elements of a magazine advert

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Elements of a Magazine Advert Website -http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/publishing/articles/82873.aspx Here is an article that can give us some idea as to what to include and what to think about in planning and making a magazine advert to make sure we have the correct things to engage the audience and although this is a general overview for any magazine advert along with our other research of singer/songwriter magazine advert research we can hopefully create the perfect magazine advet for our genre.

Plan Your Ad Layout: Where Does the Reader Look? Viewing a magazine ad, the reader's eye sees the illustration first, no matter where it is on the page. Then they read down from the illustration on. As to where the ad's main illustration should be, consider this: the "optical center" of the page is one-third of the way down and in the center. Keep these in mind when thinking of the layout of your magazine ad. This has helped us the know where the reader looks first and therefor where we need to place the most crucial information to make sure its eycatching so the imortant imforamtion making sure our images is the 'optical center' and the the crucial infroamtion beow this would make sure we get the readers attention and having one images significatnly larger and prominant would makre sure this is where the readers attention is drawn.

Ogilvy Method for Magazine Ads Designer's should create an ad using the Ogilvy method at least once in their career, but to be honest, most ads should incorporate at least some of these principles no matter what. They were formulated by advertising icon David Ogilvy and are backed up by scientific research. The Ogilvy method in a nutshell is based upon 5 items: *

a very strong visual, either a photo or an illustration


a caption for the visual, if needed


a headline


well-written copy


a "signature" — logo and contact information for the product/company

By following or taking note of these bullet point we will be aware of what a good magazine advert consists of and follwing these should make ours professional and have all of the things on that is needed.

Magazine Ad Layout Principles This is a general percentage breakdown of the different elements of a magazine ad as your rule

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