Source Winter 2014

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Winter 2014

Student Life






PLUS! YouTuber Zoella on her debut novel


PUBLISHER Denise Connelly

EDITOR Lindsay Cochrane

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Mikhaila Friel Ally McCrae Kirsty McKenzie Rachel Munford Simon Ritchie Eilidh Stewart


SALES Marian Mathieson DC Publishing Ltd, 200 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG

t’s that time again – the new issue of Source is finally here! For our winter edition, we’ve got all your favourite famouses in one handy magazine – from Professor Green (aka the most polite rapper in the business) to YouTube megastar Zoella, beautiful boy band Union J to the hilariously brilliant Chris Stark, the world’s biggest names have told us how they got to where they are today.


Also this issue, we’ve taken a bit of inspiration from the season to be jolly with some money saving tips to help you make your cash go further when it comes to prezzie buying, safety advice to help you make it through your Christmas night out in one piece, plus some inspiration for those keen to volunteer over the season ahead. Will you be busking for your ! DON'T MISS favourite cause or donating your unwanted clothes • CELEBRITY GRADUATE CHRIS to a local charity shop? STARK (P8) • TOP ADVICE FOR BRAND NEW DRIVERS (P30) • YOUR VIEW ON THE FEMINISM DEBATE (P40)

While Christmas is, undoubtedly, the best time of year (we’re all over the red cups in Starbucks and festive jumpers already), that doesn’t mean you can forget about the hard work. This issue, we’ve got plenty to inspire you to keep your head down and keep working towards the end of term. Kicking off our careers section, we caught up with the lovely Jenny Entwistle, whose job involves lots of rubbing shoulders with massive bands. Elsewhere, we’ve taken a look at what you can do with a degree in a language, we’ve got the lowdown on all things dentistry and we found out more about school leaver schemes. We’ve got some CV boosting tips and a guide to the perfect UCAS application too. And this is just scraping the surface! Turn the page for a full rundown of what Source has to offer for winter and get stuck in. Good luck with your prelims and end of term exams, and have an AMAZING Christmas and New Year! Until 2015...

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Lindsay Cochrane, Editor




Our team of student writers have been working hard over the last few months to provide lots of exciting extra content for Source readers at We’ve got plenty of careers inspiration – Simon Ritchie interviewed chef Alastair Waddell, the Glaswegian who’s now making his living at an exclusive resort Down Under, while Rachel Munford caught up with young actor and director Kenny Boyle. For the travel-hungry, Iona Shanks has taken a look at what the UK has to offer aspiring adventurers, plus we’ve got heaps of reviews of the latest music, films and gigs. If you fancy yourself as a hot shot reporter, we want to hear from you! Tell us why you want to join the Source student writer team with an email to

©DC Publishing Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any way without prior written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of DC Publishing Ltd. The publisher takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers within the publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that information is accurate; while dates and prices are correct at time of going to print, DC Publishing Ltd takes no responsibility for omissions and errors.


The HOT list WINTER 2014 Event




6 December, SSE Hydro, Glasgow Clyde 1, the number 1 radio station for Glasgow and the West are putting on the biggest concert of the year. Confirmed so far – Passenger, George Ezra, Neon Jungle, Ella Eyre and Tulisa with more to be announced soon. Head to for ticket info.


1 December, Island A million and one amazing albums are due for release this season (One Direction, Take That and Olly Murs to name a few), but because our editor loves them, McBusted are our pick for winter. Take everything that’s great about McFly and Busted, put it together and what have you got? Pop-rock magic.


In cinemas 21 November Source fave Jennifer Lawrence is back as Katniss Everdeen in the third instalment of the Hunger Games series. Our bow and arrow-toting heroine heads underground to live in District 13, which has been at the centre of the rebellion in Panem. But can Katniss and her friends overthrow the Capitol? Expect lots of heart-stopping action.

CHRISTMAS JUMPERS Second only to Christmas dinner, Christmas jumpers are one of our favourite things about the festive season. Check out this pud-themed beauty from Dorothy Perkins (£26, or fetching polar bear Fair Isle number from Burton (£20,


From 16 November, ITV Is there a greater reality TV show? Simple answer: no. Ant and Dec are heading back to Australia for another season of famous(ish) faces getting to grips with rats, witchetty grubs and life without a hot shower. Let the madness commence!

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Winter 2014





Interviews 6

It’s not easy being Green

Professor Green on the highs – and lows – of life in the limelight.

Celebrity graduate: Chris Stark 8

The Radio 1 and viral video star tells us about his student experience. 50

Ten minutes with... Union J

Union J's George Shelley reflects on The X Factor, performing and the perks of being in a boy band.

Careers 10

Dream job: The Music PR

Jenny Entwistle tells us all about life in the fast-paced world of public relations.

What can you do with a languages degree? 12

If you have a flare for foreign languages, where can your talent take you? We found out.

40 The lowdown on... school leavers schemes 16

What they are, how they work and how you can get involved.

Dentistry: jobs worth smiling about 20

Say ‘ah’! There’s more to dentistry than having a look in the mouths of strangers – there are tonnes of really rewarding job roles.


Time out 28

The season of giving back

Take a little inspiration from the festive season to volunteer in your community. 30

Safety on the road

New drivers, listen up! Here’s how to avoid disaster after passing your test. 32

Savvy seasonal spending


Make your student budget go further this Christmas.

One graduate shares his experience.


Opportunities in oil and gas 27

5 ways to... boost your CV

Make your résumé sparkle with these handy hints.

Studying 25

UCAS applications sussed!

Got personal statement fear? Follow our advice to get your UCAS application off to the best start.




Staying safe this party season

‘Tis the season to be jolly – but don’t lose your sensible head. 40

Your view: The F-word

Kirsty McKenzie tackles the topic of feminism. 42

The problem of self(ie) image

Social media is ruining the way we see ourselves – so how can you boost your self esteem? 45

Cool crowdfunding

Five of the most creative crowdfunding campaigns.


Gap year travel: are you ready?

Sound Bites with Ally McCrae

Everything you need to know to prepare for the biggest adventure of your life.

Scotland’s most enthusiastic man picks out his favourite new acts.



Queen of the internet

Zoella speaks exclusively to Source ahead of her book launch.


IT’S NOT EASY Since his last record, a lot has changed for rapper Professor Green. A driving ban, that road accident, going public with depression – it’s been a rough ride. But for every low, there’s been some incredible highs, including his wedding to Made In Chelsea beauty Millie Mackintosh and the release of his critically acclaimed third album, Growing Up In Public. Pro – or Stephen, as his nan calls him – took some time out ahead of his current tour to talk life in the spotlight with Source editor Lindsay Cochrane...






You’re back after a three-year break! How are things going? Good, really good – busy! It’s nice to feel employed again. When I was working on the album, it was weird because there was a hell of a lot happening in my personal life so it’s nice to be on the road again. Things are great. Are you looking forward to the tour? Yeah, I love touring. A lot of people suffer on tour, they find it quite difficult and quite a few people get in trouble, but I love the routine of it. It’s not as messy as my day-to-day life! I like knowing what I’m doing and when I’m doing it. How would you describe your live show? It is live, for one. I’ve always had a band. I do club gigs with a DJ obviously – I came from a hip hop background, so I still do that stuff, but when we tour I’ve always toured as a band. Even when I wasn’t getting paid enough to pay the band! I just think it’s really important for live music to be live, first and foremost. The album was released in September and the response has been fantastic – were you pleased with how it’s been received? Yeah, definitely. With Twitter, you can see that the response is instant. As soon as

prior to influence it, and I think that’s a good foundation for it to be different. I don’t want to make the same song twice, let alone the same album. The first single, Lullaby, looks at the topic of depression, something you’ve been very open about yourself. Why do you think that’s important to talk about? I found out how important it was to talk about when I did the BBC Radio 1 documentary last year [Pro did a special show on how his own father’s suicide had affected him]. The response to it was just phenomenal. People reached out and said, ‘Thank you, you don’t know how much you’ve helped me,’ – that’s people who have seen people suffering with depression, who have suffered with depression themselves. It really showed me how little it is spoken about – it inspired me to talk about [my own experience]. It’s an introverted condition as well. You tend to keep it inside and it becomes very personal. It’s not something that you share. And that’s the problem. It’s nice knowing I’m not the only person going through this, it’s not just me. It is an illness. Your level of fame and the media interest changed completely when you met Millie – was that quite hard to take in?

growing. I’m not into this whole ‘I’m never going to change’ thing – I think that’s one of the most idiotic things a person can say. I hope it’s changed me. And I hope it’s changed me for the better. What is your favourite thing about your job? The fact that it’s not really a job! There are bits of it which are not as enjoyable as others, but I do have a lot of fun in my job and I get to meet incredible people. It’s cool. It’s probably the places I get to go to and the people I get to meet. And what’s the worst side? Some of the places I get to go to and the people I get to meet! [laughs] It’s a double-edged sword that one. What would you say has been the best moment of your career so far? To pick any one would be really difficult. There’s been so many. Supporting The Stone Roses was good. Lily [Allen] saying to me, ‘How about I sing the chorus on Just Be Good to Green and we perform it at Bestival?’ That was a pivotal moment. That changed everything. I’ve had some wicked moments. What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t in the music industry?

BEING GREEN... someone’s heard it, they’ll tell you what they think of it. The response so far, from pretty much everyone that’s heard it, has been incredible. To have that on your third album is pretty cool. I was surprised I got past the first one – I was surprised I got TO the first album! What makes Growing Up In Public different? I always approach every album as a different beast, to be honest. I don’t ever look to the past or things that I’ve done

Oh, the media interest went mental. It wasn’t an easy transition at first. But I quickly realised that the only person it affected if I got angry was me, so I just stopped getting angry. Even if we don’t say anything, they still talk, so we just ignore it now. That took the string out of their bow. Do you think married life has changed you? I hope so. I think that’s the most important thing in life. I think you stop changing when you stop learning and stop

Growing Up In Public by Professor Green is out now on Virgin Records

I don’t know. Obviously, I used to sell drugs so I hope I would’ve pulled my socks up a bit and got away from that. The things I enjoy... I like language. I love words. So something with that. What’s next for you? More of the same hopefully. I’m just going to work my backside off and try and do as much as I can, then straight onto the next album. No more time off, not for a little while. I’ll be keeping busy! l


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Celebrity GRADUATE


You might know him better as Scott Mills’ sidekick, but to us, Chris Stark is a bona fide legend. The radio presenter, DJ, telly star and viral video sensation (see THAT Mila Kunis interview) tells us about his uni experience...

What did you study? I studied politics. The degree itself might not be the most defining part of the job I do now, but I certainly wouldn’t have a job at Radio 1 if I hadn’t been involved in student radio. Politics was a good one to study because I knew if I applied myself I could get a degree from it, and that’s definitely worth having because you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. What kind of student where you? I was out partying quite a lot. I earned my money from DJing in nightclubs, which also became a passion of mine. I’d say, if I’m honest, I was a bit more of a party guy than the most diligent worker, but I don’t think there’s any harm in that. It took me a while to catch up at uni – I was trying to DJ as much as


What uni did you go to? I went to Southampton Uni. My A-levels were fine but they meant I couldn’t get my first choice. I got on the phone to my second choice, which was Southampton, and spoke to this really nice lady there. She was so helpful. I said everything I wanted – to go to uni, and how passionate I was about student radio and everything I wanted to do with that. She managed to find a place for me.

“STUDENT RADIO ISN’T DISSIMILAR TO WORKING AT RADIO 1 NOW, OTHER THAN I’VE GOT A FEW MORE BOSSES, MORE RULES AND A FEW MORE PEOPLE LISTEN!” I could and I was enjoying that but I was starting to prioritise that over getting up first thing in the morning for tutorials or lectures. But I got the job done when I had to. What did you do on student radio? When I went to uni, I already had a bit of experience in hospital radio and I had done a tiny bit of work experience at a couple of commercial radio stations. I made it quite clear from day one that I wanted to know about student radio

and introduced myself and they gave me a show pretty much straight away. Eventually, I did the breakfast show – I had so much fun with it. Student radio isn’t dissimilar to working at Radio 1 now, other than I’ve got a few more bosses, more rules and a few more people listen! Do you think the university experience is worth it? I think university is an amazing thing but I don’t think you should go unless you’re trying to achieve things. I mean, it’s too easy to go there and doss – sometimes, the bravest thing to do would be not to go to uni. But If you’re going to uni and you have a job in mind, it’s the best thing that you can do. Plus, while you’re at uni, you can do all these other things and make amazing friends – that’s invaluable in itself. l


Listen to Chris on air with Scott Mills, weekdays from 1pm-4pm on BBC Radio 1






Dream JOB

THE MUSIC PR Jenny Entwistle is as a senior press officer at Chuff Media in London. A regional music public relations (PR) agency, Chuff’s job is to get press for acts like Bastille, Union J and George Ezra. As well as hanging out with bands, going to gigs and attending awards dos, Jenny does a lot of hard work, writing press releases, networking and thinking of new and interesting ways to promote her acts through newspapers, magazines and websites. The 24-year-old Portsmouth native tells us how you get started in the fast-paced world of music publicity...

What does a press officer do? We mainly work with bands when they go on tour. It’s a case of making sure that the newspapers, magazines, student papers and online blogs are aware of upcoming gigs or releases and they have the assets that they require to cover it, like images and information, review tickets and interview time. How did you get into PR? When I was younger, I was a photographer and I’d have to contact the PRs for photo passes for gigs, so I knew of Chuff. I studied music and entertainment industry management at the University of Hertfordshire and in third year, there was a little bit of pressure put on everyone to do work experience. The first company I thought of was Chuff, because I'd had such a good experience with them. I emailed Warren, the owner, and asked if they could take me on as an intern. Within three months, he told me I had a job. What are you most proud of from your PR career so far?


Probably Bastille. I’ve worked with them from the beginning. It’s been lovely to watch their story grow and play a little part in it. What’s been the coolest thing you’ve got to do through work? Probably coming up to Scotland and doing different awards ceremonies. Last year at the Young Scot Awards, Union J came with me and presented an award to a girl whose mum had cancer. Just to see how happy it made her was priceless.


What’s your advice for young people who want to get into music PR? Experience, hands down, is the most important thing. The main thing that helped me was the fact that I went and interned at a company. I showed that initiative. PR is not as glamorous as people might think, but it is rewarding when you play a little part in the next big thing. ●


See more of what Jenny and the Chuff Media team do at

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Languages Work



While teaching, translation and interpreting are directly linked to languages, a degree in this area can lead to exciting jobs in lots of different areas. Edinburgh native Lynsey Pilcher, 26, has a degree in Spanish and journalism from the University of Strathclyde. She’s been working as a project delivery officer on the British Council’s language assistant programme since 2013.

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What does the British Council do? The British Council is essentially the UK’s cultural organisation – at a basic level, it promotes UK culture and English language around the world. A large part of that is teaching English, so they have lots of English teaching centres all over the world. A big part of what we do is providing international opportunities for young people in the UK to go abroad, and opportunities for young people from abroad to come to the UK. How did you get started there? It was a bit of a fluke really! There was a


vacancy on the language assistant team, and if there’s a vacancy they tend to email round language assistants from the last few years. I did the language assistantship for my year abroad as part of my degree, and again after I graduated. What does your job involve? I work on the language assistants team. We facilitate placement of UK students going to help to teach English in schools across Europe, Latin America, Canada and China, and for every assistant we send out to teach English abroad, we also receive in a language assistant to help teach






A degree in a language means you’ll have a skill that’s always in demand, as well as offering opportunities for travel, international contacts and big money. Whether you’ve got a flare for French, German, Spanish, Russian or Mandarin, one of the following roles could be for you...


Perhaps the most obvious line of work for foreign language graduates is education. The most common point is secondary level, where you’ll do your PGDE teacher training for secondary after picking up your degree, complete with a year abroad in a country where your language is spoken. Primary is also an option – after the primary PGDE, you can do additional training to teach foreign languages at primary, something that’ll make you a really attractive candidate when it comes to applying for jobs. Teaching is not an easy line of work – kids can be really challenging – but the rewards are endless. Find out more about training as a teacher in Scotland at


Translators transfer text from one language to another – much more effectively than Google Translate. Both public and private sector businesses need translators to get their communication materials out there for the public or employees – you could be translating everything and anything from a vacuum cleaner manual to the latest hit book from Spain. You’ll

their language in a British school. I am responsible for all of the Scottish students applying for language assistantships in Spain and Latin America, and all of the Spanish assistants coming into Scotland. We manage the process from even before the application stage up to placing the assistants, and I’m responsible for the welfare of the assistants that we send out and the ones that we receive in too. Why would you recommend studying a language? There’s a million and one different reasons. It makes you more employable. Employers

usually translate material into your mother tongue (from German to English, for instance) and on top of your language degree, you’ll generally need a qualification in translation, although this isn’t always essential. Most translators work on a freelance basis. Find out more from the Institute of Translating and Interpreting at


Slightly different from translating, interpreters do live translation work for a conversation – while translators work on paper, interpreters focus on the spoken word. Interpreters could be called in for serious meetings at the UN, to facilitate a conversation between an important overseas contact in a high-powered financial firm or to help someone communicate in a hospital or police custody, so they’re seen in lots of different settings. Interpreting is a specialist skill and requires additional training beyond degree level, as well as lots of experience. Useful skills and qualities include the ability to concentrate, a good memory and quick thinking. Again, contact the Institute of Translating and Interpreting for more details. ●

are always looking for foreign languages on CVs. It broadens your horizons, and you get friends all over the world – you’ve always got someone to stay with when you travel! The British Council Language Assistant programme is now open for applications – if you’re at university and want to find out more, head to www. For more information on opportunities abroad with the British Council, check out

STUDY IT: WHO DOES WHAT? Almost all of Scotland’s universities offer language courses, from Arabic to Russian. Here’s what you can study where... University of the West of Scotland ( French, German, Spanish University of Stirling ( French, Spanish University of Glasgow ( French, Hispanic Studies, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Translation Studies University of Aberdeen ( French, German, Hispanic Studies University of Dundee ( French, German, Spanish University of Edinburgh ( Arabic and Persian, Chinese, French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Japanese, Russian Studies Edinburgh Napier University ( French, German, Spanish University of the Highlands and Islands ( Gaelic Heriot-Watt University ( French, German, Spanish University of St Andrews ( Arabic, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish University of Strathclyde ( French, Italian, Spanish


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What’s a school leaver programme? School leaver programmes vary widely but, generally speaking, they’re marketed as an alternative to university – only you get to work and earn a wage while you’re learning in a real hands-on environment, a bit like apprenticeships. They’re sort of like graduate programmes for people coming straight from school – if you’re smart, ambitious, driven and want to get straight to work, you could be the perfect candidate. What makes it different from an apprenticeship? The two are really similar – they both involve working for a company while you work towards a qualification. The


You might study towards a professional qualification on a distance learning basis, you could go to uni for a year then work for two years or maybe you’ll do day release training courses throughout your contract. This is something to ask about before you apply for anything. What’s the money like? Because there’s no special minimum wage like there is for apprentices (anyone who’s training under a ‘contract of apprenticeship’ is entitled to a minimum wage of £2.73 an hour, although most apprenticeship employers pay more than this), school leaver scheme trainees get paid at least National Minimum Wage,

The lowdown on...

School leaver programmes More and more big name companies are offering training programmes for young people where you work, learn and earn all at the same time – and no student debt! We answer some of the questions you have on school leaver schemes to explain a little more about how they work...

difference tends to be the qualification you get, how much money you’re paid and how you’re trained. While modern apprenticeships in Scotland tend to give you an SVQ2 or SVQ3 (equivalent to Higher or Advanced Higher), many school leaver schemes will train you towards a degree or a professional qualification at degree level, but this does depend on the programme. Apprenticeships also follow a regulated framework – school leaver schemes don’t. They’re generally set out by the employer themselves or an associated professional body. There are also far fewer school leaver schemes available

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than apprenticeships – it tends only to be large companies which offer them, while modern apprenticeships are available in virtually every sector. What are the entry requirements? Again, this varies – generally, school leaver programmes ask for slightly more than MAs. You’ll usually be expected to have good Highers, while MA providers generally need five qualifications at National or Intermediate level or equivalent. What sort of training do you get? It depends on who you’re working for.

which is currently £5.13 an hour for 18 to 20-year-olds. Lots of employers pay more than this – the National Audit Office, for instance, pay their school leaver trainees a brilliant £22,000 a year. Who offers them? School leaver programmes are typically run by larger companies and mainly in sectors like finance, banking, retail, hospitality and IT. Companies offering this type of training scheme include BDO, Deloitte, Marks & Spencer, Barclays, EY, Baker Tilly, KPMG and Tesco – and that’s just scraping the surface!




Where can I find out about school leaver programmes? Get online and start searching! Google ‘school leaver programmes’ and you’ll find plenty of resources. Look for companies that interest you too and get in touch to see if it’s the sort of thing they might offer. Should I do a school leaver programme or an apprenticeship? That’s not one for us to answer – it’s all down to

you. Think about how you want to learn, what kind of qualification you want to get, how long you want to spend studying and where you see your career going. In some cases, an apprenticeship might be the better option – they’re also available in a wider range of sectors. It really is a personal choice, so do your research before you start filling out application forms. ●


Isla Mowat joined BDO’s Glasgow office on the school leaver programme in September 2013. Here, she tells us about her job... “Why accountancy?” is a question that people often ask. For me, it was simple. For any business to be successful, having a highly skilled accountant on the team is vital and I wanted to have a role that was at the heart of business. I enjoy working with figures and knew accountancy would give me the opportunity to use those skills. But I also wanted to go somewhere where I could learn quickly, get qualified and earn a salary. At the same time, I wanted to work in an environment where I got support and where I could also demonstrate my personality and be myself. After finishing my Highers, I joined BDO’s school leaver programme. It’s been a brilliant launch pad for my career. Firstly, working alongside experienced professionals provides me with a substantial amount of knowledge and support. I get to see how accountancy works at the coal-face and learn from people with years of experience. Being able to experience accountancy in real life situations not only provides me with a better understanding behind the theory I am learning at ICAS [Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland], but it also exposes me to a working environment, allowing me to get a feel for what the career is actually like. Finally, I get to work at a variety of locations with a diverse range of clients which provides a taster of what various different industries are like. And rather than leave university with debt, I get paid for my work at BDO while qualifying a year earlier than someone who went to university to do a degree. The skills I have gained from this work even just in the first year of my five-year training contract is phenomenal and will stay with me for life. ● Find further information at

Not Going to Uni

My World of Work

All About School Leavers




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DENTISTRY: JOBS WORTH SMILING ABOUT Teeth – we’ve all got them (or at least some very good replacements), so it makes sense that there are lots of jobs related to our pearly whites. We take a look at some of the roles available in the dental team...


We all know what dentists do – they’re responsible for teeth. But as well as doing fillings, extractions, root treatments and all the other stuff we’d rather avoid, they have to educate patients on oral health and do their bit to prevent oral and dental disease. There’s a few different routes you can take as a dentist – you could be a general dentist, working in a high street practice. You could go into community dental care, working with patients who struggle to get to the high street. And then there’s hospital-based dentists who work with more difficult cases and look after the teeth of long-term hospital patients. Dentists are usually self-employed, but salaried NHS dentists can earn from £38,095 to £81,480 a year. DO IT: To become a dentist, you have to undertake a five-year degree at a dental school approved by the General Dental Council (you can do it at Glasgow, Aberdeen or Dundee in Scotland), followed by one or two years of supervised practice. Be warned – entry is competitive.


Dental nurses support dentists in all aspects of patient care. They might be responsible for getting instruments ready, mixing materials, making sure patients are comfortable, taking notes and generally helping out in the practice. At entry level, dental nurses earn £16k, going up to £22k with experience. DO IT: Dental nurses require specialist training and there are two routes to choose from – you can either do a GDC-approved course at college or university, or you can train through an apprenticeship, earning while you learn.


Technicians make dentures, crowns, bridges and braces as prescribed by your dentist. They work with materials like gold, porcelain or

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plastic to create fixtures and aids to improve people’s smiles. There are four different types of technician: prosthodontic technicians, who design and make dentures; conservation technicians, who do crown and bridge work; maxillofacial technicians, responsible for helping to reconstruct people’s faces and orthodontic technicians, who make braces. Techs earn between £21k and £27k a year. DO IT: Dental techs have to do an approved course, either at college, uni or through an apprenticeship, and register with the GDC – this can be a BTec or a BSc in dental technology.


Hygienists are becoming more common in dental practices – they treat gum and tooth conditions, focusing on oral health and keeping teeth and gums clean and healthy. They carry out procedures such as scaling and polishing and applying fluoride to teeth. As a hygienist, you can earn between £21k and £27k a year. DO IT: Most hygienists start out as dental nurses before undertaking a twoyear approved course.


This one is a bit of a mouthful – but it’s also an incredible job. Maxillofacial prosthetists work in oral surgery, ophthalmic cancer and burns units to help reconstruct people’s faces after accident, injury, illness or perhaps due to a birth defect. They work with surgeons to make sure that they get the best result possible. This is a specialised version of a dental technician, which requires additional training. DO IT: Some maxillofacial prosthetists start out as dental technicians and undertake a diploma or MSc in maxillofacial technology. You can also train as a healthcare scientist in reconstructive science through the NHS’s Scientist Training Programme (STP) – you have to be a registered dental technician with the GDC in order to apply for this. ●

NHS Careers


STUDY IT: THE DENTISTRY STUDENT Grant Creaney, 22 from Airdrie, is in his fifth and final year studying dentistry at the University of Glasgow. He talks us through his training so far...

Why did you want to study dentistry in the first place? I wanted to do a profession where I got a chance to deal with people every day, a chance to be in a healthcare profession where you’re actually providing care for people – but also doing something quite practical, where you’re always busy doing something with your hands and you’re able to make a physical difference to somebody. I think dentistry offers a way of solving a lot of problems that people come to you with by yourself – you have the skills to do that. I think that’s quite exciting.

What’s been your favourite part of the course? The actual practicing of dentistry is a really fun thing to do at uni. You’re learning on your feet; you get to practice what you’re learning as you’re learning about it. You get such great support with it, you don’t really feel over-awed. So the academic side of it is great.

“I THINK DENTISTRY OFFERS A WAY OF SOLVING A LOT OF PROBLEMS THAT PEOPLE COME TO YOU WITH BY YOURSELF – YOU HAVE THE SKILLS TO DO THAT” Grant Creaney What does the course at Glasgow involve? It’s split into different categories – sciences, public health and patient management and clinical dentistry as well. From first year, it’s a mix of lectures, tutorials and clinical work, with some labs thrown in as well. You get to see what it’s really like in a clinical environment and work as part of a team from a very early stage. You’re in the Dental Hospital and on outreach placements as well, not only in Glasgow but further afield – at the moment, I’m in Falkirk every other week, working in a small practice.

The social life as a student in Glasgow is second to none too – you can’t beat it. What’s your advice for anyone thinking of applying for dentistry? It’s about making sure that you’re a team worker, that you’re willing to help people, that you’re creative, good with your hands and show that you’ll be a dedicated student. It’s a difficult degree, but it’s definitely worth it. The support you get and the enjoyment you get out of it more than makes up for it. ● Find out more about studying dentistry at Glasgow University at



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OIL AND GAS Scotland’s oil and gas industry is booming – and there are loads of job opportunities for graduates. Whether you’re at uni or thinking of going, Wood Group employee Chris Gordon, who has an MA in management and business law from Heriot-Watt University, tells us why it’s worth considering putting your degree to use in this sector...

Who are Wood Group and what do they do? Wood Group are an international energy services company who employ roughly 40,000 people worldwide and operate in more than 50 countries. We provide a range of engineering, maintenance and management services to the oil and gas industry and power generation industries worldwide. What’s your role? My role with the company is a project controls engineer. That looks at elements such as cost control, planning, project estimating – there’s a variety of different things in there. We help make sure that we deliver our projects for oil and gas clients on time and that we’re within budget. How did you get involved with the company? I was in my third year at university and an opportunity came through to find out more about an organisation called the Saltire Foundation. They were established

to fuel and spark the next generation of business leaders for Scotland. I was offered a scholarship working with Wood Group PSN out in Houston, Texas. That was an eight-week scholarship rotating around different business areas. That gave me the opportunity to get involved in specific business projects and take an active role in that. As a result, I built up a bit of an understanding of the oil and gas industry. I joined their graduate scheme the following year, after I graduated form university. What did the grad scheme involve? I commenced that in 2009, and it lasted three years. It involved rotations around different business areas. For me, it was estimating, planning and global business acquisition. It gave me the opportunity to be on North Sea client projects, as well as having the chance to undertake a corporate placement when we were bidding for new work. I took an active role in that process to make sure we would acquire new work and retain existing contracts.

What appealed to you about oil and gas? My Eureka moment was my internship experience and the variety of options there. That enabled me to see that there were a lot of opportunities in the sector, particularly for young people. Oil and gas, and the overall energy and utilities sector, we’ll always be needed. We’ll always need energy. What do you enjoy about your job? For me, every day’s different. There’s different challenges. Some days are more difficult than others, but there isn’t a day that goes by without a challenge. Every day’s a school day – there’s always something new to learn, and the more proactive you are and the more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities become available. l For more info on career opportunities with Wood Group, head to


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THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO Take time to go over whether university or college is what you want, or if you would prefer to go into work or take some time to go travelling. If further education is still what you want to do, then take even more time to decide on what you actually want to study. Pick something you’re good at or

where to study can also affect your deadlines for applying. The deadline for Oxford, Cambridge and degrees related to medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry were all on 15 October, while the majority of other deadlines are on 15 January. Don’t miss out! THE PERSONAL STATEMENT… This is the infamous part of the UCAS application, and it’s really important. This is how universities separate applicants and it could be what makes you stand out from everyone

WHAT IF IT GOES WRONG? It’s never nice to miss out on the results you were hoping for, or to not to get the offers you wanted but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to uni or college. UCAS offer a service called Clearing, which is what universities use to fill up spaces on their courses. You can find this through the UCAS website round about results day in August. Through Clearing, you can apply for vacancies universities and colleges still have left on the courses that you’re interested in. Make sure you


SUSSED! Applying for university is exciting, but putting your UCAS application form together can get pretty stressful. This is what you’re going to send out to the universities and colleges – and you want to wow those admissions teams. Student Eilidh Stewart has put together a guide to getting your UCAS form just right, with advice on how to stay calm and tips on keeping your experience stress-free…

really enjoy doing – expand on what you like at school or go for something totally different. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Once you’ve decided what you want to study it’s important to compare different universities and colleges, since they’ll all offer something different. UCAS allows you to apply for up to five different courses, so make sure to shop around. Choosing what and

else. You have 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text to let them know who you are and why you want to study their course. Tell them why you’re so keen and let them know about anything you do outside of school, such as work, hobbies or volunteering. Try and make everything relevant to what you’re aiming to study and – most importantly – take your time. Redraft it and let other people read it. Make sure you save regularly and don’t rush!

check the vacancies regularly as they can change. Be patient as this process can take a while. Remember – it's not the end of the world if things don't go according to plan. You can always apply next year, with a little more knowledge, experience and a killer application.. l UCAS




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Tailor your CV for each job 1

Whether it’s a restaurant job or working for a graphic designer, all jobs require a certain set of different skills, so it’s worth adapting your CV and experience to demonstrate why you’re right for the role. Make sure to research every company you apply for – every one is different so get a feel of what they are looking for by checking out their website, looking up current employees and reading up on any recent updates or changes to the business. Read the job advert and description carefully and make sure you can give examples of how your skills match what they are looking for. 2

Get connected

Nowadays, networking and building relationships with the right people can be crucial to help you get the job, so get involved with social networking sites like Twitter and LinkedIn. Try to collect contacts and reach out to people in the field you’re interested in. You never know when that contact might come in handy, and even if it doesn't land you a job, their advice alone might just prove valuable in the future.

Document your experience 3

That blog you’ve been thinking about starting? Do it! Not only is it a fun and easy method of boosting your CV, but

5 WAYS TO...



Whether you’re applying for Saturday work or the job of your dreams, a couple of bits of paper can decide your fate – so how do you make your CV sparkle? From work experience to proper spelling (it matters!), Kirsty McKenzie looks at how you can make your résumé stand out from the crowd...

blogging is a great way to keep track of all the work you’ve done over the years – from the societies you’ve joined to the team projects you’ve completed. This one isn’t just for wannabe writers – designers, engineers, athletes, stylists and beyond can collate their work portfolio-style on a blog platform. It’s a fantastic way to show prospective employers what you’ve been doing with your time and show off any talents you have outside of school, college or university.

The importance of work experience 4

It may be tempting to sit back and relax when term time ends, but even a few days of work experience or volunteer work can really help your CV stand out. Now that so many jobs require some sort of industry experience, undertaking work experience early signals your enthusiasm and also shows you had the initiative to be prepared.

Check, check and double check! 5

Silly spelling mistakes or grammatical errors can mean your CV will be the first one to get chucked in the bin. Get someone to help you edit it and always double check it’s 100% correct before you send it out. Make sure it’s clear and concise (tables and headers can help make it look sleek), and keep it to two A4 pages. l

My World of Work




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Simon Ritchie takes a look at how you can help others this Christmas... ew iPhone or new PlayStation? Mulberry bag or Michael Kors watch? While for most of us these are the biggest worries at Christmas, the less fortunate are asking where their next meal will come from or if they’ll be able to buy a winter coat. Happily, there’s plenty of opportunities for you to help out and spread the season of goodwill to more than just your family and friends.


CHARITY SHOPS Trendier than ever thanks to Macklemore’s hit Thrift Shop and the fashion for everything vintage, many charity stores are a lifeline supplying affordable clothing and everyday essentials, as well as raising funds for worthy causes. While the quickest way to help is by donating your old clobber, those of you with more time can volunteer too. Whether it’s ironing clothes, sorting donations,

or manning the register, there are plenty of roles to be filled – and it’s retail experience that will look great on a CV, not to mention the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from doing something good. FOOD BANKS People from all walks of life receive assistance from food banks – over 50,000 of them last year – and, with the added financial pressure, Christmas is a particularly busy time. The Trussell Trust (www. trussell operate 43 sites across the country and are always looking for volunteers to help pack, sort, and distribute food to those who need it.


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FUNDRAISING Fancy yourself as a bit of an entertainer? Raise money for your charity of choice with some Christmas-themed busking. While you don’t need a licence to busk

there are certain rules to follow so check your local council website, and get the backing of the organisation you intend to help. For us less talented folk, try organising an event at your work, school, college or uni that encourages classmates, colleagues and customers to donate, or pledge a percentage of the money you make yourself over Christmas to a worthy cause. NEIGHBOURS While we celebrate with our family and friends, over half a million pensioners will spend Christmas alone. Spread some festive cheer by simply popping in for a chat with an elderly neighbour or go further by helping with everyday tasks like taking out their bins or picking up their shopping. It doesn’t need to be a senior citizen either – all small gestures can make a real difference by bringing areas together, and being active in the community is a great way to network and open up other opportunities. As Macaulay Culkin learns in Home Alone 2, good deeds count extra at Christmas, so take advantage by giving some time to help those down on their luck and you’ll find it can be even more rewarding than receiving gifts yourself. l




N3W DR1V3R5 STAYING SAFE ON THE ROAD Passing your driving test is probably the greatest feeling in the world – but the learning’s only just beginning when you ditch your L-plates. We offer some hints and tips to make life safer for newly-qualified drivers...

ou’ve upgraded your green provisional to a pink permanent licence, you’ve got your car keys clutched in your (slightly sweaty) hand and it’s time to take the plunge. It’s the moment all 50-plus hours of lessons have been building up to – you’re a driver and ready to take on everything the road has to throw at you! Or are you? Statistically, young drivers are more likely to get into accidents on


FAQs: GETTING INSURED Legally, you can’t head out behind the wheel unless you’ve got insurance to do so. But what’s the point in this rather expensive legal requirement? We answer some of your most common questions...

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the road – 17 to 25-year-olds account for just 10% of licence holders in Scotland, but they’re involved in over 20% of road accidents. Every week, one young person in Scotland is killed on the road, while 17 more sustain serious injuries. RISK-TAKERS So why are young people more likely to get into trouble? It’s mostly because young people are more prone to

What’s the point of insurance? Being insured for the car you drive – whether that’s your own, a parent’s or a sibling’s – means that you’re covered should you get into an accident or damage your car. Say, for instance, you come back to find your wing mirror hanging off – your insurer will pay out to cover some or all of the costs. When you sign up for a policy, you agree to an excess – the amount which you’ll pay towards costs, and the insurer will cover the rest.

What kind of cover do I need? The minimum legal requirement is third party insurance – this pays for any damage sustained by a third party, their vehicle or their property if you are at fault, but it won’t cover any damage to your car. There’s also third party fire and theft insurance and fully comprehensive, which makes sure everyone's covered. What’s a black box? Some insurers are giving drivers the




taking risks, whether it’s to impress their mates or simply a lack of confidence and experience. While your instructor taught you the art of clutch control and changing lanes on the dual carriageway, you have to take the time to master observation, concentration and anticipating hazards. On top of practice, how can you make sure that you aren’t putting yourself, your passengers or other drivers at risk? One of the most important things to avoid is distractions. Don’t pile all your friends in the car and crank up the radio rather than pay attention to what’s happening on the road. Even going at the speed limit, your car can cause some serious damage – a Corsa weighs around 850kg and you don’t want that hitting you. So keep your eyes and ears pealed for what’s going on around you. If you’ve got passengers, lay down the rules before you set off – no shouting or distracting the driver. Don’t try to impress your friends either. If they demand you go faster or laugh at you for keeping your hands in the ten-to-two position, tell them they can go elsewhere for a lift next time. Driving safely is so much more important. CONFIDENCE Build up your confidence too – after passing your test, stick to shorter journeys and make sure you know Road Safety Scotland

option of taking a ‘black box’, a monitoring device which you put in your car and feeds back to the company about your driving. If you’re a safe driver, you’ll save money on your car insurance. Can’t I just be a named driver on my mum’s policy? You can if it’s your mum’s car, but if it’s your car, you have to declare yourself as the main driver – if your insurance

company finds out you’re lying, they might not cover you if you make a claim. Where do I get car insurance from? Check out price comparison sites like and to check out what different providers have to offer. If you’re going to be driving a parent, carer or friend’s car, call their insurer and see how much it would be to add you to the policy.

where you’re going to get used to how your car drives and familiarise yourself with routes you use regularly. If you’re nervous behind the wheel, you’ll tire more easily, making you more vulnerable. Get behind the wheel when you’re feeling fresh. And then there’s the biggie – drugs and alcohol! The drink drive limit at present is 80mg of alcohol in every 100ml of blood but different people react to alcohol in different ways, and circumstances can affect the way your body processes it. It’s easier to avoid alcohol completely than put yourself at risk. If you’re caught over the legal limit, you could face a fine, a prison sentence or even lose your licence. Remember – new drivers can only get six points on their licence during their first two years on the road, compared to 12 for more experienced drivers. If you max out on points, you’ll have your licence seized and have to resit your theory and practical tests. Don’t engage in risky behaviour on the road. Having the freedom to hit the road whenever you fancy really is life changing – and while the responsibility is massive, it’s a lot of fun too! So don’t forget everything you learned in lessons next time you buckle up in the driver’s seat – think safe, sensible and legal and you’ll be on the road to driving success in no time. l Brake – the road safety charity



What happens if I don’t have insurance? Unless your car is declared off the road with a SORN (statutory off-road notification) you legally have to have insurance. If you don’t, you can face fines of up to £5,000, an automatic six to eight points on your licence and you can be disqualified for driving. Don’t take the risk – get insurance sorted ASAP. l


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SEASONAL SPENDING ‘Tis the season to go spend crazy – so how do you make your student budget go further this Christmas and New Year? We offer a few pointers...

ince it’s unlikely that you’re Santa with a team of highly trained elves at your disposal (though if you are, we’ll have the new Kindle Voyage please), chances are you’ll have to make a serious dent in your finances this Christmas. Whether you’re buying presents for family and friends or simply treating yourself, there’s plenty of ways to save a few pounds.


GIFT BUYING When it comes to present purchasing, beat the rush. While the urge to put everything off until the last minute can be temtping, astute planning saves money and keeps the stress at bay. Know what you want and shop around at stores that offer student discount. Those 10 and 20% offs quickly add up! Doing it early also allows you the luxury of online shopping from the comfort of your own home – perfect for those cold December days! Students who register at can get money off at H&M, Topshop, the Apple Store and many more. SECRET SANTA We know Source readers are a popular

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bunch, so if the thought of getting presents for every one of your friends is making your bank account wince why not suggest a Secret Santa? You’ll only need to buy one present each and the element of surprise adds to the fun. Homemade gifts also have a personal touch that make them so much more significant and embrace the true meaning of Christmas.

KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND SHOP AROUND AT STORES THAT OFFER STUDENT DISCOUNT – THOSE 10 AND 20% OFFS QUICKLY ADD UP HIT THE SALES After all the gifts and goodwill you’ve handed out over the festive season, it’s time to treat yourself to something nice as well. Fortunately, the shops go sale crazy around Boxing Day and January but there’s a couple of things

to remember. Firstly, you aren’t necessarily saving money just because it’s on offer. It’s easy to get distracted by the 50% off signs, but ask yourself if it’s something you really want and will use. Also, your money doesn’t have to be spent immediately, so if the item you’re looking for isn’t there, save it. It might be on sale in the future and you’ll want to still have the cash! HAPPY HOGMANAY! Don’t let auld acquaintance be forgot this New Year – ring in the bells with family and friends at a house party rather than braving the cold at Edinburgh’s Street Party or George Square in Glasgow. Sure, it might look fun but the bitter cold and extortionate prices soon put an end to that. Instead, spend it with Jackie Bird on the Beeb and the most important people in your life. You, and your wallet, won’t regret it. Of course it’s still the season to be jolly, so above all make sure you enjoy yourself – you can’t, after all, put a price on that. l




GAP YEAR TRAVEL: ARE YOU READY? Jetting off for a few weeks, months or even a full year to explore the best of what the world has to offer is massively exciting – but it takes a lot of planning, prep and thinking ahead. We take a look at the essential points any student traveller has to take into consideration before booking that once-in-a-lifetime trip...


There’s no point in planning an epic gap year adventure if you can’t afford to do it. Before you book anything, think about how the heck you’re going to pay for it – and how you’ll pay your way after you’ve made it abroad. Whether this means taking on a part-time job and saving every penny you earn, eBaying all your possessions or, if you’re going to take part in a volunteer project, fundraising through carwashes, bag packing sessions in your local supermarket or a race night, make sure you’ve got a way of getting the funds together before you even think of booking your flight. If you’re strapped for cash but you’re still determined to see the world, check out the ICS (International Citizen Service) programme. This government-funded initiative helps 18-25 year olds from all different backgrounds travel and work on projects in developing countries. All you

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have to do is fundraise to help the project you’re working on. It’s a great way of getting the gap year experience without the usual costs. Find out more at


What kind of travel experience do you want to have? Do you want to work and get relevant work experience? Volunteer on a project which helps others? Experience adventure sports in exotic locations? Hop on a train and see where your adventure takes you? Visit every beach resort in Europe? Whatever your style, there’s a gap break for you – and a provider who can help you do it. Take your time to research different gap year travel companies, read reviews of different tours and packages and speak to others who have done it before you. If you’re arranging your travel yourself, make use of the likes of TripAdvisor

and’s review section to find out everything you can about accommodation and local attractions.


Make up an itinerary of where you’re going to be when, what you want to do in each location and where you’re planning on staying – off-the-cuff travel is really exciting, but you could find yourself in Thailand with nowhere to stay. Leave a note of your travel plans with a family member too – including contact details – so they know exactly where you are and can get in touch in an emergency. If you’re travelling with a specialist gap year company, they’ll generally provide you with all the details you need.


Whether you’re planning a summer working as a PR in Corfu or you’re off to backpack your way round Asia,




There’s a course for that... Some organisations are offering special courses and seminars to help budding adventurers get ready for their gap experience. Here’s a guide to what’s out there...

STA TRAVEL The Student Travel Association’s gap year safety courses are a great option for wary firsttime travellers – and it’ll definitely appease the fears of panicked mums! This one-day course, usually held in London, covers a variety of different things that you need to think about before you backpack off, such as what to pack, travelling safely, avoiding dangers such as theft and muggings and much more. DO IT: £160 per participant,

remember one thing – you do NOT need to take your whole life with you. If you’re staying in one location for the duration of your trip, you’ll be able to take a little more with you, but if you’re moving around a lot, stick to a good quality backpack and pack light. Also make sure you have the right kit – if you’re going hiking, don’t take your best heels. Good equipment doesn’t have to cost a fortune, so shop around.


Even before you set off, think about safety – if you’re planning on staying in hostels, pack a padlock so you can use lockers. Don’t take anything of value, physically or sentimentally, and make sure you get fully comprehensive travel insurance before you go. It’ll be a huge help if you run into trouble, whether you

take unwell, get into bother with the law or have your things stolen. Double check that it covers you for adventure sports too if you have plans to bungee jump off a bridge at any point.


Find out as much about the areas you’re travelling to as you can – find out about local customs, laws and any vaccinations or visas you might need before you set off. Try learning some of the local language too – knowing key phrases like ‘where is the bathroom?’ will get you off on the right foot in any country. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Know Before You Go site is a great resource to make sure you’re travel-savvy – check it out at knowbeforeyougo. l

BEAR GRYLLS SURVIVAL ACADEMY No one knows adventure quite like Bear Grylls from the telly, so he’s set up his own Survival Academy to teach the tricks of the trade to the public. His travel preparation course is definitely worth checking out. Designed for young gap year travellers heading off to remote destinations, this one-day course covers health and safety, accommodation, food and drink and specialist equipment. Keep and eye on the Survival Academy site for upcoming dates and prices. DO IT: £150 per participant, GAP 360 For professionals and gap year students alike, this one-day course offers intensive safety training – it’s the same course Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman took before their Long Way Down and Long Way Round bike expeditions! Taking place in London, this day-long course covers everything you need to know about staying safe when you’re overseas, from personal safety to medical issues. DO IT: £160 per participant,


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Stick with friends

Don’t travel alone if possible. When you’re out with friends, try and stick together. Don’t separate if you’re going to a cash machine; you’re less likely to be attacked or approached if you’re in a group.

Hide it

Think confident

If you have to go anywhere on the way home by yourself, look confident and stay away from poorly-lit areas. Not that we’re saying that everyone will be a potential mugger, but it’s best to stay alert.

Keep an eye on your valuables at all times. When you make it obvious you’re carrying the newest iPhone or a fancy digital camera, you make yourself a target, especially if you’re waving it about in bars or clubs while having a drink.

Trust your instincts

If you don’t feel safe, then you’re not safe. Police advise young people to listen to their instincts. Be observant, and if someone seems to be following you, walk faster or call a pal.

Drink aware

Don’t drink too much. It can be hard when everyone’s having a laugh, but it’s important to stay in control. If you get separated from your friends, you make yourself vulnerable when you’re not even sober enough to talk sense.

The Source Guide to...


THIS PARTY SEASON It’s that time of year again – it’s all work Christmas nights out, school dances and the annual celebration with friends, meaning you might be staying out later than you’re used to in parts of town you don’t know. It’s key to remember that around the winter period, incidents double as town gets busier, people get drunker and we let our guards down, swept up in the festive spirit. So how can you avoid getting into trouble? Rachel Munford has got some quick tips to help you stay safe when you’re out and about this winter...

Going home

After you’ve made it back to yours (on a busy bus or train, or via a registered taxi), text your friends to let them know you got home OK. Make sure everyone in your group gives at least one person a quick text to let someone know that they're safe and sound.

REMEMBER! It may be the season to be jolly, but that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Try and stay safe this winter but have a good time too! It is Christmas after all...

Keep in touch

When parting ways with friends, co-workers or even family, make sure someone knows where you are and roughly what time you will be home. You don’t have to text your parents or flatmates your exact coordinates, but just check in with someone. A quick text giving your ETA and current whereabouts will set your parents and friends at ease.

For further advice on personal safety, check out the Police Scotland website at




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Queen of the internet

If you’d told Wiltshire native Zoe Sugg that her beauty blog would lead to worldwide fame, she would never have believed you – but, five years down the line, that’s exactly what's happened. Blogger, YouTuber, author and global megastar Zoella tells Source about her debut novel... ive years ago, the idea of a YouTube superstar seemed crazy. But now, some of our favourite celebs – from Tanya Burr to Alfie Deyes – have made their name online. The biggest star of all is Zoe Sugg. Blogging about all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle since 2009, Zoe’s readership exploded and she quickly launched a YouTube channel – which now has over 6 million followers. The girl known as Zoella is now cropping up on our TV screens in adverts for YouTube, she’s got her own beauty range with Superdrug, she’s won two



Radio 1 Teen Awards, interviewed One Direction and now she’s written a book. DREAM COME TRUE “When I started writing my blog I would never have imagined it would bring me the opportunity to make my teenage dream to be a published author come true,” she says. “Of course, doing the blog was a great way to develop my writing skills.” Girl Online is the story of Penny, a 15-year-old anonymous blogger. She blogs about school, boys, relationships and the panic attacks that are taking over her life. To complicate matters, her family decides to move to New York – where she meets a hot guitarist called Noah. Penny blogs about their blossoming relationship, but has no idea that Noah has a secret too. There are lots of parallels between Penny and Zoe, most notably that of their experiences with anxiety. “I really wanted to share my personal experience with anxiety through Penny because I felt

it could help others to speak out about it,” Zoe says. “When I was younger and suffering with anxiety I didn’t know what was happening. It helps to have these conversations, to feel less alone and to share advice.” ROLE MODEL The book is tipped to top the book charts this Christmas as Zoe's legions of fans hotfoot it to their nearest book stores to bag their role model’s debut novel. And it’s for them that Zoe’s written the book, taking on board all the comments, tweets and emails she receives daily. “I think that my viewers will definitely be able to relate to Penny,” Zoe reflects. “She experiences many things that I know first-hand that many of them have experienced or asked my advice on. Things like bullying, falling out with friends, boys and anxiety. Penny is a great example of a teenager who experiences many of the same things that other teenagers have to deal with and that was really important to me.” ●


Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) will be available from 25 November, published by Penguin (RRP £12.99)


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Your View

The F-word Gap year student and aspiring journalist Kirsty McKenzie reflects on the true meaning of feminism and why it matters to ALL of us – whether you’re female or not...


WORKING TOGETHER Of course, it was up to Hermione Granger to save the day. In September, Emma Watson gave a passionate speech on feminism at the UN to launch the HeForShe campaign (www.heforshe. org), clarifying that feminism is a IN IT TOGETHER: Actress Emma Watson is calling on men to get involved in the feminism movement too

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movement that involves both genders working together to end inequality. In a speech that went viral, Emma highlighted that by bringing together both men and women in the campaign, we can abolish the “us against them” mentality previously associated with feminism by asking: “How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?” She spoke at length about how gender stereotypes can be as damaging to boys as they are to girls. In short, everyone can benefit from the F-word, and we shouldn’t be afraid to say it. Emma has succeeded where others have failed; she isn’t using feminism for personal gain. Our generation has grown up with Hermione – her voice matters to young people still forming their opinions on gender roles and advocacy. Former reluctant feminist Taylor Swift has spoken out too, confessing had she seen her favourite actress explain feminism when she was 12, she would have identified herself as a feminist a lot sooner. GET INVOLVED Perhaps what gets lost in the razzle dazzle of Beyoncé’s fantastic

feminist romps or Chanel’s recent controversial ‘feminist riot’ finale during Fashion Week is that feminism cannot only be accessed or understood by the privileged few. Publicity stunts, feminist hashtags and empowering pop videos are all very well, but as Emma states, everyone needs to be involved to implement change. Feminism will continue to mean different things for different people. I doubt that Alan Sugar spends much of his time thinking about how a picture of David Gandy airbrushed in a pair of pants affects him as a man, but the point is, we do need feminism and we do need to talk about it. As one of Emma’s many male supporters, Tom Hiddeston, posted on Twitter: “Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.” Now that’s really something worth tweeting about. ●

OVER TO YOU Got something you feel passionate about? Anything in the headlines getting your back up? You could take on the Your View slot next issue! Email us with your ideas at source@




hat is it about the F-word that gets everyone in a panic? Perhaps some people have come to view feminism as a fashionable fad, with celebs attaching themselves to feminist hashtags but none of its values. As a result, feminism landed somewhere between aspiration and shame. Feminism became like Uggs – popular, but not a label you really want to be seen wearing outside the house. The confusing, ‘man-hating’ tabloid tug of war that we now associate with feminism landed us in very dangerous territory. No one knew what feminism was. No one knew if it was something they wanted, or could be.


Nowadays, we share every aspect of our lives as it happens, ramping up the pressure to be saying, doing and experiencing the right things – knocking our self confidence in the process. Source investigates the damage that social media is doing to our mental health, and what you can do to boost your sense of self worth... n 2014, we’re turning into a society of self-obsessed pouters and posers. We all know our best side, best angle and best Instagram filter (Mayfair – every time) to create the perfect selfie to share with our 2,482 closest friends and followers on every social media outlet going. This tech-induced obsession with appearance is, unsurprisingly, having a negative impact on our self esteem. Research conducted by ChildLine earlier this year showed that the helpline’s Scottish bases received more than 2,000 calls in 2012-13 from young people concerned about the way they look – and the charity reckons technology has a lot to do with it. “Self esteem is to do with how an individual feels about themselves,” explains Jenifer Phillips, policy communications manager at mental health charity YoungMinds. “That may, in part, be around feelings about appearance, but also how other people see you. You take more photos in a year now than you would have in a lifetime previously – you always have to be on form because you’re constantly being recorded.”


BIGGER PROBLEM Having low self esteem may be down to your own temperament, but it can also stem from negative experiences such as bullying, physical health or social exclusion. Twentyfour-hour pressure from social media is just exaggerating feelings many have of not living up to the expectations of others. It might sound like dippy hippie nonsense, but if you don’t learn to love yourself – or at least figure out what you like – it can lead to more serious problems.

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“Lack of self confidence can certainly tap into other issues like anxiety or not wanting to go out in public,” Jenifer says. “You might feel like you’re being scrutinised. Long term, that can contribute to depression, eating habits and potentially eating disorders as well.”

Boys are just as vulnerable as girls when it comes to feelings of low self esteem. ChildLine say that while they receive seven times as many calls from girls on the topic of body image, it’s still very much a concern for guys keen to fit the muscular, macho stereotype that the media portrays.















SEEKING VALIDATION Despite the fact that we know that social media is making us feel inadequate – and remember, people tend to only post about the positives in their lives – we’re still turning to these sites for validation. “We hear a lot about how an online community can be a very supportive

environment, but you have to be careful where you go to for support and make sure you’re talking to people you know and trust,” Jenifer says. “It’s important to do the things that you enjoy, and get validation from things other than likes and retweets.” Remember that people of the web can be really cruel too – putting yourself out there for judgement doesn’t always come back with the compliments you want, and people tend to be a little bolder online than they might be in real life. The best way to handle web bullies is to block, delete and move on – and be careful who you share content with in future. FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE While ditching your smartphone might be a big ask, what can you do to boost the way you see yourself? “Doing things that you’re good at is a good starting point,” Jenifer says. “Whether you’re really good at sport or music or art, do something that makes you feel confident in your own abilities.” For everything you dislike about yourself, there will be a dozen things that make you brilliant – things that aren’t always going to shine through the Toaster filter on Insta. Jenifer adds: “It’s really important to have a sense of something outside of class that you do well, and having a friendship group or family that backs you up.” If the way you’re feeling is impacting on other areas of your life, speak to somebody. Go see your GP, who may refer you on to a counselling service for young people, or give a helpline like ChildLine a call. YoungMinds’ website is packed with words of wisdom and helpful contacts too. “If you’re feeling more confident or positive about certain aspects of your life, you’re more likely to be able to stand up to the stressful times,” Jenifer adds. “You’ll be more resilient.” Wherever it’s coming from, don’t let the pressure get to you – take a step back, focus on what makes you great and let that shine through. A little bit of confidence really is a game changer – start looking at how you can bring a little bit of positivity to your life today. l


THEY SAID IT... We all feel the pressure to look a certain way, but these celebs are adamant that it doesn’t have to be that way – for them or for you...

“There's a whole list of things I would probably change about myself. For example, I'm always trying to lose 15 pounds. But I never need to be skinny. I don't want to be skinny.” Mindy Kaling “I've never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that.” Adele “My main beauty tip is don't say that negative thing when you look in the mirror.” Drew Barrymore “We’re always too skinny or too fat or too tall or too short. We’re shaming each other and we’re shaming ourselves. And it sucks.” Emma Stone

ChildLine 0800 11 11






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Potato Salad The Kickstarter campaign that started off as a joke to make people laugh soon escalated into something more. Jack Brown’s playful idea to make potato salad with the help of strangers’ donations certainly worked – he raised a whopping $55,492! He didn’t just use it to make himself a snack though – he hosted PotatoStock, a potato salad-themed festival to raise funds for homeless charities.


Crowdfunding has taken the world by storm. Budding businesspeople everywhere are using websites like Kickstarter to fund their upcoming projects, asking members of the public to donate their cash to get big ideas off the ground. Whether it’s a film or food, anyone can contribute to ideas they feel passionate about. From the guy that wanted to make some potato salad to Zach Braff using fans’ cash to make a film, Mikhaila Friel rounds up five of the coolest crowdfunding projects…

Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra Well, this lady must have a lot of fans, because she managed to raise over $1m for a new album, tour and art book. After leaving her record label, Palmer didn’t have enough cash to fund her own record – but she didn’t give up! Taking to the internet, she asked fans to support her band’s music through donations – and the rest is history!


Wish I Was Here Movie One of the most successful campaigns was for Zach Braff’s latest movie. Co-written with his brother Adam, Wish I Was Here is about a middle-aged man who home-schools his children – and finds himself along the way. Thanks to Braff’s popularity, fan donations helped him reach his goal of $2m in just 48 hours, going on to raise $3.1m to make the movie.

Miley Cyrus Twerking Shirts

Billy Boy Movie Not all campaigns are fun and games. Take Blake Jenner, for example. Most of us know him for his role on Glee, but lately the actor has taken to screenwriting – he wrote his own movie! Through crowdfunding, Blake has secured the rights to his own final cut of the film – he gets to make all the important decisions. This could be the start of an amazing filmmaking career for the star, all thanks to the fans’ donations.

“Somehwere in America, Miley Cyrus is twerking,” says Daniel Bañaga, who raised $528 to produce T-shirts of the pop star doing just that. Yes, it seems Cyrus’ fans – “Smilers” – have reached a new level of bonkers. Some people love the star so much that they just have to get a T-shirt with her twerking on it! Although absurd, this idea gets points for its originality.

Got a crazy idea that might just work? Check and to see if the kind people of the web will help you get up and running...




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BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS Think your weekend job waiting tables is the pits? Even some of the most famous faces in the world of celebrity have had crummy jobs – check out how these superstars made a living before they hit the big time...


The curly-haired 1D mega babe has always been a hard worker – at the age of 14, Harry Styles started working in a local bakery where he charmed colleagues and customers alike. Some things never change, eh? Directioners still flock to the shop to see where their idol used to work.


The former model may have fronted campaigns for the likes of Burberry, Mulberry and Vivienne Westwood, but her roots are far less glamorous – as a teenager, she worked part-time in her local fish and chip shop.


While Simon’s dad might have been a record company exec himself, that doesn’t mean Mr X Factor’s career has been handed to him on a plate. After leaving school, he worked as a runner on horror movie The Shining, where he took great pride in cleaning Jack Nicholson’s axe. Grizzly.


Telly presenter and Strictly sensation Caroline Flack has had some dodgy jobs along the way – most notably, working in a pork factory. She told the Daily Mail: “I loved it. In the end, I had to give it up because nobody wanted to come near me because I reeked of pork. Sometimes I can still smell the meat on my fingers.”

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The undisputed queen of the talk show and voice of everyone’s favourite forgetful fish, it’s not always been an easy ride for comedian and presenter Ellen. The American funnywoman has worked as a painter, vacuum cleaner salesperson and oyster peeler – someone’s got to do it!




The Tony Award-winning star of stage and screen kicked off his career as a performer in a slightly more unusual fashion – working as a clown, entertaining kids at birthday parties. “I was Coco the Clown and I had no magic tricks,” he told In The News. “I remember a six-year-old standing up at a party saying, 'Mummy this clown is terrible, he doesn't know any tricks' – and he was right.”




Hiyaaaa, I’m Ally and my life is all about new music – finding it, loving it and then telling the world about it. I’ve presented stuff on BBC Radio 1, BBC TV, I DJ live, I put on my own gigs, and even manage a band too, which sounds cool, but mostly involves spreadsheets. Here’s some new music I love, that I think you should check out.



cCrae with Ally M


Music is everything to me, and I love nothing more than discovering new bands and watching them get huge. Name drop these guys to impress your mates...

TWITTER REVIEWS A short and sweet roundup of the best up-and-coming bands...

BISHOP NEHRU (@BISHOPNEHRU) Still a teenager, but being touted as the next big rap GLOBAL SUPERSTAR. If you like hip hop, you need to check this guy out (to be fair, if you do like hip hop, you're probably one of the half a million people already checking him out on YouTube). He’s from New York and has a flow and aggression not seen too often in rap now. He’s angry, and he’s gonna tell you all about it.

Young Fathers (@youngfathers) THEY WON A MERCURY (pretty much the biggest prize in music for writing an exciting, innovative album) AND WE SHOUTED ABOUT THEM HERE LOADS. We Were Hunted (@wewerehunted) Brand new rock fourpiece from Glasgow, for fans of Fatherson, Twin Atlantic and handsome men with beards and emotions.

KIMBERLY ANNE (@KIMBERLYANNEIAM) Signed to Polydor Records (home of everyone from Ellie Goulding to Eminem), this Londoner and newcomer to the musical world is worth keeping an eye on. Her songs are all about the lyrics – smart, sharp and quick witted, you are sure to be taken on a journey with each one. She’s recently been on tour with Ella Eyre (you know, that girl from the massive Rudimental song off of last year) and is heading out on a huge tour of the UK to finish off 2014. Her debut EP is called Liar and it’s out now.

Colin McLeod (@trappedthesun) If you like Ben Howard, you need this Highlander in your life. He’ll make you sob like a child, but boy, can he sing. Isaiah Dreads (@IsaiahDreads) World of UK hip hop better watch out. This guy is getting love from all angles. U SEE ME is out now – essential listening.

THE WILD CURVE (@THEWILDCURVE) This duo are brand, brand spanking new. From Glasgow, there’s only two of them and even though they have only played a handful of gigs, these electro pop obsessed lads know how to work a crowd, with some incredibly catchy tracks, one light up drum kit and some damn fine jackets. They don’t have anything released yet so you’ll just have to do an internet search to find them…

Check out Ally’s new music video channel at and his blog

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Mia Dora (@miadorabeats) The next in a long line of awesome beatmashing dance music producers from Glasgow, this duo have a long career of ravecausing ahead of them.




Ten minutes with...

Are you watching this year’s X Factor? Yes, I love it! I wasn’t able to watch it last year. We were so fresh off the show so it was kind of like, I’d watch it and I’d be all, ‘I miss it! It makes me sad!’ This year is great though. Because the judges are different, a lot has changed.

UNION J The 2012 X Factor boy band who sent the nation’s teenage girls into a frenzy are back with their second album, a new, more grown up sound and high hopes for the future. Union J’s George Shelley told us what the guys have been up to over the last year...

It’s been a big year for you guys – JJ became a dad, you’re with a new label and you’ve got the new album out. So how are you all? We’re all good. Everyone’s been working really, really hard. We flew out to the States in the middle of the year to work with Diane Warren, one of the biggest songwriters in the world, and it’s been non-stop. What can we expect from the album? It’s showcasing the vocal ability of the members of the band more. There’s a couple of songs on there that we’ve written, so I guess it shows more of us as boys and our emotions and what we go through.

"BEFORE I WAS IN THE BAND, I DIDN’T REALLY HAVE FRIENDS – HAVING THE BOYS, I GET TO HANG OUT WITH SEMI-COOL GUYS" What makes this album different? It sounds cheesy but it’s more of what Union J is all about. Big vocals, quite ballad-orientated. There are songs on there which are fun too. It’s more real.

How would you say your life has changed since the show? Before I was in the band, I didn’t really have friends. I had my family and one friend. I didn’t really have any ‘lads’. Having the boys, I get to hang out with semi-cool guys. You’re going on tour with The Vamps next year – are you looking forward to it? Yes, it’s going to be really good fun. We’ve known them since the beginning of their career and the beginning of ours, because we both came about at around the same time. We get on really well with them. How often do you get to see your families, with you being away so much? We try and see our families as much as possible. The more we see them, the more grounded we’ll stay. What’s your favourite thing about being in a band for a living? Being on stage and having fun with three other people, if that makes sense. When I went in as a solo artist on The X Factor, the stage just swallowed me up. I felt really intimidated by the space and having to fill it. But when you have three other people with you, you bounce off each other. We have fun and we love what we do. l


You Got It All – The Album by Union J is out on 8 December on Epic Records

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