March 2013

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Delicate Stitchers Newsletter President: Mary Hofhine 259-5802 Historian: Cyndy Peters 423-366-1778 Vice President Elect: Lou Gostlin 259-1082 Librarian: Shauna Dickerson 259-0906 Secretary: Bonnie Crysdale 259-0246 Friendship: Lou Gostlin 259-1082 Treasurer: Murine Gray 259-5514 Newsletter: Peggy Harty 259-4270 Lesson Committee: Marian Eason (Chair), Lou Gostlin, Pat Garlett, Darleen Nelson, Monica Scowbo, Peggy Harty, Mary Hofhine

March 2013

Important Dates

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 12th 2013 Program for night includes: Book Review: McTavish Quilting – Lou Gostlin Color of the month: Yellow – Mary Hofhine Lesson: Modern Quilting - Jolly Stanford BRING: 2 strips of fabric to each meeting for a strip drawing. Once members have a strip stash, we’ll have a “Jellyroll race” at one of our UFO sew days. Calendars or day planners so you can put the dates of all our meetings and functions for the year, your show and tell, and your name tags. Be thinking about possible quilts to feature each month...

Meeting Minutes February 12, 2013 Delicate Stitchers Quilt Guild February meeting was held at the Grand Center. We had a cake to celebrate our 15th birthday. Social time began at 6:30, Mary called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. There were 21 people present. Mary passed around sign-up sheets for volunteering at the quilt show. Peggy presented the book report: Piecelique’ by Sharon Schamber. She said there are a lot of innovative techniques, but it is probably not faster than standard methods. The book gives instructions and supplies needed. She thought it was an intriguing book. The lesson on color of the month was presented by Lou. There are hues, shades, tones, tints and values. A hue is 100% color saturation. A shade darkens a color by adding black. A tint lightens a color by adding white. A tone adds gray. Value is the lightness or darkness of a color measured against a scale of white to black. The book we are using this year is called “A fiber Artist’s Guide to Color and Design”, by Heather Thomas. Crystal is ordering several, and will have them for sale in her shop. Continued on next page... 1

7th Biennial Quilting in the Red Rocks Quilt Show March 8 after noon – deliver quilts, hang show March 9 – 10 - show time! March 10, 6 p.m. – pick up quilts March 16th - National Quilt Day Museum of Moab Quilt Show – May and June... Theme – “Name that Tune.” HMQS – May 9-11 South Towne Expo Center Oct. 8-10th Quilt Fest –Zermatt Hotel in Midway. Sept. 17 – Deadline for quilt entries for Quilt Fest. TIME TO FINISH UP UFO’S AND THE CHALLENGE QUILT And be thinking about your next challenge quilt... “Name that tune.” That quilt is due in April to hang at the Museum of Moab for the months of May and June. Quilts should have a perimeter of no more than 120”

I’m a beginning quilter, I begin a lot of quilts and finish very few!

Marian presented the first color of the month: red. There are all kinds of reds, and it is an exciting color. It is associated with love, sex, power. It can increase breathing rate and stimulate the appetite. There is a lot of red in artwork. Marian suggests you make something each month—like this month use all different shades, tones, tints and hues of reds, and make a wall hanging or placemat.

2013 Features Color Horoscopes for our Year of Color!


Mary made a motion to use $175 allocated from last year for batting and accessories to RSVP. The motion passed. For the quilt show the guild would like to provide food for the vendors and workers—crockpot dishes, salads, etc. We will also have a white elephant table—sell whatever you want, price it yourself, but all the money goes to the guild, for future shows. The museum challenge is due in May, and the theme is “Name That Tune”. The UFO project that Carolyn was in charge of has been extended until May. Murine has the money, and Peggy will keep it up, possibly with Carolyn’s help. Kathy Hurst from Blanding will teach an apple core quilt Saturday, April 20, beginning at 9 a.m. Or you can just come and do a UFO project. The apple core can be made in several sizes. Marian will get a supply list from her. Marian got a letter from Ed Nettel at KZMU. He is doing a special music selection to honor the quilt show, Sunday Feb. 24 at 5 p.m. Claudia will do a bargello class in early June if anyone is interested.

(February 20 - March 20) Element: Water Color: Sea Green Spiritual: Compassion Physical: Balancing Emotional: Reflective Pisces is the last sign in the astrological calendar, and is the most mature, intuitive and accepting. The Piscean quilter hates to disobey the rules, in case that upsets the teacher, and can get caught dreaming up their own quilts. They need good, close friends to keep them grounded and sewing. VIOLET, LILAC and MAGENTA are the colors for this water sign. The combination of the cool waters and red fire make Pisces balanced and exciting, sensitive and strong, depressive and very loving.

Mary asked if people would like to move the meeting time up. There appear to be lots of conflicts, so it will stay the same. Show and Tell: Mary is putting a new floor in her sewing room, so her house is torn apart. Lou made a Lone Star mystery quilt in dark blue and beige. Very nice! Cyndi had a quilt for kids-in-crisis, all done in pinks, very cute. She also made an infant seat cover, a table center hot pad, and 6 placements out of scrap batiks using quilt as you go techniques. Adrian showed some knitted squares, a sampler, in gray with blue trim. The blue yarn is hand spun. Patti made the same placemats as Cyndi, except she ran her stripes horizontally instead of vertically. All were quite nice. She also had a k-i-c strip quilt, in softer batik colors for a baby quilt. Nancy showed several quilt tops her friend made for k-i-c. Some fabrics had cats on them; some were baby size, 4 were strip quilts, plus several flannel quilts. Peggy showed Carolyn’s quilt from Crystal’s block-ofthe-month program, using yellow sashing. Peggy’s has green shasing. Tommye made a super nice center panel of oriental fabric, with green, blue and off white borders around it. Kathy made a new strip quilt in bright colors like oranges and yellows. It is a donation for her family reunion. Laura took stuff from the quilt room at the Grand Center and made a very large sampler, which Lou and Murine quilted. It is a donation for a victim of a fire. She also had 4 k-i-c quilts, a strip quilt, a center panel with borders around it, a blue fabric with skiers on it, and a pale strip quilt with appliques. She also had one using nice fall color blocks, that Lou quilted, a bag that needs a zipper, and a darker quilt in greens, red, and orange, and a brick pattern in blues with a flower print that Lou quilted. She also made a strip quilt in nice brown, turquoise and


Dianna Carroll – March 12th Pat Garlett – March 17th Debbie Hughes – March 18th

BLOG! Show and Tell is up to date on our blog. Cyndy is going to be adding our pictures each month. I’ve also found a way to publish the newsletters online. I suggest that you enter your email on our blog so you will be alerted in an email anytime we update the blog. Recipes... Monica wants to publish a book with our favorite recipes from our retreats and potlucks... Keep those favorite recipes coming.

white that she is donating to Puttin’ on the Ritz. Gail has one mitten done, working on the other one, and she spun the wool. Bonnie showed a patriotic quilt she made using the x-blocks pattern, and a mini quilt she was working on at their retreat in February, started in a Sally Collins class a few years ago. Plus she showed some neat ironing pads that her sister is making to sell.

5 more REASONS TO BUY FABRIC Reason 33: Because I can’t live without it. Reason 32: My friend has more variety than I do, and I have to keep up with her.

We had the strip drawing, which Darleen won. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.

Reason 31: I need something new for show and tell party games.

Respectfully Submitted, Bonnie Crysdale, Secretary

Reason 30: Neighborhood children might need just the right color for a scavenger hunt. Reason 29: To save a beautiful fabric design for posterity. They might stop making it, and it would be lost to the world forever.


5 More of 67 Quick Tips for Quilters

Since several of our quilt guild gals go to the Aquatic Center on a regular basis this looked liked an interesting project. This comes to us from Tracy at Sew Thankful. Click on this link to get to the directions for making this.



It is best to select a busy print for the backing if you want your quilting stitches to be less easily seen from that side.


For best results when using invisible thread, use a clear thread for light coloured fabrics, and a darker colour for darker fabrics.


Used carefully, it is possible to mark patterns on dark fabric with small pieces of regular hand soap.


Keep a careful touch on your quilt when machine quilting. Use light pressure and move it gently, letting the machine and your walking foot do the pulling. If you are too heavy-handed, the quilt will drag and cause the stitches to become uneven.


When appliquéing, use thread that matches the colour of the patch and not the background fabric.

Since several of our quilt guild gals go to the Aquatic Center on a regular basis

You can always make a little springtime happen in your sew-ing room by making a lovely flower block with the “Save The Boo Bees” pink challenge fabric. There are 3 dif-ferent beautiful pink Moda batiks guaranteed to warm your heart and melt the icicles off of the roof. Pink chubby eighth’s are now available from area reps or contact me and I will mail one to you. Valerie Burton,, 801-451-6467.


From the Utah Quilt Guild Beeline – March 2013

Here’s What’s Cookin’

Betty Jean Christensen 1923 to 2013

Chocolate Chunk Bread Pudding Submitted by Marian Eason She says, “This is Yummy. It serves 2 generously from Cooking Light Magazine

The founder of the Utah Quilt Guild, Jean Christensen, passed away on February 13, 2013, in Salt Lake City, Utah at the age of 89. Her funeral services were held on Monday, February 18. Jean was born and raised in North Ogden and learned many sewing skills from her mother, grandmothers, and aunts. She attended Weber High School, Weber College, and Utah State. She graduated with a BA in clothing & textiles in 1946 and married Boyd Christensen that same year. They have four children, 19 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. They have lived in Utah, California, Illinois, and New York. Jean was talented in interior design and tailoring and taught classes in both. She was often involved in community projects to improve the lives of people in the areas in which she lived. In 1977, Jean brought a small group of other talented people together to start a Utah State Quilt Guild. This was the first state quilting guild in America. She served as the first president and gave wonderful sup-port as the foundations were laid for this special organization. Jean and her husband Boyd have given generously through the years to many quilting causes. She collected many antique quilts and donated a large number of them to This is the Place Heritage Park to be enjoyed by others. These quilts span much of the history of quilting in America, from 1820 to 1940. They have given generous monetary contributions to the Deseret Hospital Museum as well as to the Utah Quilt Guild. It was through their help and encouragement that a history of the Guild was published for the 30th anniversary in 2007. Jean also donated a noteworthy collection of antique lace from around the world and from many historical periods that is also on display at the museum. She also took part in re-searching the locations of beautiful historical quilts made by Utah women. Details of the quilts and the stories of their makers were printed in the book, "Gathered in time." This also became a public TV presentation. Jean was also the first chairman of the Holiday Quilt Show and Auction. While living in Logan she chaired the Utah State University's Festival of the American West Quilt Show. The written goals of the Utah Quilt Guild at its inception were to encourage, promote and preserve the art of quilt making, foster appreciation for fine quilts, sponsor and support quilting activities, teach quilt making, and preserve the history of quilts and quilt makers. For the past 35 years, the Utah State Quilt Guild has done just that. The support of the Christensen's has made it possible to achieve many of these goals. For many years, the Utah Quilt Guild has averaged 1,000 members each year and around 400 people attend the annual quilt festival. Thou-sands of warm and lovely quilts have been made by members of the Guild. We have made lasting friend-ships, expressed our creativity through a love of sewing, learned new skills, and given service to others as a part of this great organization. Thank you, Jean and Boyd


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