David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Children of the Matrix

reactions and, again, feel the frustration at what is written. Nor would I be given such a wonderful opportunity to see how journalists defend and underpin the Matrix mentality. If Cowley did not have me, as the evidence emerges to show the validity of what he dismisses and ridicules, he would not have the opportunity to see what a prison he lives in and perpetuates for others. If we did not have the Illuminati, we could not experience the consequences of what happens when you give your mind away to someone else's reality and insist that everyone else does the same. If the Illuminati did not have the human race, they could not face the coming consequences of seeking to impose their will on others. We are all providing experiences for each other. In fact, we are providing them for ourselves because we are everything. There is no us and no them and no "we". There is only one infinite "I". We are the reptilians and the "demons" and, at the same time, we are those they manipulate because we are all the same "I". So what I have presented here is one level of the Cosmic Game - the point where the game interacts with dense physical reality. It is not the whole story, only part of it. The challenge of the game is to see that it's a game. Once we do that and see through the illusion, we hit the jackpot, the doorway opens, and we get out of here. We can still be in it physically, but we are no longer of it. The experiences my life have set before me since 1991 particularly, often extreme and played out in the public eye in Britain, have not yet freed me from the Matrix. But they have made me free-er than ever before. And I'll get there. I have yet to meet anyone who is fully free of the illusion because we look it in the face every minute of our lives. I have met many who think they are, but they are just caught in another facet of the illusion. They are entrapped by the illusion that they are free of the illusion while continuing to be controlled by it. The more I disentangle my lower mind from the Matrix, the crazier and more extreme people think I am. But I'm not crazy and extreme. That is only the perception of those mesmerised by the Matrix and if only they could step back and observe the world they believe is "normal" and "sane", they would see just how extreme and crazy that is. In my experience, and that's all I can speak from, the first step to freedom is to realise that we live an illusion. Without that, the Matrix always wins. Doing this is not easy when everything seems so "real". Our senses deceive us and confuse us because they are accessing such a tiny fraction of all that is. If our radio and television could only tune to CNN or the BBC we would get a very narrow band of reality. It would be a desperately limited and biased vision of life and possibility. There would be so much that we would never know about. Our physical senses disinform us in the same way, unless we balance that by opening ourselves to our higher frequencies of perception and intuition that can recognise an illusion when they see one. So the foundation of freedom from the Matrix mentality is to know that we live in a dream world created by our own minds and those who condition them. More and more, I look at the physical world and see it as vibrating energy. The numbers and codes in the Matrix movie is a good way to visualise it. I find that this constantly re-confirms to me that I live in a virtual reality computer game and what we see is whatever we think we see or are told we see. It keeps me on my

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