David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Children of the Matrix

food-growing land is not being used to fill empty bellies, but to grow cash crops for the Illuminati-owned transnational corporations or to fight llluminati-engineered wars. A book I wrote many years ago, It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, documents examples of this cash-crop scandal. The transnationals pay little or no tax to these countries and by owning the land at the expense of the people, they can pay poverty wages to the workers who have no other form of employment and no chance of self-sufficiency. The Illuminati transnationals are leeches sucking these countries dry of money, opportunity, and resources. They are, in short, purveyors of genocide. But then they are owned by the Illuminati bloodlines who think nothing of sacrificing a child and drinking its blood, so what are they going to care about the plight of the people they abuse economically? The Anunnaki view humans in the same way that most humans view cattle. When the European countries "withdrew" from their colonies across the world and granted them "independence", they only did so on the surface, as 1 outlined earlier. Physical occupation by foreign armies was replaced by financial occupation by the banks, and the plan is to go back to physical occupation through the transnationals and the United Nations. The Illuminati bloodlines and secret societies continued to control most of the "independent" African, Asian, and South and Central American leaders. Indeed, by controlling the system, the Illuminati have controlled them all, even the few who are not directly in their pocket. It was these leaders who made the agreements to hand over the food-growing land to the transnationals. They told their people they would be able to import food they could be growing themselves with the "money" the country received for exporting resources and commodities. But the price of those commodities is decided in the commodity markets in Europe and America. With the Illuminati dictating the price of commodities sold by "Third World" countries, they could bring them to their knees whenever they chose. The puppet-leaders are rarely affected because they are well paid for serving the dragon. Ask the mass murderer Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. The Illuminati's greatest coup on the developing nations was the creation of "Third World" debt. I detail this story in ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free, but, briefly, the Illuminati told the dictators in the Arab oil countries that they would vastly increase the price of oil on the understanding that the Arabs deposit the profits from this fantastic wind fall in specified Illuminati banks. The Arab dictators agreed. Illuminati operatives then got together at the Bilderberg meeting in May 1973 held at a Swedish island called Saltsjoebaden, owned by the Wallenberg bloodline banking family. Here they agreed the details of the colossal hike in the price of oil. The next stage was to manufacture an excuse to do so and, five months later, Henry Kissinger, a Bilderberg executive, manipulated the Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Israel. In 1973 he was the US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. Kissinger's United States and the "West" supported the Israelis during the war with Egypt, and this gave the Arab leaders a reason to retaliate economically. Right on pre-arranged cue, the Arab oil dictators feigned their disgust at western support for Israel and used it as an excuse to "punish" the West by increasing the price of oil to levels that brought the world economy to its

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