A strong corporate brand - De Arbeiderspers | A.W. Bruna Publishers

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D I G I TAL T E A M The market is constantly changing, and e-readers, tablets and smart phones are becoming more and more prominent. To keep in touch with a continuously more digital society, we have our own digital team, which specializes in new publication types for our titles, such as e-books and apps. Instead of fighting against it, we embrace the digital market and look towards the future with optimism.

Digital publisher To start, we have a digital publisher, who works on all things digital within our publishing house, beyond the normal e-books. Examples are e-books with audiovisual or other extra content (enhanced e-books), tablet and smart phone apps, cross-media projects and even completely new products, such as a smart database app which can automate data or methods from books. These digital products are being developed for a selection of authors from all our imprints. The digital publisher closely cooperates with the publishers of the various imprints and the marketing department. To find out what the latest trends are and what the market wants, he stays in contact with developers, branch organizations, bookstore owners, authors and readers. Online and offline.

E-book sales

We develop smart and sophisticated campaigns for our e-books,

We have two sales and marketing professionals who are

complementing existing in-store promotions. Where bookstores

specialized in e-books. At the moment, we are the number 1

often only offer opportunities to present new books, e-books

e-book publisher for the Dutch and Flemish markets.

enable you to set up a campaign for an author’s entire backlist.

With more than a thousand available e-books, in 2012

We are also free to offer relevant price promotions, as digital

De Arbeiderspers | A.W. Bruna Publishers covers an eighth

products are not bound by legal book rates (the Dutch Wet op de

of the e-market.

vaste boekenprijs). This freedom results in more creativity and flexibility in how we market our digital products. We can also address a broader market, which increases our brand awareness. What we see above all, is that our digital and printed book promotions enhance each other. An e-book is not just a digital book, but also a marketing tool for all publication types, and to create more awareness for the author and his or her complete works.

Digital and printed book promotions enhance each other

Important sales channels for our e-books at the moment are Bol.com, Kobo and the Apple iBookstore, but there are new players on the horizon. We also want to start selling our digital products in our own web store. We are nowhere near finished developing yet!

18 | A strong corporate brand

WT Binnenwerk Engels.indd 18

23-03-12 23:28

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