October 13, 2020

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Volume 87 • Issue 3


October 13, 2020

Wearing masks in sports and gyms Pg. 2

How to keep your Halloween spirits alive Pg. 3

Can the Spartans be a threat to the Big Ten? Pg. 6

Photo by Jordan Green



OCTOBER 13, 2020

Wearing masks in sports and gyms Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 UNIVERSITY CENTERWith the pandemic going on government officials and medical professionals have advised people to wear masks wherever they go. This includes people who workout and are playing sports. It is understandable that athletes who play sports, wear masks when on the sidelines. Since you never know who has contracted COVID, wearing a mask is a safety protocol for the people involved. For professional sports like the NFL and NBA it also promotes the wearing mask movement. There are many people who still don’t understand the point or seriousness of wearing a mask. For the people who workout and go to gyms, the purpose of a mask is

still the same for the normal individual at the gym, as it is for athletes on the sidelines. Sanitation plays a big role for both sports and gyms, making sure everything is clean before being used and being

cleaned after use. There’s nothing wrong using a clean treadmill or football, instead of using dirty ones covered in sweat or worse. But what I do find a bit annoying is seeing people periodically taking

off their masks or letting their nose out because the mask makes it harder to breath. Which I think is selfish since everyone else feels the same. At this time it’s important to be a team player and help

this pandemic go away. Hopefully people in large communities or larger states, continue following protocol to reduce the spread of COVID-19. You can't hit the gym if you're too sick to get out of bed. <3

Mike Nash's letter to the students Michael Nash, Senior Director – Treasury, Dow I am seeking re-election to the Delta College Board of Trustees. It has been a great honor serving on the board of one of my alma maters for the past seven years. Having earned a Board of Trustees Scholarship as a student, I have a deep and personal connection to Delta as I pay it forward by volunteering to ensure success for the students of today and tomorrow. I have a proven track record from my first term on affordability, accessibility and accountability. Delta is the best value in the area

for higher education(1) and one of the only community colleges in the state without debt. Construction of satellite campuses in Midland and Saginaw make college a reality for those that struggle with access to reliable transportation and/or internet access. In addition, the Health Services project has modernized training for frontline health workers. As chair of the president’s evaluation and compensation committee, I redesigned the process increasing transparency and directly connecting the president’s goals to the college’s strategic plan. For a second term, I remain

steadfast in my focus on these three aspects. With the college facing the dual headwinds of enrollment declines, driven by regional population dynamics, and the impact of the pandemic, keeping tuition affordable and students/employees safe will be critical. I am currently responsible for Dow’s global cash flow and have also assisted my wife, Dr. Jennifer Nash, with launching her practice, Nash Dermatology. This experience is beneficial in addressing Delta’s aforementioned headwinds in a sustainable manner by focusing on innovation and efficiency to benefit students.

My expertise and perspective across critical economic sectors for the local community – chemicals, automotive and healthcare – enhance the board’s diversity and effectiveness. As the only Midland candidate that does not have employment ties to the college and has not accepted any donations to fund my campaign (instead asking that those be directed to the United Way), I am free of conflicts of interest and will act in the best interest of the entire GLBR in supporting student success. Please consider me as you cast your ballots.



OCTOBER 13, 2020

How to keep your Halloween spirits alive Jordan Green Reporter @Jordan_Green6

UNIVERSITY CENTER — As the year 2020 comes to a much-needed close, the Holiday season could have you feeling a little different this year. After a year of prolonged closures due to COVID-19 safety measures, many are left wondering where the time has gone. Many annual events were forced to take a break this year. As our routines sync up to normalcy in the coming months, don’t forget to kick off the holiday season right with a well spent October. The fall colors, the crisp air, pumpkin farms, Halloween movies and the start of the holiday season is a fond memory for all.

1. Horror movies -

Enjoy slasher classic’s like “Friday the 13th”, “Halloween”, and “Nightmare on Elm Street”. Or, go for the dark claymation movies like “Coraline”, “Corpse Bride”, “Frankenweenie” and “Monster House”.

2. Johnson’s Giant Pumpkin Farm - A perfect destination for a day outside enjoying the chilly Fall air. The family-owned pumpkin farm has a petting zoo, 13 acre corn maze, apple cider and donuts. Open: September 12 - October 31, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m, 7 days a week.

3. Haunted houses in Mid-Michigan -

Factory of the Dead (Saginaw) - Enjoy a company that puts on events all year. (Visit their website for more details.) Attraction open September 18th - October 31 Open Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m. - midnight Thursdays and Sunday 8 p.m. - 11 p.m.\ Address: 906 Lapeer Ave, Saginaw, MI 48607

4. Carving pumpkins - Don’t let yourself outgrow this childhood Halloween tradition. Look for creative and fun designs on Pinterest or the internet. Pumpkins can be purchased at your local

supermarket or purchase them from a local farmer.

5. Enjoy the fall colors - Take a trip and


explore the scenic fall colors Michigan has to offer. You can take a local trail down at Bay City State Park or take a two hour drive to Dead Man Hill’s Overlook and experience the fall colors like no other.

6. Relaxing on a fall day - Break out the Cclorox.

There’s nothing more relaxing than enjoying a clean house, a book and fall scented candle. Explore creepy novels like Stephen King’s “IT”, Mary Shelley’s, “Frankenstein” or “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson.

7. Get some Fall baking done

- Bake yourself some delicious treats like an Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie or some decorated sugar cookies.

Stay connected while staying distant!

Watch horror movies Visit a pumpkin farm Visit a haunted house Carve pumpkins Enjoy the fall colors Relax on a fall day Fall baking




OCTOBER 13, 2020

“The Legend of Halloween Jack” is entertaining, but spooky

Photo courtesy of Landon Whyte Landon Whyte Student Submission UNIVERSITY CENTER -There are a ton of movies themed around Halloween. Not surprising, right? Turn your TV on around October and you will see everything from family-friendly films such as “Hocus Pocus” to the scarier movies such as John Carpenter’s “Halloween”. Normally, movies about Halloween are either boring but original or entertaining but ride on another film’s success. For instance, films like “Friday the 13th” were made due to the success of Halloween, which kickstarted the “slasher genre”. However, there is a movie that may not be the most original Halloween-themed horror movie, but it still blew me away when I watched it, it’s called “The Legend of Halloween Jack”. Upon first glance of the poster and its name, you might think, “This doesn’t look like it’d be any good” but you have to remember that it’s one of those movies that was made independently as a direct-to-video film, so you shouldn’t have high expectations. I’ve seen plenty of awful low-budget horror flicks, so I thought “Halloween Jack” wasn’t going to be too special. As a matter of fact, I just happened to be cruising through Pluto TV when I saw they had it. I gave it a watch and enjoyed it! The acting and writing are excellent. Every character in the movie is played by some extremely talented actors. The actor who plays the father, who learns about Jack being undead, emotes so much rage and pain in his performance. It makes you intimidated by him because in one scene, he’s holding someone at gunpoint while trying to get answers out of them but in another, he’s fearful that Jack will hurt his daughter. You can see the sadness in his face.

Most of the characters are written to make you feel strongly about them. After all, this is a slasher movie, so the stakes are high when it comes to seeing who lives and who dies. If there’s anything negative about this film, it’s that it uses some very overused clichés. One of them is common in horror movies where the killer is “dead” but then, he comes back to life via a jump scare. Another one is when a group of characters kills someone and one of the characters says, “We shall never tell anyone about this for as long as we live, understand?” to which they all agree. Those are only a couple of the clichés, but the plot is mostly original, despite there being several other killer scarecrow movies. You could also say it’s similar to “Halloween” because it takes place on the holiday and has a homicidal maniac as the main antagonist. “The Legend of Halloween Jack” is your typical slasher movie, but it can still be enjoyed. The movie doesn’t have very strong Halloween vibes, but there are some scenes with Halloween treats and trick or treating in them. It’s not for everybody, but some people may like it. It’s both entertaining and spooky. The film is free on Pluto TV.

Photo courtesy of IMDb

A promotional poster for "The Legend of Halloween Jack"

Don’t get corn-ered in Frankenmuth’s Best Corn Maze

Photo courtesy of Zoe Gilbert Zoe Gilbert Student Submission UNIVERSITY CENTER- Weiss Centennial Farm’s Corn Maze in Frankenmuth is a favored attraction among Michigan’s fall traditions. Having been voted MidMichigan’s Best Corn Maze the last three consecutive years, the corn maze is now open for its 10th run, beginning last Friday. The corn maze will be open starting September 25 on weekends, Fridays 7 p.m. – 10 p.m., Saturdays noon – 10 p.m., and Sundays from noon – 7 p.m., by appointment only. Appointments can be made by calling Monday through Friday, and the maze will close after October 31. The corn maze is located at 5450 Weiss Road, Frankenmuth, across the street from the Weiss Centennial Farm, according to the maze’s website. General Admission, which covers the maze and its games, courtyard activities, and the farm animal petting zoo, is $8 for youth ages three to five, $10 for adults 16 and up before 6 p.m., and $12 after, according to the maze’s website. An adult must accompany those under the age of 15 at all times, no pets are allowed, and children two and under receive free admission. Joanmarie Weiss, with the help of “Maze Play”, a corn maze design company based in Ohio, began planning for the fouracre corn maze and its many activities each January. This year the theme of the labyrinth is “Frankenmuth’s 175th”. The maze is a growing piece of art, made up of three different mazes, and a nod to the settling of Michigan’s “Little Bavaria.” For more information go to: www. frankenmuthcornmaze.com, or call 989-652-8748 for further questions.



OCTOBER 13, 2020

Celebrate Spook-tober with scary movies! Haeley Huggard Associate Editor @HaeleyHuggard SAGINAW— Fall has officially arrived, which means that Halloween is right around the corner! What better way to begin the month of October than with scary movies? Even though COVID is still hanging around, streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video, to name a few, have delivered the haunts. Hulu even has its own section dedicated to Halloween themed movies and shows called “Huluween”. If you haven’t already started, then it’s time to get into the proper Halloween spirit and give yourself some nightmares! Here is a list of 10 scary movies that range from very scary (Starting at number 1) to “What the hell did I just watch?” (ending at number 10). Remember, even “bad” scary movies are part of the fun: 1. The Exorcist- “The Exorcist” was made in 1973 and is about an innocent girl who is possessed by the devil. This movie ranks

number one for being about demonic possession. This movie won two Academy awards, one for Best Writing and the other for best Sound Mixing. 2. The Possession of Michael King- “The Possession of Michael King” is second on the list for the same reason as “The Exorcist”, demonic possession is a scary subject. This film is about a man named Michael King who has vowed to disprove the existence of the paranormal. It is not recommended watching either of these films alone... 3. The Exorcism of Emily Rose- This film came out in 2005 and is about a lawyer who takes on a homicide case that involves a priest who performed an exorcism on college student Emily Rose. Though it was thought that the death of Emily was from demonic possession, prosecuting attorney Ethan Thomas claims that Emily had Schizophrenia and argues that Emily’s death can be scientifically explained. 4. The Amityville Horror (Both the 1979 and 2005 films)- It was hard to choose between which was scarier of the two so both the original and the 2005 remake

of “The Amityville Horror” films take the number four space! Both films are about a family who are terrorized by supernatural forces in a house in New York State. 5. Silence of the Lambs“Silence of the Lambs” came out in 1991 and is about a young FBI agent who interviews Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a highly intelligent psychiatrist and violent psychopath. Dr. Lecter is serving life behind bars for various murders and let’s not forget...cannibalism! 6. Poltergeist- The original film came out in 1982 and still gives off a creepy vibe. When ghosts start communicating through a television set (starting off playful but then turn menacing) mother and father Steve and Diane, are forced to bring in an exorcist for help when daughter Carol Ann goes missing. 7. The Grudge- This film came out in 2004 and is a creepy tale about a man and his wife moving into a new home in Tokyo. However this new home has had many supernatural occurrences. The house itself is the on site of a curse that claims the lives of anyone who goes near it. This film does have a remake that came out in January 2020.

8. 30 Days of Night- “30 Days of Night” came out in 2007 and shows a creepier side of vampires. The setting takes place in Alaska and shows how Alaskans experience a month of complete darkness. The twist, some old, creepy, vampires decide to visit for a late-night snack. Leaving the people who stayed behind to fend off the beasts. 9. Dark Skies- “Dark Skies” is another noteworthy film that actually makes aliens seem creepy...to say the least. This film came out in 2013 and is about a family who are visited by aliens. What do the aliens want? And why would they target this poor family? This film has plenty of jump scare and provides a fresh take on the freaky concept of aliens. 10. The Cabin in the WoodsLastly, “The Cabin in the Woods” makes number 10 because it is more of a dark humor story combined with the interesting aspect of why each stereotypical character (“The jock”, “the dumb person who goes towards the killer”, “the scholar”, you get the idea) is needed in a horror film. This movie came out in 2011 and is quite entertaining to those with an open and a good dark sense of humor.

20th century and are struggling to figure out the new world around them. The witches make their way across town and find children by using Mary’s extreme sense of smell. Max, Dani, and Alison find their parents at the town hall party and try to tell them what is happening with the witches, but the witches get all the parents dancing and completely distracted. The kids try to burn the witches alive, but the witches’ curse saves them again. The Sanderson sisters end up getting the spell book back and kidnapping Dani again. Max and Alison trick the witches into thinking the sunrise came an hour early and they save Dani once more. As the kids are running back into the cemetery, they run into Billy and he just keeps insulting Winifred, making her angry and ends up sucking the life out of Dani again.

Winifred grabs her potion, but Billy knocks it out of her hands and Max catches it, Max then drinks it making the witches take him instead of Dani. Just before the witches could take Max the sun rose, and they were turned to stone statues in the cemetery because they were on hallowed ground. This movie isn’t just for kids because there is some adult humor in it and a lot of references my parents would understand. I have been watching this movie ever since I was a kid, I am 19 years old and I still watch it every Halloween. I plan on doing that with my kids too. It's a funny movie in some ways and it really teaches a lesson on siblings, how they work together and that they will always protect each other no matter what.

Hocus Pocus is ready for Halloween Samantha Bitterman Collegiate Correspondent UNIVERSITY CENTER“Hocus pocus” is a fun, spooky, Halloween movie made by Disney for kids and adults. The movie was filmed in 1993 and directed by Kenny Ortega. “Hocus pocus” involves a little history in it too. In the beginning of the movie it first shows 300 years ago, three sister witches (the Sanderson’s) making a potion to suck the youth out of a little girl that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. Three hundred years later on Halloween, people are telling stories about them and what the witches did, but Max (one of the main characters) doesn’t believe any of it because he doesn’t like Halloween. On Halloween night, Max has

to take his little sister, Dani, trick or treating because his parents are going to a Halloween party at the town hall. While trick or treating, Max runs into his crush Alison, she then tells Max about how her family owns the Sanderson cottage as a museum. Max then tries to impress her by asking to go to the cottage and she tries to prove that the witches are real. At the cottage, Max accidentally summons the witches by lighting the black flame candle, the witches need to stay alive, so they try to suck the life out of Dani and Max comes to the rescue to save her. Max steals the spell book, and the witches chase them into the cemetery, and Winifred raises her lover Billy from the dead and makes him chase them through the cemetery. The witches are terrified of the




OCTOBER 13, 2020

Can the Spartans be a threat to the Big Ten? Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 With the Big Ten Conference season starting Oct. 24th here is my Michigan State Spartans 2020 season review. Looking at all of their games they only have three tough games : the Michigan Wolverines, Ohio State Buckeyes, and Penn State Nittany Lions. I predict that they will go 5-3 if i'm going off of what they did last year, which was them losing to every tough team they played against. Now their remaining five games seen winnable, the Spartans aren't no Clemson Tigers or Buckeyes when it comes to college football. But they’re a respectable team who has a history of being a top 25 more times than not. So, Rutgers, Maryland, and

Indian should be easy wins, while Iowa and Northwestern are the two games where they have to grind it out to win. I don't know how the postseason will play out for college football where every anticipated bowl game can be postponed or cancelled at any moment. Also how the Big Ten and Pac 12 having less games to win six games unless the NCAA changes the qualifications for bowl games this year. So, to end this I have the Spartans having a winning season record going 5-3. Also I hope y’all upset the Michigan Wolverines cause I love seeing the bandwagon fans disappear and I want know what it’ll take for them to fire John Harbough

Fantasy Football Rankings Kelvin Butler • Reporter @KelvinButler19 After a quarter of the season we've seen a small sample size of how the season might be for some players. From the highly drafted ones and the ones who were waiver wire adds after week one. Throughout the first four weeks here are my top five biggest disappointments and surprises in fantasy football.

Top five Surprises 1. Ben Roethlisberger (QB) - Pittsburgh Steelers 2. James Robinson (RB) - Jacksonville Jaguars 3. Dalton Schultz (TE) - Dallas Cowboys 4. Robby Anderson (WR) - North Carolina Panthers 5. Raheem Mostert (RB) - San Francisco 49ers

Top five disappointments 1. JarvisLandry (WR) - Cleveland Browns 2. O’Dell Beckham Jr. (WR) - Cleveland Browns 3. Kenyan Drake (RB) - Arizona Cardinals 4. T.Y Hilton (WR) Indianapolis Colts 5. Ronald Jones II (RB) Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Are you interested in submitting your articles to the Delta Collegiate? Email us at deltacollegiate@gmail.com to get your chance to be added in the next issue!

COLLEGIATE STAFF Jordan Green Haeley Huggard Kevlin Butler Sadie Shepherd Bishop Limon

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