David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Children of the Matrix

the belief, also, that only you know best. I remember debating with a former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom at the Oxford Union debating society and he simply could not see a difference between education and indoctrination. It was a wonder to behold. We see this same theme in our daily experiences of people in uniform and others from the masses who are promoted to power over the masses. It's summed up by the satirical version of the British Labour Party song, The Red Flag, which goes: "The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the foreman's job at last." This is all part of the divide and rule strategy so vital to ensuring that the herd will police itself. Everyone plays a part in everyone else's mental, emotional, and physical imprisonment. All the controllers have to do is pull the right strings at the right time and make their human puppets dance to the appropriate tune. This they do by dictating what is taught by what we bravely call "education" and what passes for "news" through the media they own. In this way they can dictate to the unthinking, unquestioning, herd what it should believe about itself, other people, life, history, and current events. Once you set the norms in society, there is no need to control every journalist or reporter or government official. The media and the institutions take their "truth" from those same norms and therefore ridicule and condemn by reflex action anyone who offers another vision of reality. Once you control what is considered "normal" and possible, the whole system virtually runs itself.

The llluminati The elite families, no more than 13 at the peak of their pyramid, created and manipulate this system of control through a network of secret societies. This network and the bloodlines it serves have become known as the llluminati, the "Illuminated Ones". In other words they are illuminated into knowledge that everyone else is denied. The llluminati is an organisation within all significant organisations. It's like a cancer. All the major secret societies feed carefully chosen recruits into the llluminati and these are the ones you find in positions of power throughout the world. They infest all colours, creeds, and countries. Most Freemasons never progress higher than the bottom three levels of degree, the socalled Blue Degrees. They have no idea what their organisation is being used for. Even most of those who make it to the apparent peak, the 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite, know relatively little. Only the tiny few, all from a particular bloodline, move through the top of their "individual" secret society into the llluminati degrees above that. These are the levels into which all the major secret societies feed. Yet at least 95% of their members have no idea that these levels exist, never mind who is in them.

The bloodlines The llluminati bloodlines are all genetically connected through hybrid DNA, a genetic fusion caused by the interbreeding of a reptilian race with humanity and the Nordic extraterrestrial race. This interbreeding began hundreds of thousands of years ago and continues to the present day. If you are hearing this for the first time,

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