Raising profile of disabled artists

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Specialist group helping to raise the profile of disabled artists D A S H is a practical D i s a b i l i t y A r t s development organisat i o n , w h i c h w o r k s across t h e West M i d l a n d s a n d M i d Wales w i t h disabled and deaf people, i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h arts a n d c u l t u r a l organisations t o develop disability arts practice. D A S H was formed i n 1992 as a project of Shropshire Disability Consortium (SDC), and i n 2002 i t became an independent arts organisation w i t h a user-led management board and revenue client of Arts Council England West Midlands. I n 2008 DASH's ACE funding was doubled. I n November that year D A S H moved to new premises i n Hartley Business Centre, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury. Phase one of the project has created office space for D A S H and meeting space for organisations and individuals. Since the start of the development programme DASH's impact locally and regionally has grown, w i t h innovative w o r k in: •Developing regional disabled artists' digital arts skills •Professional development of disabled artists. • I n 2008, seven disabled artists came from all over the U K and Ireland to produce collaborative w o r k on the theme of Barriers. The project was held i n Shrewsbury, culminating i n a one-day exhibition. • W o r k by disabled film-makers and disabled actors was included i n the mainstream Borderlines F i l m Festival. Current projects include: • O u t s i d e I N - a pioneering arts development programme, started i n 2008. The project is based on the question 'Why is there a lack of disability a r t produced by disabled artists i n mainstream galleries?' D A S H is w o r k i n g i n partnership w i t h three galleries: the New A r t Gallery Walsall, Wolverhampton A r t Gallery and Oriel Davies Gallery, M i d Wales, commissioning the w o r k of three disabled artists. Commissions include artist-led workshops, artists i n conversation events and w i l l conclude w i t h a seminar led by the ongoing evalution of the project. Outside I N (part I I ) w i l l start i n 2012, and partner galleries w i l l include Shrewsbury M u s e u m and A r t Gallery. • 2 0 1 0 saw the beginning of visual a r t workshops at D A S H . The i n i t i a l five workshops were led by disabled artist Tanya Raabe-Webber, who is one of the U K ' s top disabled artists and lives i n Shropshire. D A S H is starting a new series of m o n t h l y visual a r t workshops from October. • December 3 sees the first U K Disability F i l m Festival led by D A S H take place, showing i n more t h a n 20 venues nationwide. Paula Dower, DASH general manager, said: "We are developing w o r k across the region, nationally and internationally.

DASH - working in partnership with arts and cultural organisations to develop disability arts practice, CHS

" W i t h our experience of w o r k i n g w i t h disabled artists, pro gramming and p r o m o t i n g disability arts i n a range of venues and marketing to disabled people i n a r u r a l area, we have sue ceeded i n developing a specialist role, w h i c h is unique i n the West Midlands and beyond. "We have considerable practical knowledge of the barriers to participation and attendance faced by disabled people anc ways to overcome these."

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