David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Serving the dragon: the present (2) 271

although Mack has found nearly the full range of alien physical, mental, and reproductive procedures, he only mentions them in passing while emphasizing what he finds to be spiritually uplifting elements. The benevolent 'spin' that the Positives (both abductees and researchers) put on the abduction phenomenon is puzzling, given the way most people describe their abductions: being unwillingly taken; being subjected to painful physical procedures (sometimes leaving permanent scars); enduring humiliating and abusive sexual episodes, including unwanted sexual intercourse; living 25 with the fear and anxiety of wondering when they will be abducted again."

James Bartley, the abductee and researcher of the reptilian connection, is rather more blunt in his appraisal of what he calls "the Muppets" - those who either refuse to see the malevolent nature of the reptilian agenda or actively seek to portray it in a positive light. He says the reason why so many abductees are hopelessly confused about this whole mess is because trigger mechanisms have been programmed into them to keep them from getting at the truth of their experiences. He says he has witnessed countless times how an abductee will immediately fall asleep the moment the lecturer begins talking about "fear-based" issues. But when he or she attends a lecture by a channeller or some other "light worker" saying positive things about the "aliens", the abductee is bright and attentive, and awake during the whole lecture. "Falling asleep is just one trigger mechanism," he says. Another is annoyance or anger at the "fear-based" lecturer or abductee. Likewise an overwhelming compulsion to get up and walk out, to get up and eat, to get up and smoke a cigarette, getting nauseous, a headache etc., etc. In an article challenging the methods of researcher and lecturer, Dr Richard Boylan, Bartley goes on: "Boylan...[promotes]...the ludicrous notion that a woman abductee was merely suffering from spiritual retardation and was mentally incapable of understanding the 'benevolent' nature of the horrific and unwanted experimentation that was being conducted on her...We have worked with countless women who have suffered painful and bloody haemorrhages, sometimes lasting for days, after the 'benevolent ET' doctors had made an unwanted house call. What, the discerning human must ask, does profuse and painful bleeding have to do with 'spiritual' evolution? The New Age La-Dee-Dahs claim that there is no such thing as Evil or Demons, which makes [them] the butt of endless jokes by Witches, Warlocks and Satanists throughout the world because the latter derive their power from demonic entities. "By constantly blaming 'the military' and the 'globalist industrialists', the reptilian propagandists condition the abductees into believing that all human institutions are bad and that the only hope one has to reach the... 'next level of consciousness, evolution, vibratory frequency' et al, is to look to the skies towards the same dark gods who are responsible for their current state of spiritual enslavement. Never mind that for the most part these 'Globalists and Militarists' are part of the same old fraternal orders, which worship the patriarchal serpent gods and in many cases are

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