Get Well at Home

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The low fat vegetarian diet greatly improves circulation. Its influence on the skin is beneficial as well. Many are promoting the use of Vitamin E to retard aging. While this oil is helpful in certain topical applications, wholesale supplementation is seldom necessary. In preference, I recommend the use of nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as the diet best calculated to promote longevity and insure good health of the skin. Cleansing baths, exercise, and regular changing of clothing are just as helpful to the senior citizen, as they are important for the baby. ITCHING SKIN Although the symptom of itching (pruritis) has been discussed in connection with some of the above disorders, this symptom warrants separate discussion, because it is so common and there are many approaches to therapy. Most normal people have some irritated places that they scratch every day. Often the sensation is so mild that it is barely noticed. There is no harm in an occasional scratching, but constant itching is different. It is typically a distress signal indicating specific trouble. With about 20 square feet of skin covering our bodies, there are literally millions of nerve receptors. Many of these can convey the sensation of itching, at times becoming so sensitive as to be almost beyond control. Allergies may produce itching and are described in Chapter Ten. Insect bites, pinworms, nettles, plant juices, chemicals, metals and many body secretions can produce similar distress. Excessive sweating, as well as unusual dryness, can provoke itching. In the winter season, many people suffer from dry skin. Often this is made worse by bathing especially with soap or worse yet, the bubble bath, a detergent bath water that removes most natural body oils. Mild soaps such as Dial, Aveeno, Neutrogena, and AlphaKeri are good for sensitive skin. Occasionally, the habit of scratching can develop. When present, this should be overcome. Nervous tension often aggravates itching, as does anxiety. Relief can usually come by breaking the “itch-scratch cycle,� and simply refusing to scratch. If this is impossible, careful trimming and filing of the nails, or the wearing of soft gloves at night may be necessary. Starch baths are useful using either cornstarch or powdered oatmeal. It is important to avoid soap, except in cleansing the groin, armpits, or feet. Avoid all excessive washing. Hydrotherapy employing moist, hot packs or the contrast shower acts as a counter irritant and relieves the itching. Further examination, laboratory tests, and hormone analyses can become worthwhile in difficult cases. In all these conditions the cause should be ascertained. Then nature can be assisted in restoring health again.

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