Delta Collegiate - December 8, 2020

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Volume 87 • Issue 7


December 8, 2020

The Constitution of the United States of Phones Pg. 2

Does your bag help you go? Pg. 3

2020 NFL Playoff predictions Pg. 4

Photo courtesy: DisobeyArt


DECEMBER 8, 2020

The Constitution of the United States of Phones Jordan Green Reporter @Jordan_Green6

IV. Unlimited scrolls a day keeps the doctor away 1. As previously mentioned, your sole purpose is to give your phone as much attention as possible. An easy tip to ensure you aren’t neglecting your phone is to scroll continuously as soon as you open it. For example, when you get a notification for a text, respond to the text, but don’t forget to check your Facebook and Instagram while your phone is open. Once you are on the dedicated app, scroll away. You can continue scrolling, creeping, shopping or whatever you found yourselves doing for minutes to hours. 2. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Hello, twenty minutes went by, you have got to be constantly refreshing your social media pages to be up to date. Plus, it allows for more ‘scrollage.’

I. Get. A. Phone. 1. It doesn’t matter what kind, because they all complete the same functions. 2. Carry it with you everywhere. And yes, you should panic when it’s not in your pocket. 3. Don’t worry about germs either. Wherever your phone goes and what it touches isn’t as important is it is being with you. 4. Don’t forget to give your phone attention at the store, walking out of work, at work, in school, in the bathroom and at the dinner table etc. etc, because your phone should always be with you.

II. Download Facebook 1. For the love of God, download Facebook. Everyone uses it as the means of communicating now. Remember when we thought Facebook went out of style? 2. Add everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only seen them once at a party or you just have mutual friends, you can be friends on Facebook. Duh, Facebook is for Friends. 3. Make sure your Facebook profile isn’t too personal. You don’t want to be that person who is actually updating their life. If you happen to be named Karen, take note. 4. Use Facebook to look at memes. (from the dictionary of a twenty-one-year-old) Memes- A picture shared throughout social media that is ambiguously humorous. Usually in the style of self-deprecating humor. You may hear young people say, “Hey, look at this meme,” as they shove their phone screen in your face. 5. Next, download Twitter, Instagram, Snapcahat, Tik Tok and any other social media app. Keep in mind steps 1-3, memes are usually shared on Twitter and Facebook. 6. Note: Before you post, consider how each social media app has its own tone and theme. For example, you would never post a picture of your breakfast blog/2019/10/sim-swap-scamson Facebook. But, a breakfast picture, with a clever caption, is acceptable on Snapchat and Instagram. Again, take time to get a feel of the app before you post.

III. Give your phone the attention you would never give people 1. When you download social media, you are committing your attention to your phone. Trust me, this is socially acceptable now. On a date? Visiting your dying Mother? Driving to the grocery store? DON’T make your phone wait, just give your phone a quick glance and a few scrolls. Everything will be okay. 2. Your phone is now your lifeline when it comes to communicating. Use it to your advantage by having the difficult conversations over text as you hide under the covers. Communicating the deep and serious conversations through text gives you the social confidence you need to face any situation. Simply start the conversation with, “I need to talk to you.” and guaranteed the person will respond in minutes.

Quick tips to help you succeed: 1. Put your charger next to your bed and plug that hard-working puppy in every night. 2. Invest in multiple chargers and wireless chargers to take with you everywhere. Newsflash: If you’re going to keep your phone on you every minute of the day while giving it insurmountable attention, you need to keep your phone fully charged. 3. Take pictures of everything. Even if these pictures will never see the day of a printer, let alone a photo album, use up all of your storage on every picture you’ve taken. There is no need to delete the blurry, bad ones because your phone camera roll will be crowded with saved memes and screenshots anyways. 4. Care. Feel the need to ‘care’ about people and their lives on social media. This is where the social connection we crave from each other, transfers to social media and the internet. By ‘Liking’ and Commenting’ on posts, you are technically participating in someone else's life. Therefore, you are fulfilling your biological social needs.



DECEMBER 8, 2020

Does your bag help you go? Haeley Huggard Associate Editor @HaeleyHuggard SAGINAW — If you’re anything like me then you like to travel. Despite being in the middle of a pandemic, COVID-19 will not keep most people from booking a plane ticket and traveling for the holidays. Having an on-thego lifestyle or a job that requires travel is another major reason for needing a properly packed bag.

What is a Go-Bag? A “go-bag” (also known as a “bug out-bag”) is a bag that can help you be ready to go at a moment's notice, whether it's for an unplanned trip or an actual emergency. For the purpose of this article we will go with the idea of taking impromptu trips or just wanting to open your life to more spontaneity.

What’s the best kind of bag for a go-bag? Any kind of bag can be used for a go-bag. The main idea is to keep it lightweight and ready to grab so you can leave in an instant. I personally enjoy using a backpack but a duffle bag or a carryon-type bag would work too. Lastly, The Million-dollar question: What should

I pack in my go bag? Each person has different needs as well as a different lifestyle. Though it is impossible to prepare for everything a gobag can also give you peace of mind knowing that you aren’t completely blind-sided the next time you need to up and leave.

Try to remember to keep it simple: Note: The longer you keep a go-bag around, the more you’ll begin to make changes that suit your own personal needs. Also,

if you’re flying be sure to double check flight rules and regulations on items appropriate for flying. Start with the basicstoothbrush and toothpaste, antibacterial wipes, makeup removers (if you wear makeup), soap, deodorant, and some type of pain reliever such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin is a good place to start. If you don’t want full-sized versions of these items, there are smaller “travel-sized” versions that you can find at your local retailer. Money and identification are a must- whether it's keeping a backup credit card tucked safely in your bag or maybe having some cash set aside, it’s a good idea to have something just in case. Also remember any important travel documents you may need such as a passport or driver's license. Don’t forget the electronicsaside from remembering to pack your phone charger, you may want to also pack your phone (if you haven’t already), and a portable

charger/power bank of some kind. Clothing...but make it comfypacking a change of clothing is important especially if you're going on a last-minute trip. Something important to keep in mind is to make sure your clothes keep you comfortable, functionality is no good to anyone who isn’t comfortable. I highly recommend Fitkicks for comfy shoes. They are easy to store in any bag and are great for when you're running through an airport, trying to catch that plane. Because of COVID- extra masks, hand wipes, and hand sanitizer or antibacterial spray are a must when traveling right now. Be safe out there and try and keep clean! Lastly, don’t forget the little things- though you want to pack lightly, don’t forget to bring along a little amusement. A good book to read, or maybe a notebook to scribble in, is a great way to pass the time and keep you in good spirits.

If it seems overwhelming... If this list seems immense don’t feel bad. Most of these items can be found in your home already. You don’t have to buy brand new items (unless you want to) to have a go-bag. In any case the best way to put together a bag like this would be to add the items you feel you can’t go without. Feel free to get creative and add items that aren’t on this list!


DECEMBER 8, 2020

2020 NFL Playoff predictions Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 UNIVERSITY CENTER With this being the last issue of the year and seeing how the Detroit Lions are doing everything they can to miss the playoffs.I’d like to focus on the teams who are in the playoff hunt and pick the teams who I think have the might or the luck to make it into this new playoff format; which is allowing a total of 14 teams to make it, instead of the old fashioned six. Let’s start with the NFC side since that’s the side us Michiganders love the most. I have the Green Bay Packers, Seattle Seahawks, Washington Football Team, and New Orleans Saints winning their divisions respectively. Here goes the fun part,

picking the wild card teams. With the acknowledgement of how difficult the NFC West is, I think the Arizona Cardinals and the Los Angeles Rams will take two of the three wild card spots. This leaves one spot left,

and taking it would go to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Leading the Wolverines himself, Tom Brady. This team has too much talent to miss and seeing the rest of the NFC besides the two teams mentioned; there are

The Top 3 wishlist of 2021 Kelvin Butler Reporter @KelvinButler19 UNIVERSITY CENTER — With the year 2020 being a bit annoying to everyone, here is a sports wishlist of events we should all want to see for 2021. 1. Delta College does a royal sweep in the MCJAA- in simpler terms, become conference champions in all main sports. From baseball, soccer, and basketball proving that the Pioneers are a force to be reckoned with. 2. The Detroit Lions actually hire a competent Head Coachthis way the players on the roster are used in the right way. It’s important they get a coach that can actually bring the team together, because the Lions have given

up on this particular coach a few times. I would recommend Eric Bieniemy, but they need to act fast because every bad team is looking at him. Going along with that, is for the Lions to hire a knowledgeable General Manager. One who can hire good scouts so they can see the steals and the diamonds in the rough, in the future NFL drafts. So the Lions can eventually win their first Super Bowl in franchise history. 3. The 2020 draft class of the Detroit pistons become superstars- this needs to happen! Especially with them making very questionable moves for the last few years. The most recent one being the signing of Mason Plumlee where he will presumably be the starting center. The young players are the only bright spot on the team.

not any other teams who can challenge them for that spot. If they win the games they are supposed to win. The AFC will be more difficult seeing how 60 percent of the teams have a winning record at the

time of writing. But without further ado, I have the Kansas City Chiefs. Buffalo Bills, Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Tennessee Titans winning their divisions. Leaving only three wild card spots for several teams who can make the push. I have the Cleveland Browns, Miami Dolphins, and Indianapolis Colts claiming the last three spots. I really want the New England Patriots and Baltimore Ravens to make a late push into the playoffs. Unfortunately, the Ravens are in a bad spot having team issues that need to be addressed in the offseason. The same can go for the Patriots, especially with the offense being so lackluster. Those are my NFL playoff predictions, hopefully without any big injuries or game cancellations my predictions will stand true. This will also allow bragging rights in future articles!

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COLLEGIATE STAFF Jordan Green Haeley Huggard Kevlin Butler Sadie Shepherd Bishop Limon

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@Jordan_Green6 @HaeleyHuggard @KelvinButler19

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