Together, Louisiana Strong

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TOGETHER, LOUISIANA STRONG Our blueprint for building a brighter future. Read our plan at


Dear Fellow Louisianian,


e face enormous challenges in Louisiana. But if we meet them head on—with strong leadership and real solutions—we can take advantage of historic opportunities and make great gains.

To do this, we need a clear, detailed plan. Now more than ever, vague rhetoric and political promises just aren’t good enough. Together, Louisiana Strong is this comprehensive plan. It’s our blueprint for building a brighter future for all Louisianians, from our best and brightest to our most vulnerable. It’s how we’ll achieve the spending and tax reform we need to stabilize priorities like higher education; how we’ll grow our economy and create good-paying jobs through skills training and better highways; how we’ll improve our schools so that every Louisiana child has the key tools he needs for success; and much more. And Together, Louisiana Strong also lays out the changes to Louisiana politics and government we’ll demand to get us there. How we’ll have a strict zero tolerance policy against corruption and cronyism. How we’ll demand that state employees understand they work for you and must treat you like a valued customer. I call this our plan for a reason. I’ve compiled it by meeting with Louisianians of all walks of life and by listening. 380 Town Hall Meetings. 203 Telephone Town Halls. And twelve Leadership Forums on the key challenges we face as a state specifically to develop this blueprint, with dozens of informal meetings and conference calls in addition. So read the first chapters of Together, Louisiana Strong out now. And review future chapters as they’re added in the next several weeks. As you do, let me continue to hear from you. Stay involved. Offer your input and ideas at We can do this, Louisiana. But only together. Remember: Together, Louisiana Strong.


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