Get Well at Home

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best methods of control, victory, and restored health for the unfortunate victims of excess calorie consumption. For good health, then, as well as gratification at the dinner table, these rules should be carefully observed. Cultivate a pleasant, contented disposition. Make mealtime a pleasant, social occasion, without stress, argument, worry or contention. Select a diet from as wide a variety of natural, unrefined, foods as possible. Include some of the “big four”— fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables— in the diet every day. Emphasize thorough mastication, and a proper combination of these natural products. Choose a diet that will pay handsome dividends for many years, particularly during your golden ones. Balance the other health measures, such as exercise, rest, fresh air, and the use of sunlight. Finally, cultivate a trustful, unselfish disposition, relying above all on divine power as the source of true life. This brings to fulfillment the divine promise, “lam come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.” PLEASE REFER TO THE RECOMMENDED DAILY DIETARY ALLOWANCE CHART ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES, WHICH OUTLINES BASIC DIETARY REQUIREMENTS FOR FAT AND WATERSOLUBLE VITAMINS AND MINERALS.

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