Delta Collegiate October 27, 2020

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Volume 87 • Issue 4


October 27, 2020

Change your world week

Pg. 1

Presidential Election Pg. 3-4 Haunting of Bly Manner

Pg. 6


OCTOBER 27, 2020

Fuzzy’s Restaurant knows how to fold a sandwich Megan Boone Student Submission

SAGINAW- Fuzzy’s Restaurant is located on Court St. in Saginaw, Michigan, and has had its doors open since 2000. According to the restaurant website, the restaurant has been in the family for twenty years now. It is now run by daughter of the family, Elaine Tambouridis. While I was looking up Fuzzy’s restaurant online, I noticed that their rating was a fourpoint five out of five, and I wondered if it still lived up to that. I decided to drive over to Fuzzy’s and see what they had to offer. It was not hard to find the restaurant, as it is located on the corner of Court Street and Bay Road. At one end of the building, it almost came together like a “U” shape, and it had a black and white striped awning going around the front of the building. Before putting on my mask, because it was required, the first thing I noticed as I walked in was the floor had a black and white checkered pattern, and that there was also a very large selection of ice cream flavours. I walked through the restaurant and chose my own table, but due to Covid-19 half of their seating was unavailable. As I looked through the menu, I noticed a variety of sandwiches and burgers and saw that they have their own

Photo from Fuzzy's Restaurant Facebook page. specialty sandwiches, which they called “Folded Sandwiches”. Each of the sandwiches was $6.29, and they had choices such as crispy chicken, BLT, tuna salad, and a veggie one as well. I ordered the homemade cheese breadsticks with a crispy chicken (with ranch) folded sandwich. After 20 minutes I was still waiting for my appetizer, and there were not many other waiters in the restaurant, but a few minutes

had passed and I was able to try the food. The homemade cheese breadsticks were in an oval shape, with a lot of melted cheese on them. I pulled them apart and got the fantastic long cheese stretch, I dunked it into the marinara sauce that it came with. I was kind of skeptical at first because of the amount of cheese, but every part of the breadstick was amazing, and it came with 10 of them. After eating about four of those breadsticks, I decided to try the specialty “folded sandwich”. It looks different than your normal sandwich because of it having homemade bread and that it is folded, but it was delicious. The chicken was warm and the mozzarella cheese that was in it was just the right amount. I ended up only eating half of the “folded sandwich” before I became too full, and I still had six breadsticks left. My total came to $12, and I was very impressed with the meal size and taste. Even though I did have to wait a little while for my food, the service and food definitely made up for it. Fuzzy’s is a small restaurant with the look and feel of the 80s or 90s diner. While their prices are low, their food tastes delightful. I look forward to dining at Fuzzy’s again, and next time I will have to try one of their 32 flavors of ice cream.

Face your fear with the Magnus Archives podcast Keelan Bromberg Student Submission UNIVERSITY CENTER - The longrunning audio drama “The Magnus Archives” approaches a dramatic end to its fifth and final season. Produced by “Rusty Quill”, a London-based production company, the show is one of the most popular horror podcasts in the world and has won numerous awards. The story takes place at the “Magnus Institute” in London and follows the new archivist, Jonathan Sims, and his team of assistants as they attempt to put the archives back together after Jon takes over from his predecessor. The crew gets into all sorts of terrifying situations while trying to uncover what is really going on and take a look behind the curtain of the world. The podcast has 183 episodes as of writing and Episode 200, the finale, will air on the fifth anniversary of the show, Mar. 25, 2021. Outside of the hiatuses between seasons, the show updates on a weekly basis with episodes airing every Thursday

on all platforms where podcasts are found. One of the most notable parts of the podcast is the audio quality. The sound design team prominently features Alexander Newall who plays Martin Blackwood and founded Rusty Quill. The team spends time during the production of each episode making sure the audience will be able to follow all sound effects used. For example, in episode 80, “The Librarian,” a character commits a violent crime that is only portrayed through audio clips, yet is still clear enough that listeners can tell what is happening. Despite airing one episode per week, the crew is dedicated to producing quality storytelling alongside the more technical side of things. Johnny Sims, who voices Jon Sims, is the writer for the podcast. Sims has named other characters after himself in the past, including his character in the storytelling musical cabaret, “The Mechanisms,” and is an experienced writer who puts his skills to use when creating each episode. Though the overarching plot was set in place during the developmental stage of the show, individual episodes

are written as the show progresses. Many listeners have said that certain episodes are nightmare-inducing, although some do not find the show frightening. Episodes range in intensity from the light-hearted fluff episode, “Epiphany,” which involves one of the main characters reading a love poem, to more graphic episodes such as “Wonderland,” which deals with involuntary commitment into mental hospitals. Keep in mind that it is important to check the trigger warnings in the show notes of each episode before listening, particularly in Season 5 as it deals with some heavy subjects. Some examples of heavy content in the show are body horror, arguments, gaslighting, explicit language, character death, and emotional abuse, among other things. Anyone who enjoys the horror genre, The Penumbra Podcast, or podcasts in general is likely to enjoy this show as it is a staple of the audio drama community. More information on “The Magnus Archives” and Rusty Quill can be found on their website at:


OCTOBER 27, 2020

An Overview of the 2020 campaign platforms Jordan Green Editor-in-Chief @Jordan_Green6 UNIVERSITY CENTER — With the November 3rd election creeping up on the country, those still undecided on a candidate are working towards choosing one they deem fit to run America for the next four years. Coincidentally, if you’re hoping to find the answers on the campaign ads that have been popping up on the internet and TV for the last few months, good luck. The only thing each politician is stating in their campaign ad is how awful their opponent is. Over the years, the United States Government has been experiencing political polarization, a major gap between political parties. As Democrats and Republicans butt heads over their values and beliefs, so do most of their supporters. With the contrasting viewpoints of America, this election is monumental. So, take your time and decide which candidate you think is best suited for the job.

Visions for 2020 Donald J. Trump • • • • • •

Jobs: Create 10 million jobs new jobs in under 10 months Create 1 million new small businesses Cut taxes to boost takehome pay and keep jobs in America Enact fair trade deals that protect American jobs ”Made in America” Tax Credits Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence Healthcare: • Cut prescription drug prices • Put patients and doctors back in charge of our healthcare system • Lower healthcare insurance premiums • End surprise billing • Cover all pre-existing conditions • Protect social security and medicare • Protect our veterans and provide world-class healthcare and services Illegal Immigration: • Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition • Mandatory Deportation for

• • •

Non-Citizen Gang Members Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially

Innovate for the future: • Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars • Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System

Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans

Defending American Values: • Continue nominating constitutionalist Supreme Court and lower court judges • Protect unborn life through every means available • Defend the freedoms of religious believers and organizations • Support the exercise of Second Amendment rights


OCTOBER 27, 2020

It's time to use your voting superpower Jordan Green Editor-in-chief @Jordan_Green6

Photo by Matt Slocum for The Associated Press. Joe Biden Jobs • Healthcare - Provide every American access to affordable health insurance • Give Americans a new choice, a public health option like Medicare. • Increasing the value of tax credits to lower premiums and extend coverage to more working American’s. • Expanding coverage to low-income AmericanStop “surprise billing” • Tackle market concentration across our healthcare system • Limit price increases for all brands; biotech, and abusively priced generic drugs to inflation Foreign Policy • Take urgent action to undo Trump’s damage and reclaim American values • Welcome immigrants in our communities • Reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees • Improve screening at the border and make smart investments in border technology in cooperation with Canada and Mexico Building back better • Create millions of new jobs, including new opportunities in rural America • Rescue and revitalize Main Street, because small business are the lifeblood of our communities and economy

• • • •

Enact middle class tax cuts and not raising taxes for anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year. Protect and build on the Affordable Care Act Conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address climate change Raise minimum wage $15 an hour to help the middle class

Climate Change • Ensure the U.S achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches netzero emissions no later than 2050 • Invest in infrastructure ro rebuild the nation to ensure our buildings, water, transportation and energy infrastructure can withstand climate change. • Recommit the U.S. to the Paris Agreement • Lead an effort to get every major country to ramp up the ambition of their domestic climate targets For more information regarding each candidate's stances on important issues that face America, visit their campaign websites. The 2020 election takes place on November 3rd at your local township office. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, citizens are allowed to submit a registered absentee ballot. The deadline for an absentee ballot is Oct. 30, by 5 p.m. Absentee ballots must be received by mail on November 3rd or turned in on election day.

UNIVERSITY CENTER — For some, it’s their umpeenth trip to the polls, while for others it’s the first election they’re eligible to vote for. Some may come prepared, knowing for months or years the answer to the big question. Others may be showing up for sake of the small, proud, American sticker. Regardless, voting is a big deal. Political Science Professor, Kim Klein says, “We are the ones who shape the world that we want to live in. We do this by getting into the game, making a choice to get off the bench and play.” According to an MLive article released after the 2016 election, (most recently updated in 2019), over 87,000 voters casted a ballot without casting a vote for the President. Klein comments that voting is an aspect of living up to our responsibility as a citizen in this country. “We as citizens have a duty to hold the government accountable, we do this by being active participants in that government.” In any election it’s easy to see one disagreement in a campaign and choose a different candidate to support based on a difference in views. Some people choose to vote altogether because they can't find a platform to agree on. “We are never going to get exactly what we want,” Klein adds. “ So, we must prioritize what is it that we want, and what are we willing to sacrifice to get what we want or need the most?” After a whirlwind year of 2020, with what seems like a country that will never find harmony in each other again. Klein leaves us with this comment, “‘ Abraham Lincoln had this to say: “‘America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.’”


OCTOBER 27, 2020

Young voters prepare to take to the polls Kelvin Butler Reporter Jacob Sinclair, Joshua O’Dell, Keelan Bromberg Student Submission

With just one week until Election Day, people across the political spectrum are feeling anxious about what lies in store for our country. But many young people are ready to rock the vote. A recent poll conducted by Harvard University found 63% of respondents age 18-29 indicate they will “definitely be voting,” compared to 47% during this same time before the 2016 presidential election. Delta College freshman Madison Woodfin is looking forward to participating in her first election. Woodfin feels confident in her choices. “I did not vote in the primaries because I wasn’t registered yet, but I would’ve voted for either Bernie or Biden,” Woodfin said. While she cites many reasons for coming to this conclusion, one of the biggest issues she is concerned with protecting the rights of her friends. “I’m not voting for him for myself,” Woodfin says.”I’m voting for him for others. For my friends who are black, for my friends who are Mexican, because everyone needs to feel safe in their country and as of right now, people like them, and honestly myself, don’t feel safe with Donald Trump.” In addition to this, Woodfin is a big fan of Kamala Harris, Biden’s pick for vice president. “She is a strong woman. She is fierce. She knows what she wants and she knows how to do things. She’s another main reason why I’m voting for Joe Biden,” Woodfin said. William Butler, 25, of Saginaw, says voters have the power to impact our national character. “I want to help make the country better,” he says. “I want to support a better direction and vision for America. Also, I think voting gives people the chance to help move the country in a specific Direction.” Butler feels that when people consider supporting a particular presidential candidate, they should think about how this candidate carries themselves. He believes people with a long track record of immaturity should not be considered a potential candidate.

Photo courtesy of William Butler. Like most people, Butler has been seeing all of the election ads all over the media. He even watched a couple of the presidential debates to get a feel of the two candidates. “I like the idea of Joe Biden’s plans for justice system reform and his economic plan to support working-class families,” Butler says. “Joe Biden’s approach to the justice system reform involves redirecting some funds to social services like mental health.” He has also plans on voting on more than just the presidential election, including community Millages. As the Harvard Youth Poll recorded, young Americans are more likely to vote for Joe Biden. Gabriella Levangie, 20, an MSU student living in Saginaw, expressed a lot of concern for the next couple of years to come and seemed anxious about the future state of America as a whole. Levangie has many worries about how many people in their generation seem obsessed with revolution, while not wanting to participate in civic duties that they take for granted. They seem to have a deep concern that this kind of complacency could lead more individuals into Fascist ideology, Levangie says. “You don’t live in a void. This behavior could be negatively affecting others,” Levangie said about how many of their peers seem to forget that others exist. Levangie hopes that the Black Lives Matter momentum will continue to lead the long-needed change within this country, but fears the worst will come if the incumbent is re-elected to another four-year term. “If Trump gets elected, we could all say we are

doomed,” she says. “If Biden gets elected, we could also sit back and say it’s fine now.” 22-year-old Midlander Maddie Fordos expects youth turnout being high this year. “I have noticed that most of my friends plan on voting and we’re trying to talk the rest into it.” Fordos thinks the polarity of the candidates and the issue of the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has thrown many college students’ plans into a whirlwind will be key factors in this younger demographic getting out to vote. Fordos admits that her family is pretty apolitical, but that is not stopping her from being the only person in her family that is set on voting by this Nov. 3. While she is confident in her vote, she knows this country is very split when it comes to the top of the ticket. “I think that regardless of who wins to be the next President, I think a lot of people will be very upset,” she says. “Hopefully people will stay civil.” Delta freshman Woodfin offers this advice to young voters. “I would tell new voters that they need to listen to themselves. If your parents say, ‘Oh, I’m voting for this person so you have to vote for this person,’ that’s just wrong. You need to have your own opinion, you need to have your own voice, and you need to research before you do anything.”

Photo courtesy of Gabriella Levangie.


OCTOBER 27, 2020

Midland Center for the Arts to open upcoming theatrical season with “Almost, Maine” Keelan Bromberg Student Submission UNIVERSITY CENTER — After over six months without theatrical productions due to the COVID-19 shutdown, Midland Center for the Arts plans to open the first play of the new season with John Cariani’s “Almost, Maine.” The event is $21 per household, or free with the season virtual pass, which can be purchased for $9.99 per month. The pass grants access to most of the season’s virtual events. Ticket sales will close 30 minutes before the show’s start time to account for technology. The show will be livestreamed on December 4, Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 6 and 13 at 3 p.m. on their website, Passwords for each event will be emailed after the purchase of tickets. Directed by Claudia Marsh, the holiday show tells the tale of nine separate love stories, taking place simultaneously in the town Almost, Maine. For more information or help with technical difficulties, the ticket office can be contacted at (989) 6318250.

Photo courtesy of Keelan Bromberg.

Delta College 2020 Millage Renewal Jordan Green Editor-in-chief @Jordan_Green6

Change Your World Week Goes Digital at Delta Jordan Green Editor-in-chief @Jordan_Green6 UNIVERSITY CENTER -- Change Your World Week is hitting the web on Monday, October 26. Like most things in 2020, this annual event is coming back in a modified way. Instead of the traditional set-up of tables surrounding the main halls of Delta, students are reaching out through website pages they designed. Topics for Change Your World Week include awareness on issues and 2020 election information. Presentations are used to encourage students and the community to enact positive changes around them. You can view all presentations by visiting the Delta College Library website.

UNIVERSITY CENTER — While the majority of American’s are eager to cast their ballot for the 46th President of the United States, local issues are ones that shouldn’t be missed. Hitting the same ballot this November 3rd, is Delta College’s proposal for a millage renewal in their district - Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties. The **millage is an eight-year millage renewal and restoration proposal that includes renewing the current rate of 0.4864 mills and restoring 0.0136 mills of funding. The restoring aspect of the millage will return the funding level to 0.5000 mills, which was approved and voted for in 1990. This ballot proposal will allow Delta College to offer unique programs and services that benefit its students and community including instructional programs, workforce training and equipment and facilities maintenance. **Notes - A millage is a tax rate that is imposed on real estate or other property. A mill is one thousandth of a dollar. The millage rate is the number of dollars of tax assessed for each $1,000 of property value according to WHYY, a media organization set in Pennsylvania.

A&E 7

OCTOBER 27, 2020

The Haunting of Bly Manor brought me to tears

Haeley Huggard Associate Editor @HaeleyHuggard SAGINAW — There are many great stories that can make a person cry. Whenever I want to watch a show that brings tears to my eyes, I usually turn to some type of cheesy romance flic or some type of heartwarming/ feelgood story. The last thing I expected was to cry at the ending of a horror/drama series. If you haven’t watched it already, then this is your warning to read no further as this article does contain spoilers! “The Haunting of Bly Manor” is a supernatural horror and drama series that aired on “Netflix” on October 9, 2020. It is full of jump scares and tells many smaller intertwining stories shown through

the perspective of each character. The main story itself is about a young woman (Dani Clayton) who is hired to watch over Miles and Flora Wingrave in their family's country house. Right from the start, she sees apparitions that not only affect her, but the small children (Flora and Miles) in her care. Though the Au Pair’s job is to look after the children, there are many moments where the children are the ones looking after their Au Pair, keeping her away from the lady in the lake. The best part about this story is that it is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good jump scare. There were several times that I found my heart beating faster, waiting in suspense for the lady of the lake to take her next victim. While waiting for the lady of the lake to claim another poor soul, the story happens to take a turn when we learn that Dani has begun to fall in love with the groundskeeper (Jamie). At first, Dani doesn’t feel she deserves to

be happy, having experienced a terrible loss of her (now) ex-fiancé and yes, he does haunt her. He appears several times throughout the series before Dani finally let’s go of her guilt about his death. Meanwhile, another love story takes place between two (once living) former house attendants Peter Quint and the children’s former Au Pair, Rebecca Jessel. These two were both victims of the Lady in the lake and want to become human again by taking over Flora and Miles’s bodies. Needless to say, they were not successful, with Dani having help from Rebecca to get the children someplace safe from both Peter and the Lady of the lake. The story ends with us learning that the Lady of the lake was once known as Viola Willoughby. A former owner of the Bly Manor that died in the 17th century. Her spirit was tied to the dresses she treasured dearly, that she left for her daughter. She made

her husband promise that the dresses would only go to her daughter and no one else. But when her jealous sister (Perdita) opens the trunk of dresses instead of her daughter, Viola ends up killing her from beyond the grave. When her husband and daughter decide to move away, out of superstition, they take the trunk of dresses and throw them into the lake. Viola’s spirit stays in the lake, unable to pass over, she wanders the grounds looking for her daughter, and loses her memory in the process. When Viola sees Flora, she decides to take her because she reminds Viola so much of her own daughter. However, her attempt is foiled by Dani offering to share her life (what’s left of it) with Viola. Dani later ends up marrying Jamie and spends many wonderful years with her until having to take Viola’s place, resting at the bottom of the lake. Unlike Viola, Dani refuses to wonder the grounds of Bly Manor looking for victims of her own, but ends up leaving Jamie heartbroken and searching for her. This story was truly captivating and complicated at times if you weren’t paying attention. But what left me in tears was the ending, when we see Jamie falling asleep waiting for Jamie in Bly Manor. Jamie ends up being our narrator telling us the story of Viola and her own partner to a young couple that decides to throw their wedding at Bly Manor. This film surprisingly tackles a difficult topic that most of us who are in a relationship, don’t want to think about... having to go on living without our significant other there with us. It is a difficult thing for any of us to have to think about. And though it isn’t a pleasant topic this film did a beautiful job portraying heartache and including supernatural aspects. Death is not something most care to think about but this series (should you choose to watch it) will definitely leave a lasting impression and tears in your eyes.


OCTOBER 27, 2020

Race over to these sporting events Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 UNIVERSITY CENTER — With all the lockdowns and sporting events being delayed, there are only so many events that are still happening in these trying times. Here are some events that you can participate in to get the adrenaline of sports. 1. Iceman Cometh Challenge in Traverse City, MI- The event takes place on Nov. 7 of this year, it starts in Downtown Kalkaska. The event is a 29-mile mountain bike race

from Kalkaska to Traverse City. It's an event where both professional and amateur athletes participate. 2. Dirty Duel Trail Race in Grand Rapids,MI- The event takes place on Nov. 14 this year at

Robinette’s Apple Haus and Winery. This event is the only trail race that offers racers a choice of several courses. At the end of any course you choose there will be some delicious fall snacks

waiting for you at the end. The event cost $18.00 for all runners. 3. Free Ski Weekend in Gaylord, MI- The event is through Dec.11th13th of this year. The event takes place at The Gaylord Area

Convention and Tourism Bureau, along with some other hotels and resorts. Whether you’re into snowboarding or skiing, your lift ticket is free. The Treetops Resorts will be offering free skiing lessons. Those are the more notable sporting events that we can attend this year. Depending on the state of the pandemic in the future, maybe one day we can go to Big Ten football games or see the Detroit Lions play. But as of right now, all we can do is sit and support our teams from afar. Also there may be some smaller local sporting events in your area, so feel free to research and explore. Every passing day there is a chance an event might happen.

Can the Lions dodge the Colts horseshoe of death? Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 UNIVERSITY CENTER – The Detroit Lions are facing off against the Indianapolis Colts on the eighth week of this very ambiguous NFL season. Thus, I predict that the Lions will defeat the semi oiled machine called the Colts in a 34-24 victory. We all know that the Colts are off to a good start winning more games then losing. But their offense only had only been one dimensional for the most part. Their quarterback Phillip Rivers only had one good game and that came in a comeback win against the Cincinnati Bengals, who had a rookie quarterback starting. Even with that, their run game is very competent and their defense is one of the top ones this season so far. But eventually their lack of offense power will be their downfall if the Lions defense plays lights out like they did against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Now to the Lions, their offense is

better than the Colts but not by much, however Matthew Stafford is still in his prime. While Rivers is on his last legs and it’s hindering that offense. Stafford on the other hand, is still a gunslinger who will let fly to the abundant amount of potential filled young player’s that’s around him. Then there’s the weird situation where they have a running back when they have three backs who could start on other teams. Therefore, they have a respectable three headed monster in the backfield. The most interesting thing about this team is the defense; and how they play great for some games and bad the next. With Matt Patricia being a defensive minded head coach I hope they play more hard nosed from here on out. With their remaining games being against more difficult teams rather than not, they need to win these games where their opponent isn’t exactly a juggernaut of a team. Especially if they want to have a respectable season; and their next step towards that is winning this game.

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