David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Thâ‚Ź dragon queens


The mother-son cult of the serpent Scene one in the Edda portrays a world awash with the violence, human sacrifice, and blood-drinking rituals of "the Mother-Son cult of the Serpent-Dragon". Scene two sees the arrival of the great reformer, the tall, red-bearded, Eindri or Thor (Indara), who brought civilisation (see picture section). Waddell believes that he is also the origin of Adam and this part of the story, he says, is massively misrepresented in the Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden story in the Hebrew Old Testament. I think there is a lot more to the Adam and Eve story and what it represents than this, however, and I think if Waddell had been alive today he would have accepted that himself. I feel the Edda accounts include symbolic, as well as literal, accounts and some originated in Lemuria. "Adam", as Thor/Indara, fought the serpent cult of the "Edenites", Waddell's translations of the Edda say. If the serpent worshippers were operating in Mesopotamia before the Nordics arrived, it would certainly explain why the Ubaid culture, which preceded Sumer in the same area, buried their dead with figurines of serpent humanoids (see picture section). Waddell's translation of the Edda tells of how Thor, the "dragon-slayer", established his capital in Cappadocia under the name "St George of the Red Cross" and thus we have the origin of St George of Cappadocia, later of England.32 This was Thor/Indara yet again, says Waddell, and so was St Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, which came from Andvara or Andvari, another name for Thor. The story of George defeating the dragon can be found all over the world in various forms. In Egypt, "George" was the Sun god, Ra (Thor/Indara, says Waddell); in India it was Indra (Thor/Indara); and in the Hebrew Old Testament, it was Adam, under his title, la or Jah, who slayed the serpent." Thor or "Goer" (George) killed El, the Matriarch of the serpent cult, the Edda tells us, and she was symbolised as the "serpent-dragon". Thus "George" (Thor) defeated "the dragon" (El). The story of George and the Dragon symbolises the battles with the reptilians located under the Earth. The accounts in the British Edda are confirmed in great detail by depictions all over the former Sumer Empire. In a Babylonian seal dated to around 3300BC, El is pictured with the crescent moon of the serpent cult and Wodan is given the body of a serpent. Satanists worship the reptilians and also the Moon, and have always done so. The inscription behind El in this Babylonian seal reads Ildi or "Il-theShining", yet another confirmation of the portrayal of reptilians as "shining" or "luminous" in some way. El or Ida is given the title of Rann in the Edda and this is the origin of the nursing serpent mother and matriarch, Rann-t, in Egyptian myth, or vice versa.34

Serpent cult symbolism The obsession with Troy and the Trojan War by descendants of the Merovingian bloodline can be understood when you read the Edda. It tells of how Thor's Troy was raided by the "Edenite" serpent cult led by Wodan. The Phrygians were serpent worshippers before their defeat by Thor, and totems of the serpent cult were the lion and the wolf. This is why Phrygia means "Land of the Lions". Still today the Illuminati use the lion profusely in their symbolism - look at Britain and the British

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