Brainstorming magazine | Issue 07

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BIH edition - Printed in the BiH


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“Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue”

COLOR What Color Is Your Advertising? If you're planning a marketing or advertising campaign, color is sure to play a key role in the success of your venture. After all, it's pretty much the first thing your consumers will notice*, making color your best - and sometimes only chance to get a message across. Use of color in most design for marketing and advertising is dictated by certain obvious requirements; the need to reflect a specific brand, as well as the attempt to communicate a certain mood dictated by the product itself. Company branding is pretty straightforward specific colors dictated by logos and other devices will need to be incorporated into at least part of your design. It's the choice of color scheme for conveying the 'personality' of a product that's often a lot harder to come up with. Sometimes the decision is partly intuitive most people understand even at a very basic level that bright, saturated colors will convey a different kind of mood to neutral grays or browns. Experienced designers, of course, go further still, selecting and implementing colors on the basis of their effectiveness in the ...

Owl has extremely well-developed senses of sight and hearing, and is the only bird that can see the color blue. Owl has excellent eyesight, which is as just as good in the daylight as it is in the darkness. An owl’s eyes are large in order to improve their efficiency, especially under low light conditions. In fact, the eyes are so well developed, that they are not eye balls as such, but elongated tubes. For this reason, an owl cannot “roll” or move its eyes – that is, it can only look straight ahead! The owl more than makes up for this by being able to turn its head through a range of 360 degrees measured from a forward facing position.

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Productivity Management Tips for Freelance Designers Working in freelance web design is like nothing else in the world. You are able to set your own hours, spend all day working to create beautiful designs and can even practice some of your skills. From the outside this seems like the artist’s dream job, though there are a few downfalls.

- Printed BIH edition


in the BiH


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The largest is, quite blatantly, lack of drive and interest in work. Over time you can become burnt out from so much design work and lose focus on projects. I’ve gone over a few productivity tips below which will help novice and professional

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Artist PopCap Dublin

“Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue” IF YOU’RE NOT ABLE TO TURN YOUR HEAD LIKE AN OWL BUT SEE COLOR BLUE AS: free spirit, non-conformism, personal power, spontaneity, joy of live, understanding, acceptance of the others, flexible attitude and your own vision of the surrounding world, you’re more than ready to join us on Gauloises Art Competion “Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue” Owl has extremely well-developed senses of sight and hearing, and is the only bird that can see the color blue. Owl has excellent eyesight, which is as just as good in the daylight as it is in the darkness. An owl’s eyes are large in order to improve their efficiency, especially under low light conditions. In fact, the eyes are so well developed, that they are not eye balls as such, but elongated tubes. For this reason, an owl cannot “roll” or move its eyes – that is, it can only look straight ahead! The owl more than makes up for this by being able to turn its head through a range of 360 degrees measured from a forward facing position. “Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue” is an art competition for print and video creative works organized by company Imperial Tobacco BH and their brand Gauloises, supported by Brainstorming magazine. Owl credits: Sean Lee |

Enisa Bravo

Rasidk - reflection

“OWLS ARE THE ONLY BIRDS THAT CAN SEE THE COLOR BLUE” IS AN ART COMPETITION FOR PRINT AND VIDEO CREATIVE WORKS During one month of contest duration, there were over 100 submissions from several categories, such as graphic design, typography, graffiti, poster design, photography and video-art.

Armin.Šabic - flight

19 | ISSUE 07 | What Color Is Your Advertising?

Goran Marković - freedom as a state of mind

Emina Huskić

Irena Hujdur

Seven - the only way for this owl

Riven - i'm blue

Hafmen - alive

Masha - symphony in blue

What Color Is Your Advertising? | ISSUE 07 | 20

“Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color” exhibition and party Authors of best submissions awarded Following the end of "Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color" competition by "Imperial Tobacco" company and "Gauloises" brand, the jury, represented by Ajna Zlatar, Elvira Bojadžić and Goran Lizdek, has found the submission by Irena Hujdur from Tuzla to be most inspired, and she was awarded with Canon 500D professional SLR camera. Second best submission was contributed by Emina Huskić from Sarajevo, who was awarded with Apple iPad, while the third prize went to Enisa Bravo from Sarajevo. Since there were many high-quality works of art submitted for the competition, an exhibition, as well as a party, were organized in the Gallery of fine arts in Sarajevo, which welcomed a large number of guests, competitors, journalists and chosen celebrities from the art community. Gauloises slogan "Freedom forever" was represented in all the submitted works which definitely managed to depict the rich french culture, playful spirit and creative choice of authors, who left the message "Freedom of choice is reason of existence".

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What Color Is Your Advertising? | ISSUE 07 | 22

100 visitors, my friends and other people who appreciate my works. On this exhibitions I presented different kinds of works,

Interview with:

from my first entry in Photo club in 2006 to now.

Irena Hujdur

2. How did you start this job / hobby? When I first started shooting photography and even before I even knew that there is a photo-club in Tuzla, I published most of my works on Internet. It was 4 years ago when I met a girl from Great Britain who told me that for a good photography you need a good eye and a good camera. Back then, i thought the ratio was 50:50, but with time it shifted towards the “good eye” side. I started with a common point-and-shoot camera with 3.2 megapixel resolution. Even my friends from photo-club, whose opinion I appreciate the most, say that those were my best photos. 3. Which part of this job do you enjoy the most? I enjoy every second of my creative work, from creating the concept and choosing the motif, to shooting photos and post-producing them (finishing them). I avoid the word “editing” because “editing” and “finishing” are not synonymous and they do not describe the same procedure. I love finding the perfect moment under perfect lighting conditions and when I already on the camera display see that I have succeed and I am most satisfied when final result needs only minimal corrections. Of course, there are different moments and degrees of spontaneity, as well as those shootings when I have special demands by other people. Therefore, everything I just spoke of is related only to the works which are part of my imagination, because I am an artistic photographer before anything else. 4. Which part of this job do you enjoy the least? Working with people (of course, I don’t necessarily mean models). Sometimes they call me to shoot weddings, parties and similar occasions, or people just want nice photos of themselves and their family for their own collection. I like discipline and well-discussed tasks, so I can be thrown off by people who are late, who break deadlines and who put me under pressure, especially when they call me the next day after shooting and demand photos although we have discussed that post-production takes days. I always try to be

1.Tell us something about yourself? My name is Irena Hujdur (25). My profession is psychology, but because of my love for arts and artistic expression, I’m also a photographer and a musician. For this occasion, I would rather be introduced as a photographer. I’m a member of photo club Tuzla, in the Association for artistic photography of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I already took part in many exhibitions inside and outside of the country. In september 2009. during the traditional “Days of Photography” in Prozor/Rama, I was given a title of “First class photographer”. In May 2010 I also had my first independent exhibition in Cabaret theater in Tuzla, and there were over 23 | ISSUE 07 | What Color Is Your Advertising?

as quick as possible and respect other people’s time, because that’s the only thing we can never give back to them. I also don’t like it when people don’t know what they want. 5. Who is the worst enemy of creativity in your case? I don’t know any. Art photography, as well as any other branch of arts, should never be turned into mass-production, nor should it be put together with commercial photography. Nobody is expected to be inspired at any possible time, nor would that be realistic. Therefore, I try to use every inspiring event the best way I can and I know exactly, when something happens, what I want to see on the final

photography. Those are times when I ignore everything else

searching for inspiration?

in favor of my work, which is my first and only focus, and I

I appreciate the works of american photographer Ansel

tend to ignore everything else. However, from time to time, I

Adams, pioneer of black-and-white photography, who

could use some better pieces of gear, but then again, when

managed to build up his sense for exposure to perfection,

discussing the gear, I often quote an american

and to show that black and white means a large spectrum

photographer who used to say that there is nothing worse

of tones. He left everybody breathless with his black-and-

than a sharp picture of an unclear concept.

white landscapes. When we talk about portraitphotographers, I can’t avoid Richard Avedon, one of the

6. What do you do when you start working on a new

earliest american fashion photographers, well-known for his

project and you have no ideas?

portraits of many celebrities, and his work in “Vogue”

If I have to follow a specific theme, I usually watch some

magazine. I am also inspired by works of a young british

music videos with similar content. Some of them can be real

woman, Lara Jade, who is only 21 years old but already has

masterpieces of the seventh art in a small package. I also

a great experience in the industry of fashion photography

like to watch how others have done the same things before

and also some great portraits.

me. I have several websites which serve me as my “daily dosage of inspiration”. And when even that doesn’t help, I go

11. How did you find the idea and the concept of “Owls

outside for a walk, and I’m trying to blend into the role of

are the only birds able to see the blue color” competition?

stranger in my own city. Then I discover nooks and crannies

I love it when I have a set theme. I find it more challenging

and lots of small details, which I have already passed nearby

than free-choice competitions. I was glad that there were so

many times but which I have never really perceived, and so I

many artists from different genres participating, but they were

collect a lot of material which I can put to use sometime

all tied by a single theme - blue color - and everything came


together in the end into a beautiful harmonic wholeness.

7. What inspires you the most?

12. What is your representation of slogan “Freedom

Music. Most of my photos have names of my favorite songs

forever” in creative and artistic context? Artistic freedom in

or albums. I feel free to find my own meaning in songs and

every context. In this case, freedom of a photographer

to think what it would like if I had to represent it in a single

would be playing with lights and colors, experimenting with

scene. And there is no better way to show that than using

focal length and framing, motifs which need no words of

human emotions and expressions. That’s why emotive

description, the photos that speak for themselves. And

portraits are my central motifs.

generally it’s about the ability of photographer to touch hearts, make people think and sometimes even shock them.

8. Which software do you use during your creative process?

13. Blue is the color of the Gauloises brand. What do you

I don’t do any photo-manipulation (yet), so Adobe

associate with the blue color? I’ll speak from psychological

Photoshop is my weapon number two, after my camera,

point of view: trust, reliability, dreaminess, nostalgia,

which I use to create my artistic world. Currently I use

relaxation, peace. And working with that color, as such,

Photoshop CS3, although I was pretty close to the version 7

balanced my own personality, since I am “red”, always on

until recently, a relatively simple version which had all I

the move, provocative, reactive, insistent and very devoted


to everything I work on.

9. When you sit down and start working on a new project,

14. Tell us more about your work?

what does the flow of your thoughts look like?

Portraits aside, sometimes I am investigating even some

It depends on how much time I have on my hands. If I have

inanimate objects, shapes and colors, in combination with

a lot of time, then I start with writing associations and

human figure, but I can also achieve the same effect

whatever I imagine first, and then I go out and search for

without it - bring an idea to life. In every form of conceptual

motifs. Or I set the “stage”, or more precisely, improvise a

art, the idea is the main catalyst behind created works and

studio, in case I choose some classical studio or fashion

it’s prior to any traditional and technical rules and regulations.

portrait in order to set my idea forward. Photography is

It’s considered that conceptual artists often lend ideas from

always the thing of a moment. There are never errors in

philosophy, psychoanalysis, feminism and political sciences.

spontaneous portraits and I always give them my highest

My ideas come from music. That’s why, if I had to classify

marks. Such photos usually get awarded too. It’s only ironical

myself in some sort of artistic photographer, I’d like to be

that those are mostly photos of human desperation, suffering

viewed as a conceptual photographer more than a portrait-

and pain.

photographer, because even my portraits always carry a dash of conceptualism.

10. What sorts of artists are you looking up to when What Color Is Your Advertising? | ISSUE 07 | 24

15. In the end, in which direction would you like to develop further, in terms of design and arts? Always learn, develop and educate yourself - that’s my

3. Which part of this job do you enjoy the most? I can hardly choose any segment of the creative process, since I look at everything through the eyes of a designer, even when I use the public transportation.

motto. “Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color” is my first, but not also the last competition where I have been introduced outside of the Association and I am glad that my work got such high verdicts from the public and the jury. I plan my next personal exhibition soon, most probably in Sarajevo, but psychology is still my primary occupation. However, with a good organization and even more, with lot

4. Which part of this job do you enjoy the least? I don't know if I can say this, but... communication with the clients. 5. Who is the worst enemy of creativity in your case? Five-to-twelve deadlines.


6. What do you do when you start working on a new project and you have no ideas? I dig deeper, there is some gold in every mine.

Interview with:

7. What inspires you the most? Cities, people, actually all those experiences which later accumulate somewhere in my head and I use them as a leverage in the creative process.

of love for photography, everything can be balanced

Enisa Bravo

8. Which software do you use during your creative process? I'm in a relationship with Photoshop 9. When you sit down and start working on a new project, what does the flow of your thoughts look like? I think about the best way to "pack" the idea and "export" it further. 10. What sorts of artists are you looking up to when searching for inspiration? I can't say I'm looking for inspiration in any sort of art, because what inspires me the most is the street culture, individuals, lomography, but I'm fascinated with works of Jan Saudek, Eugenio Recuenco, Neville Brody, David Carson, Damian Stanković and Gorana Lizdeka 11. How did you find the idea and the concept of “Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color” competition? Very symbolical, more through the emotions and blue color, state of the spirit and empirical essence... Just the thought that the owls are the only ones able to see the blue color is very inspirational and very grateful to work with, because it opens a large spectrum of possibilities and ideas. 12. What is your representation of slogan “Freedom forever” in creative and artistic context? To be a freelancer and not to have to work nine-to-five. 13. Blue is the color of the Gauloises brand. What do you associate with the blue color? Photoshop icon.

1. Tell us something about yourself? Enisa Bravo, 27 years old, finished College of applied arts, graphic design graduate. Shortly: creatively promiscuous / passionate about design. 2. How did you start this job / hobby? Well... it was a long time ago and I never considered it as a hobby. It has always been serious, even since the primary school, then through the College of applied arts and then also through the Academy of fine arts.

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14. Tell us more about your work? This is the part of discussion creative people don’t like much, but if I have to, I’ll say that from a professional point of view I wanted to tie all the graphical elements and photography together. Elements are symbolical and they reflect the idea behind the competition itself. I did my work primarily trying to bring together the ideas of endless landscape without borders, wide perception of the world and freedom. 15. In the end, in which direction would you like to develop further, in terms of design and arts? Visual communications and photography.

Interview with:

Emina Huskic

4. Which part of this job do you enjoy the least? It’s hard to find something that bothers me in graphic design. It’s more the other stuff which has nothing to do with it, but gets involved from time to time. 5. Who is the worst enemy of creativity in your case? The worst enemy of creativity is laziness. 6. What do you do when you start working on a new project and you have no ideas? Idea always comes, sooner or later. I always give myself enough time until the idea is born, even if it’s the last moment. Every forced attempt or planned search for ideas results in failure. 7. What inspires you the most? You can find inspiration in everything. Constant reading, watching and wish to understand can be very inspiring for a graphic designer. 8. Which software do you use during your creative process? I am still that old-fashioned designer, who still has to sketch every of his works, so when choosing software for realization of my ideas, the sketch has a lot of influence. I can’t choose only one specific software, because each one is equally important for a completed graphic designer. 9. When you sit down and start working on a new project, what does the flow of your thoughts look like? Getting to know the project and collecting as many informations as possible so I could present my own perspective on the given theme as best as possible. 10. What sorts of artists are you looking up to when searching for inspiration? I visit lots of exhibitions and use literature as well as the magazines for graphic artists. When I go abroad to other countries, I can’t wait to visit all the museums and galleries, and in that way I invest in myself and in my occupation. 11.How did you find the idea and the concept of “Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color” competition? Slogan was what drew me in. My work is named “After Midnight” and that’s actually my self-portrait. Very often in midnight hours I feel like an owl. I approached this theme with my sincere point of view, which obviously came out as a good result.

1. Tell us something about yourself? My name is Emina Huskić and I am attending the final year of Academy of Fine arts in Sarajevo, department of graphic design. 2. How did you start this job / hobby? I was always attracted to the job of graphic designer. There was always some small graphic designer “hiding” inside myself. Once I did it for hobby, now I’m doing it as a profession, and I am very happy about it. 3. Which part of this job do you enjoy the most? I hold every segment of graphic design dear. Everything, from an idea to realization, and presenting my work to others, as well as their positive and negative comments, which always help. Let’s say that a well-done final product is what makes the graphic designer happiest.

12. What is your representation of slogan “Freedom forever” in creative and artistic context? Freedom is the most precious gift for every man, and therefore also for every artist. But we should keep in mind that restrictions can sometimes have a very inspiring influence on artists and their works 13. Blue is the color of the Gauloises brand. What do you associate with the blue color? Blue color can be associated with many things and it can represent lots of stuff. For example, in those gray days right now, it reminds me of summer, sea and swimming pools. 14. In the end, in which direction would you like to develop further, in terms of design and arts? Currently I’m finishing my final thesis which I have devoted a lot of my creative energy to, and I hope I’ll be able to bring the problem I’m dealing with closer to other people and raise their awareness about some important issues, which we always somehow forget to think about. What Color Is Your Advertising? | ISSUE 07 | 26

Brainstorming is the successful monthly spin-off of DDS “Idea is all”. Each issue gives you an in-depth guide to a different creative subject, and future issues will covere themes such as print design, web design, Photoshop, typography, packaging, creative advertising, and how to start your own design business. Inside every edition, you’ll find great step-by-step tutorials and tips from the best digital artists in the business, showcases and profiles of upand-coming talent and established creatives, as well as explorative features on the subject in hand.

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