10: Celebrating Ten Years Of The Tour d'Afrique Bicycle Race And Expedition

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e have struggled through rough roads, scorching days, maniac truck drivers, water rationing, bottle showers, bush camps, sand pits and stone-throwing children. We have shared in the majesty of the Sahara Desert, the Nubian Desert, the Dida Galgalu Desert, the Kalahari Desert, watched elephants bathe, watched Ethiopian women carry bundles of firewood twice their size up massive slopes, cheered as our occasionally stuck trucks lumber their way back onto the road, drank beers at a mountain top hotel as arriving riders were greeted one by one as they arrived. We have seen the best of people and the worst of people and through it all we remain united, solid and unyielding. No matter what may come of us in the future no one can take away that fact that for four months we struggled and smiled through one of the greatest adventures on the face of this planet. ERIK DOBROVOLSKY


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