delta Upsilon Fraternity, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. 庐 T. M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.

President Herbert Brownell, left, and Chairman of the Board Dennis H, Cheatham look at the TIME gallery display in the Delta Upsilon headquarters showing Brownell when he was United States Attorney General,

Alumni: The Priceless Missing Ingredient Talking with our undergraduate chapter leaders, in the past months, has been an instructive and interesting experience. Our young chapter leaders are full of plans, enthusiasm and energy to make their chapters better and stronger. Yet, I can't help but notice that often an otherwise superior chapter misses greatness by virtue of a real lack of alumni help. In some chapters, it would seem that the alumni and the chapter have abandoned each other. Others suffer lack of alumni support as a result of a long period of time when undergraduates really didn't want help, and seemed selfsufficient. Today, chapter presidents tell me that their biggest single problem is getting alumni interest, day-to-day advisement help and support. The campus climate for fraternities is improving just now, The undergraduates of today are not the undergraduates of yesterday or tomorrow. Today's chapter leaders tell me that they want and need more alumni assistance and I believe them. Won't you take time today to be interested in your chapter and in your International Fraternity? Believe me, there are more than

enough opportullltIeS to involve ~veryone who is interested in helpmg, This issue of our Quarterly lists well over 2,700 alumni who have helped the International Fraternity this year through the alumni support appeal. This program is absolutely vital to the continued strength and success of Delta Upsilon, I salute each of them for helping make Delta Upsilon a fraternity leader. Fraternally yours,

Herbert Brownell International President

Delta Upsilon Quarterly July 1980 Volume 98-Number 3

Table of Contents


Pennsylvania Revival and Massachusetts Installation


Chapter Activities Reports


Vital Statistics


Annual Alumni Honor Roll


Alumni Directory ",.,....


Chapter Roll Grows with Revival at University of Pennsylvania, Installation at Massachusetts by Rodney P. Kirsch A cool, rainy Philadelphia weekend ·did not dampen 'the great spirit and enthusiasm present at the reinstitution of the Pennsylvania Chapter on March 28-29, 1980. On Friday evening the .membership gathered for ·Rite One ,vhich was held in Houston Hall. Brother Leland J. Adams, Bucknell '64, Mem'ber of'the Delta Upsilon ·Fraternity :Board of -DireCtors and 'Brother Harry W. Van Sciver, ,P ennsylvania '53, chapter counselor, shared the role ·of examiner, while Brother 'R odney P. Kirsch, North Da'kota '78, Undergraduate Services .Director, was chief 'marshaL The first chapter 'executive committee meeting followed Rite One and discussion was focused on·the futureof'Delta Upsilon's newest chapter. Rite Two of reinstitUtion took .place on 'Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's Church on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Brother Adams 'lei! 'the reinstittition team and presented badges to 49 candidates. Brother MichaeIG.Kirsch, .Pennsylvariia '68 acted as 'chief marshal ana Brother ;Richard 1. Smoot, Colorado '68waschaplain. Brother'Richard M. Samson, Pennsylvania '28 and 'B rother Albert E. Elseroad, Jr., Pennsylvania '53 aided ·Brother Adams as assistant marshals. Brother Van Sciver delivered the charge encouraging the 'new initiatesto make a significant contribution'to the chapter. 'Brother Adams :presented ,the ,cihapter charter to the immediate 'past colony ,president, Michael]. Donahue '80. The'presentation of the chapter charter was met with a 's tirring round of spontaneous applause. 'B rother Adams instiilled ,the new chapter officers and Brother Kitsch presented the new cha,pter !president, Robert M. Shlakman '8 ,1, with the Delta Upsilon flag. 'B rother Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 gave Brdther Slilalman the chapter ,president's gavel while Brother Robert M. Bartus, Pennsylvania '71 presented the other chapter officers with 'the ritual books and rollbook for the new chapter. Brother Mark A. Shelnitz '80, chapter songleader, led the .group in "It Was Founded ,By 'Our Fathers" to conclude Rite Two. A group 'photograph of all initiates apq alumni participating in Rite q \Ya,s ~i\\<oen following the ceremoni~s . Ma,n,y gIJes~s, parents and alumni, a,~~en,l1~d a yery'nice reception at the cJ;l,a, p~er house whiCh wasorganizeq \w B\"o~her Richard]. Bertheaud '80. Brother Bartus served as ' toastmaster for the rei~stitution banquet held Saturday evening at the Hilton Hotel in Philadelphia. The banquet invocation was delivered by Brother Fulton Samson. Approxirna~e1y 135 people wer e present to hear Dr, Martin Stamm , Director of Fraternity Affairs at the University welcome the new chapter. Dr. Stamm congratulated


the fraternity <'on ,its successful job of comchapter with a special plaque which read , "Delta Upsilon i n Everything, Every DU in plimentihg:the academic mission of the U niSomething." The back of the plaque was versity of Pennsylvania." Brother Adams provided the internationsigned by every member of the Purdue al f raternity's response at the ·banquet. He Chapter. The closest chapter neighbor, the Swarth.congl'lltulated >the 'chapter on their number more Chapter was represented by one academic standing among fraternities at Gregory]. McIlvain '80 and Peter A. AlexPennsylvania and .remarked on :rhe"weal~h of brotherhood" 'exhibited .by the ·chapter. ander '81. They presented the chapter with B'r other Adams then presented Brother a copy .of Delta Upsilon, One Hundred Yea/:5, a gift of Brother F. Wayne Schooley, Iowa 'F ulran Samson with.the PFesident's Citation, the international 'fr.ate~nity'·s 'highest .and State '22 . most prestigious awa-rd, recognizing his Brother William A. Squires, Pennsylvania tremendous:alumni,dedication, interest.and '71 gave the chapter a copy of Baird's Manu·support. Brother Samson received a rousing al, a history of college fraternities. Brother standing ·ovation for several minutes. Henry J. Wilshusen , Pennsylvania '71 gave the chapter a bound .edition of the Delta Brother Fred H. Kelley, Jr.,Pennsylvania Vjlsilon Quarterly . Bt'other Peter F. Way, '50, former ·alumni ·corporation president Pennsylvania '55 welcomed fhe chapter with who held the alumni assoCiation together the United States flag. Brother Steven W. dming the ·dha.ptef<dormancy, spoke on 'beMcConnell, Pennsylvania '70 presented the half of ,the IP ennsylvania ·alumni. He 'traced chapter the Canadian flag. Brother Bartus the .historyo'f.the chapter.and said today ,is a gave the chapter a scrapbook of the chapter "realizationofa,dreani" 'for ill 'P ennsylvania history from 1915-18 which was a gift of alumni. tHe ;:/Iso 'gave .speCial 'tribute 'to .Brother Sheridan C.Waite , Pennsylvania 'B rdtlrer Robert]. Wurm,Rutgers'71, who '18. 'Bl,otherKirsch gave Brother Donahue a initially·discussedwlth 'tire :first'colon ymem.chapter:pl'esident's badge which was a gift of bersthe 'opportunit'y ito 'affiliate 'with D elta !BrotherPI~ilip B. Desnoyers, Wisconsin '16. 'U psilon and revive ,ihe ·dormant ·chapter. :Brother Kirsch .a:lso presented the chapter iBroiher'Donahue'responded onbehalfdf 'With a plaque that has the original engraving tire cha.pter. !Ne thartked ,the alumriiand Iplate for the .eha.pter reinstitution invitation summed 'up !rhe 'Work 'df fevival 'o'ftlhe 'cha;pon -it. terwith this appro,priiate analogy: "Five ;Follo\"ing ·the banquet, the new initiates 1weeks ago 'we watdhed ithe 'U.'S. 'Olympic ·celebrated 'with 'a party and dance at the Hadkey 'team 'beat 'an 'ovet1powedng 'Russian chap ter :house. This concluded a most team. 'It was something ,people'said Gotildn:t memorable and 10YoUS occasion for all parti,be done. 'Each ;member ·of ,that ·team 'was ,oipants. decoratea with a gold medal. Today, '19 'fhe Universi.ty lof Massachusetts at young ·men were alsoaecor-atea ·.with :gdld, Amherst .was installed as a Delta Upsilon :gdld badges ·of -initiation. lIt was ,also some'chapter 'on {he weekend of April 18-19, 'thing 'people said couldn't'be ·done. 'B ut we ij'980. rdid ·it!" Brother Donahue made several alumni 'On F niday eve.ningthe membership award presentations. :Bmther Reiley 'Was 'gathered .for ,the Rite 'Oneceremony which was .held ;in .rihe University ·of Massachusetts given the tVleritoriaus ·Serv.ice Award and Brother Bartus the Alumnus 'of the Y'ear :Campus Center. B rothers Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64, member of the Boapd of Award. Special Citation Awards were 'given 'ta 'Brother 'George Craig, 'Pennsylvania ':54, Delta Upsilon; Robert 1. Tyburs'ki, C01gate 'B rother Fulton Samson, Bfother 'Elseroad '74, tPr(')vince '2 Governor; William MacRoband .Brother VanSciver. 'bie, J-r., Tufts '40, Massachusetts Chapter Brother George 'Craig 'was ,the 'featured "Corporation Secretary; and Keith O. Kane'bi\nqIJet speaker. He r efleoted 'on ihe day 'la, WaShington :59, Massachusetts Chapter the chapter was suspended and . remem-Co~poration President, served as ,examinbered symbolically attaching a ·note 'to ,the ers. Brother Rodney P. Kirsch,'North Da'ko'chapter'house '\vhich read: "This is'DU signta '.78, Under.graduate Services 'Director, ing off until 'better,days," Brother Craig ex'served as 'Chief Marshal for Rite ,One. .pressed everyone's pride when he stated, The f irst chapter executive committee "Brothers, better 'days are 'here again!" He meeting 'followed Rite One. Both under'~ e·n t on to encourage the new iriitiates to let graduate officers and alumni in attendance justice guide not only their fraternity experidiscussed the major goals and future direction for Delta Upsilon'S newest chapter. ence, but all facets of their life. There were several special presentations Rite Two of installation -took place on made to the chapter. A five man delegation Saturday afternoon at the Newman Center from the Purdue Chapter ·including on the University of Massachusetts campus. Thomas 1. Van Paris '82, Dale B. Roberts Brother William R. Gordon, Kansas State '82, Scott R. Benko '82 , Gregory S.Caine '80 '60, ·Province ·l Governor, led the installation and Daniel D. Fitzgerald '83 presented 'the (Concluded onpage 60) DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY·

July, 1980

Ghapter GActivities GReview {})~ ,n,.""




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Alberta Darryl W. Stein, President 1l020路86th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6G OW9 ALUMNI EVENT : Rush banquet, September 1980. Initiates: Ian Murray, Jeff Chamberlin, John Ioannides, Bruce Rabik, Barry Scott, Graham Jones, Craig Young, Charles Colbourne.

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Service projects include assisting the elderly in the community, plus weekly cleaning Waco Creek. We made a strong, competitive showing in intramurals and are improving our social program. Initiates: .Jeff Ammon, Rick Burnett, Brian Caskey, Frank Cremer, Kevin Coulter, Mike Decker, Devek Frech, Troy Gaddie, Jim Morris, Kevin Perkins, Wayne Red ding, Quin Sharp, Keith Starr.


Bowling Green

Scott C. Davis, Presi~ent 10 North Garland Fayetteville; Arkansas 72701 Weare proud to report the establishment of a structured Alumni Association and much improved alumni newsletter; plus improvements to the physical plant including a new lock system, new library furniture, roof repair and parking lot repair. We implemented a new scholarship program and are improving our rush program. ALUMNI EVENT: Fifth anniversary homecoming, November 15, at the house. Initiates: Robert Bolls, John Monaweck, Glenn Walsh, Kevin Carter, Joel Polichronopoulos, Rich Hansen, Jeff Rector, Venny Sneed, Russel Hankins, David Gean .

<:;raig A.Brass, President Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 The brothers agreed unanimously to increase food dues 10% and add a cost of food index so our chapter can keep up with inflation. Rearrangement of finances and timely collection of winter dues have helped the chapter. We have improved our communications with the International Fraternity.and begun publication of a newsletter which should keep us in better contact with our alumni. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18, 1980. Initiates : Ed Citro, Lee Arthur, Doug Coen, Phil Chambers.

Bucknell- A scene fmm the 65th annual Demie play, "Guys and Dolls" is pictured.




Douglas Chandler, President 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 We have 21 pledges as a result of our recent rush effort. During the term we made improvements to the house and revised our pledge program. ALUMNI EVENT: Softball game, July 4, 1980. Initiates: Ronald Hass, Kevin Hampton, Michael Miller, James Singleton, Philip Aylward, Richard Hooford, Steven Vedral.

Bradley - Five Bradley Bmthers are shown in fmnt of the chapter house.



Scott C. Sinclair, President Box 102, Union Building Baylor University Waco, Texas 76703 We have a fine pledge class this term and are working to form a solid alumni program.

Brian P. Gallagher, President 1318 West Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 We held a fund-raiser for a Bradley student stricken with leukemia, the Gordie Holler Hop-a-thon, April 5. We ranked


third in GPA; captured first place in wrestling and are competing for the Greek All Sports cup. Two of our brothers were elected All School president and treasurer. ALUMNI EVENT: Formal dinner dance, September 1980. Initiates: Dean Frecker, Robert Gibson, David Verseman, Kevin Nelson, Randy Highland, Steven Determan, Thomas Leonard, John McCarthy, David Drummond, Scott Laue, Brian Gallagher, Michael Wilder, Gregory Wolf, Scott Graham, Paul Chickene, Theodore Dubbs, James Friel, Brian Rowell. .

July, 1980

Stephen G. Grove, President Bucknell University Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 We contributed to the March of Dimes $1,000 from Q]lr 65th annual Demie Play "Guys and Dolls." We held our first annual father-son weekend and during the term, furnished our chapter room with conference table and chairs. Also, we hosted an Easter party for underprivileged children. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 11-12, 1980. Initiates: Steve Diorio, DOllg Seifert, Jack Snyder, Curt Waibel.

California Peter L. Shell worth, President 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, California 94704 During the term we have attempted to better our community and University rela-


tions. We participated in the Red Cross blood drive. In intramural sports, we made a strong showing in street hockey and softball. ALUMNI EVENT: November , CalStanford football game day brunch at house. Initiates: Don Sabatini, Blake Osmundsen, Steve Olson, Steve Spurlock, Geoff Rushing, Charlie Schueler, Court Younger, Jim O 'Connor, Mark Thompson, Dave Herzer, Bill Knees, Chip Hill, Jim Hunt, Jon Hutchinson, Kirk Beebe, Bob LemMon, Matt MacPhee, Mark Carlos.

Chicago Howard L. Niden, President 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 We have made major house renovations including converting from oil to a gas furnace, contributing to our decreasing our energy consumption by ten percent. We are instituting a quarterly alumni dinner and plan to participate more actively in intramural sports. ALUMNI EVENT: Barbecue dinner, mid-August, chapter house .

Clarkson Mitchell P. Reff, President 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 Our projects included sponsoring the 7th annual charity hockey game, hosting a faculty picnic at the house, holding a Halloween party with area day-care children, and sponsoring an area food drive for the needy. Initiates: Douglas Morrow,J ames Schaad .

Colby Carnegie - Initiation ceremonies show new initiate Teny .Wamer '83 with Doug Abbatiello '80, Thomas R . Allen, Jr. '58 and Jon Domash '76.

Carnegie Kenneth P. Bosch, President 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 We are proud to report the second highest GPA on campus and winning second place in the Greek Sing for the second consecutive year. We will initiate over 25 men for the first time in 37 years. Our community relations project will be a Special Olympics for underprivileged children. The plans for our long-awaited chapter room for officers have been accepted. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18, II :30 a.m., at the chapter house. Initiates: Jeff Abel, Rick Berkenstock, Mark Calem, Mike Connor, Mark Finestone, Dave Hlasnik, Kerry Kerlin, Alan Klein, Rob Lehman, Mark Pinone, Doug Rapport, Mike Skilton, Ben Smith, Peter Soule, Ken Vecchio, Rob Wagner, Terry Warner, Dave West, Scott Whitman, Mitchell Salmon, Douglas Derr, Timothy Rusch.

Richard F. Schaub, Jr., President Box 1352, Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 During this term we scored the highest cumulative average on campus; sponsored a residential forum concerning the presidential primary elections, and were runners-up in intramural hockey. ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming, midOctober. Pledges: Joseph Noel, Anthony Lainez, Jonathan Taylor, David Carr , Nicholas Nunez, James McKenzie.

Colgate Kyle E. Hart, President Post Office Box 239 Colgate University , Hamilton, New York 13346 Our accomplishments during this term included a strong rush, collection of accounts r eceivable, improve ment in the house appearance and a strong intramural showing. ALUMNI EVENT: cocktails/all home football games. Initiates: Daniel Arment, John Bergamini, Michael Bone, Gregory Bray, Gregory

Brown, Kevi n Cerny , Edward Cifu, Anthony Colavita, Peter Drechesser, Paul Georges, James Grzymkowski, John Joyce, Steven Kokkinakis, Timothy McMull an, Tory Mongeon , Chi Won Moon , Mark Owens, Joseph Palka, Joe Pennino, Charles Pritchard, Wayne Schuchts, Peter Sestito, Paul Seto, Patrick Shea, James Shaw, Frank Vairo, Jeffrey Schaum.

Colorado Randall S. Sagante, President 1012 University Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 We ratified our new chapter by-laws; restructured our rush program; greatly reduced our accounts receivable ; and raised $6,000 for the school library in teeter-totter benefit. We also had an officers' retreat with Lewis Gregory, and have improved the dayto-day upkeep of house . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, November I, 1980. Initiates: Mark Madden, Jim Sniff, Tom Wagner, Stace Slater, John Cohen, Todd Spencer.

Cornell Todd S. Dewey, President 6 South Avenue Ithaca, New York 14850 We are running ahead of the budget thus far and are holding weekly executive board meetings with written rules. We are enjoying better chapter-alumni relations and have another strong pledge class. We hope to raise funds for proposed house expansion . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 25, 1980. Initiates : Jim Ackerman, Paul Aronson, Nelson Bassett, Wade Bollinger, David Fetterof, Eric Hanson, Dave Kl-insky, G. Lytle, Tim Marchell, Tony Maresco, Chris Moresko, Mike Murray, Kevin Myer, Tim Pallies, Chuck Ruebling, Duane Sherman, Dana Shute, Jim St. Clair, Steve Wyman .

Creighton John C. Lindsay, President 318 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 We participated in fund-raisers for the March of Dimes and for Retarded Children of Omaha. Our GPA of 3.1 is the highest on campus. Our alumni-active card game was well attended .

Central Missouri Terry L. Phillips, President Diemer Hall, 310R Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 Our successful 10th Anniversary celebration topped off a term including a strong winter rush, participation in the softball tournament, winning fourth place in intramural wrestling. Our chapter also participated in the production of the Johnson County Mental Health play about mental health fallacies . ALUMNI EVENT: 4th of July party, location to be announced. Initiates : Marc Gerik, Pat Seeley, Jack Snider, Bob Sadler.


Creighton -

The chapter's spring pledge class gathers for the photographer. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

July, 1980

ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day din ner/formal, November 2. Initiate: James Hardy.

Dayton Joseph W. Reddy, President 108 Woodland Dayton, Ohio 45409 We are working toward better relations with our alumni and the International Fraternity. Our pledge program is much improved. We made improvements in the house this term, also. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 4, 1980. Pledges: Mark Zona, Jeff Hall, Rick Luyken, Tim Maginn, Dave Mott, Bill Taylor.

Florida Richard M. Rettstadt, President 1814 West University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 We have had the most service projects in any winter quarter (nine) and have increased our involvement in campus politics, services, IFC. Twenty percent of the brothers had a 3.5 GPA or better. We have established good communications with other Province 4 chapters and did well in intramural bowling, soccer and basketball. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming/ Founders' Day, October, 1980. Initiates: Dave Legman, Greg Fannin, Dave Roy, Jeff Clarke, Mitch DiMarco, Eric Steiner, Craig Harter, Tom Freese, Dave McCarthy, Bill McQuillen, Al St. Pierre, Andre DuPont, Mark Warren, Don Ivey.


Delaware Mark A. Claveloux, President 400 Wollaston Avenue, Apt. A-4 Newark, Delaware 19711 Our accomplishments during the term included improving the GPA, a successful 10th anniversary Founders ' Day , and United Way fund-raising with Pan hellenic House . We are pleased with the alumni activation of a career counseling program . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming lunch, October 1980. Initiate: Trygve Meeker.

David F. Stanley, Jr., President 5210 North 3rd Street Fresno, California 93710 The chapter members worked a national bridge tournament and made over $1,000. During the term we converted a garage into a chapter room. We also put on a big installation dinner for alumni, and a golf tournament. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day dinner, November 7, 1980. Initiates: Greg Shamoon, Scot Steffen, Mario Gonzalez-Crocrer, Peter Kuest.

Georgia Tech

Denison Frederick C. Gallagher, President Slayter Hall, Box #1115 Denison University Granville, Ohio 43023 During the term, we reopened the house and have purchased new furniture . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 26, at the house.

Brian L. Creekbaum, President 154 Fifth Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30313 In competition this term, we won overall for the 1979 homecoming; first place in the Rambling Wreck Parade; second place in the Miller Reclamation Drive; and seventh

in Greek Week. Our annual alumni roll call was third place. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 25. Initiates: Mark Anderson, James Atkinson, John M. Broadwell, Steven Brooks, Benjamin H. Cole, Ralph R. Cook, D. Scott Dixon, Bruce R. Farner, David M. Henderson, Barry S. Laderman, Douglas A. Leckband, Laurence R. Murray, Jed M. Perlowin, Alan A. Rakes, Carl D. Rush.

Hamilton Peter M. Acquaviva, President Hamilton College Clinton, New York 13323 We are trying to improve alumni relations, keep up our excellent reputation on campus, keep our newly renovated house in good shape and raise money to renovate our kitchen facility. Pledges: Dave Blecker, Mike Davicino, Joe Femia, Ron Femia, Mike Fisher, Steve Garvin, Greg Gilroy, Joe Gottlieb, Arnold Joseph, Walter Klein, Dave Lahey, Kyle MacCallum, Mike Pagnotta, Bob Paul, Mark Portin,JeffRawlins, Rob Rusk, Lee Samuel.

Houston Jeffrey S. Trowbridge, President Campus Activities Center, Box 109 4800 Calhoun University of Houston Hou~ton, Texas 77004 For the fourth consecutive year, we had the highest GPA on campus. We raised over, $1,000 for Muscular Dystrophy and won the Sigma Nu bike race. ALUMNI EVENT: Football game, October 1980. Initiates: Langley McKelvy, Richard Mahoney, Roy Timmerman, Dustin Windsor.

DePauw Douglas B. Evans, President 626 East Seminary Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 We are refining all our programs and striving to win back alumni support. We have planned one civic project per semester, and recently won the campus blood drive for the second consecutive semester. We have had activities with the Miami, Ohio State and Purdue Chapters and are looking forward to hosting the RLS next year.

Eastern Kentucky Gregory L. Arrowood, President Box 252, Todd Hall Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky 40475 We celebrated Easter with the Crestview and Kenwood Nursing Homes . We have instituted a new scholarship program and are bettering our alumni relations. We also were active in Kentucky Greek Weekend. ALUMNI EVENT: Summer retreat,July 11-13, Lexington. Initiates: Jerald Wise, Dwayne Reynolds , Clay Nelson , Rick Justice, Gary Lunsford. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY •



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Illinois- Cutting their 75th anniversal)1cake are, left to right, R. Kurt Wilhe '81, Arnold Beckman '22, Stanley Ikenberry, University of Illinois Pl'esident, Tholllas W. Samuels '09, and Seely johnston '24.

July, 1980


Illinois Kevin T. Donnelly, President 312 East Armory Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 The 75th anniversary celebration was a huge success with 300 in attendance. The Brothers journeyed to Chicago for a Bulls game and dinner at Dianna's Greek Restaurant. New ceilings have been completed in the dining room and living room. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, reception, October 18, 1980. Initiates: Jim Ensign, Bob Bass,John Patterson, Tim Lindsay, Kevin Lewis, Al DeRiemacker, Perry Meronyk, Brian Cooper, Bob Zurawski, George Tokarski, Craig Milkint, Mike Hebner, "Ed Ehrgott, Larry Maloney.

Douglas Howell, Vic Kohlhof, Bruce Logan, James Mailliard, Thomas Mally, Scott Micek, Bradd Provorse, Christopher Renk, Kevin Rummelhart, Matthew Winter, Christopher Young.

Johns Hopkins


Christopher Quinn, President 4220 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 We have participated in community work at the zoo. Our alumni participation has increased, and we were the intramural fraternity champions. ALUMNI EVENT: December 8, 6:00 p .m., Founders' Day, at the house. Initiates: Julian Baum.

Jason M. Honeyman, President Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 We have a strong pledge class this term. Our house placed fifth academically for the semester. We have the captain and 20 brothers on the rugby club. Improvements have been made to the interior of the house. ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming, October 1980. Pledges : Ralph Artigliere, Corky Beers, John Bown, Dave Bradford,Joe DeSemone, Jeff Diacik, Steve File, Dennis Gillooley, Mike Keller, Ed Klinger, Tom Loughlin, Chip McGee, Bill Morrison, Tom Porzio, Roy Ulin, Evin Walshe, Danny White, Marty Crozier.

Indiana James T. Hildebranski, President 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 We hosted a successful RLS earlier this year, improved our scholarship and enjoyed a good rush . We recently purchased a replacement DU fire truck. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 11. Initiates: Edward Marshall, Dennis Gentry, Scott Schutte, Steven Bassett, Gary Kern, Bradley Karch, William Beaumont, Alex Kolumbus, Daniel LaB rash, Marc Odier, Frederick Warren, Christopher Carlson, Stuart Bowes, Mark Sands, Randy Borror, Robert Newell.

Iowa Daniel T. Brackett, President 320 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 We initiated 21 pledges last semester and have a pledge class now of eight. We won the All-U intramural points; the All-U flag football; and participated in the MS marathon. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18, 1980. Initiates: Steve Powers, Ford Schick, Mike Blaser, Mike Balabon, Ben Gerwe, Robert Snyder, Brent Solman, Bruce Gettman, Dave Stoppelmoor, John Crippes, Mark Rahe, John Millin, Brad Wilson, Mark Eastman, Mike Griffin, Ken Markham, Stan Hart, Philip Troge, Robert Keane, Mark Thompson, Scott Kernall.

genhardt, David Arnold, Brian Hallman, Gerry Rieken, Paul Morgan, Steve Upchurch, John Breeden, Doug Sharpe, Brent Stanley, Mike Bolar, Brad Reinhardt, Paul Lawrence .


Kansas -Intramural basketball champions aTe show in a game against Beta Theta Pi.


Peter J. Gakos, Jr., President Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 Twelve brothers were members of the football team that finished as the NCAA Division I-AA runnerup. We also placed high in intramural boxing and wrestling, and qualified two basketball teams for the playoffs. Our GPA is eighth of 32 fraternities on campus. We have new dining room furniture and held a formal dance at the house in March. ALUMNI EVENT: Cocktails and dinner after the game, November 22. Pledges: John Ashier, Jim Baird, Brian Crudeli,Jon Foltz, Ron Garris, Doug Gugino, Mike Reheuser, Mike Renforth, Frank Rudisill, Curt Timmerman, Arnie Wetzel.

Iowa State

Richard W. Kluge, Jr., President 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 We are the intramural basketball champions for the 1979-'80 season, winning the fraternity league and the independent league. ALUMNI EVENT: DU Day, to be announced. Initiates: Bryan Wilkerson, Randolph Carroll, Tad Dower, Duane Grovenburg, Bruce Harris, Blake Hedges, Bob Holt, Mike Hurd, Lin Judy, Tod King, Rob Merrill, Beau Peters, David Russell, Steve Sensemon, Todd Slawson, John Stallcup, Brad Stout, Bobby Vickers.

G. Clark Scott, President 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 We achieved full house occupancy for three consecutive quarters, and due to a new budget and collection of accounts, we will finish in the black this year. We now have an adult resident live-in and have instigated a summer rush program with a travelling rush chairman . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming game and banquet, October 11, with reunions for pledge classes of 1929-30; 1954-55; 196970; 1974-75. Initiates: Richard Allendorf, Craig Carnes, Bart Connelly, Robert Cox, Dennis Donnelly, David Forbes, David Hattery,

Kansas State


Jay R. Warner, Jr., President 1425 University Drive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 We raised approximately $600 for the Perkins Memorial Scholarship Fund. Our alumni governing organization has been reorganized by establishing joint alumniundergraduate committees to assist in house matters. We finished third in grades for the fall semester and won the All-Fraternity basketball championship. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, November 1, 1980. Initiates: Gary DeShazer, Marc De-

John M. Streble, President Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208 Much progress has been made in both faculty relations and alumni relations, with alumni being more active in chapter management and rush . We recently initiated our 600th member. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, to be announced. Initiates : Thomas B. Bacon, James R. ¡Bramblett,Jr., Laurence W. Brunner, Greg S. Burton, Wm. B. Davenport, Douglas W.


Louisiana State Malcolm D. Brignac, President Post Office Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 Our projects for this term included plans for getting a house; rushing quality members; organizing the officers and setting up a calendar, plus holding a planning session for next semester. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 11,1980. Initiates: John Overton,Joseph Scivicque, Jay Paul Robillard, Michael Toups.


July, 1980

Farmer, Wayne Goldberg, Bruce J. Gutekunst, Kenneth J. Krahulec, Forrest E. Land , Frank E. Lee, Robert V. Matibag, David R. McClure, Kevin D. Payne, Patrick J. Renn , Harry K.J. Schiavone, Jr. , Dale A. Scott,. Timothy J. Skillman, Bruce E. Truman.

Maine Robert F. MacArthur, President 130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 We are having continual house restoration by the brotherhood , including the purchase of combination storm windows. We enjoyed a successful rush, participated in the blood drive, and won the All fraternity sportsmanship award . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18. Initiates: John Beliveau, Robert Choppa, Rusty Dyke, Robert England, Perry Jackson, Darren Obermeyer, Michael Ray, Rick Wood.

Massachusetts Gregory A. Dennis, President 778 North Pleasant Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 The highlight of the term was, of course, the installation on April 18-19. Following this, we are working to build DU's reputation as one of the finest fraternities at UMASS. We conducted various fundraising events during the semester, numerous social events and a spring formal dinner and dance. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming weekend, November I, 1980. Initiates : John Barcelo, Robert Cook, Martin Costa, Christopher Crane, Andrew Hamel, Erik Jacobson, Mitchell Nollman, Christopher Singleton, Andrew Todd .

Michigan State Jeffery A. Gates, President 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 We were successful in Gr eek sports, placing first in basketball and second in volleyball. Our grade point rose from 24th place to 14th place, of 26 houses on campus . We have brothers involved in committees for Greek Week and others in political support for Aubrey Radcliff who is running for Congress. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18. Initiates: Bob Bedell, Steve Miller, Dan McIntyre.


Manitoba David K. Fallis, President 112 Wilmot Place Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2Kl We have re-introduced an academic excellence scholarship for high academic achievement coupled with strong fraternity involvement. We are looking forward to football season after doing well in hockey and playing in the finals in basketball. We have ' some minor house renovations planned for the summer. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day Stag, November 6, 1980. Pledge : Ian Barnes.

Marietta Brooks D. Reinhard, President 223 Fourth Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 We participated in the Salvation Army canned food drive. The brothers we re also busy as a stage crew for guest speakers, leaf raking for the college president and repainted the downstairs. We have added a pool table for the enjoyment of our guests. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18, 1980. Pledges: Craig Deppert, Adam Sutton.

Maryland Joseph W. Oxley, President 6 Fraternity Row College Park, Maryland 20740 We participated in a dance marathon for the Cancer fund-raising and gave a Christmas party for retarded children. We painted the front of the house and designed the interior to make it presentable and distinguished. The chapter placed second in overall fraternity sports. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming dance, to be announced. Initiates: Ken Bisch, Paul Dever, Adam Newman, Pete Noonan, Al Nunez, Steve Olson, Bill Poe, Bob Waldron. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Initiates: Tim Bell, Dave Buell, Tom Cook, John Holt, Doug Humphrey, And y Lofgren, Gary Lowery, Tim Mei e r, Joe Simon, Ron Souweidane, Dave Tocco, Matt Walton, Jim Welsh, Gary Zenkel.

Miami - The Founders' Day Banquet was a highlight of the spring semester.

Miami Gregory R. Kavanagh, President 400 East Vine Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 Highlights of the term included the Founders' Day banquet honoring Watson R. Pults, , II, and the chapter rush retreat attended by Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46. Our dining room is a memorial established in honor of our housemother Pat Kline who passed away in February. Improved scholastic averages and participation in a leadership seminar with Oxford residents rounded out the term. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 25, chapter house. Initiates: Thomas E. Bennett, Douglas W. Carpenter, Thomas D. Epperson, David J. Fulton, Jr., David A. Gifford, Paul A. Hawkinson, Christopher B. Kavanagh, Andrew H . Kellogg, Craig A. Lass, Scot K. Linton, Alexander Menassa, Geoffrey S. Portman, James A. Rossman, Charles A. Sabatos, David C. Stebbins, Brian J. Taylor.

Michigan James T. Ranum, President 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 The house shows $1 ,000 in the black for the first time in several years. The brothers saved about $900 by digging a hole to the water main for repairs. House imp rovements included painting the house; new living room furniture; and remodelling the basement plus changing the storeroom into a TV room/lounge. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, date to be announced.

July, 1980

John Underwood, President 136 South Main Street Middlebury, Vermont 05753 We have been active in varsity sports football, soccer, basketball and hockey; organized a safety patrol, and are planning a benefit road race. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni weekend in September.

Minnesota Ronald R. Elvin, President 1112 Sixth Street, Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 We have introduced time organization and study habits/techniques. The retaining wall at the front of the chapter house has been rebuilt, plus two rooms have been remodelled. We organized our 90th anniversary; participated in fund raising for public television station KTCA, and won the bowling intramurals. ALUMNI EVENT: Open House some time in July. Initiate: Keith Espelien.

Missouri Scott A. McFarland, President 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201 We have reinstituted an alumni newsletter and instituted a scholastic awards system for high scholastic achievement. Currently we are first in fraternity intra murals. We now have a central rush chairman, hoping to strengthen our position. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni Lake Weekend, Lake of the Ozarks, July 26-27. Initiates : M. Pyle, J. Bell , M. Wright, J. Oh, M. Berger, D . Peistrup, K. Sharpe, S. Dewey, K. Teel, J. Alexander, R. Nelson, B. Mull , T. Hohm , N . Jordan, J . Miller, E. Olson, R. Spangler,J. Jacobsen, D. Cobb, J . Moser.



North Dakota


Andrew J. Lepinski, President 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 We reorganized our pledge program and the rush program to meet new IFC rush rules. We sponsored the Diabetes Foundation bik-e-thon . ALUMNI EVENT: Smoker, Hilton Hotel, Lincoln, October 18. Initiates: Bill Bond, Russ Hansen, Ben Kjeldgaard, Jeff Kloster, Doug Kubr, Mike Lee, Mark Maneely, Dan McKinney, Karl Nyquist, Craig Messinger, Todd Otto, Matt Stiegert, Morris Stover, Jim Wegman, Kurt Zadina.

Joseph W. Furst, President 505 Princeton Avenue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 We won the scholarship award for the 42nd consecutive semester; had six major service projects; set new records for both spring and fall rush; and were awarded four out of six "Outstanding Greeks" on campus. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 4. Initiates: John Stoxen, Mark Hoffman, Mike Marshall, Scott Swanstrom, Greg Mason, Gary Fischer, Bryan Thomas, Curt Leibrand, Russ Grundhauser, Scott Hedge, Scott Boettner, Steve Jensen, Dan Santerre, Pete Jacobson, Mark Falness, Dave Howe, Dwayne Stitch, Don McDonald, Pete Olson, Joe Hoefs.

Douglas F. Anderson, President 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 60201 House improvements include nell' lights and painting. There is greater int e res t in rush this ter m. Our ties with the sororities kl\'e bee n reinforced and our little sister program has imprOl路ed. ALUl'"INI EVENT: Homecoming, IOOth

North Carolina William F. Fleet, III, President 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 We received the IFC Intramural trophy, leading with 88 points over the closest competitor. We have revised our pledge program, including a mountain retreat, and points to be earned by attending work parties , chapter meetings and other DU functions. We participated in the MS fund-raiser spearheaded by North Carolina State Chapter. At the 1980 RLS we received the trophy for highest percentage of pledge retention. ALUMNI EVENT: Parent-Alumni Football Weekend, September 27. Initiates: Mark A. Baratta, Wm . Joey Barnes, Bruce R. Bullings, John D. Hamrick, Jr., Paul M. Hoffer, Charles S. Madden, Kenneth E. Mills, James N. Mock, David H. Moore, Mark A. Moore, Wm.Jeffrey Pinkston.

North Camlina Slate - The pledge class took a trip to Hanging Rock, North Carolina, and posed for this gmup photograph.

North Carolina State Richard X. Taylor, President #3 Maiden Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 We are striving to strengthen the alumni corporation; improve the overall brother involvement; straighten the accounts receivable problem; and better the housing priority plan. ALUMNI EVENT: To be announced. Initiates : Bill Andrews, Mike Brown, David Cox, Charles Dameron, Tim Heffner, John Kane, Mike Mather, Frank Poerio, Todd Strange, Scott Triplett.


North Dakota State James W. Simonson, President 1420 12th Avenue, North Fargo, North Dakota 58102 We have increased our membership and the social calendar, revised and updated our constitution, and are in the process of making numerous improvements to the house . Membership development has increased through the projects and programs we have initiated. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October II. Initiates: Jon Kroke, James Joyce, Tim Priebe.


Initiates: William Anton, Fred Halloran, Lars Kula, Chris Reardon, Stephe n Rohr, Daniel Starkman.

Ohio Richard M. Ogle, President 10 West Mulberry Athens, Ohio 45701 We tied for first place [ilr O. U. Preside nt 's Trophy f(lr highest fraternity C;PA during fall quarte r. We had the best winter quart e r rush on campus with 15 pledges. For the secund consecutive year we are in contention for the intramural all-sports trophy. ALUMNI EVENT: 25th Anni\'e rsary , October I U-12. Initiates: Richard Preble, Lance Bodine, Mark Vollm e r , Da\'id .lames, .led Donahue, Tom Jameson , Da\'e l\ lanzl er, Gar y D'Amaro, Paul Valliere, .lim Irvin e, C;reg Wilder, AlanJess, Scott l'vliller, Kirk Kres ke, Dirk Luckhard , Pete Albright, Cal Reynolds.

Ohio State Northern Illinois James J . Shine, President 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 We participated in a canned food drive and local river clean-up project. A successful rush gained the chapter 26 pledges. We had an alumni convention at the house and were involved with IFC in improving relations with other Greeks. ALUMNI EVENT: Pig roast, July 14, chapter house. Initiates: Steve Alton, Bob Berland, Fernando Casas, William Cleary, Brent Finney, Roger Freeman, Tom Grigas, Pierre Hatch, Dar Kascukas, Steve Libman, Tom McManus, Frank Marte, Paul Matkovcik, Larry Oslay, Steve Polito, Mike Reinhardt, Jay Sauber, Joseph Stubits, Tim Stelzer, Kelly Sullivan, James Toomey, Mark Vancil, Joe Venturella.

Northern Iowa Steve V. Huston, President 1927 College Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 Projects for the term include remodelling the study and TV lounges and improving the pledge program. We have set new study hours as part of our plan to improve overall grade point average. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, date to be announced. Initiates : Terry Helland, Dave Kyllo , Dan Lies, Ken Wagenhofer, Mark Jones, Eric Schrader, Mark Rochford, Robert Leininger.

William E. Gable, President 240 East 15th Street Columbus, Ohio 43201 'I'Ve placed fifth out of 42 fraterniti es in C;PA. New kitchen appliances ha\'e bee n donated by our Mothers Club, and we are painting parts of the chapter house with paint donat ed by an alumnus. We entered three baske tball teams in intramurals and our bowling team was runner-up. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, fall 'SO. Initiates: Tom Bugno, Frank Celardo, Roger Fiese r, Tom Gable, Mark Giese, Dave Green , Brian Hays, .Jef l'\'[ittleman, John Ordosch, Mark Stefanik, Rob Thrall , John Vultolini.

Oklahoma Craig S. Johnson, President 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 We placed first in scholastics and second in intralllurals . A vastly impnl\'ed rush program, year-round, increased our overall membership - initiating 41 men in the past year. We are appreciati\'e of support of the alumni for partial renovation of the house. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming , November 1'5 (tentative). Initiates: Craig Rabb, .lim Hansford, David Mil ey, Kin Oldham , Gray Strickland , .John Mile y, .lay Rostochil , .lim Burrow, Jason Perry , Gregg CaYr, Kurtis Brown , Brett Jon es, Jollll Whitaker, Chet Schuelein , Stan Read , Jr., Chuck Carmack, Ste\'e Dudash , Boyd Altman, Ray Walker.


july, 1980

Oklahoma State Ro~ert

V. Montgomery, President 31 r South Hester Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 In campus academic standings, our house ranked fourth out of 24 fraternities and our pledge class ranked second . In intramurals, we won All-University and All-Greek in volleyball, and fourth place in All-Greek basketball. Our Dads' Day function and Rushin' River rush function both were very successful. ALUMNI tVENT: Football game, October 1980. Initiates: Kenny Aduddell, Dwight Cordes, Kenny Daniel, Glen Elliott, Phil Ellzey, Matt Frye, Bart Hall, Rob Hess, Dan Hufnagel, John LeForce, Carl McMurry, Don O'Day, Randy Peterson, Joel Spitler, Eddie Westermier, Ray Weston.

Oregon State George J. Jendrzejewski, President 235 Northwest 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 We had an excellent rush gammg 28 pledges, 20 of which became initiates. Our pledge class came away with most of the trophies in the Junior Olympics. With help from the University of Washington chapter, we started our bike trek to raise funds for MS. For two consecutive terms we have been in the top ten on campus with GPA and our live-in members ranked second. In intramural basketball we ranked first in our league and second on campus . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, November 14, 1980. Initiates: Todd Anderson, Rustin Brewer, Wm. Brewster, Mark Davidson, Anthony Dolan, George Eischen, Chris Gann, Tom Garlock, Jim Gruher, Brian Hefty, Kevin McCarron, Mike McHorse, Mark Parker, Greg Steele, Bob Turner, Quentin Wright.

Pennsylvania Robert M. Schlakmal)., President 3902 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 On March 29 the Pennsylvania ADU group became the Pennsylvania Chapter of Delta Upsilon, to revive this chapter originally founded in 1888. We had a successful rush which helped us with the 50 man requirement for reinstitution. The University of Pennsylvania is investing our recently acquired trust fund until we can raise enough money to build a house. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, November, 1980. Initiates: Miro Pirecek, Bill Spinelli, Charles Rim, Steve Dansinger, Larry Seltzer, Matt Arbit, Albert Gutierrez, Ed Brittenham, James Dallas, David Heeger, John Weiler, Dan Coelho.

Pennsylvania State Gary M. Kowatch, President 229 Locust Lane State College, Pennsylvania 16801 To conserve energy, we have fully insulated the attic. We had one of the largest spring pledge classes in the past few years. We were the intramural swimming chamDELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

pions this term, and participated in the IFC dance marathon for cancer research. We are grateful for the continued strong alumni support. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 10, chapter house. Initiates: Steve Frank, Dominic Policare, . Joe Mickiewicz, Chester Zuchelli, Karl Meckert.

Pennsylvania State - The Delta Upsilon chapter house is pictured in this photograph.

Purdue Thomas L. VanParis, President 1290 State Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 We have made general house improvements including the addition of three more study/living rooms. We have revised our rush program and improved our intramural participation. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October II, 1980. Initiates: Tim Cole, Kevin Erwin, Greg Fisher, Dan Fitzgerald, Tom Kill, Jeff McCollough, Scott Searcy, John Stevens, Jeff Wilson .

Initiates: John Nuzzi, Kevin Kilkelly, Joe Sheehan, Tim Surlis, Pete Fienerman, Keith Hancock, George Neelan, Tim Maher, Steve Garlock, Mark Knopf, Ed Pulatto, Frank Fernandez.

San Diego Brian D. Cameron, President 5606 Hardy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 Our fund -raising events included the plasma drive,jogathon, and 3rd annual volleyball tournament with proceeds going to charity. We have renovated the chapter room. We are working to improve interfraternal relations on campus and strengthen alumni relations through the newsletter. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day Picnic, El Monte Park. Initiates: Frank Benividez, John Beverly, Phil Budge, Rex Covington, Allen Denson, Dave Fedor, Chris Kiehler, Ron Jump, Brian McCormick, Kris McGee, Lyn Patten, John Pedicini, Dave Presher, Ryan Reasor, Steve Rosenbloom, Don Soss, Rob Thompson, Mike Troedson, Dan Tyner, Brad Wilson, Zane Zolina, Miles Lovelace, Dave Crespo, Brent Clark, Brad Cox, Mark Mendez, Jon Penner.

Ripon Thomas W. Abendroth, President Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 We attained the highest GPA of all-male living groups on campus and continue to be the largest fraternity, having pledged 12 excellent men . We again participated in Winter Weekend and have four teams in intramural basketball. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming reception, October II. Pledges: Nick Puleo, Dave Mataczynski, Mike Guzniczak, Lee Sharpe, Robert Breyer, Larry Wall, Chris Konstans, Chris Leone, Hank Pahl, Paul Evensen, Jeff Anhaltzer, Dan Husnick.

Rutgers Thomas J. Slattery, President 66 College Avenue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 We were the 1980 hosts for the Regional Leadership Seminar for Provinces I, 2 and 3. We have concentrated on energy conservation and finances this term. Our community projects included a party with benefits going to UNICEF and contribution of time and money to the American Cancer Society dance marathon. ALUMNI EVENT: Festivities at the chapter house, September, after the PrincetonRutgers football game.

july, 1980

South Dalwta - Chapter members helped to gather canned goods for a community food drive.

South Dakota Stephen M. Parke, President 204 North University Street Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 We participated in a community service project with the Senior Citizens Center and a food drive with the Episcopal Church. ALUMNI EVENT: Dakota Days, date to be announced . Initiates: Allen E. Norton, Paul Cook, Rick. Foster.

Southern Illinois Michael J. Ashner, President Route 6, Town & Country #53 Carbondale, Illinois 62901 We are planning an extensive summer rush, aided by our alumni. We are looking for a house for the fall term and plan to increase our membership size by then. ALUMNI EVENT: July 4 swim and barbecue, residence of Alan Jacobson.


Stanford Peter H . Schaff, President 553 Mayfield A venue Stanford, California 94305 We are honored by the national recognition of eight All-American athletes Greg Delgado, Ken Margerum, John Gansel, Chris Kelsey, Alan Mouchawar,Jody Campbell, Peter Rennert, Lloyd Bourne . . ALUMNI EVENT: Big Game Tailgater, November. Initiates : Tom Dill, Bill Matthes, Eli Khouri , Jody Campbell, Chris Kelsey, Alan Mouchawar, Neil Tennyson, Andy Roberts.

Swarthmore John J. Kelly, III, President Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 House improvements include major interior painting, repair of the thermostat, light fixtures and radiators . We enjoyed a successful alumni banquet, and sponsored a MS charity dance and jogging race for "A Better Chance." ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming reception, October IS, at chapter house.

Syracuse Craig S. Kinney, President 711 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210 We have a new $1200 Pioneer stereo as a result of winning the Miller Beer contest for collecting the most Miller Beer bottles and cans. Our participation in the blood drive was considerable and represented the largest donation of any Greek organization. After the first year in the new house , everything is running smoothly and we have renovated the basement, building a bar and party room . Most of the work was done by the brotherhood . ALUMNI EVENT: Football game, Homecoming, November l. Initiates : Joseph Braun, Charles Clark, Daniel Fischer, Chris Gentile, Steve Hochberg, Jonathan Levy , Richard Lowery, Daniel M<:Donald, Rich Nilsen, Thomas Owe ns, Eugene Sidor, Jr., Gregory Simon, William Strickland.

Technology Richard J. Gorman, President 526 Beacon Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Our membership has been increased by the initiation of 12 quality men. We plan to continue involvement in the many worthwhile extracurricular activities and sports . Initiates : Tom Borja, Eric Johnson, Martin Kannengieser, John Kowtko, Steve Isakowitz, Mike Moncavage, John Shim, John DeRubeis, Dave Craigmile, Gary Oliverio, Mark Seidel.

Tennessee William H. Neal, Jr., President 1845 Terrace Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Our scholarship improved from 17th place to ninth place out of 25 fraternities. We have painted the outside of the house


and hope to have new carpet and furniture. We are looking forward to a successful fall rush . Initiate : David Harper.

Texas William C. Bryant, President 2510 Leon Street Austin, Texas 78705 Our campus reputation has been elevated dramatically with brothers involved in many campus organizations and our membership the highest in several years. We have improved our pledge program and now stress scholastics . In intramurals, we rank #1 among the 24 fraternities, and won the fraternity and university football championships. The front of the chapter house was painted which greatly improved the appearance. ALUMNI EVENT : Alumni Weekend, to be announced. Initiates: Scott Wettig, Ted Smith, Mike Tomsu, Rodney Gaudin, Merv Wampold, Mark Morgan, Myles Downes, Greg Grissom, Mike Lazo, Keith McElvany, Scott Rote, Jeff Sparks, Chris Jones, Keith Kietlinski, Jesse Chaney, Jeff Edmonds, Eddie Walsh, Bryan Forister, Steve Jensen, Doug Hamilton, Mike Moores, Scott McCulloch.

in point standings for Outstanding Fraternity Trophy. Also, we won the blood drive for 12th consecutive semester. We had ' the largest pledge class of any fraternity on campus. Our softball team is undefeated and we are hoping to win the over all intramural trophy for the second year. Pledges: Robby McElmurry, Tom Whitstine, Leo Espino, Tom Conner, Jeff McNeill , Randy Johnson , Greg Johnson, Clem Roberts, Craig Shelton, John Corey, Stuart Whitaker, Brett White, Rudy Jimenez.

Union Michael G. Dana, President Union College Schenectady, New York 12308 We raised $600 for the Red Cross disaster relief program; placed first in the Miller Beer recycling program ; second place overall in intramurals. The house bar rOOIT) has been completely remodelled. On the varsity football team, we have nine starters. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October, 19S0. Initiates: J effBeatty, Steve Bodmer, Mark Bono,James Caramikas , Mike Carter, David DePasquale, Thomas Fletcher, Walter Frederick, Kevin Gibbons, Charles Phillips, William Whitehead.

Toronto Ceirion Humber, President IS2 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3 The brothers took a road trip to Montreal this term. We plan to move next year's initiations to late November or early December. ALUMNI EVENT: Golf tournament, to be announced . Initiates: Garry Beirne, Day Byrne, Dennis Mitchell, Dave Mol, Tony Pirone, Brian Ritchie, Dave Robinson , Mike Slattery, Fred Tanguay, Mike Wolff.

Tufts Brian D. Pressman, President 114 Professors Row . Medford, Massachusetts 02155 House improvements include replacing walls, floors, cabinets and stalls in two bathrooms; dining room floor sanded and refinished; emergency lights installed and other electrical repairs m'a de; new washers and dryers installed . Initiation of22 pledges will increase the house roll to 75 . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming , November 7, chapter house. Initiates: Colin Augustin, Scott Burnham, Rhett Butler, Scott Carpenter, Scott Chandler, Bruce Cohen, Thomas Duffy, Robert Finnegan, Robert Galvin, Jr., Charles Greenberg, Mark Harasimowicz, Stephen Kenney, Michael Krueger, Stephen McAree, Michael Murphy, Cloin Robertson, Jeffrey Rodriguez, Anthony Serrano, George Skaperdas, Frank Tortorella, Michael Tortorella.

Virginia James A. Read, President 180 Rugby Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 We hosted a very successful RLS and are now implementing some new programs . We expanded our cancer drive this year to four days offund-raising. We have seven initiates from our largest pledge class ever (2S) and all are now involved in our most successful pledge programs. We are currently second in 1M point standings, approaching first place with some events yet to take place. ALUMNI EVENT: Parents Weekend, November S, 19S0. Initiates: James Cook, Mark Cordle, Lou Cusano, Dave Garnitz, Greg Giornelli, Mike Oates, Chris Xakellis.

Washington Ronald D. Moss, President 450S 19th Avenue, Northeast Seattle, Washington 98105 We sponsored a canoe race with the Thetas for Greek Week. We have a new bar area and new dining room chairs. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day, 70th anniversary, November 4, 19S0. Initiates: Tom Barnett, Reed Bement, Bill Booth, Pat Carroll, Doug Comstock, Pete Davis, Connie Easterly, Steve Habib, Mark Hoeper, Mike Kofmehl, Steve Kroeger, Tom McCarthy, Mike Merrill, Shan Smith, Dave Steen, Scott Strom, Steve Tompkins, Steve Wynn.

Washington State

Tyler R. Kemp Kasling, President Tyler Junior College, Box 210 Tyler, Texas 75701 We moved ahead of all other fraternities

James A. Rockwell, President Northeast 815 Ruby Street Pullman, Washington 99163 We ranked second of 23 fraternities 111 GPA. We have initiated 23; have eight new


July, 1980

pledges, and house is full to capacity. ALUMNI EVENT: (tentative) alumni banquet, Friday of Seafair weekend, Tam-oShanter, Bellevue. Initiates: Paul Bratrude, Gary Kirk, Bill Hargin, Tom Heath, Greg Copeland, Todd Rowell, Mike Giesburt, Steve Clifton, Don Thomas, Mike DeSanto, Mackie Skene, Tom Gilchrist, Joe Esparza, Mark Vincent, Bill Kirk, Jim Dahl, John Pierson, Mark Dean, Ted Davis, Duffy Weber, Brad Havist, Jim Davis, Craig Farr.

Western Illinois Larry S. Bender, President 526 North Lafayette Macomb, Illinois 61455 Our winter and spring pledge classes exceeded our expectations. We participated in the fund raiser/benefit for the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts with a kite flying contest. We much enjoyed our visit to the Louisville Chapter during the Derby. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, to be announced. Initiates: Tony Gamari, Pat Hastings, Bob Ledna, Scott Levy .

Western Ontario Philip R. Dick, President 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario N6B 2C8 We are proud that Richard M. I vey'4 7 has been appointed Chancellor of the University for a second time; one of but a few men to have been honored with the position more than once in the 100 year history of the University. Our housemother, Mrs. E. Chandler is retiring after 23 years of greatly appreciated service.

Western Reserve Michael R. McDevitt, President 10923 Magnolia Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44106 We enjoyed the second highest grade point average on the campus, 3.00 . Improvements to the house included new front hall carpet, basement renovation, and insulation. The chapter participated in the cystic fibrosis swim and dance-a-thon. Initiates: Paule Radavoyavich, William Boye, Paul Schlie, Raymond Laubinthol.

Wichita Larry R. LeSuer, President 1720 North Vassar Wichita, Kansas 67208 A great success was the 50th annual Heidelberg at the Cotillion Ballroom, featuring the Newton Gruber Orchestra. Hippodrome 'SO, this year's musical "Go Greek or the Trouble with Freshmen" won first place in choreography, script and best production number. Also , we won the trophy for second place in music. We worked with the Delta Delta Delta ladies this year. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni picnic, Fairmont Park, August 30, 19S0. Initiates: Robert Bolin, William Coons, Stan Gilbert, Scott Knackstedt, Phil Knapp, Bill Knickerbocker, Jeff Lebeda, Brad Lohrenz, Jon Mattson, Jeff McFarland, Kevin Mellor, Kerry Monk, Jim Mullett, DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Adam Newton, Kevin O'Donnell, Ken Stanley, Jeff Weixelman , Dipak Shah, Darrel Bugner.

Wisconsin Jay P. Suhr, President 644 North Frances Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 This term we sponsored a golf benefit; participated in the blood drive; revised the chapter constitution; made some house improvements; and made a strong showing in intramurals. Initiates: Patrick Delaney, Jeff Freeman, Jim Gaugert, Bill Kelly, Scott Lewis, Skip Miller, Brent Nelson, Craig Nelson, Lou Piln e y, John Pinion, Tom Ralph, Arthur Reimann, Steve Scheffel , Tom Schneider, Dennis Watson, Ed Wiese, Mike Welch, Kurt Yaeger.

row, Kenneth Schwartz, Kyle Mounts, David Burk, Peter Turner, Marc Ehrlich.

Memphis State, ADU Johnny E. Seay, President P.O. Box 81334 Memphis, Tennessee 3S152 With the start of the second semester at Memphis State University, Delta Upsilon became the 15th fraternity represented on campus. The first colony initiation took place on February I, 19S0. The colony has plans for an extensive rush effort this summer and next fall. Colony officers are Johnny Seay, Barry Ammons, Dan Parks and Jerry Wiseman. The colony deputy is Richard Pyburn, Tennessee '77.

McGill ADU

Colonies, Petitioners and Reorganizations Colorado State, ADU Mark Greene, President 113 West Plum, #E路I06 Fort Collins, Colorado S0521 The last six weeks of the spring semester saw the reorganization of Delta Upsilon at Colorado State with a colony that has over 45 members. The colony has been able to secure housing for over 30 men at 1216 Laurel Street for the fall. ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming September 27, 19S0 at the colony house. Members: Mark Greene, Derek Brown, William Woodward , Steve Stenmark, Michael Chipman, Michael Yowell, Jim Piner, John Babiak , Joe Bingham, David Cowen, Brian Crook, Larry Dirks, Michael Figal, Michael Gacnik, Tyler Gilmore, George Harris, Bruce Long, David MacAIpine, James MacDermott, Donald McHodgkins, Ty Melton, Craig Moellenberg, Doug Morril, Kirk Palan, Brent Phillips, Paul Poplett, Robert Rominger, Peter Schaffer, Robert Schuler, Chrim Sham is and Mark Waage.

Hobart ADU Keith J. Stockman, President % Kris Clarkson Director of Student Activities Hobart College Geneva, New York 14456 We participated in the annual phonethon and raised over $10,000 for the college community. We held a reception for Senator Mark Hatfield; finished third with a GPA of 2.S1; and participated in Greek Week activities, finishing first in interfraternity sing and third overall. ALUMNI EVENT: Fall weekend, late September. Initiates: Kevin Berkowsky, Matthew Smith, Alan Hejnal, Martin Baruch, Max Dobish, Lathon Howell, Edward Mundy, Joe Sutorius, Brigham Taylor, Tom Wood-

july, 1980

John R, Podeszwa, President 522 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec H2W IS6 We have continued to work on the house, purchasing furniture for the living room and building a bar and pub room downstairs. We formed a volleyball team and although we started slowly, we came on strong at the end and just missed making the playoffs. Looking toward the championship next year. ALUMNI EVENT: Annual meeting and dinner, November, University Club. Initiates: Jeffrey Johannson, Ross Ciancanelli, Teng (Alex) Hon Toh, Mohammed (Kay) Khadzir Abdul Muttalih, Jerome Angeles.

Michigan Tech ADU Craig Ferguson, President 341 Wadsworth Hall West Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan 49931 Our number one accomplishment was getting our colony status, and we acknowledge the special efforts of Craig Ferguson in getting our group started. Our first pledge class of 22 was initiated as colony members in March. We are working to form a Board of Control, and toward getting a house next year. Initiates: John Bedford,Jim Clous, Chuck Collins, John Diedrich, John Dietz, Keith Donaldson, Lou Franco, Bruce Griffin, Steve Knapowski, Dan Michaels, Terry O'Brien, Barry Roney, Bill Smith, Mark Smoter, Roger Stark, Tad Taggart, Al Turek, Steve Uriarte, Bob Weber, Chuck Wegener, Dave Willig, Ed Zywicki.

Northeast Missouri ADU Scott F. Burow, President Student Union Building Northeast Missouri State University Kirksville, Missouri 63501 We have undergone a complete reorganization of our colony structure and planning for next fall's rush - our goal is 25 to be pledged next semester. We have a full page article in the campus newspaper which we are hoping will give us good public relations.


South Carolina ADU Kenneth W. Farkas, President Post Office Box 80036 Columbia, South Carolina 29208 We are working toward more recognition among Greeks, more participation in intramurals and Greek Week activities. We have a large pledge class of quality men. Pledges: Joe Anderson, Steve Baxter, Ke vin Buckley, Jon Castonguay, Fred Goolsby, Eric Ramos, Leslie Shelton, III, Jim Thompson, James Wissenbach, Allen Young, David Tenney.

Southwest Missouri ADU John E. Bilyeu, President Campus Union, Box 117 Springfield, Missouri 65802 We are proud that one of our mem bers was appointed as head chairman of Greek Week. We are continuing our search for a house. Pledges : Clay Thomas, Wade Horsch, Scott Riddle, Ridgely Willis, Dave Clarke, Lance Collins, Bill Ingleking, Mark Robberson, Kent Hicks, Ken Garten, Bill Mize, Steve Snipley, Jere Diersing.

Western Michigan Alumni Organize, Plan Revival Alumni of the Western Michigan Chapter are working towards a revival of their dormant chapter by first building a strong alumni organization. At a spring meeting, election of officers was held with John Martin '76 being elected as president/secretary of the group, Mike O'Connor '69 as vice president, and Tom Powell '66 as treasurer. The alumni plan to have a picnic outing in late July and a homecoming dance on Saturday, October 4, 1980. Announcement letters will be mailed to Western Michigan alumni this summer.

Needed: A Page Stretcher There is justifiable reason for rejoicing with this issue of the Quarterly, as every chapter, every petitioning group, and every colony is represented with a chapter news report. Our research tells us that these reports are important to you our readers. However, so many Interesting chapter news reports means that we had to omit other interesting, attractive Items. We simply didn't have room forthe regular Books column, for alumni Hall of Fame, for Newsmakers, or for the great story of the Illinois 75th anniversary. Alumni support dollars have helped put some extra pages Into the magazine, and we hope to add some page multiples in October. RisIng postal rates, costs of Ink, paper and printing more magazines for a growing number of alumni mean that alumni support dollars really do make the difference In the kind of a fraternity journal we can send you. Keep those news Items coming, we'll use everything that our budget permits! THE EDITORS


Additions to the Roll concluded Pennsylvania and "U" Mass. team, read the ritual and presented badges of membership to 51 candidates. Brother Kaneta acted as Chief Marshal and Brother Kirsch as Chaplain. Brother William A. Squires, Pennsylvania '71, Massachusetts Chapter Corporation Treasurer; Brother James A. Cornwall, Middlebury '40, Massachusetts Chapter CO\.lnselor; Brother Tyburski; and Brother Mac Robbie aided as assistant marshals. Brother Adams delivered the charge, urging the new members to demonstrate the fine principles of Delta Upsilon in their daily lives. Brother Gordon presented the chapter charter to the new chapter president, Brother Gregory A. Dennis, Massachusetts '81. Brother Tyburski installed the new executive committee and presented each officer with a symbol of cha pter office. A perfect, summery day enabled the new members to have a group photograph taken outside on the steps of the Fine Arts Center. Brother Gordon and Brother Adams presen ted Brother Dennis with the Delta Upsilon flag. Members and guests cheered as the flag was hoisted into the bright sunlight outside Memorial Hall. A bountiful reception at the chapter house followed the ceremonies and allowed the large number of parents, alumni and friends to congratulate the new initiates and founding fathers of the Massachusetts Chapter. Brother Dennis E. Tully, Rutgers '68, served as toastmaster for the installation banquet held on Saturday evening in the Amherst Room of the Campus Center. Approximately 150 people were present to hear 楼s. Shannon Ellis, University of Massachusetts Greek Affairs Director, welcome the new chapter to the University. Ms. Ellis explained the selection criteria for the original colonization and congratulated the group on fulfilling the University's high expectations. She commended the chapter as a positive force in the Greek system. Brother Gordon provided the Internationa I Fraternity's response at the banquet. He brought words of welcome from Delta Upsilon's 58,000 living alumni and 93 chapters and colonies. He complimented the chapter on their rapid growth and early successes. Brother Kaneta spoke on behalf of the Delta Upsilon alumni. The new chapter has already received enthusiastic support from local alumni of seven different chapters. Brother Cornwall presented the new chapter president with a bound edition of the Delta Upsilon Quarterly. Brother Squires presented the chapter president with a copy of Delta Upsilon, One Hundred YeaTS, which was a gift from Brother John I. Kirkpatrick, Lehigh '29 . Brother Squires also gave the chapter president a copy of Baird's Manual, a

history of college fraternities. Brother Kaneta gave the chapter president the Canadian flag, representing the Fraternity's international aspect. The United States flag was given to the chapter president by Brother MacRobbie. The chapter received a special plaque from the Purdue Chapter with the inscription, "Delta Upsilon in Everything and Every DU in Something." The back of the plaque was signed by every Purdue Chapter member and was presented by Brother Tyburski. Brother Kirsch presen ted the chapter with a plaque from the International Fraternity that has the original engraving plate for the chapter installation invitation on it. He also presented the chapter president with a president'S badge from the rare badge collection of the Fraternity Headquarters' archives. The badge was a gift of Brother Ralph H . Herrold, DePauw '36. Brother Dennis pledged to make the chapter one of Delta Upsilon's strongest and best groups. He presented Brother Kaneta with the Alumni Meritorious Service Award and also gave him a specially engraved plaque for his unselfish help and service. Brother Tully received the Alumnus of the Year Award while Brothers Cornwall, MacRobbie and Squires all received Special Citation Awards from the chapter. Brother Dennis also gave personally engraved Delta Upsilon paper weights to Brothers Tully, Cornwall, MacRobbie and Squires. Brother Dennis presented Brother Mark S. Lyon, Massachusetts '8 1, with a special president'S gavel in recognition of his service as the colony's first president. All chapter members showed their deep appreciation with a standing ovation for Brother Lyon. All original colony executive officers were also presented with gifts of appreciation. Brother Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '6 1, member of the Board of Delta Upsilon, delivered a most entertaining and provocative banquet address. He reminded the new members of their proud Delta Upsilon heritage, a heritage that makes DU different, set-apart, rebellious and just. He charged them to emulate the qualities of the Founding Fathers in their own experience and discussed the great opportunities of fraternity life with personal examples. He noted that the immediate past history of the colony has been one of relative ease and the real work of sustained excellence and true brotherhood isjust beginning. His inspirational remarks were met and thanked with a rousing, sustained standing ovation. Following the banquet the new initiates celebrated with a party and dance at the Campus Center. This concluded the first marker event in the young life of Delta Upsilon's newest chapter.


july, 1980


Obituaries It is with regret that the QUaTtnly announces the death of the following brothers:


Births Georgia Tech '70 - Mr. and Mrs. Michael James Spring of Smyrna, Georgia, a daughter, Natalie Renee, on December 29, 1979. Miami '69 - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hahn of Claremont, California, a daughter, Megan Elizabeth, on March 27, 1980. Minnesota '78 - Mr. and Mrs. Clark D. Opdahl of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a son, Kyle Joseph, on January 30, 1980. Northern Illinois '74 - Mr. and Mrs.James H . Morrison of Eugene, Oregon, a daughter, Crystal Marie, on March 25, 1980. Oshkosh '72 - Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ellis of Neenah , Wisconsin, a daughter, Kimberly Beth, on February 14, 1980. San Jose '60 - Mr. and Mrs. Marty W. K. Taylor of Saipan, Mariana Islands, a daughter, Theresa-Maria on October 14, 1978 and a daughter, Evelyn-Amalia on December 27, 1979. Southern Illinois '79 - Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brewer of Clarendon Hills, Illinois, twin sons, Michael and Steven on April 1, 1980.

Marriages Bradley '77 - Stanley A. Walczynski,J r. and Miss Pamela Yaeger in Johnsburg, Illinois in mid-summer 1980. Kansas '77 - James D. Lee and MissJannifer Johnson at Hutchinson, Kansas on August 11, 1979. Minnesota '79 - Mark A. Schneibel and Miss Barbara Goetze on September 29, 1979. North Carolina State '80 - Bradley A. Pack and Miss Ginger Walters on June 28, 1980. Ohio '75 - Richard C. Sample and Miss Kristin Winters in December 1978. Southern Illinois '76 - Steven C. Carruthers and Miss Margaret A. Brandt on August 9, 1980. Southern Illinois '78 - David H. Cosgrove and Miss Nancy]. Tormeno on November 17, 1980. Southern Illinois '78 - Dale M. Costantino and Miss Carol Kowal on July 5, 1980. Union '25 - E. Hartley Freeman and Jemie Tucker at Sarasota, Florida on June 19, 1980. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

AMHERST John B. Francis '41, Feb. 1978 Fredric H. Sherzer '56 BOWDOIN A. H. MacCormick '15, Oct. 24, 1979 *Robert W. Pitman '26 CARNEGIE Robert J. Alderdice '24 Roger W. Aten '46 Theodore B. Daniels '45, Nov. 18, 1979 Burnham W. King, Jr. '31 Carl B. Reid '21 Charles H. Todd '21 CHICAGO W. B. Oleson ' 18,Jan. 18, 1980 COLBY Clinton Barnard' 13, Sept. 26, 1979 COLGATE *Raymond H. Skinner '29 Ralph G. Smith '39, Dec. 10, 1979 Harcourt M. Sylvester, Sr. '28 COLUMBIA W. P. Braender '11 Jay-Ehret Mahoney '39, Feb. 5, 1980 CORNELL William G. Volkmann,Jr. '34,Jan. 26,1980 DAYTON Kevin F. Colahan '78 DePAUW Donald H. Dimmitt '22, Dec. 31, 1979 HAMILTON Joseph]. Cardamone,Jr. '40, Dec. 22,1979 Charles H. Hunt, III '55 John T. Young '34, Mar. 11, 1980 HARVARD Arthur W. Sampson '09, Mar. 16, 1980 ILLINOIS Keith W. Eldridge '35 Hanley L. Ford ' 17 Ray C. Larson '45 Tom Ponting '28 INDIANA Phillip]. Badell '39, Mar. 14, 1980 Vern M. Boxell '32, Apr. 18, 1980 IOWA E. Keith Richter '27, Jan. 5, 1980 Harlan]. Wilson '21 IOWA STATE *Errett B. Calderwood' 14 LAFAYETTE PaulO. Farnham '26, Apr. 12, 1980 William A. Lynahan ' 13,Jun. 15, 1975 LEHIGH William D. Doan '22 MARIETTA Robert E. Boian '28 Joseph C. Folsom '25 Charles L. Gramlich '35 Irwin L. Jennings '26, Feb. 16, 1980 Berton S. Levering' 12 George R. Lord '08 McGILL S. Graham Ross '11 , Mar. 1980 Angus V. Smith '38, Feb. 29,1980 MICHIGAN Douglas W. Thierwechter '40, Nov. 3,1979 MIDDLEBURY Nicholas H. Holt '56, Oct. 6,1979 Raymond O'Conner '37 , Oct. 30, 1978

july, 1980

NEBRASKA William A. Gridley '49 Elmer K. Nelson '16, Nov. 7, 1979 NEW YORK *Robert H. Boyd '28 OHIO STATE William P. Miller '32, Jan. 29, 1980 Michael A. Roth '32 , Jan. 21,1980 Robert S. Watts '25, Mar. 23, 1980 OREGON STATE K. C. Conyers '18, Feb. 17,1980 Roland E. Dimick '26, Feb. I, 1980 James T. Gaither '22 PENNSYLVANIA William C. Ely,Jr. '41, Feb. 17, 1980 R. B. Ferris '17 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Richard L. Schuster '23, Feb. 7, 1980 PURDUE Chase D. Smelser 'II, Oct. 5, 1979 ROCHESTER Kenneth 1. Brown '18, Feb. 22,1980 John G. Callaghan '25 James E. Ging '54, May 26, 1979 Charles L. Harris '06, Feb. 8, 1977 R. F. Zimmerman '35 RUTGERS Robert C. Nissley '44, Oct. 31, 1979 Robert W. Voorhees '21,Jan. 6, 1980 SWARTHMORE James B. Melick ' 16, Dec. 1977 Howard D. Sipler '33,Jan. 18, 1980 SYRACUSE John G. Harwood '30, Mar. 23, 1978 TECHNOLOGY *]. S. Barnes '08 TORONTO Hugh M. Ross '26, Feb. 15, 1979 TUFTS *Harry W. Besse '20 Rupert M. Hanny '26, Feb. 16, 1980 PaulO. Huntington ' 13, Feb. 18, 1980 UNION John B. Sherwood '23, Oct. 7, 1979 WASHINGTON & LEE *Curlis L. Hillyer, Jr. '62 WESLEYAN R. D. Morse, Jr. '43, Nov. 30, 1978 George C. Richter '23, Aug. 1978 WESTERN RESERVE George S. Baldwin' 15, Mar. 30, 1980 Sidney A. Wells '22, Oct. 18, 1979 WILLIAMS John B. Bliss '35, Dec. 1979 Harold A. Nomer '06, Oct. 23, 1977 John B. Northrop '22 *Woodward B. Norton '39 WISCONSIN Kenneth S. Fagg '23,Jan. 7,1980 John]. Holtan '67, Dec. 31, 1979 *The Post Office has notified us of the death of these brothers


WE NEED YOU AND THESE MEN TOHELPDUGET THE RIGHT START ON THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR Our alumni support campaign for 1980-'81 begins this month. Please be as generous as you can now, so that DU can get a good start on the beginning of the school year. Your alumni support check for $100, $75, $25, or any amount you can spare helps provide the dollars we must have to bridge the budget gap. Your alumni su pport check provides - the Quarterly to every initiated alumnus - alumni update events in principal areas - a field staff of four serving chapters - the presidents forum program - and much, much more. Your check in the first days of the new school year, that starts July 1st, makes possible renewal ofthese vital programs, services and activities ....


OINTHEHONORROLLTODAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

1 1

1 :

please print your name

1 1

_$250 _$100 _$ 75 _$ 50 _$ 25

I I :

Honored Giver's Circle President's Century Club Deputies Associates Golden Delta Club Silver Delta Club

I 1 1

1 1

1 1

~---------------------- -----------'1



Mail your check to Delta Upsilon Fraternity, POB 40108, Indianapolis, IN 46240


~--------------------------- ______ J

39. 40. 41. 42 . 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

A Salute to a Very Important Tradition When in the waning days of 1964, then DU board member Richard S. Rimanoczy, Miami '25, had the bright idea that maybe some Delta Upsilon alumni would like to make possible a higher level of service, programs and activities than would otherwise be possible, through voluntary alumni support, it was an idea that was made for the times. That first holiday greeting that asked for voluntary alumni support looks a bit unsophisticated by comparison with today's personalized letters, special follow-ups and giving clubs, but it was a start. There had been a famous report indicating that DU couldn't raise much money. This time a few said "Let's not have another study; let's spend the same money and try." We were pleasantly surprised at the results . . . and indeed, you and all of the alumni who are listed on these pages as alumni annual support donors have helped to establish a tradition of giving and participation. It is an old maxim, but a true one, that you are more likely to support what you have a part in creating ... and that's why the bond of alumni is growing ever stronger . . . you have indeed, started a grand and important new tradition ... setting new records in loyalty and giving. I've already thanked each one of you by mail, but I want to once again say how important your giving is to a strengthened and improved Delta Upsilon. With many thanks,


President's Century Club members fromJuly 1, 1979 to March 31, 1980 are listed below. Members of the Club from April 1, 1980 to June 30, 1980 will be listed in the October issue of the Quarterly. I. Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 2. Mark H. Adams, Kansas '20 3. Gregory E. Albert, Washington State '74 4. E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 5. Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 6. Paul L. Alongi, Northern Illinois '44 7. Warren L. Anderson, DePauw '42 8. Lawrence Angst, Western Reserve '45 9. Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 10. Arthur E. Auer, Western Michigan '64 II. Charles V. Bacon, Jr., Purdue '38 12. F. Lee Baird, Kansas '55 13. James R. Balta, Bucknell '59 14. William N. Banks,Jr., Dartmouth '45 15. Harvey Bartle, Jr. , Pennsylvania '30 16. Walter]. Beadle, Technology '20 17. Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '22 18. Frank H. Beinhauer, Illinois '28 19. George A. Blair, Miami '37 20. Paul]. Bodine,Jr. , Northwestern '50 21. Nicholas]. Borrello, Rutgers '59 22 . Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 23. James G. Brass, Manitoba '73 24. Jack]. Bricker, Western Reserve '35 25. Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 26. Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 27. Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71 28 . Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61 29 . Donald A. Carlson, Alberta '54 30. William L. Carter, Florida '71 31. Harold D. Caylor, Indiana '16 32. David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 33 . Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 34. Dominic E. Cifonelli, Carnegie '55 35. Donald E. Clark, Alberta '55 36. P. LeMon Clark, Cornell '23 37. Benjamin M. Clifford, Washington State '46 38. Chester V. Clifton, Jr., Washington '35

july, 1980


Neal L. Cobb, Tufts '27 Dwight M. Cochran, Chicago '27 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 Frank M. Coon, Michigan State '61 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36 Willis G. Corbitt, Washington '20 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Ira Crews, Jr., Oklahoma '45 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Ralph U. Cross, Tufts '16 Mark E. Croxton, Michigan '23 Lawrence]. Dagostino, Union '75 William]. Dalrymple, Kansas '35 Paul H . Davis, Jr. , Chicago '35 Americo Dean, Jr. , Michigan State '60 55 . D. Bruce Decker, Western Ontario '51 56. Louis N. DeWitt, Ohio State '30 57 . John]. Douglas, Wisconsin '39 58 . Gordon G. DuPree, Kansas '67 59. David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 60. Frederick L. Elder, Miami '27 61. R. Dale Ellis, Missouri '59 62 . John]. Enders, Washington State '39 63. Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 64 . James R. Ewert, Jr., Houston '79 65. Richard F. Fagan, Washington '52 66 . George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 67. Dennis A. Ferrazzano, Johns Hopkins '68 68. Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 69. Henry]. Forsyth, Lehigh '32 70. Paul E. Gipson, Northern Illinois '68 71. Ernest L. Glasscock, Missouri '28 72. Gary]. Golden, Rutgers '74 73 . William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 74. Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 75 . James R. Green, Nebraska '75 76. Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 77. H . Thomas Hallowell, Jr., Swarthmore '29 78. Stephen F. Harbison, Stanford '65 79. H . Vincent Harsha, iowa '42 80. Donald LHathaway, Miami '44 81. Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 82 . Fred.e rick]. Haugk, Jr., Indiana '74 83. L\lOyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 84, Scott W. Hazen, Jr., Northwestern '34 85. Edgar F. Heizer, Northwestern '51 86. Glenn D. Hemme, Minnesota '67 87. Thomas H. Henkle, U.C.L.A. '50 88. John V. Herasimchuk, Pennsylvania State '34 89. Jerrad]. Hertzler, Kansas '58 90. Walter]. Hodge, Missouri '25 91. Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 92. William S. Holden, Washington '30 93. Paul A. Howsare, Simpson '29 94. Thomas L. Hrivnak, Western Ontario '74 95. PaulO. Huntington, Tufts '13 96. H. Karl Huntoon, Illinois '72

* Deceased


o 97. 98 . 99. 100. 101. lQ2. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Ill . 112.

1I3. 114. 11 5. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145.


C. Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 Bruce M. Jackson, Toronto '50 Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 Allan R. Johnson, Pennsylvania '39 Oliver K. Johnson, Sr., Kansas '26 Paul M. Jones , Western Reserve '23 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 William E. Jouris, Technology '61 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Howard Kahlenbeck,Jr., Indiana '52 Stephen P. Kaptain, Michigan '48 Stewart B. Kett, California '49 Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 Arthur A. Kurz, Bucknell '69

Robert.J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 Carroll L. Lurding, Ohio State '59 Robert B. MacNeal, Illinois '43 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Robe rt J. Martin, Washington '59 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Arthur H. Mason, Illinois '16 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 Alexander T. Mayo, Virginia '29 Robert Mazet,Jr., Brown '24 John C. Mazzei, New York '26 Robert P. McBain, Michigan State '64 Howard L. McGregor, Jr., Williams '40 Thomas F. McKay, Washington '48 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 Richard E. Meyer, Michigan '61 Charles D. Miller,Johns Hopkins '49 Joel S. Mindel, Swarthmore '60 Raymond Mooney, Illinois '16 Richard Moran, Rutgers '72 Richard T. Morris, Colgate '28 Allen A. Mossier, Indiana '50 Thomas B. Mullowney, Rutgers '57 Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Herbert H . Nelson, Colorado '59 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 Robert V. Noreika, Lafayette '67 C . Esco Obermann, Iowa '26

146. 147 . 148. 149. 150. 151. 152.

M. J. O'Brien, Toronto '42 Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 Franz Osthaus, Stanford '27 Julius A. Otten, Michigan '61 Stephen A. Pace, Jr. , Oklahoma '35 Joseph H. Penrose,Jr., Cornell '59 Wallace V. Peters, Pennsylvania State '14 153. H. Clayton Peterson, K;lI1sas State '67 154. Walter R. Peterson, Washington '22 155. Charles A. Phillips, III, Clarkson '64 156. O . Edward Pollock, Virginia '51 157. C. Reynolds Potter, Johns Hopkins '68 . 158. Ronald R. Powers, San Jose '63 159. Alan V. Pugh, North Carolina '73 160. Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 161. Remington J. Purdy, Lehigh '28 162. John W. Puth, Lehigh '52 163. Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 164. William K. Reid, Oklahoma '58 165. Paul H. Resch , Carnegie '28 166. William R. Reusing, Virginia '62 167. Arthur L. Rice, Jr. , Illinois '36 168. Donald L. Richardson, Washington & Lee '43 169. Ren L. Ridolfi, Wisconsin '70 170. Fred L. Roberts,Jr. , Bradley '71 171. Robert O. Safford, Cornell '56 172. Fulto n W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 173. Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 174. Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 175. C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 176. Warren A. Scott, Purdue '48 177. William M. Scott, Indiana '68 178. James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 179. John L. Sherman, San Jose '66 180. George W. Shore, Arizona '62 181. Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '48 182. Charles J. Slawson, Kansas '20 183. Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 184. John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 185. Herbert E. Smith, Indiana '52 186. Thomas C. Smith, Kansas State '70 187. Toby W. Spikes, Kansas '75 188. George E. Starr, Washington '08 189. J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas '58 190. Robert V. Stephens, Indiana '61 191. William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 192 . Raymond Stutsman, Purdue '53 193. Vernon P. Swanes, Washington '45 194. Ashton M. Tenney, Jr. , Chicago '43 195. Scott D. Thayer, Middlebury '43 196. Franklyn H . Tormoen, Minnesota '30 197. William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 198. Myron W. Ulrich, Western Reserve '34 199. Ralph E. Vandervort, Jr. , Oregon State '41 *200 . Robert W. Voorhees, Rutgers '21 201. William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 202. W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 203. Robert F. Wernet, Purdue '51 204. Richard A. West, Lafayette '53 205. Gerald H. Westby, Chicago '20

206. 207. 208. 209. 210.

James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 Kenneth Winston, Carnegie '56 Robert C. Wood , Cornell '67 Harlan S. Yenne, Indiana ' 16 JackJ. Yirak, Iowa State '40

Me~bers of the DU President's Century Club 'this year will receive this distinctive photocube with the insignia of the President's Century Club laser etched in the solid walnut top. Other uses for this multi purpose box include photo storage (up to 200 prints), as a tobacco humidor, cigarette box, or a handy canister for matches, candy or lots of paperclips. This exclusive gift was created for members of the Century Club by Lane Awards and Lasercraft of Santa Rosa, California. The photocube comes with a color picture of the Delta Upsilon headquarters that has been inserted and can be easily removed for your own favorite pictures. Won't you join Brother Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 , who is President Century Club Member Number One, by adding your name to this distinctive roll? Members of the Century Club receive the GRADUATE REPORT newsbulletin and the exclusive Conversations with the President report, in addition to a gold-embossed membership card.


July, 1980

Ranked below are the ten top chapters in number of donors to the Annual Alumni Support appeal from July 1, 1979 to April 1, 1980. 1. Purdue -

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

123 Wisconsin - 89 Kansas - 87 Indiana - 78 Rutgers - 77 Miami -76 Illinois - 74 Washington - 71 Michigan - 68 Missouri - 67

BRITISH COLUMBIA-6 + Blumenauer, G. '45 (5) + Bonner, R. '42 (3) • Broe, K. '46 (4) + Campbell, J. '33 (3) * Ferguson, G. '62 (6) + Mitten, D. '45 (6)

= President's Century Club



= Golden Delta Club-$50 + = Silver Delta Club-$25 • = Double Donor for 1979-'80

() =

Number of consecutive years of giving

ALBERTA-!9 + Bate, G. '69 (5) + Bijou, R. '48 (4) * Carlson, D. '54 (3) • Chumir, S. '63 (3) * Clark. D. '55 (3) Corbet. R. '47 (5) + Hatch. D. '59 (4) • Hebb. C. '62 (5) • Hill. B. '58 (2) + JeKenta, A. '54 (4) • King. E. '42 (5) Love, D. '46 (5) + Love, J. '42 (3) + Millar, J. '62 (3) • Murray, A. '57 (5) Primrose, I. '64 (3) + Stanford, M. '64 (5) + VanDerLee, E. '51 (3) • Warrack, A. '61 (3) AMHERST-!2 + Campbell, W. '23 + Gasarch, M. '63 Gower, S. II'. '36 (9) • Hancock, 'to '40 (5) Lacey, N. '39 + Mathews, F. '18 + Miner, '35 + Ott, L. 27 + Potter, P. '32 (4) Reilly, G. '49 (4) Washburn, G. '14 (5) + Wieland, J. '58 (5)


ARIZONA-9 * Albrecht, E. '59 (2) *Chambers, D. '60 (10) • Dinsmore, P. '64 (2) • John, D, '62 (3) + lohnson, E. '62 +Morris, A. II'. '60 (3) * Shore, G. '02 (4) + Sundt, R. '50 (10) + Therrien, R. '59 ARKANSAS-6 Hamilton, G. '77 (3) + Kolf, R, '77 (2) + Magie, M. '78 (2) + Meripol, A. '76 • Rogers, C. '79 + Sieben morgen, R. '76

ARLINGTON-8 + Ashby, J. '74 (4) + Bryant, M. '70 +Capps, W. '75 (2) + Carter, R. '78 + Cravens, J. '76 + Greenhaw, W. '74 (3) + Metcalf, R, '72 (3) + Tackett, C. Jr. '77 (3) AUBURN-5 +Ambrose, R. '67 (5) Dixon, J. Jr. '65 Henderson, J. Jr. '62 (5) + Huie, G. '61 +Redd, R. '67 BAYLOR-! + Jones, J. Jr. '78 (2) BOWDOIN-9 + Ames, E. '33 (2) Bal,baugh, S. '53 (5) Bordeaux, p, ' 14 Brown, F. Jr. '29 + Chandler, J. '37 (5) Drink,,,'ater, L. '28 * Holman, M, '06 • Nixon, H, '21 + Pratt, P. '41 BOWLING GREEN-I6 + Adams, J. '64 Clingman, C. '69 Cracas, T. '61 + Davis, R. '52 + Fessler, M. '56 Hanrahan, R. '56 Hill, C.'55 + Litra, R. '75 (4) Parkins, R, '71 + Rice, J. '71 + Rust , K. '50 (2) * Schaper, R. '70 + SChreiber,. '55 +Stedman, . '69 (10) + Stephan, . J I'. '66 (9) Wangler, C, '66 BRADLEY-26 + Bellers, P. '69 (3)



+ ~:r.~~L,' '~8'50 (3) + Westphal, W. '69



+ Bilder, B. '73 + Boland, C, '53 (10) + Boylan, M, '69 (10) + Bremer, J. '66 (9) + Busa, W. '53 (2) + Cinotto, W. '65 (3) * Dahlsgaard , R. '63 (5) Killelea, H. '59 (2) + Knackstedt, G, '69 (3) + Leengran, '50 (3) * Nelson, E. 75 (4) +Paliatka, E. '56 (10) Parks, F. '76 (4) Pipkin, B. '56 *Roberts, F.Jr. '71 (4) + Ruedlin, D. '66 (4) + Schram, J. '50 (4) • Seghi, D. '51 (4) + Spector, M. '78 Taga, H. '54 (5) + Tilton, K. '76 + Valerio, D. '76

BROWN-I6 Batty, D. '38 (5) +Cunningham,J. '41 (10) + Geisler, r. '29 (5) + George, A, '39 (5) + Hall,W. '21 (3) + Harwood, F, '31 (2) * Ingalls, C. '25 (5) + luad, R. '42 (5) *Mazet, R. Jr. '24 (4). + McGovern, R, '48 (3) Nagle, J. Jr. '26 Norman, R. '57 (4) Perkins, V. '35 (3) Roth, C. Jr. '46 (3) Wezniak, F. '54 (2) Wylie, S. '57 (3) BUCKNELL-I9 + Baines, D. '75 (4) * Balta, J. '59 (2) Carter, R. '56 (10) Gillespie, D, '76 (4) + Havas, J. '76 Hermann, C. '62 + lohnston, F. '28 (5) Klahr, S. '77 (3) . * Kurz, A. '69 (4) MacDonald, R. Jr. '57 (2) Ott, R. '79 Rockwell, D. Jr. '64 (2) Sprout, I. '48 (8) Sprout, R, '49 (4) +Steinhauer, W. '36 (10) + Torrey, W. III '75 (4) + Watters, J. '64 (5) + Weckenman, F. '77 (3) + Winchip, J . '57 (2) CALIFORNIA-47 + Allen, D. '37 (3) + Armstrong, D. '48 (3) Bias, R, '3D (10) * Botsford , H. '53 (9) + Brigham , L. '16. Brooks, G. '70 (3) + Burnett, W. '59 Crockett, D. '66 (3) + Donlon, R. '50 (5) + Elledge, B. '74 (2) + Eubanks, M. '48 + Franklin, W. '37 (4) + Fry, I. Jr, '63 (4) + Gard'iner, L. '35 + Guidi, J . '77 (2) Hagler, R. '77 (2) + Helman, W. '50 + Holt'l ' '57 (4) + Howe I, W. '41 (3) Hughes, M. Jr. '56 (2) + Julius, I. '43 Kavanagh, C. '64 (3) * Kett, S. '49 (2)

July, 1980

+ Leffingwell, C. '25 (2)

~~~~~;.;ek ~';~:O) + McLeod , D. '52 (10) Means, E. '34 (5) Merrick, R. '54 Miley, J. '24 (4) Millington, R. '45 Moulin, D. '53 (4) + Murra y, N, III '64 (10) Nikilin , G . '77 Oliver, L. '26 (2) + Pike, E. Jr. '34 (2) + Reese , R. '5 1 (2) + Robin so n, E, '32 (5) + Robin so n, W. '4 5 + Rose, C. '24 ( I O) + Rowe , C. '40 Simpson, J. ' 13 (9) + Stephens, E. '44 Stern, W. '30 +TenDoesschatc, P. '50 (5) + Toney, C, '22 (2) + Whit e, M. '57 CARNEGIE-54 • Beers, H. '35 (1O) + Beilharz, W. '43 Boehme, C. '35 Boschetto, R. '5 4 Brennan, R. '54 (4) • Buerger, C. '60 (3) * Cifonelli, D. '55 + Clark, I. '35 ( I O) + Cross, 'R. '48 (9) + Duffell, R. II', '49 + Elliolt, S. '3'3 (9) + Elliott, W. '33 + Fingles, F. '28 (10) Gilhland, J. '51 (3) + Hall, C. Jr. '54 (3) + Hamlin, E . .Ir. '39 (4) + Hanson, G. '52 (2) + Heddaeus, G. '20 (6) • Hobbs, G. '43 (2) + HOlchkiss, '28 Howe ll , F. 59 + Howell, 1. '70 (2) Hurle)" D. '79 + lcken, A. Jr. '65 (2) + Kenned)" P. '22 (3) + Klein , E. '70 (2) + Klingene r, I. '31 (2) + Knlft , O. '35 (4) + Kubiak, R, '51 (I O) Leatham, C. J. r. '36 + Madiso n , L. 53 (2) + Markl, T. '70 + McCall, E, '42 (10) McD onald, IV. '5 2 (5) + McNaugher. S. '32 Mielke, H. '5 1 (10) + Milliron, W. '3 1 (4) Newman. D. '54 (7) +Nichol, H. '2 1 (IO) Pelton, R. '32 (3) * Resch , P. '28 (3) + Ridd ervo ld , H. '53 (3) + Robinson, J. ' 71 + Seibel, c.~!" '41 (10) + Smith , G. 50 (2) +Smith , H. Jr. '44 (IO) * SlOver, W, '40 ... Sutherland, K. '62 + Terpack, T . '66 • Vassil, I. '52 (1 O) + Wile )', L Jr, '49 (3) + Williams, D. '54 Winston, K. '56 (2) + Young, H, '52 (4)




CENTRAL MISSOURI-6 + Beeler, G. '70 + Letzi~ , W. '7 1 (4) Martll1, N. '75 (2) + McCambridge, J. '72 (2) + Ra ssc, D. '78 + Smith, R, '74 (2) CHICAG0-27 Bidwell, R. '50 (9) Borst , C. '33 (2) + Bra)" 1'. '49 (2) Brunelle, W. '30 * Cochran, D, '2 7 (9) + Crawford, W. '33 (9) * Da\'is, P. Jr. '35 (9) + Dragsl ccit. C . .l r. '43

+ E\'ans, S. Ir. '47 (2) • Fitzgerald,.J. '43 (4) + Frentz, A. '2:; (9) + Hartle, J. Sr. '32 + Heskett, B. '22 (5) + Hood, R. '38 (5) Hughes, S. '29 + Johnstone, Q. '36 (3) + Ka\'anaugh,.I, '52 (4) + Krasnitz, M. '56 (3) + Mandel , M. '55 (](I) + McClure, J. I ... '42 (5) + Miller, E. '40 (2) Noble. M. '20 (lO) * Purcell, R. '31 (4) +Sloan, K, '32 (4) *Tenne)" A. Jr. '43 (3) + Thomann , D. '39 (I O) * Westb)" G. '20 (4) CLARKSON-23 + Armstron!i' G. '61 (2) Baker, C. 71 (10) + Baker, G. '27 (III) Brad)'. D. '70, ' + Colford, E. '76 (2) + Crowle),. R. '65 Dishaw , A, '23 (10) Doblan , P. '66 + Finn e~a n, I. '78 (2) Hopkms, R. '76 + Hunt, J. '77 (3) Hutchins. R. '4 0 Jo)" C. '29 (10) Ka )" S, Jr. '71 Kieta, D. '73 (2) Lilje(luiSl . .J. '64 ~'[illson, M. '67 (5) + Nal,lon, R. Jr. '72 (4) + Ne son, D. '69 (2) * Phillips, C. III '64 (9) Raeder, \-\T. '25 Wichmann , C. '26 (10) Wischhuscn, R. '76 (3) COLBY-IO Anderson, F, '24 Cowie, J. '77 (2) Dane, ~1. '7 J Hurlel', W . '49 (9) Li~htJjod y, C. '47 (4) Love, 1. '19 Rhoda , L. '34 + R)'der. A. '46 (9) Sturtc"ant, R. '24 (4) Tuppcr, N. '30 COLGATE-60 + Abrams, H . '27 (5) + Abramson, A. '62 + Anderson, D, '39 (8) + Anniuo, J. '33 Bailey, A. '29 (4) Becker, N. Jr, '56 + Berger, M. '66 (4) Bel',)', G. '36 (4) + Bolles, C. '27 (4) + Bond, F, '13 (2) Brewste r, J. III '78 (2)

+ ~~k~:

t. '0~

+ Doescher, F. '26 (2)

+ Donaldso nl] .

II'. '45

Duffield, R, '37 (3) Ferguson, C. '36 (3) + Fortmann , D. '36 Frecman, ' ·V. '59 Goewe)" J. '51 (3) Goldfarb, S. '76 +Gow, N. '46 (10) Helman, D. '4 1 (10) Hintz, P. '34 Ingle , R. '48 (9) + JOlles , 1.. '61 (3) Ke),ser , C, '31 (2) + Krallichfeld , W. '44 (3) + Lewin, H. '56 Mawhinney, W. '42 (3) Ma),er, G. '74 (2) + McCart hy, J. '56 (2) McMahon, II. '74 + McMahon, E. '71 (3) McCown, F. III '50 (3) + Miller, W. '27 (2) • Moore, D. '74 Morris, R. '28 ( I O) + Nast, T. '37 (IO) * Okunski, W, '58 (10)


Peabod y, R. '45 (3) + Rice , R, '34 (5) Roscnbloom, B, '76 Sater, C. ' 16 (5) • Schmid, P. '6 1 (3) Sheehan, J. '79 +Spencer, R. '24 (3) + Stark, L. '25 (4) Staurovsky, R. '68 Swan, D, '31 + Ta )'lor, R. '32 (2) Thompson , D. '4 1 VanOrden, E. '40 (2) + Walton, E. '34 (10) • Weldon, R. '52 (2) • Wilkinson, H. '34 (2) + Williams, R. '55 +Zane, V. '56 + Zimmer, C. '30 (3) + Zimmerman, R. '40 (3) COLORADO-I9 Benninghovcn, P. '63 + Bolenbaker, R. '69 Breitinger, F. Jr. '76 +Dunham, K, Jr. '62 Durso,J. '75 Gaddis, L. '63 Gadeken, A, '64 + Humphries, R. Jr. '69 (3) + Liggell, J. '59 + Lockhart'l' '76 (2) McCarty, . Jr. '74 + McClure, . II'. '69 (3) + Miller, R. '54' + Miln e, C. Jr, '73 (4) * Nelson, H. '59 (6)

+ ?8~~I~EJ ;~r


Pober, K. '62 (5) Wilson, S. '72 (2) COLORADO STATE-2 + Frederick, L. '72 + Kolb, P. '72 • COLUMBIA-IO + Appelgate, R. '31 + BrannICk, L. '57 (4) + Carley, F. '43 + Chabau, A. '37 (5) Delatusb , G. '39 Eichacker, W. '41 (5) + Harbaugh, D. '22 (4) McCormack, '39 (4) + Wormser, F, 16 (10) +Wormser, R. ' 17 (3)


CORNELL-60 + Adams, S. '75 (4) Altemus, J. II'. '65 (3) Anderson, it '20 (8) Banlell, H . Jr. '36 (2) • Beckwith, R. '57 (10) • Bigalow, S. '75 + Blumschli, R. '54 Boericke, F. '28 (2) Bolha, E. Jr, '60 + Boswonh, H' if. '23

+ ~~;fs~~', ~: :~8 (4)

Caruthers, E. I r. '28 (2) * Clark, P. '23 (9) Clemente, I. '70 +Clememe, M. '73 (3) + Devore, J. '68 (10) + Dewey, M. '75 + D'Onofrio, p, '76 (4) + Eskild, T. '50 Farrington, W. '43 (3) Fastuca, G. '74 + Gilchrist, R. '40 (10) Goeringer, B. '75 Gray, R..1lI '59 + Haldeman, S. '24 (10) + Halstead , C. '63 (3)


~ilr::: t,~75

+ Howell, A, '5.0 (4) + Hughes, W. 1Il '44 + Keating, T. '57 (3) • + Keenum, J. Jr, '74 (2) + Kennedy, D. '50 (10) • Kiplinger, A. '39 + Klein, M . '71 (3) +Lathrop, W. Jr. '61 (5) + Light, G. '63 (2) Nye, D, '57


o NORTH CAROLlNA-43 + Akers, R. '64 (2) + Ayres, R. '66 (9) + Brainard, H. '30 (3) Bulier, J. '56 +Castellow, B. '77 + Clark, J. '68 Crawford, W. '76 (4) + Crockel!, D. '67 + Dalto n , J.Jr. '59 (3) + Eddleman, W. '34 (3) + Ely, J. '68 (2) + Heacock, D. '67 (10) Head, K. '79 + Hipp, A. '77 (3) + Jennings, C. '76 Johnson , E. '55 (2) J oh nson, G. Sr. '27 (3) + Jones , R. '68 (9) lones, S. Jr. '63 (3) + Killea, W. '71 (3) + Legler, M. '64 (3) * Lowry, R. Ir. '65 (3) + McElroy, r. '70 (3) McCain, P. [li '79 + Michael, W. '73 (2) + Myrick, D. '65 (9) Packer, ). '78 (2) + Pawlik, H. '54 (4) Peterson, R. '76 (3) + Poston, W. '7 [ (7) * Pugh, A. '73 (5) + Pyron, J.dr. '78 (2) + Ramsay , . '76 (3) + Salinger, A. '59 Schumacher, C. '73 (3) + Sheldon, '66 Smith, J. 34 Spruill, G . '76


Swanson, D. '76 Thompson, E. '28 (8) + Waltemyer, R. '75 (4) * Watkins, W. '27 (10) + Wing, R. '70 NORTH CAROLINA STATE-3 Frederick, T. Ir. '78 (2) Hoffman, T. ~8 + lach, E. JI'. '79 (2)

+ llouschOl', C. '29 (3) + Boyd, W. '48 (5) * Ilridgford, 1'. '56 (3) Bugger, B. '79 + Cakora, H. '59 + Calhoun, E. '22 (10) Carney, P. '75 (4) Caste rline , R. '41 +Conway,'J. '49 ( 10) Countryma n, R. Jr. '50 (3) + Cun is, A. '27 (10) Davis,.J. '65 (2) + Dingwall, D. '34 (2) + Fish, W. '39 (10) Gray, E. '29 (5) + Hamilton, A. '59 (2) * Hazen, S. Jr. '34 (2) + Heideman, E. '32 (6) * Heizer, E. Jr. '5 1 ( 10) + Jamra , A. Jr. '44 (4) * )amra, I. '38 (10) + Jawor, It '66 (4) + IUSlak, R. '46 (4) + Kraebber, J. '58 (2) + Kreml , F. '3 1 (4) + Larson, H. '34 (2) * Levering, G. '61 (10) ~Iackey, R. '43 (10) ~ I aso n , R. JI'. '75 (3) + ~Iaylahn, D. '40 (2) + McColly, J. '60 (3) + Moore, I. '67 (2) Maul, K. '74 (4) Newman, R. 11 '59 (10)


Noonan, \'V. '38

+ Papich, S. '36 (4) + Rakow, T . '65 (2) + Sale, E. '34 (5) + Sch neider, R. '68 (2) + Shannon, J. JI'. '49 (9) + Skelton, G. '59 (3) Somers, T. '73 + Sp,utier, R. '49 (10) * 'I aylor, H. '28 +Thorp, H. Jr. '25 ( 10) + Tumllllson, J. '25 (7) + Vits, H. Jr. '54 (9) White, R. JI'. '52 (2) "Vickslrulll, B. Jr. '65 + Williams, L. '34 Williams W '39 +Zinn, F. :37 '(10)


+ Beaman, R. '71

Bittner, J. '78 (2)

+ Dressen, R. '72 * Galehollsc. L. III

'68 + Harwood, W. '68 (2) Hed a hl , G. '68 + Larew, D. '63 Pope,.J. '67 Thoma s, R. '79

NORTH DAKOTA STATE-5 + Jon es, L. '79 + Kapadia , S. '70 (2) Kasprick, W. '7 1 (9) + Qual, A. '73 (3) + Steinbach, R. '77

OHlO-I2 + Brown, A. '62 + Fole}', J. '7 1 Lagncna, V. '71 Lawrie, J. '75 + ~Ietheny, M. '78 (2) + Nei nn. D. '58 (3) + Paxton, E. '68 (2) + Pease, D. '58 Pierson. T. '71 (2) + Sample, R. '75 + Starr, L. '69 Weimer, J. '68 OHIO STATE-50 + Baker, R. '48 + Bealhard, R. '73 (4)

+ Bct:k,

W. '55

Ilohon, R. '62

NORTHERN [LLINOIS-15 * Alongi, 1'. '44 (10) + Carml(hael, W. '78 Chesko, J . '71 Feithen , W. II'. '75 (4) + Ferensen . ~r. '67 (4) + Gerber, S. '68 (9) * Gipson, 1'. '68 (4) Hamm er slrom, D. '77 Hein z, M. '70 (2) _ ~'Iaiba c h , M. '73 (6) + Moline, K. '74 (4)

+Shaw, R. '79 Smith, S. '64 Thatcher, I. '71 (2) TI'aC)' , S. '77 (2) NORTHERN IOWA-I + Cory, B. '75 (4) NORTHWESTERN-57 Akemann, E. '62 ( 10) Aldworth, J. '49 + Anderson, W. Jr. '53 (5) + Beaubien, M. J I'. '64 (10) *Bodine, 1' . .11'. '50 (10)


+ Bonc, ,V.

Moore, H . '48

+ ~Iorrjson , R. '39 (9) + Myers, J. '38 (10) + Nakama, K. '45 Parsons, L. '30 (4) * Phillips, O. ' 14 (8) *Shaw,J. '49 (4) + Sherck, P. '5 1 +Smilh, H. Jr. '5 1 +Steinfurth , P. '68 SlOne, ~1. '69 (2) Swanz, J. '26 Thomas , J. '33 (2) + Tibbetts, K. '29 (9) * Walker, W. '54 (4) +wal kup 'l' '3 1 Werum, . '4 2 (4) Wood, R. '25 OKLAHOMA-38 + Andersoll, V. '67 (3) Clark, E. '25 +CoIllW<ll" L. '29 (3) * Crews, . .11'. '45 (2) + Deupree, E. '25 (2) + Edan, R. J r. '4 1 (4) + England, H . '76 Filip, T . '69 (4)


French. E. '78 + Fmit, K. '28 (2) Given, R. '25 (2) lIamillOlI, W. '57 (2) * Ha}'mon, G. '77 (3) + Hess , T. '75 Hobgood, R. '45 (4) * Hurle y, 1'. '64 (3) I-I Urler, S. '76 + John son , r. '66 (4) +:Jones, F. 6:> + Lee, T. '75 (4) Lollman, I. ~I'. '66 (3) + Massad, W. 55 (10) + McCormick, n. '32 (3) + Mee, R. Jr. '34 (3) + Monk, J . '68 (4) + Owens, J. '78 * Pace, S. J r. '35 Penne}'. C. '33 * Reid , W. II'. '58 (3) + Ricka ..d, O. '65 (2) + Rupert, M. '74 (4) * RUlhedo ..d, F. '50 (10) • SCOll, D. '61 + Slewart, L. '53 (2) + Sykes, F. '56 (2) +Thompson, H. '65 (10) * Walkingstick, B. '52 (10) Wilson , H . '55


OKLAHOMA STATE-12 + Banholomew, I. '78 * Crews, 1. S1'. '60 (5) + Crotchett, R. '75 (3) • Drachler, K. '70 + lakey, E. '65 + Puckett, W. '78 (2) Renfro, C. '74 + Richards, 'vV . '77 Setser, M. '77 (2) Simon, W. '60 Vogle, T. '60 WalleJ-, G. Jr. '60 (3)


+ Iloyer, R. '42 (10) W. '51 (9) Ce rmak , J. '78 (2) * Clark, T. '42 (4) * CI},mer , W. '35 (10 ) * Core}" 1'. '48 (9) * Crawford, H. '47 (8) + D'Amico, D. '72 (4) + DelaMaler, 1'. '63 * DeWitt, L. '30 (8)

+ Buchsicb,

+ g(;~l;~ R'6'~8 ( 10) * English, E. '22 (10) + ErnSl, J . '33 (10) + Ewan, D. '47 • Griesinger, F. ' 13 ( 10) Halhhorn, T. '6 1 (4) * J o hn son, N. '43 (10) + Kemerer, W. '7,3 (4) Kohler, E. '50 (3) + Kuppinger, E. '33 (10) + LanghurSl, E. .'41 (10) Leonard, J . III '72 + Lewis, R. '76 (2) + Lininger, J. '32 (9) * L~rding, C. '~9 (9) + MIlicI', P . .Ir. 33

OREGON-22 + Allan, J. '53 + Brunken, D. '52 Ca .. lson, S. '69 (2) +Ce lla .. s, A. '47 (9) * Ciatti, J. '64 (5) Clcmens, C. '66 * Gendron, J. '40 (5) + Haywa .. d, S. '40 (5) + HillaI', P. '41 (5) + Huntzinger, p, '50 + Kirkpamck, B. '45 (5) Lerwick, E. '46 + Mallson, 1'. '63 (10) + Meiste .. , H . [II '66 (3) Moshofsky, E. '42 (5) * Neuner, '62 (3) Seal, W. 49 (5) Smith , G. '37 (9) + Sprouse, I. '30 (5) +'[emple, M. '33 Vandervort, R. J r. '41 * Weisel, J. '48 (2)



OREGON ST A TE-29 + Anderson, D. '35 (3)

Hammer, J. Jr. '32

llaxte .. , .I. '78

* Ba)'s , T. '42 (5) + Benlley, F. '32 (2) * Butle .. , G. '2 1 (10) * Conye .. s, K. ' 18 (4)

C. JI'. '3:; (3) *++ I-lellick. HerasimdlUk, I. (2) Hickling, R. '30 (4)

+ D(,rling, N. \42

I-lilner, H . '59 (10) + I lome, F. J r. '38 (4) Humes, D. '77 (2) +t'ICkel, D. '52 (3) + ackson, T. '70 (2) + ohnslOll, J. '58 (9) + anclherr, W. Jr. '59 Longenecker, C. '32 (2) + Ludvigson, W. '59 (5) Nix, R. '48 (4) * Pelers, W. ')4 (5) Piper, W. '44 Pisc ilelli, T. '73 (3) + I'nllzman, C. ' 18 (7) + Prutzman, J. '34 (9) + Schwenk, G. '42 (3) Sheesley, R. '45 Shipley, H . J I'. '5 1 + Tice, R. '30 (2) * Ulerich, W. '3 1 (5) Voulopos, I. '79 + Weaver, \-\( '22 (9) + Whanoll, A. '24 + Williams, R. ' 18 (2) Wimer, C. Jr. '48 + Zboyovs ky, J. JI'. '51 (9)

CUlllmings, ,. '31 (10) (10)

+ Ekern , A. '26 (2) Gann, S. '79 Hulbert, J. JI'. '44 (10) lacoby, D. '42 + Klein, K. '43 (10) + Knutsen, G. '31 (10) Lunda, E. '28 (3) + Lus(her, B. '45 + ~lc~lalh, C. )1'. '32 (3) + ~Iellis, R. '46 (3) +Oet in ge .. , IV . .I1'. '43 + Perl , W. '28 (4) Perry, J. '22 (3) + Powell, R. '44 (2) + Raffety, £. '34 (3) + Reed, I. '58 (3) + Rosenfeld , E. '42 (4) +Schiell'e, E. II'. '40 (3) Tinke .. , E. '05 (4)

: ~.;~~~'~',dDJ ,~~O(i~) PAC[FIC-5 + Chapman, D. '70 + DuM ond, J. '66 + Gates, T. '63 + Rans omc, I. '58 (10) + Sta .. k, E. '2'9 (7) PENNSYLV ANIA-39 * Acaste .. , H. '44 (10) * Bartle, H. Jr. '30 (5) Biggs, C. III '55 (2) Boswell, W. '22 (3) lloyd, D. '42 (2) Ca nfield , R. '61 (3) +Coffey, E. '27 (10) C ..ofoot, J. '28 (4) + Den ')', J. '5 1 (5) + Duncan, C. '27 (3) +Else ..oad, A.JI'. '53 ( 10) +Evans, H . 11', '28 Goodw in , B. '53 G .. af, G. J ... '55 (3) + Ha .... ison , C. '38 (3) + Hoffman, W. '28 (5)

+ Hunt , D. ' 13

*tOhnson, A. '39 (3) + ohnsto n, W. '32 (3) + enned)' , .I . '4 7 (10) K.. ide .. , R. '50 (5) * ~Ia ..shall, )_. '65 (4) Marx, R. ,,4 (4)


+ ~:~V~I\~~,~'}35


+ Noble, A. '51 (9) + Pippitt, S. '25 (4) + Qu(((kcnbush, R. '5:; (4) *S<ll11son, F. '2 1 (5) + Samson, R. '28 (4) + Siegel, T. J I'. '57 (2) Snyder, R. '26 (4) + VanSd\'er, H. '53 (2) + W'tiert, ). '53 (4) + Wallace:.I. '18 (9) +Wahhour,.J. '19 (3) + Williams, V. '32 * Wilshu scn, H. '71 (4) Ziebell, O. '27 (3) PENNSYLVANIA STATE-52 + A .. iso n, 1-1..1'-' '41 (10) Atkinson, '1. )1'. '34 (8) + lJalde .. ston, Ii. '76 (4) + Beifield,.J. '28 (3) + Brooks, R. '42 (10 ) * Cleeland, T . Ir. '46 (2) Clc me Ill, C. '79 Cooper, C. '22 (9) + Cowan, A. '39 (3) + Cowen, W. Jr. '53 C ..osb)" R. '54 (4 ) * DeJ lIhus, A. '56 (10) Diamclll, W. '31 (7) + Ebe .. so le, J. '70 + Edwa .. ds, K. '71 (8) + Eva lls, P. '36 (2) Flickinge .. , R. '31 (8) + Foste .. , N. Jr. '34 (3) G rove. P. '48 Grunden,.I. '60 (2)


Hickman , W. '24 (3)

+ Hilema n,

R. '32 (2)

PLA TTEVILLE-4 Grunow, R. '67 + Lundeen, T. '52 (10) + Man)', J. '69 Prall, F. '73 PURDUE-123 Alexander, L. '45 + Anderson , B. '65 (4) + Arganbright, F. '49 (3) * BacolI, C. Jr. '38 (4) + llanas, S. '50 (9) Baumel, K. '62 (2) + lJeall, K. ' 19 + Ileals, J. '30 (9) + Bell, G. '37 (2) + llelUl'y, N. '37 (3) Bowler, L '71 + Brower, P. '21 (2) * Brawn, R. '46 (3) + Bruns, 1'. '7 1 (4) + Bumpas, O. '31 + Burkart. H . Jr. '48 C henowet h, O. '2 1 +C lal'ke, W. '39 (8) + Clullerbuck, S. '55 +Co nwa)', S. '5 1 (5) * Copple, J. '36 (4) + CraWfOrd,}. '40 + C rofts, A. r. '45 (2) + DeMent, D. '76 DeVo ll, I. '63 (2) Dillon, T. '7 1 + Eickhoff, J. '44 Evans,.J. '31 Fanning, R. '40 * Fitzgerald, D. '49 (8) + Forszt, C. '72 (3) + Funk, D. '61 (9) Gabel, R. '52 (9) Ga rd , G. '43 ( 10) Gauen, M , '79 * Gim lin , R. '42 (10) +Gi ngher, H . '40 (3) + God frC)', J. '34 Gossell, F. '32 (3) Guthrie, M . Jr. '45 + Hallman, R. '54 (9) + Harter, W. '22 (8) Hazard, W. '45 (3)


+ ~~rJ~~~~:I~,RR"~i7(r~) Hostetter, D. '78 (2) Jeffery, H . Jr. '50 Jones , C. '26 + .Iones, J. '48 (3) + Keefer, 1'. '42 (3) + Kenerson, A. '49 + Knopfmeier, H. '69 (10) + Krahs, J. '51 (9) + Krachle , T . '53 (10) + Krstovich, S. '49 Kuehrmann, O. '57 (3) *laFonune, R. '51 ( 10) * Lamp, R. '49 (3) + landis, J. '35 (3) * lawson , W. '50 (10)

+ Lee, B . .1 r. '5 1 (2) + lells, E. '67 (10) + loepker , M. '76 (3) Long, C. '37 + LOlles,.I. '66 + Luber. F. '50 + McClain, K. '71 (6) McGaughe )', W. '68 (2) + McKirnan, D. '44 (10) * Melz, D. '30 (10) + Melzger, J. '40 (4) + Miller, H. '15 (5) + Miller, R. '22 + Mill e r , W. '39 (10) Moeller, C. '45 (2)

+ ~·[ oss, G. '47 + Munson, F. '57

Murray, T. '49 (5) + Neese, A. '36 (4) + Nohsey, J. '24 Nutting, C. '51 (3) O 'Neil, K. '39 (3) + O'Reilly, P. '49 + O),ler, R. '39 (10) + Pehlkc, C. '49 + Peoples, C. '34 (3) + Popham, R. '40 (10) + PoneI', D. '35 + Pullen , G. '77 (2) + Rabe, A. J r. '28 (2) • Rasmussen, D. '46 (10) + Rich , W. '53 (4) + Richardson , W. '25 (10) Richwin e, G. '75 (4) Robenso n , R. '3 1 Rolll'e r , J. '22 (4) Schreiber, R. '39 ( 10) * SCOll, 11'. '48 (4) + Shan, R. '72 + Shumaker, F. '55 (4) + Smelser, C. ' II (2) Smith , J. '52 (10) +Snead,J.Jr. '31 (10) Stalli ngs, .I . '45 (9) + Stallings, W. '38 (3) Stanback, H. '39 (10) + Steiger, A. Jr. '48 (10) + Stililons, T. '79 + Stoops, R. '64 (3) * Sluts man, R. '53 (4) Sweene)" J. '64 (5) + Theiss en, R. '48 (2) + Todd, M. '63 (6) * Tofallte, G. '60 Troller, C. ' 12 * Varble, A. '50 * VonGrimlllenstein, C. '49 (9) + Wahl, J. '45 (10) + Warner, P. '53 + Weber, B. III '49 (8) * Wern e l, R. '51 (4) + White, C. .Ir. '77 (3) + William s, N. '64 (5)


RIPON-6 MacLeod, A. '76 Muraskas, J. '78 (2) + Threlkeld, R. '60 Tobias, T . '65 + VanGorden, S. III '62 (4) Wagnel-, R. '78 (2) ROCHESTER-14 Abercrombie, F. '28 (3)


+ ~:::.~ft~'~ C:5~7i~)(3) FI-einay, D. '36 (2) Holzwarth , C. '06 (4)

+ Istvan ,

D. '53 (5)

! ~:~f~:~'G' ~0'~~,<3) + Ralltien, A. '06 (5) Rovegno, R. '50 (3) *+ Schreiner, Samandrea, S. '56 (4) G. '38 (5) Jr.

+ Wilson , D. '59 (3) + Woods, R. 42 (5) RUTGERS-77 Adelizzi, C. '62 (4) + Ades, H. '29 (10) Anderson, R. '66 (4) Bagley, H. '32 (9) Barlow, R. '50 (5) + Beyer, A. '68 (4) * Borrello, N. '59 (3) + Brandes, R. '26 (10) + BlIrton , R. '72 (3) Campbell, P. '50 (8)


July, 1980

Ca l'allo,.J. '78 + Cleary, E. '29 * Collett, R. '35 (9) Colsey, W. Jr. '3 1 (4) + Cook, H . '23 Crowell, J. '21 '" Curtin, R. '68 (4) •

D,dey, F. '44 (3) Dickerson, D. '34 (8) + Dorland, G. '24

SIMPSON-9 FOSler, H. '13 (10) +Gould, I.Jr. '60 + Hollowell, R. '18 (2) * Howsare, P. '29 (10) Koser, M. '20 (7) Lill)" J. '59 (10) Pickard, W. '24

+ Simmons, D. '67 (3) Snider, N. '67 (3)

Dunsmore, R. '33 (4)

Eves, L. '4 0 Ferraioli, J. '69 (3) +Gcrbig, .I. III '69 (3) + Glenn. E. '24 * Golden, G. '74 (6) + Goldfinger, D. '57 (3) Gordeuk, G. '75 (2) Graves, R. '66

+ Green, G. '40 (2) + Greene, R. '60 (8) * Groth, E. Ir. '48 (:») Haberstroll, W. '72 (4) Hahner, S. '78 Hanna, H . .lr. '70 Hewlett, G. '29 (3) Heyer, F. '36 + Hoagland. W. '48 (10) Hollerieth, C. '68 (8) + Howe, I. '39 + Kelly, R. '65 (6)

+ Kerestes, \V. '71 Krieg, R. Jr. '64 (4) • Kroll, K. '53 (2) Leslie, I. '13 (2) Liniak: P. '69 (10) + Marley, J. '32 Mastrolia, R. '55 McCabe, D. '44 (9) + McDowell, A. '34 (10) McKinney, H . '13 * Moran, R. '72 (6) + Muller, B. '66 (4) * Mullowney, T. '57 (4) + Naporano, A . .lr. '71 (4) + Novelli, D. '73 (7) Ross, C. '36 (4) + Sahloff, W. '30 (9) + Scamell, V. '42 (3) + Schreihofer, A. '59 (6) Sperling, W'..I!! '35 (3)

+ Stoner, J. '5(;

Sullivan, E. '29

SUllon. \-\T. '23 +Thomas, R. '47 (5) + Truscott, M. '18 (9) Tucker, F. '31 (10) Tully, D. '68 + VanKeuren, W. '09 (4) + Voorhees, A. '26 (10)

*+ Wade, Voorhees, R. '21 D. '60 (2) •

Ward, W. '33 + Wenczel, T. '43 (2) Westcott, W. '34 (2) • Williamson, R. '34 (10) + Youpa, R. '55 (3) SAN DIEG0--4 Darcy, T. '72 + Fieri, P. '73 (4) McCormick. T . '79

+ Tanner. S. '77 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY STATE-4 Delfine},. P. '67 Enli:lOlIel, D. '64

Rice, D. '64 + Waite, E. '66

SOUTH DAKOTA-3 Hewitt , D. '73

Olson, T. '78 (2) • Rempfer, E. Jr. '74 SOUTHERN lLLlNOlS-3


Adams, 1. '35

+ Gildersleeve, I. '7 1 (3) * Maguire, D. '73 (2) STANFORD-46 • AchauCl', B. '63 (2) + Allen, R. '54 (10) + Billings, R. '42

+ Brickner, D. '61 +Churchill, O. '19 (4) * Coonan, T. '43 (9) + Cutter, D. '51 (10) + Emeis, C. '34 (5) + Faries, J. '55 (9) + Ferguson, W. '30 (4) + Fisher, E. '77 + Forbes, W. '15 (3) Freeman, C. '70 • Fullel', D. '52 (2) • * Harbison, S. '65 (2) Haugh, S. '78 • Hefner, R. JI'. '28 + Helms, P. III '61 Henderson, F. III '57 + Hirst, W. JI'. '40 Honsaker, H. Ir. '59 (2) Hllrford, D. '13 (2) Lawry, J. '31 Lenahan, r. '67 Lewis, J. '62 + Manchester, F. '26 (9) McCart)', S. '76 (3) + Moore, W. Jr. '42 (3) + Nelson, M. '59 (9) +O'Con nor,J. '5 1 *Osthaus, F. '27 (10) Rodgers, I. '37 Schroedei·, B. '63 + Sechrest, W. '64 (2) * Smith, O. '52 (5) + Smith, R. '59 (9) + Stanley,.I. '50 Tempeiaar.Lietz, J. '60 + Vermeil, P. '66 (8) Vigna, J. '36 + Voll, G. '41 (4) + VonEstorff, E. '56 (3) White, G . '33 (9) + Williams, A. '53 (2) + Wilson, B. '50 • Wra)" P. '37 (2) SWARTHMORE-28 + Amhon\', J. '22 + Cugswefl. C. '.16 + Coles, C. '21 (9) + DeWill, F. '46 (5) Eaton, W. '32 Gillam, C. '20 (10) Hadeler, R. '32 * Hallowell, H . Jr. '29 (6) Heiser, S. '72


Ho)'t, W. '12


+ Yates. S. '55 (5)

+ +

Lon~shol~e: ~'I, ~Ic(,ahe.

Augeron, P. '79

Balsley, B. '30 (2)

~iltIYl'~I~~iG'. ~'2'~~/3) Ho)'d, S. '46 +Connoll)',J. '31 (5) + Coone)" E. '13 (10) + Dealtre)" W. '52 (2) + Dixon. E. '40 (10) Edgerton, W. '68 (2) Finnell. T. '57 (2) + Fitzgerald , R. '67 (4) + Haun, R. '27 (3) + Hill, R. '76 Hoskins, E. '50 (2) + Ilughes, R. '2!1 (8) lallll , C. Jr. '.;2 :lol,",lson , E. '78 (2) * Kagler, W. '54 (4) LI'nch, W . .Ir. '79 + Lynd, /. '35 (5) + McFar ane, D. Jr. '52 (10) McLaughlin, B. '58 (10)

+ Mclenbacker, R. '45 (3)

+ ~1iuelstaedt, +


A . .1 r. '58

J. '55 (4)

+J\1unger. G. ' 19 (10) Namack, W. 111 '57 (3) Newing, R. ' 13

+ Ohenhoff. J . '33 (10) + Osborn, H. '21 (10) + Perkins, H. '30 (3) RekSlis, W.)r. '38 (2) Ringwall, II. '58 (7) + Roe, B. '67 (2) + Schantz, R. '4\1 (4) Sengstacken, J. '46

• Sherl')', E. '44 + Smeltzer, W. '58 (3) + Strates, E. '54 (4) Thorn, D. '71 (2) + Tinker, G. '17 (10) + TorreI', R. '51 (2) + Vadney, H. '28 (4) Valeo, T. '65 (2) + Vosburgh, F. '25 (4) + Wilson, T. '19 (2) + Wilson, W . .Ir. '30 (4) + Wright, C . .Ir. '31 (,,) TECHNOLOGY-55 + Allen,.J. Jr. '64 (4) Allen, L. Jr. '34 (10)

! ~~:::tl~:o~~" h'(21~?1)

Ilcaman, D. Jr. '38 (10)

Breeden, D. '72

+ BI'itlOn, C. '33 (4) + Carlson, K. '77 (2) + Cross, R. '32 (!I)

+ Crowther,

II. '54 Cucchissi, M. '75 Dodge, I. '39 (4)

+ Edmomls, G. '26 (10) + Ferry, J. Ir. '39 (5) Gillette, it '36 (4) + Hall, R. '22 (9) Hardwick, R. '17 + Hatch. G. '35 (2) '" Ha}'tlcs, R. ' 13 Herman , M. '79 + I-licmer. H. '40

+ Huke, M. '65 (2) + Hurst, M. '70 (5) +Ingals, E. '19 (3) Isaac, B. '75 + Jakobson, I. '21 (10)

*Jouris, W. '61 (10) Ka\'az<ll"tiian, E. .I1". '73 * Knudsen, S. '36 (3) Lee, W. '69

I~n.kit~s" A. '01 (6)

+1.101, I'. 77 (3)

SANjOSE-15 Boothe, S. '52 (10) + Brown, B. '56 (3) + Coakley, G. '53 (2) * Haugaard, J. '56 (2) + Lund, A. '55 (10) + Madsen, D. '51 (5) Neasham. V. 11 '52 Powers, R. '63 • Serpa, E. '67 * Sherman, J. '66 Spolyar, L. '52 +Spoo ner, P. '55 (4) • Stepovich, M. '56 (4) Swander, J. '63 (9)


'30 (8)

I. b (10)

McGuire, H. '29 (10) * Mindel ; J. '60 (2) + Mnnaghan, I. '13 (5) + Palmer. S. Jr. '27 (1(1) Perkins, E. '49 (3) Rogers. A. '23 (2) Rogers,J. ')5

+ Schwertner, R. '48 (4) • Taylor, H. Ir. '27 (10) Thomsen , ~'. '30 (3) Thurman, J. '6:\ +To miinsotl, W. '17 (9)

Walker, J. '33

+ Youngblood, D. '47 (4)


Lepkowski, R. '76 Linder, J. '55 + Lillie, E. 'IS (5)


~lacManin , ~Ianin, S. Jr.


'50 (5) + Maurel', D. '78 (2) ~Icrrill, I. Jr. '32 (2) + Miller, I". II '23 (10) Mitchell, J. '78 (2)

~I~~'t(;: ,~~ ;~~ (4) Reed, W. '50 (2) + Reichart, H. Ir. '3 4 (3) Rickards, L. '33 + Roach, J. '65 (2) Shephe!'d: T. '22 Slack, I. 30 (3) + Stevens, E. '27 (10)

july, 1980

Suchan, M. '76 (3) + Thayer, C. '32 (6) Vogel, F. '22 (5) While, W. '40 (2) + Williams, R. '4 1 (2) Wood , S. '69 + Woodward, W. '40 (9) TENNESSEE-6 + Bible, T. Jr. '74

+ Caner, C. '71

+ Coffey, T. '72 + Frecsh, 1'. '70 (2) + Goodwin, R. '72

+ P}'burn, R. '70

TEXAS-20 + Allums, J. '59 + Behren s, C. '64 Brewer, W. '70 (5)

Cassell, J..Jr. '70 (4) + Charless, W. Ir. '63 (2) Dunlap, I. '7g + Dunn, ' j'. ' 70 (2) + Hooser, C. '67 (3) lones, C. '54 (2) + Kingsley, B. '7 1 (3)

+ McMahan, D. '65 + Mitchell, M. '65 (10) + Nelson, W. '59 (2) + Orr, J. '65 (3) Polser, A. Jr. '65 (10) + Rohde, M. '68 (3) + StUlts, J. '58 (3) + Vaughan, R. '68 + Waters, L. '73 (2) + Wile)', R. Jr. '49 TORONTO-l 3 + Anderson, R. '39 (6) + Blumenauer, G. '70 (3) +C lark, B. '69 (4) + Howland, W. '36 (6) *{"CkSOn, B. '50 (4)

+ armain, E. '30 (6)

+ ohnston, I. '74 (3)

+ (lwrence, W. '49 (2) McCulloch , H. '30 (2) + Murphy, H. '51 (4)

*+ O'Brien, M. '42 Rose, J. Jr. '28 (3)

+ Westaway, J. '34 (5) TUFTS--42 + Allard, C. '65 Ames, H. '36 (9)


Atwood, R. '43

+ ~,~~~r:



+ Bailey, R. '51 (3) + Ilesse, H. '20 (4) '" Blanchard, Z. '50

+ Bliss, B. '45

+ Brainerd, C. '41 Burr, R. '48 + Carlson, R. '48 Casabian, E. Ir. '64 (4) + Casazza, W. '''77 (2) Cliff, G. '55 * Cobb, N. '27 (3) +Co nnoll y,J.)r. '51 Conrad, F. ':>0 * Cross, R. '16 (10)

+ ~~i.;\;~':1~: JA.'~gl Fitzgera¥d, ./. Ir. '29 + Folsom, R. 3A (4) +Gal)".J. '7 1 + Gill, M. '78 (2) Cr,wson, D. '59 Grillllcll, D. '64

+ Hann\" R. '26 (5) C. Ir. '53 (3) *+ Hedl,ind, Huntington, 1). '13 (3) IrWlll" E. /r. '78 Kleven, E.' 66 (2) + Lee, J Jr. '50 (4) ~IcKlIlne)', W. '26 (10) + ~Iorse, D. '42 (10) + Pike, J. '65 Porter, J. '43 Russell, F. '40 (5) Slaven, M. '78 + To~'ias, P. '79 + Tr ..inter. W. '25 (3)

+ Vinton,

D. '52

TYLER-4 + Cal'ness. R. '78

Mathews. L. '75

* Olson,.J. '77 * Spencer, C.

'78 (2)

+ Hendrickson, T. '67 (2) + Hilen, A. Ir. '36 * Holden, ,V. '30 (2) Huffine, C. '29 (7) + Hullinger; ' ~'. '74 (3)


H ya u , L 3!J

Brann, E. '34

+Carter, E. '32 (101 + Dike, H. '37 (2) Frink, A. '38 * Henkle, T. '50 (6) Leiller. D. '30 (2)

+ Mancini, A. '49 (5) + O'Neal, R. '34 (9) + Rane y, .J. '3.; (3)

* Woods, W.

'5 0

+Iacroux, p, '59 (5) + Kaneta, K. '59 (10) Koch, A. '32 (10) Larsen, I .. '76

+ Lowry, L. '27 (10) '" MacMillan, I. '5 J

Mal'shall, J . '42 (10) * Martin, R. '59 (10) + McCush, G. '23 * McKay, T. '50 (2) + Meier, R. '73 (7) Meissner, V. '47

UNION-22 Angell, H. '22 + Barr)" E. '38 (3) Blanchette, R. '69 (4) + Brown, ~1. '28 (IIJ) +Cassid\', E. Ir. '58 (2) * Dagostino, L. '75 (2) Fa!(al, F. Jr. '68 + Flood, R. '47 (3) '" Grant, \"T. '49 (9) + Haidak, 1'. '67 (3) + Hanle, C. '62 (10) + Hughes, L. '46 (4) * Lange, S. '63 + Olson, C. '36 (10) Parisi, F. '55 (2) Putman, T. '52 (to)

+ Robinson, T. II '42 (10) + Roth, H. '30 (3) Tricbe!, E. '63 (3) Underhill, W. '75

+ Wiese, R. '44 (10) Yates, R. '57

VIRGINIA-24 +Ashbury, M . .Ir. '54 (3) Cook, W. '22 (3)

+ COITigan,


'79 •

Driever, S. '69 (2) + Flippen, O. Jr. '29 Garrison, S. III '63

+ Head, F:. '64 (2) + Howell, W.lr. '43 (4) + lones, G. '32 (3) I-bthews, E. J r. '5 1 (2) * Mayo, A. '29 (4) +McCo)"H.'51 + Montagna, A . .Jr. '62 (3) Norfleet, J. '51 (3) + Norris, T. ',,0 (10) Pence,.J. '74 (4) * Pollock, O. '5 1 (9) • + Rame)" R. '51 (2) * Reusing, W. '62 (9) + Shelton, G. '38 (6) + Shumate, J. '28 Straton, F. '55 (9) + Updike, W. '63 (4) Zeisler, K. '42 (3) WASHINGTON-71 + Amick, R. '63 (4) + Bailey, R. '61 (4) • Bayless, G. Ir. '49 (10) Beebe , C. 'j'5 (8) + Berger, G. ',;9 (3) + Bibh: R. '44 (10) Bowen, G. '31 (Ill)

+ Brandenburg, R. '55 (2) Brett, S. '50 Blirwell , 'N. '55 + Byles, C. '25 (9) + Clifford, A. Jr. '35 (4) * Clifton, C. Jr. '35 (2) + Coble)" G. 41 (4) * Corbitt, W. '20 (10) +Co re y, J. '34 (4) >I<

+ Modord , D. '56 (10) Morford, I. '5 1 (2) Murphy, b. '43 (2) Olson, R. '6 1 (2) Patten, M. '19 (8) * Peterson, W. '22 (10) Putnam, G. '39 (9) Reichelt, C. '53 (5) + Rhyne, M. '69 * Rogers, H. '37 +Ryan, I. '3 1 (4) +Swtt, W. '30 (5) +Smevaag,J. '49 (4) Solberg, 'I. '66 (3) * Starr, G. '08 (6) * Swanes, V. '45 (3) + Ulrich, L. '40 (9) + VanDyk, F. '55 (2) + Waters, N. '54 (2) * Wick, D. '59 (2) + Winters, J. '52 (10) + Woodyard, S. '34 (4) Zin '56 (3)


WASHINGTON & LEE-9 + Auburn, R. '63 (3) Finn, R. '38 Horine, G. '28 (10) Kelsey, R. '70 (3)

+ Longacre, C. Ir. '33

Poindexter, E. Sr. '20 (3) * Richardson, D. '43 (2) Sullivan, C. '71 + Wade, T.Jr. '23 (10) WASHINGTON STATE-27 * Albert, G. '74 (3) Amos, L. '68 (2) Arveson, C. '23 (4) + Bills, I. '74 • Bratcher, C. '29 (2) • +Burg, K. '50 ( 10) • Casseday, B. '37 *Clifford, Il. '46 (2) + Duff)" D. '37 (4) * Enders, J. Jr. '39 (10) + Fluiura, R. '76

+ Hunter. R. '50 (5)

• Hyslop, V. Jr. '47 (10) +~ohnson, O. '39 (10) + ohllSon, R. '39 (2) +' antrowitz, S. '76 (3) Kimzey. W. '36 Leipham, H. '27 Lewis. C. '43 · Morris, H. '24 (10) + Nelsen, M. '7 1 + Novotney, T. '74 (2) + Payton, M. '7 4 Robert. L. '57 (2) Swugale, G. '71l (9) * Sludle, G. '57 (9) • Therrien , M. '76 (2) WESLEYAN-! + Lindsey, H . '18 (51

Crane, C. '47

Dobb, H. '41


Duwe , ,. '78

+ Bruegger, n.

Gilmore, R. '72

WESTERN MICHIGAN-14 * Auer, A. '64 (2) Bohs, T . '67 *Ilutler, 11'. '61 (7) + Gebhardt, W . .Ir. '61 (7) + Hale, G. '52 (Ill) + Harden, G. '60 (Ill)

Estes, L '50 * E),ler,J.Jr:'69 * I:agan, ~. '52 (4) Hall, D. 34 (3) • Ceorge, T. '63 (3) + Harris, G. '71 (2) + Harris, R. '49 (10) Hastings, 1. II'. '56 + l'layton , G. '''74 (2) + Henderson , S. '64 (2)



+ Kanclllori, D. '66 ( 10) + Moore,J . .Jr. '65 (5)


o Peebles. D. '63 (3) PCIT)' .

E. '7G

+ Raclsch. F. '65 + Ridle)'. II. '69 + Sanborn . .J. '66 Sl11ularski. R. '70

WESTERN ONTARI0--21 + Ballant yne. H . '47 (5) * Bladburn, W. '36 (5) + Bright, C. '37

+ Burkman. II. '76 (2) + Caldwell. G. '52 (3)

+ Christie. R. '59 (3) + Cluff. J. '74 (3)

* Decker. D. '51 (6) + Ford. G. '3 1 (5) +haser. W. '34 (3) * Hri\'nak . T. '72 (3) +Lcwis, W. '5 1 (5) * Orr, J. '40 (3) + Prvce, M. '36 (5) + Rclham. D. '62 + Roberts, R. '55 Robinson, II. '50 (3) + Rudel. D. '5 1 (5) Sarafinchill, M. '74 (3) + Shullis. 1'. '72 (3) + Warden. ~1. '50 WESTERN RESERVE-37 +A ngc lotla . .I. '45 (5) * Angst. I.. '45 (2) +Baldwin. G. ' 15 (:')

• Barb. J. JI". '65 (2) Ba)'less. IV. '33 (4) + Berg. L. '59 (2) + Blair. J. '40 (10) + Bobey. ~1. '35 ( 10) + B1'<I)'. D. '!i0 (2) * Bricker. I. '35 (3)


Buckingflam. L. ' 17 ( I O)

Cookson. C. '5 1 (10) Coo pe r. T. '5 1 (10) Fog-el. L. '75 + Gnflilhs, C. '40 (10) Hand),side. J. JI". '07 (9) + Harris. H. '18 (10) Heinlz. J. '39 (10) + Hollings\\'onh. D. '39 (5) Ho\'ore. F. '44 (3) Ho",;.trd, W. '75 (3) * Jon es. 1'. '23 (5) + 'Kmzenmcycr, W. '36 (9) + Kish. G. '63 North. J. '34 (9) Pauley. C. '21 + Peck, '1'. '63 (3) Phillips, E. '28 (9) * Sisler. C. '46 (9) + Spann, L. '5 1 * Ulrich , ~1. '34 ( 10) Ventresca. A. '53 (:'» + WilmOl'c. W. '46 (10) + Wrig-In, ),1. '37 + Young. 1\ 1. '76 Ziegler. H. '22 (9) + Ziw, A. JI'. '64 (2)

WICHlTA-20 Blase, A. '28 Bonner, B. III '56 (3) Corbett, C. '33 + Coughenour. K. '78 CI'aver, A. '5 1 (3) Farha. F. Jr. '55 + Ferguso n, L. '62 * GI'aucl, C. '66 Griffith, P. '33 + Gunn, F. '69

: High, ~~~d:F:~:'i2:6'J~8) G. '60 + Hutchinson , 1:.. '43 Eel)" C. JI'. '30 (3)


.Johnso n , J . '61 Little, W. 'S8

+ ~Vea~~(;~I~


Wilson, J. '77

WILLIAMS-I4 +Adsil , W. '30 Clarke, D. '30 (4) + Ellis. A . ./I'. '36 (3) Frost, F. '25 Gepson. /. '65 (5) Ha),. J. ',18 Jones, W. '31 *McGre~or.

Il../r. '40 (10)

+ Norton. W. '39 (3)

+ Forester, I. '33 (3)

+ Pilgrim, / . '60 (5) Reld,.J. '52 Rowland, R. '33 (8) Svcnson, O. Jr. '50 + T)'ler. D. '41 (8)

+ Forester, R. '31 (10) + Gardner, G, '23

WILMINGTON-2 * Cole, D. '72 + Wullenwaber, F. '77 (2) WISCONSIN-89 + Adler, R: '46 (5) + Aring, C. JI'. '48 (8) Baumann, \V. '57 + Biencmann, \\'. :49 (2) + Bills, H . Ji': '57 (2) * Black, R. '24 (10) Bruemmer,j. '4 1 B),rns,J. '38 (10) Camberis. G. '7"8 + Casper, R. '65 Chabalowski, C. '72 (3) +Cohlbacker, H . '23 (3) * Davidson, H. '31 Desnoyers, P. '16 (9) + Diebold, M. '25 (4) * Douglas, J. '39 (10) + Edgeno n, S. '40 (3) + Emmen, L. '27 (2) * Ericson, I. '5 1 (2) • + Fellows, b. '49 + Folsom, II. '30 (4)

+ Godfre)" 0 . ./ r. '49 (9) + Goeb, 1'. '39 (2) + Guenther, V. '25 (4) + HabighorSl, D. '65 (10) + Han·k j , '72 + HelTo, C. '43 ( 10) Hill. R. '55 (3) Hoebel, L. '33 (2) + Hoffman, D. '65 (3) + Holland, J. '7 1 (3) + Hm"ard, R. '40 (3) + Hunner, R. '5 1 (5) lcke, P. '3~ +Jaw.bus, C. '50 (3) +John son , D. '50 (5) + Kahler,}- '59 (2) L)'on, vI. '60 + MacKinnon, R. '41 Marks, E. '76 + Ma)" C. '48 (3) + McGehee, J. '38 (10) McLimans, R, '68 ' + Mead, J. '61 (3)


+ ~:~1: :s~/\Ji2) + Mon·ise)'. W. '43 + Morton. D. '5 1 (3) + Murph)" W. '28 (4) *

~~f,~n~~5?27 (10)

Nesbill, W. '76

+ PelT)" R. '68 Peterson, D. '50 (3) + Pike, J. '78 Rasmussen, R. '70 (3) * Ridolfi, R. '70 (3) +Roup, C. '65 Ruedebusch, J. '69 (3) + Salzwedel. R. '62 Sell!nilZ, G. '25 (4) Schmilz, R. ' 19 (2) + Sealor, D. '29 (9) Seilz, D. '73 Silverman, R. '69 Sipp'l, J Jr. '70 (2) + SirOlkl!1, G. '4 1 (4) + Skornicka, / . '68 + Sm'!rl, T. '76 (4) • Solomon, E. '3 1 (3) Spickard, l.. '20 (4) + Spohn: J. '51 (3) + Slavrum, S. '39 (4) + Stevens, H. '28 Slevens, M. '23 Thomas,./. '57 Thompson , R. '67 (3) Trachsel, W. '59 (9) + Truebenbach. ~.1. '56 Vinson, E. '28 + Walcisak, R. '74 (3) Weinkc, D. '59 (10) + Wiese, W. '75 (3) Wiggen, G. '5 1 Willig. R. '62 (3) + Zarling, R. '72

crhe GJ>residep.t's GJ)eputy GPrQgram Herbert Brownell, President

(GOVERNORS AND DEPUTIES ARE APPOINTED FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR TO COINCIDE WITH THE TERM OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRATERNITY.) PROVINCE GOVERNORS I. WILLIAM R, GORDON, Kansas State '60 20 Sheridan Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181 II. ROBERT L. TYBURSKI, Colgate '74 71 Madison Street, Hamilton, New York 13346 III. GEORGE W. NICHOLS, JR., Cornell '45 Fish Hatchery Road, R.D. #2, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103 IV. PAUL E. ROSENTHAL, Florida '73 1748-A Americana Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32809 V. DAVID N. NOVELLI, Rutgers '73 2606 St. Elmo, N.E., Canton, Ohio 44714 VI. CARROLL L. LURDING, Ohio State '59 The Lurding Company, P.O. Box 7461, Louisville, Kentucky 40207 VII. WARREN P. NESBITT, Wisconsin '76 16 E. Old Willow Road, Apt. 313S, Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070 VIII. ROBERT A. DAHLSGAARD, JR., Bradley '63 10907 Pioneer Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 IX. LEWIS D. GREGORY, Kansas '75 6612 Walmer, Overland Park, Kansas 66202 X. GARY J. GOLDEN, Rutgers '74 12012 Stilwell Place, N.E., Apt. C, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 XI. (Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah) XII. RICHARD N. BRANDENBURG, Washington State and Washington '55 11474 Arrow Point Drive, NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 70


july, 1980

CJhe 'President's Gf)eputy 'Program In the directory listing below, the date following the name of the chapter is their founding date, and the number in parentheses following the name of the trustee indicates his term expiration. ALBERTA (1935) Xll 11020-S6th Avenue Edmonton, Albena T6G OW9 TRUSTEE Richard S. Ballard, INDI'62 (S2) 28 Mason Drive Princeton, New J ersey 08540 DEPUTY

Alexander Andrekson '47 29 Vlestbrook Drive Edinonton, Alberta T6j 2CS COUNSELORS 'SO Rick D. Rintoul '75 'SI Andrew P. W. Hopkyos '77 'S2 Michael W. Spelliscy '76 ARKANSAS (1975) X 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 7270 I TRUSTEE William J. Bittner, BRAD '74 (S2) 44 Center Grove Road, Apt. .36E Randolph, New jersey 07801 DEPUTY

*depuly needed COUNSELORS 'SO Thomas R. jacobs '77 'S I Brian D. Beaird '76 'S2 joe W. Stacy '77 ARLINGTON (1969) X 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 TRUSTEE Frank Sandford, OKLA '42 (S2) S03 Red Oak Lane Arlington, Texas 76012 DEPUTY Thomas J. Walters, '72 9737 Amberton Parkway, #1066 Dallas, Texas 75243 COUNSELORS 'SO Thomas J. Walters, '72 'SI jeffrey A. Lang '78 '82 Robert W. Gray '76 BAYLOR (l97S) X Box 102, Union Building

~I~~~ '~e:i~':7S~103 TRUSTEE Richard C. Dabrowski, NCAR '70 (S2) 177 Hobart Street Danvers, Massachusetts 01923 DEPUTY

*deput)' needed COUNSELORS

:~~~~llrb:rt~: ~~r,t~,~

'7S '82 Steven G. Newcom '78 BOWLING GREEN (1949) V Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 TRUSTEE


(SO) Curtice, Ohio 43412 DEPUTY Mark A. Corey, OHST '76 995 S. Main, Apt. 1"5 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 COUNSELORS 'SO Thomas L. Koch '74 'SI 'S2

BRADLEY (1951) VII 131S West Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 TRUSTEE joseph C. D'Errico '70 (83) II Cresthill Avenue Clifton, New j ersey 07012 DEPUTY William H. Bried '6S 1941 Woodside Road Springfield, Illinois 62707 COUNSELORS 'SI Peter S. Vermeil, STAN '66 'S2 john j . Schad, j r. '66 'S3 Antone F. Alber, LEHI '65 BUCKNELL (1950) III Bucknell Un iversi tf Lewisburg, Pennsy vania 17837

TRUSTEE Robert W. Hartung '75 (S2) 3564 Bend View Drive Pittsburgh, Penl1syh'ania 15221 DEPUTY John F. Zeller, III '41 89 Anlyn Drive Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 COUNSELORS '81 Lawrence P. Lawson '48 'S2 lohn F. Zeller III '41 '83 William A. Torrey III '75 CALIFORNIA (IS96) XI 2425 Warrihg Street Berkeley, California 94704 TRUSTEE Donald J. Moulin '53 (81) 11008 Stanmore Drive Potomac, Maryland 20S54 DEPUTY Gary i-I. Brooks '70 6651 Heartland Drive Oakland, California 94611 COUNSELORS '80 Del1l1is A. Davis '75 'S I Stephen Shaw '66 'S2 CARNEGIE (1917).111 5031 Forbes'Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 TRUSTEE lohn C. Va"il '52 (S3) Morgan, Finnegan, Pine, .Foley & Lee 345 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 DEPUTY Thomas R. Allen, II'. '5S 'Scaife .Road, Box 495 Sewickley, Pennsyl vania 15143 COUNSELORS 'SO Thomas S. Terpack '65 '81 Jonath_an D. Domash '77 'S2 james J. Dobos '77 CENTRAL MISSOURI ( 1970) IX Diemer Hall, 310 R Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 TRUSTEE I. David Nelson NWST '63 (80) 'Ii Shore lands Place Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06870 DEPUTY Walter C. Finn '77 8212 East 82nd Terrace Raytown, Missouri 64138 COUNSELORS 'SI Larry R. Garrett '72 '82 Daniel R. Stockwell '77 'S3 joseph R. Kirkman '72 CHICAGO (1901) VlI 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 TRUSTEE 'Maurice S. Mandel '55 (81) 14 Hillside Avenue Pt. Washington, New York 11050 DEPUTY Michael A. Yesner '65 9384 Home Circle Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 COUNSELORS 'SO Peter B. Gillis '73 'S I Steven E. Holliday '74 '82 Steven M. Honigfeld '76 CLARKSON (1961) 11 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 TRUSTEE Philip J. Garda '67 (S2) 41 Joan Drive Chappaqua, New York 10514 DEPUTY F. William Fiesinger '37 70 Main Street Potsdam, New York 13676 COUNSELORS 'SO Robert J. McGill '35 'SI Robert M. Shurtleff '66 'S2


july, 1980

COLBY (1852) I

f¥o~~"\111!I,e~f;i~~~J~g~ TRUSTEE Philip H. DeFord '74 (SO) 200 Central Park South New York, New York 10019 COUNSELORS *deput}' needed COUNSELORS 'SO Mark R. Serdjenian '73 '81 James C. Dickinson '71 '82 fhomas J" Morrione '65 COLGATE ( IS65) II Colgate University, Box 239 Hamilton , New York 13346 TRUSTEE james M. VanBuren '50 (82) Scon Printing Company 190 Baldwin Avenue jersey City, New jersey 07307 DEPUTY *deputy needed COUNSELORS 'SO Norris B. Clal-k III '67 'S I Keith S. Macom ber '7S 'S2 Charles S. Fox '70 COLORADO (1953) IX 1012 University A\'enue Boulder, Colorado S0302 TRUSTEE Richard L. Smoot '62 (S2) 577 GI"egory ·L ane Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 DEPUTY Dennis L. Bruns, MISR '70 607 MatlSfield Drive Fort Collins, Colorado S0521 COUNSELORS 'SO Bartleu C. Brewster '77 'SI William E. Condon, Ir. '77 'S2 john W. Kinkade '69 CORNELL ( IS69) II 6 South A venue Ithaca, New York 14850 TRUSTEE Robert J. Verna '69 (82) 14 Ross Road Scarsdale, New York 105S3 DEPUTY William R. Shaw '69 314 Hhaca Road Ithaca, New York 14850 COUNSELORS 'SO Mark A. Clemente '73 '81 Donald K. Enichen '73 '82 james N. Seeley '75 CREIGHTON (1969) IX 318 North 33rd Su-eet Omaha, Nebraska 68131 TRUSTEE William R. Kunkel '7S (SI) 34 Irving Street, #34 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 DEPUTY Terrance R. Moore '77 5056 South S6thParkway, # I Omaha, Nebraska 68127 COUNSELORS 'SI Thomas S. McShane '73 'S2 Mark S. Dion '79 '83 Thomas W. Hosier '77 DAYTON (1971) V lOS Woodland Dayton, Ohio 45409 TRUSTEE Robert W. Sullivan '74 (SI) 146 Manhattan Avenue, #6 jersey City, New jel-sey 07307 DEPUTY David M. Ulrich, OHST '54 IS00-02 Brown Dayton, Ohio 45409 COUNSELORS 'SO Rudolph M. Petrie '76 '81 Joseph C. Luke '77 'S2 rerrance P. Brennan '73 DELAWARE (1970) IJI 400 Wollaston Avenue, Apt. A-4 Newark, Delaware 19711

TRUSTEE Edmond F. Anzalone '72 (SI) 491 Plaza Bou levard , #E-45 Morrisville, Pennsy lvania 19067 DEPUTY *deput)' needed COUNSELORS '80 I ames L. Slack '7 1 '8 1 Stanley A. Wozniak '71 '82 Christopher J. Ennis '78 DENISON (1949) V Slayter Hall, Box #11 15 Granville, Ohio 43023 TRUSTEE Michael D. Eisner '64 (82) 5451 Marathon Street Hollywood, California 90038 DEPUTY Edwin S. Robertson '56 7920 N. College Indianapolis, fndiana 46240 COUNSELORS '80 Paul G. Clark '75 'SI William D. Clarke '51 'S2 jeffrey D. Ritter '70 DEPAUW (lSS7) VI 626 E. Seminary Street Greencastle, Indi ana 46 135 TRUSTEE

~~"ata~i~~~~2~t~~~i New York, New York 10017 DEPUTY Joe H. Petty '36 '2409 Warren A\'enue Terre Haute, Indiana 47803 COUNSELORS 'SO Carl A. Buehler '58 'SI Edwin W. Burney '67 'S2 john B. Norberg '70 EASTERN KENTUCKY (1970) VI Box 52, Todd Hall Richmond, Kelllucky 40475 TRUSTEE Bernard E. Hrubala '73 (SI) 22 Wellwood Circle Vernon, Connecticut 06066 DEPUTY "'deputy needed COUNSELORS

:~~ ~ic~,:a~f J.'1d':~~;~s '7S 'S3 james A. Blake '69 FLORIDA (1957) IV 1814 W. University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 TRUSTEE loseph J. Marinelli, jr. '65 (S2) "209 Fairway Longwood, Florida 32740 DEPUTY Terry E. Bates '68 52 11 N.W. 36th Court Gainesville, Florida 3260 1 COUNSELORS 'SO joseph L. Mizzell '76 '81 George L. Powell '75 'S2 Richard D. Baxley '76 FRESNO (l96S) Xl 52 I 0 North 3rd Street Fresno, California 93710 TRUSTEE Kenneth W. Shearin '70 (SO) 1915 Peabody Memphis, Tennessee 38104 DEPUTY Samuel Chavez, Jr, '76 2958 E. Huntington Avenue Fresno, California 93721 COUNSELORS '80 David G. Sorensen '73 'SI Richard C. Machado '69 'S2 Raymond J. Hurado '77 GEORGIA TECH (1957) IV 154 Fifth Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30313 TRUSTEE Edmund P. Shrewsbury, jr. '61 (SI) 177 Mohigan Road Somerset, Massachusetts 02726

DEPUTY Allen J. Walters III '63 1332 Nonhview Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306 COUNSELORS 'S I David L. Smith, jr. '74 '82 james I. Meredith III '76 '83 William J. Minschwaner '77 HAMILTON (IS47) II H amilton College Clinton, New York 13323 TRUSTEE j ames L. LePorte II I '76 (80) 160 Indian Head Road Commack, New York 11725 DEPUTY *deput}' needed COUNSE LORS

:~~ ~~~I~\'d\.E~aa~t~~s

'63 'S2 Robert A. Bankert '43 HOUSTON (1972) X Campus Activities Center, Box 109 4800 Calhoun University of Houston Ho uston , Texas 77004 TRUSTEE Randal L. Fairbanks '76 (83) 7815 High Star Drive Houston, Texas 77036 DEPUTY S. Andrew Smallwood '71 208 South WittelPasadena, Texas 77506 COUNSELORS '81 Iames R. Johnson '78 'S2 'Robert C. jackson '79 'S3 jerry L. Bobo '77 ILLINOIS (1905) VII 312, .East Armory Champaign, illinois 61820 TRUSTEE Steven B. Griffin '79 (83) III N. Broadway, Apt. T3 JrvingLOn, New York 10533 DEPUTY "'deputy needed COUNSELORS 'SI Frank W. Kari '74 'S2 Don j. Mangers '7S 'S3 j oh n B. Holz '76 INDIANA (1915) VI 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 TRUSTEE Ivan Escott,jr. '41 (S2) 37 Brookside Terrace North Caldwell, New jersey 07006 DEPUTY "'deputy needed COUNSE LORS '80 Frederick J. Gall '77 '8 1 Howard R. Elliott, jr. '77 '82 David E. Lee '77 IOWA (1925) VIII 320 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 TRUSTEE lack T. Hunn '55 (SO) ·Smith·Sternau Organization, Inc. 1707 L Street, N.W., Suite SOO Washington, D.C. 20036 DEPUTY Carl T. Ostrem, Ir. '49 Post Office Box 23S7 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 COUNSELORS '80 lames L. Wen man '76 'SI Michael D. Steele '77 '82 Dave R. Knuepfer '76 IOWA STATE (1913) VIII 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 TRUSTEE C. D. Prutzman, PSTA 'IS (81) 166 Greenway, North Forest Hills, New York 11375 DEPUTY Ralph E. Stucky, WRCS '3 1 ISIS Douglas Avenue Ames, Iowa 500 I 0


crhe President's Gf)eputy Program COUNSELORS


'80 Michael E. Bowman '65

'81 Ralph E. Stucky WRCS '31 '82 Larr y J. Skeie '64

Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208


TRUSTEE Robert J. Fratangelo '65 (82)

4220 N . Charles Street

Baltimbre. Maryland 21218 TRUSTEE Christopher A. SOllth '76 (81) 149-17 Sanford Avenue Flushing. New York 11355

DEPUTY *deput}' needed

COUNSELORS '80 John W. Peach '31 '81 William M. Levy '54 '82 Alan J. Schiff '74 KANSAS (1920) IX 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 TRUSTEE Dale M. Flanagan '58 (83) 366 N. Bedford Road Chappaqua, New York 10514

DEPUTY Lewis D. Gregory '75

6612 Walmer Overland Park, Kansas 66202

COUNSELORS 'SO Jerry M. Nossaman '60

'81 Charles R. Pohl '68 '82 KANSAS STATE (1956) IX

21 Schenck Avenue, Apt. 2AA Great Neck, New York 11021

DEPUTY H. Scott Davis, Jr. '65 2100 High Ridge Road Louisville. Kentucky 40207

COUNSELORS '80 Jeffrey A. Wellkamp '75 '81 H. Douglas Mann '71 '82 Lawrence T. Smith '68

DEPUTY Richard I. Hunt, Jr. '74

'82 Adrian B. Horton '76

Chadbourne Hall University of Maine Orono, Maine 04473

COUNSELORS '81 Charles S. Wong '73 '82 '83 Theodore E. Sapoznik '78 MANITOBA (1929) VIII 112 \Vilmot Place \-Vinnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2Kl

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M OA 7 DEPUTY

Topeka , Kansas 66603 DEPUTY Joe A. Knopp '74

*depul)' needed

120 I Houston Manhattan, Kansas 66502

'82 Frank D. Lotz '78 '83 Mark E. Johnston '79

~J7~ ~~';)~d''k~,~~re '52 (81)

Scotch Plains. New Jersey 07076

DEPUTY *dCpuly needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert V. Norcika '67

'81 David S. Crocket, COLll '52 '82 Olav B. Kollevoll, COLG '45 LEHIGH (1885) III Lehigh University Bethlehem. Pennsylvania 18015


~~~t~~~t~rrg;l~ ;t:e~t2) Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102


~~a~~ ~<:lli~~搂~~~:~l; Jr.


's 1 Joachim

O. Meister '77

MARIETTA (1870) V 223 Fourth Street

Marietta, Ohio 45750 TRUSTEE Charles F. Jennings '31 (82) ] 31 Pearson Drive Morganton, North Carolina 28655




Nazareth. Pennsylvania 18064

COUNSELORS '80 Mark Parseghian, Jr. '48 '81 Stanley J. Jakubowski '55 '82

*deputy needed

COUNSELORS '80 Charles B. McQuoid II '77 '81 Jeffrey S. Aichele '77 '82 George R. Forbes '71 MARYLAND (1972) 111 6' Fraternity Row College Park, Maryland 20740 TRUSTEE Michael G. Harrison LEHI '72 7729 Merrick Lane Hyattsville, Maryland 20786 DEPUTY lohn W. Smith III '73 2503 Amherst Road West Hyattsville, Maryland 20783 COUNSELORS '80 Michael G. Harrison, LEHI '72 '81 John W. Smith III '73 '82 baniel J. Pierce '63

71 Madison Street Hamilton, New York 13346

DEPUTY James B. Kessel, CARN '50 872 S. Tinley Drive BalOn Rouge, Louisiana 70815

COUNSELORS '81 Dennis L. Alonzo '74 '82 Stephen L. Pastorek '79 '83 Ralph J. Stephens '80


MICHIGAN STATE (1949) VI 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 TRUSTEE *trustee needed


MASSACHUSETTS (1980) I 778 N. Pleasant Amherst, Massachusetts 01002

TRUSTEE DEPUTY Keith O. Kaneta, WASH '59 143 Harlow Drive Amherst, Massachusetts 01002

COUNSELORS '81 lames A. Cornwall, MIDD '40 '82 bennis E. Tully, RUTG '68 '83 William MacRobbie, TUFT '40 MIAMI (1868) V 400 East Vine Street

Oxford, Ohio 45056 TRUSTEE J. Paul McNamara '29 (82) 138 East Broad Strect

Columbus, Ohio 43215

Thomas D. Hansell , lAST '79 408 Oak lawn Avenue


'81 Mark L. Buhrow '72

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 TRUSTEE W. D. Watkins '27 (83) Post Office Box 13592 Golden Gate Station Greensboro, North Carolina 27405


~~~~ ~ffi~~~10'Z~86

Lansing, Michigan 48912 COUNSELORS '80 William T. Barger '71 '81 Gary M. Freismuth '71 '82 Floyd Sims '71 MIDDLEBURY (1856) I 136 S. Main Street

Middlebury, Vermont 05753 TRUSTEE J. Peter Nestler '72 (82) 56 Whittridge Road


OHIO (1955) V

#3 Maiden Lane

Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 TRUSTEE Gary I. Golden, RUTG '74 (SO) 12012 Stilwell Place, N.E. "C"

New York, New York l002S

DEPUTY lose ph O. Hannibal, Jr. JNHP '45

DEPUTY L. Alan Goldsberry '66 North Hill Athens, Ohio 45701 COUNSELORS '80 Edward I. Deutch '74 '81 L. Alan Goldsberry '66 '82 Thomas 0. Pierson '71

Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 COUNSELORS '81 Robert L. Wilson, Jr. NCAR '76 '82 George W. Krichbaum, Jr. NCAR '69 '83 William D. Luper, Jr. '79 NORTH DAKOTA (1961) VIII 505 Princeton Street

Grand Forks, North Dakota 5820 I TRUSTEE

~a['i~~n~~<~rS~~'~~ Jr.

MINNESOTA (1890) VIII 1112 Sixth Street, S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414

TRUSTEE *trustee needed

DEPUTY Robert A. Dahlsgaard, BRAD '63 10907 Pioneer Drive Burnsville, Minnesota 55337


:~~ ~kl~~~:d ~io~r,~e~alnd

'69 (83)

DEPUTY Gerald T. Schmidt '70 11 II Sunset Drive Grand Forks, North Dakota 5820 I COUNSELORS '81 Russell A. Peterson '45



'82 James L. Halling '72 MISSOURI (1924) IX 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201

TRUSTEE Timothy S. Taylor '71 (83) Route 22 120th Street, N.W. DEPUTY Mic..:hael S. Proctor '65 910 Westover Columbia, Missouri 6520 I COUNSELORS '81 Daniel [. Godar '78 '82 Richard C. Miller '77 '83 Lawrence J. Fuller '71 NEBRASKA (1898) IX 1548 Vine Street

Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 TRUSTEE Hugh W. Gray '34 (80) 803 N. DuPont Road Westover Hills Wilmington, Delaware 19S07

DEPUTY Oscar Sandberg '59 2453 Sewell Lincoln, Nebraska 68502

l~I~~:,t ~~i~~~10

1 TRUSTEE Michael P. Loudon '74 (81) 250 E. 87th Street, Apt. 31路1

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

'81 Eric C. Peterson '63

NORTHWESTERN (1880) Vll 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, lIIinois 60201 TRUSTEE Edgar F. Heizer, II'. '51 (82) 261 Bluffs Edge Drive

'83 Keith T. Sellers '78

'S2 R. Michaer\Valtemyer '75

DEPUTY Hudson, New York 12534 COUNSELORS '80

COUNSELORS '82 Terrill L. Becker '73 '83 Randy D. Cory '79

DEPUTY *deputy needed COUNSELORS '81 Byron E. Coon '60 :~~ Jay A. Nollman, Jr. '66

Summit, New Jersey 07901 Eric G. Peterson '63 R.D. I

Waterloo, Iowa 5070 I

Lake Forest, lninois 60045

Asheboro, North Carolina 27203 COUNSELORS '81 loseph D. loyner, Jr. '77

Brookhaven 4826 Rembert Drive


Parkville, Missouri 64153

*trustee needed

LOUISIANA STATE (1979) X P.O. Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 TRUSTEE Robert L. Tyburski, COLG '74 (82)

2130 North Lincoln Park West

'81 Thomas B. Darnton '69

TRUSTEE Donald C. Mcinnes '50 (81)

Lafaycuc College Easton, Pennsyrvania 18042

MICHIGAN (1876) VI 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 TRUSTEE Richard E. Meyer '61 (80)


COUNSELORS 'SO Garwood L. Donnelson '56 '81 Richard E. KohlC!" '74 '82 Joseph L. Krause '56 407 East Rosemary

DI'esden, Maine 04342

130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473

603 Wellington Crescent


Miami University

Oxford , Ohio 45056 COUNSELORS '81 Donald A. Kelley '69 '82 Stephen J. Short '78 '83 Frank S. Dodd '49

TRUSTEE David C. Dore '76 (81) Route 128

MAINE (1970) I

1425 Universily Drive Manhanan, Kansas 66502

COUNSELORS '80 Michael W. Shull '75 '81 Paul E. Milleo- '69 '82 Joe A. Knopp '74

105 Laws Hall

Chicago, Illinois 60614 DEPUTY Wallace K. Sagendoq;h '61 5330 Inverray Milford, Michigan 48042 COUNSELORS '80 Gregory J. Rogos '76

TRUSTEE Terry L. Bullock '61 (81) Shawnee Count)' Court House

DEPUTY Richard Moran, RUTG '72

'82 Robert K. Snonland '62 '83 Robert J. Korbach NORTH DAKOTA STATE (1970) VIII 1420 12th Avenue, North FaJ'go, North Dakota 58102 TRUSTEE Dennis H. Cheatham, INDI '65 (80) Pendleton Banking Company

Pendleton , Indiana 46064 DEPUTY Donald E. Larew, lAST '63 724 N. River Road Fargo, North Dakota 58102 COUNSELORS '80 Keith D. Rau '73 '81 John M. Dhuyvetter '78 '82 Jon D. Verlinde '75 NORTHERN ILLINOIS (1966) VIl 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 TRUSTEE Steven J. Gerber '68 (83) % Boy Scouts of America 1060 Main Street River Edge, New Jersey 07661 DEPUTY

i~~e~~d;e~t~~~sch '62 DeKalb, Illinois 60115 COUNSELORS '81 William E. Feithen '75 '82 William O. Otten '72 '83 William J. Jones '79 NORTHERN IOWA (1968) VIIl 1927 College Avenue Cedar Falls, Iowa 506 I 3 TRUSTEE Stephen C. Little '76 (83) 2033 Friley Road Ames, Iowa 50010


OHIO STATE (1904) V 240 East 15th Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 4320 I TRUSTEE Brllce C. Setloff '71 (81) Post Office Box 4397 Incline Village, Nevada 89450 DEPUTY *depUl)' needed

COUNSELORS '80 William R. Anders '70 '81 Paul A. Bokros '70 '82 OKLAHOMA (1927) X 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 TRUSTEE H. Allan Thompson '65 (81) R.D. #3, Grouse Lane Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143

DEPUTY lohn W. Funk '75 304 N.W. 20th Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 COUNSELORS

:~7 J ~hl~~h~e~~k'~765 '82

~yron E.

McFall '29

OKLAHOMA STATE (1960) X 311 South Hester

Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 TRUSTEE H. Allan Thompson, OKLA '65 (83) R.D. #3, Grouse Lane Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143

DEPUTY Lindell C. Gardner '72 2512 South 91 E. Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129 COUNSELORS '80 James A. Pearce '74 '81 James D. Toews'77 '82 Ira D. Crews, Jr. OKLA '45 OREGON STATE (1922) XII 235 N.W. 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 TRUSTEE J. L. LeMaster '48 (80) 160 East 48th Street, Apt. II路K New York, New York 10017 DEPUTY Allan J. Vendetti '64 2514 N.W. Glenwood Drive Corvallis, Oregon 97330 COUNSELORS '80 Philip R. Olson '69 '81 William L. Bryant '58 '82 Allan J. Vendetti '64


july, 1980

crhe 'Presidents G[)eputy 'Program PENNSYLVANIA ( 1888) 1lI 3902 Spruce Street Philade lphi.l, Pennsylvania 19104 TRUSTEE *tru stcc needed DEP UT Y Robert !\1. Bartus '71 2415 Ind ependence Avenue Ros lyn , Pennsylvania 1900 I COUNSELORS '80 Fred H . Kelley, Jr. '50 '81 Fulton W. Samson '2 1 '82 H arr y W. Va nScive l- '53 PENNSYLVANIA STATE (1911) III 229 Locust Lane State College, Pe nn sy lvania 1680 1 TRUSTEE Cha rles D. Prutzma n '18 (82) 166 G ree nway Nort h Forest Hills, New York 11 375

DEPUTY Richa rd A. Hellberg '72 42 \Veslvic \\,

Chalfo nt, Penn sylvania 18914 COUNSELORS '80 Mark A. Belden '72 '81 La rr y J. Kuhns '58 '82 Charles l. Clement '79 PURDUE (19 14) VI 1290 Slate Street West Larayette, India na 47906 TRUSTEE Richa rd R. Popham '40 (83) 47 Prides Crossi ng New Canaa n , Connecticlit 06840 DEPUTY

¥3e2~'~f~l~o~~I~~ ~~ad, S. Drive

Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 COUNSELO RS '81 Frank C. Arganbright '49 '82 John B. Norberg, DEPW '70 '83 rhomes S. H ea dy '79 RIPON (1959) VII Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon , Wisconsin 5497 1 TRUSTEE Floyd E. Munson, PURD '57 300 E. 40th Street, Apt. 28-W New York , New York 10016

DEPUTY Don F. Th oman n, C I-He '39

Depanme nt of Education Ripon College Ripon , Wisconsin 5497 1 COUNSELO RS '8 1 PelT)' F. Page '79 '82 '83 David B. Briuain '49 RUTGERS (185S) I 66 College Avenue New BrullSwick , New Jersey 08901 TRUSTEE Marshall M. J o hnson '5 1 (80) 21 Appl elO n Road Gle n Ridge, New J e rsey 07028 DEP UTY Ro nald Becker '57 567 Countr), Cl ub Road Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807 COUNSE LORS '80 Richard K. Greene '60 '81 Brian J. Paich '73 '82 George S. McLaren '75 SAN DIEGO (1968) XI 5606 J-hrdy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 TRUSTEE Leland J. Ada ms, J I'. BUCK '64 (82) 44 Griscom Road Sudbu!,}'. Massachusetts 01776 DEPUTY *depUl )' needed COUNSE LORS '80 Da niel J. Bolm '77 '81 William A. Deering • .J):;. '77 '82 T erry P. McCormick '79 SOUTH DAKOTA (1971) Vlll

~~;-I~jil~:~:\S~~~;~ ~::~~~a 57069

T RUSTEE Jam es T. Reimer '73 (8 1) 1909 Pincfield Aven ue rvlu scatin e, Iowa 5276 1 DEPUTY *dcputy needed COUNSELORS 'SO Robert R. Rex '72 '8 1 Scott D. Boyd '77 'S2 Robert L. Levell, J r. '73 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ( 1971 ) V II Routc 6, Town & Count r y #53 Carbo nd ale, Illinois 6290 1 TRUSTEE

~~~~\lMrf,~~~~,'L~II~~O) Macomb, Illinois 6 1455 DEPUTY Frank Halper, Jr. '76 22554 Pleasant Drive RiclHon Park, Illino is 6047 1 COUNSELORS '80 William T. Coc hran '75 '81 William R. Kimmel '78 '82 John Kurtz, SYRA '48 STANFORD (1896) X,I 553 Ma)'fieJd Avenue Stanford, California 94305 TRUSTEE George E. Brinkerhoff '72 (82) Paine Wcbbcr Inc 425 Pa r-k Avc nu c New York, Ncw York 10022 DEPUTY Jam es F. Coo nan '38 3000 San lIill Road, Bldg. I, # 195 Menlo Park, Cali forn ia 94025 COUNSE LORS '80 Gracl11c L. MacDonald '73 '8 1 O'Malle)' M. Miller '73 '82 J amcs F. Coo nan '38 SWARTHMORE (1894) III Swarthmore Coll ege Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 1908 I TRUSTEE J oel S. Mindel '60 (82) 45 East 89th Street New York, New York 10026 DEP UTY William F. l.ee, J I'. '60 10 Ogden Avenuc Swartlllllore, Pennsylvania 1908 1 COUNSELORS '8 1 C harl es R. Lansberry '67 '82 L. We sley Argo '57 '83 Dale G. Larrimore '72 SYRACUSE (1873) II 711 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, New York 132 10 TRUSTEE Norman D. Sanders, OHIO '59 Overview Ltd. 15 Sunrise Circle H olmdel , New J erse), 07733 DEP UT Y Carleton B. l.aid law, Jr. '55 247 Gr-eenwood Place S)'racuse, New York 132 10 COUNSELORS '80 PeLer M . Baige nL '68 '8 1 Vladimir Breuer '40 '82 Alfred J. l.ew is '27 TECHNOLOGY (189 1) I 526 Beacon Street Rosto n, iviassachu setls 02215 TRUST EE Charles A. Morton,Jr. '45 (81) Springwood Path, Laurel Hollow Syosse t, New York 11791 DEPUTY Martin V. ZO llibec k '57 42 Flctchcr Street Winchestcr, Massachusetts 01890 COUNSELORS '80 Robert J. Lep kowski '75 '81 Ez ra F. Stevens '27 '82 Douglas S. Luther '73 TENNESSEE ( 1969) IV 1845 Terrace Ave nue Knoxville, T ennessee 37916 TRUSTEE C harles S. Carter '7 1 (82) 11 8 Charlestown Road Phoenixvillc, Pennsylvania 19460

DEP UTY T. Michael Knies '71 17 I 3 Granda I30ulevard Knoxvill e, Tcnnessee 37922 COU NSELORS '80 T. Michael Knies '7 1 '81 E}'\·jnd Thor '69 '82 Anthony I.. Ostcndorf '72 TEXAS (194 9) X 2510 Leo n StreeL Austin , Texas 78 705 TRUSTEE Henr )' L. Baccus '50 (82) 4007 Knollwood Drive Au stin , Texas 7873 1 DEPUTY *deput ), needed COUNSELORS '80 James A. Smith . Jr. '76 '8 1 Frede rick R. Ilamiiton '70 '82 Leland W. Waters '73 TORONTO ( 1899) II 182 51. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3 TRUSTEE Brian G. Clark '69 (SI) 17 Deerfield Tcrrace Mahwah. New J crscy 07430 DEPUTY *depul)' needed COUNSELORS 'SO H ube l'l ~'I . Stcenbakkers '78 '8 1 Pa ul K . J oa nnou '78 '82 Marlin R. Re'lder '73 TUFfS (1886) I 11 4 Professors Row Medford , Massac husetls 02155 TR USTEE Jam es H. Vineburgh '66 -37 Long Vi cw Road \Nest Hanford. Connecticut 06107 DEPUTY Stcvcn :M. O'Brien '78 56 Boston Av enu e West Somerv ille, Massachusetts 02144 CO UNSELORS '80 Richard D. O li ver '76 '8 1 Doug las G. !\'Ioxham '64 '82 Thomas D. McDowell '74 TYLER (1971) X T yler J L1ni ol' Collegc, Box 2 10 T yler, T exas 7570 r TRUSTEE Henry L. BacClls, TEXA '50 (8 1) 4007 Knollwood Drive Au stin , Texas 7873 1 DEPUTY Donald W. Paapc, wise '53 3518Jill Circle Tyler, Texas 7570 1 COUNSELORS '80 John L. O lso n '77 '8 1 Sabin A. Warrick '76 '82 Mark !\of. Newton '76 UNION ( IS38) I Union Coll ege Schenectad y, New York 12308 TRUST EE Roben W. Benjamin '67 (8 1) 38 Campbell Road Short Hills, New J ersey 07078 DEP UTY Midtacl A. Martin '73 10 Georgian T errace, #8 Tro)" New Yo rk 12 180 COUNS ELORS '80 Edwin J. Parisi '76 'SI Kenneth A. Clou g h '77 'S2 Lawrence J. Dagost in o '75 VIRGINIA (1922) IV 180 Rugb), Road Charlottcsvillc, Virginia 22903 TR USTEE George G. Shelton '38 (8 1) 49 Valley Road Old We5tbu!,)', New York 11 558 DEPUTY

~~~-~~:~b~:~ln~~;~~~~5ixl. CharioltcsviYlc, Virginia 22903 COUNSELORS '81 Gregor)' C. Eckman '77 'S2 Stephen S. McNerne)' '74 '83 David D. Make! '79

WASHINGTON (19 10) XII 450S 19t h Avcn uc , NE Seattle, \oVas hin gto n 98 105 TRUSTEE *trustcc needed DEPUTY Richard R. Dilling '66 17051 10th N.W. Seattle, Washin gto n 98 177 COUNSELORS 'SO Rand L. Tcrwillcgcr '71 'S I Bl,,"on L. Richards '7 1 'S2 G cn B. I-la yton '74 WASHINGTON STATE (1933) X II N. E. 8 15 Rubl' Street Pullman , Was lin gton 99 163 TR USTEE Earl L. ,Iarble '58 (82) 3994 East Road , Route #3 Cazenovia, New York J 3035 DEPUTY *deput ), needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert F. Fahre r, N DA K '66 '81 Sleven D. Bertho lf '74 '82 Ronald H. Miller '73 WESTERN ILLINOIS ( 1974) VII 526 Nort h Lafayette Macomb, Illinois 6 14 55 TRUSTEE Bruce E. Peterson '74 (8 1) 590 ] N. War i\·lemo rial Dr. , Apt. 2709 Peoria, Illino is 61615 DEPUTY David K. Bivens '75 ;,)805 W. Rid gecrcss Dr. , Apt. 20<1 Peo ria , IllinOIS 61615 COUNSEl.ORS 'S I Keith E. Nester '76 '8 2 Patrick C. Mooney '74 '83 Bruce E, Peterson '74 WESTERN ONTARIO ( 193 1) VI 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario N6B 2C8 TRUSTEE Randolph J. Dietrich '79 (83) 634 Wellington Stree t London , Omar-io N6A 3R9 DEPUTY Randolph J . Dietrich '79 634 Wellin gto n. Street Lo ndon , Ontano N6A 3R9 COUNSEl.ORS '80 '8 1 '82 Lawrence Tugman '75 WESTERN RESERVE ( 1847) V 10923 Magnolia Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44106 TRUSTEE David J. Habert '75 (8 1) DEPUTY *deput}' needed COUNSELORS '80 Gerald S. Power-s '54 '8 1 Stephen E_ Williams '76 '82 Alben K. N<l ka ni shi '78 WICHITA ( 1959) IX 1720 No rth Vassar'Wic hita , Kansas 67208 TR USTEE Lynn E. Ambler '68 (80) 67 Raymond Street Stratford, Connecticut 06497 DEPUTY Anthony W. Phillips '74 2323 N. Woodlawn , #624 Wichita, Kansas 67220 COUNSELORS '80 Grego!")' D. Phillips '76 '81 Lloyd F. Phelps '72 '82 Kuniss L. Coughenour '78 WISCONSIN ( 1885) VII 644 N. Frances Street Madison, Wi sconsin 53703 TR USTEE Bruce H. Fellows '50 (80) 120 Huntington Road Pan Washington, New York 11050

DEPUTY Orlando'. Canto, Jr. 70 I South Midvale r\,[adison , Wisconsin 537 11 COUNSELORS

:~~ ~~~11~~~1 \~ .. gj:~'Cl'~Bdson


'82 David A. Seifert '70

Colonies Petitioners and Reorganizations ADU. COLORADO STATE (Co lorado St;:l tC Un iycrs it )') IX 11 3 West Plum, #E-I06 Fon Collins, Colorado 8052 1 DEPUTY John B. Knezovich, ILLI '6~ '9 15 E. Drake, Apt. 127 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 ADU Petitioners, HOBART (Hoban College) II % Kri s Clarkson Director o f Student ActiviLies Hobart Collcge Geneva, New York 14456 DEPUTY Thomas 1\.1. i\lillingtoll, WIMS '6 1 144 Washington Slrccl Geneva, New York 14456 COUNSE LORS '81 Richard D. Yates, UN IO '57 '82 Jeffre y P. Gold, SYRA '79 '83 Richard H. SOllllllers, TU FT '65

ADU. McGILL (McGill University) 11 :,)22 Pine Avenue West i\ lolllreal, Quebec, H2W I S6 ADU. MEMPHIS STATE (Me mphis SlaLe Un ivcrsity) IV 1'.0. Box 8 1334 Memphis, T en nessee 38 152 COUNSELO RS '8 1 Richard P. l\,lyCl"s, FLOR ' 76 '82 C hri stopher R. Rose , OHST '78 '83 Bruce D. Saunders. DEN I '58 ADU, MICHIGAN TECH (Mic higan "I"echnological U nive rsity) VI 34 I Wadsworth Hall Wcst Michigan Technological Univcrsity Hou ghton, t\Iichigan 49931 ADU. NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE (No rth east !\.lissouri SLaLe University) IX Nort heast Missouri State Student Un ion Building Kirksville, Missouri 6350 I ADU. SOUTH CAROLINA (U ni versiL y of South Ca rolin a) IV P.O. Box 80036 Col umbia , Sou th Carolina 29208 DEPUTY Daniel M. Toma, Jr. , OKLA '56 7909 Leabrook Road COlumbia, South Carolina 29206 COUNSEl.ORS '80 Raymond E. Tedrick, KTST '70 '81 '82 Robert H. Uehling, RIPO '70 ADU. SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE (Southwest Misso uri Statc Uni\'CI"sity) IX Ca mpu s Union , Box 117 Springfield , Missouri 65802 DEP UTY ~Iark L. Marshall, KSTA '76 827 S. Florida , # 16 joplin, Missouri 64801 COUNSE LORS '80 Wayne E. lila vacek, tv! ISR '69

:~~ r~~v~7,r~JHTIl':i~i';\~~,~~ '7 1

Real Values from The DU General Store




N -tj •


....'-.;: '"


;...: , ':-


Unique quality and value in these special DU gifts. The chair features die struck DU medallion. while the lidded and unlidded tankards. needlepoint kit and Zippo lighter highlight the Coat of Arms. Also pictured DUManuaL Songbook and supergraphic belt buckle. Write DU General Store. P.O. Box 40108. Indianapolis. Indiana. for catalog.

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