Darkfaery Subculture Magazine: September 2011: Version 10: Volume 2: Issue 12

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Editor Duvall GilchristMontgomery

Featured Photographer Naelle Devannah Dusk appears courtesy of

Writers Sara Young

David Doub www.DuskComics.Com

If you would like to submit your work or just contact us: Darkfaery Subculture Magazine 517 NW 95th street Oklahoma city, OK 73114 USA E-mail: duvy.dfsm@gmail.com


opyright Š 1997-2010 Contents contained within Darkfaery Subculture Magazine are subject to US Copyright Laws and are the property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Commercial use prohibited.

Young lawyer Jonathan Harker must he’s not saying much. Drapes her room in leave his fiancée, Mina Murray, in London to garlic and tries some blood transfusions. It help one Count Dracula complete a real es-

works great, until Lucy’s mama shows up.

tate transaction. The Count is relocating from She didn’t get the memo about the healing Transylvania to London where he can be among the “teeming millions”, and he needs

Dracula Bram Stoker W.W. Norton & Company 1997 Review by Sara Young There has been a long-standing battle about who is the biggest, baddest vampire. Louis or Lestat? Angel or Drusilla? Bill or Eric? Edward or James? The debate goes on and on. But when push come to shove, Lestat who? Buffy the what? Truly? Team oh pahleese! Every gothic, conflicted, arrogant, dapper, wrathful, seductive, childlike and murderous manifestation in modern media has been seen before. There can be only one, and he hails from Castle Dracula. In 1897, Bram Stoker became a visionary genius when he opened the doors and unleashed bloodsuckers on the world.

properties of garlic. Darn it, now poor Lucy’s dead, chil-

legal advice and helpful integration tips. Af-

dren are being killed and maimed left and

ter a harrowing carriage journey plagued by

right by the “boofy lady” (beautiful lady),

wolves and other perils, Jonathan arrives at

and Van Helsing finally says the “v” word.

the creepy castle and is charmed by his gra-

Lucy’s three beaus catch her in the act, and

cious host. Those strange noises aren’t any-

can’t argue: she had to be stopped. Fans of

thing to worry about. Surely it isn’t bizarre

the macabre will not be disappointed by the

that he’s confined to certain parts of the cas-

means in which this happens.

tle and forbidden from leaving. Okay, maybe

Mina and Jonathan show up, recu-

it’s a little creepy, and he ought to leave after perated and wed, in time for the fireworks. all. Then again, there are those hot babes lurking outside his door in case he sneaks

One down, a whole passel to go . . . Abduction? Yep. Werewolves? Of

away . . . Or are they demonic vampire brides course! Seduction? The Count wouldn’t be a very good vampire if he couldn’t have his


way with a lady or two. And, well, Jonathan


Westerna has a dilemma. Three men have

would blush to talk about those brides. Unre-


proposed, and none of them are total losers.

quited love and relations torn asunder? Abso- t

Eeny, meeny, miney mo! Arthur Holmwood

lutely! Violence, blood, guts and gore? In


it is, though for Lucy’s sake they’ll all stay

buckets. Murder most foul? Decadent. Toss


friends. She seems a little peaked lately, and

in madmen, shape shifters, infanticide, ship-

the wolves are getting pretty bold. In fact,

wrecks, and brilliant gothic settings and


suitor number two, Dr. Seward, can’t figure

you’ve got the penultimate vampire novel.


Dracula is a must for true fans of


from hell? Meanwhile, Mina’s friend Lucy

out what’s making poor Lucy so faint. He calls on his good buddy Dr. Van Helsing, who seems to know exactly what it is, but

horror, and especially vampires.




excuse for wrapping himself in an exterior of also music related. Although a tongue-innot caring. He calls his young girlfriends only cheek reference to the biblical Judas and his by their home states. He is an extreme collec- thirty silver coins, Jude’s name could also be tor of macabre objects, and when his wife

taken as a mating of Judas (Priest) and

gives him an ultimatum, the marriage or his

(Wayne) Coyne [singer of the Flaming Lips].

snuff film, he doesn’t hesitate long. When

Anytime someone in the book says “hey,

Florida lapses into suicidal tendencies, he

Jude”, the Beatles pop to mind. Jude’s dogs,

gets her a bus ticket to Tallahassee and wish-

Bon and Angus, are named after Bon Scott

es her the best.

and Angus Young of AC/DC. The book is

“Buy my stepfather’s ghost” pops up online. Jude has many things, but not a

after a song by a different band: Black

ghost. Simply irresistible!

Dog (Led Zeppelin), Ride On (AC/DC), Hurt

A black, heart-shaped box arrives. Inside is a “Johnny Cash” like suit and the

Heart-Shaped Box By Joe Hill Subterranean Press, 2007 Reviewed by Sara Young Sit tight Nirvana fans. Mr. Hill’s

debut fiction novel might be named for the

broken down into four sections, each named

fun begins. Jude and Georgia are forced to

(Nine Inch Nails), and Alive (Pearl Jam). The list goes on and on, and the idea is clever. I was drawn to Heart-Shaped Box

delve deep into their souls and pasts as they

by the idea of a ghost story centered on a

search for a way to escape what the box re-

metal musician. Not many protagonists sound

leases, all while pursued by the ghost of

like my childhood idols, and not many books

Craddock McDermott and the torment he

promise to give me the willies. I didn’t learn

song, there is reference to “I Hate Myself and brings in his wake.

the mysterious origins of Joe Hill until I had

Want to Die”, but Kurt Cobain rests easy in

started reading, and I wish I had finished

Music aficionados of rock’n’roll

the world of the tormented Judas Coyne. The- from the 1970s on will love Heart-Shaped

first. If the book sounds interesting and you

se are just two examples of prolific musical

Box, if for no other reason than the refer-

are an avid reader, stop here and you might


ences to musicians, bands, songs, and lyrics.

enjoy it more.

Young Justin Cowzynski left his

Trent Reznor and Jackson Browne make

The story was put out the Joe Hill

unhappy childhood home, became Judas

cameos as characters. As a musician himself,

was signed by agents and editors sight un-

Coyne and enjoyed a long career as a heavy

Judas Coyne has favorite bands and songs he

seen, which is unheard of. Curiosity seekers

metal guitar god. The roundabout life of re-

likes to play and listen to, including (but in

(and disgruntled writers, I’m sure) investigat-

cording, booze, touring, groupies, substance

no way limited to) Lynyrd Skynyrd and

ed and discovered he is the son of King of

abuse, recording, groupies, touring, booze,

“Folsom Prison Blues”. Character names are

Horror, Stephen King. I want to be Stephen

and more substances has given him a nice

King when I grow up, and while I’d like to

cially the foreboding patch of dense foliage


say this tidbit didn’t color my reading of Joe

referred to as The Woods. He expected that


Hill’s work at all, I’m afraid it did. After all,

creepy piece of prime real estate to have been

here is an author who grew up at the feet of

felled and developed long ago.

The Master.

Nicholas finds a mutilated bird at

Overall, Heart-Shaped Box is a



the edge of The Woods, and he begins to


great book. As I’ve said, the integration of

have unsettling memories of his friend Tris-


music is wonderful, though it might be less

tram. Then loops of dead children, including


meaningful to those less musically inclined.

Tris, start appearing where he found the bird, h

The premise is original, and the plot-driven

screaming and terrified as they are yanked


story provides plenty of action and twists. As

into the trees. The little town has a secret


they’re hiding, and it goes back a long way.


Kids keep disappearing and dying in droves


a debut, it rocks. I wish there was more character consistency and fullness, and a little more “show” than “tell”. While it is said repeated-

The Dead Path (US) / The Darkening (UK) Stephen Irwin Doubleday, 2009 Review by Sara Young

ly how important dogs are to Jude, he often

and cycles. Innocent men have been convict- o ed for the murders. Nicholas is on the edge of connecting the dots when the cycle starts

Nicholas Close is no stranger to violently tugs at them, pushes kicks at them,

again, and this time all fingers are pointing at grief. His father left when he was a kid. His

swears at them, and generally seems apathet-

him. best boyhood friend was murdered. And after

ic. The promised willies would have been

It will take his sister, his reluctant a bonk to the noggin, he is having strange

better had the book had more a descriptive

mother, a new-found friend from the herbal visions; loops of the last minutes of life from

feel (the reek of pus made her cringe as she

shop, a little girl Nicholas saved from the some unfortunate souls. Including the young

unwrapped the bandage) rather than a narra-

forest, and every ounce of courageous wife who just died in an accident Nicholas

tive feel (she unwrapped the bandage and

strength Nicholas can dredge up to find and blames himself for.

was surprised to see pus on the wound).

face what dark forces have been lurking in Unable to face the constant remind-

Writers grow, though, and with an

The Woods for time untold. er and afraid for his sanity, he returns to his

agent and an editor at his back, and a debut

Stephen Irwin cut his teeth as a hometown near Brisbane, Australia. The

like Heart-Shaped Box under his belt, Joe

screen writer in Australia, and it is an excitspecters of the dead don’t go away. Doctors

Hill is apt to go gold.

ing experience to read an international horror pronounce Nicholas sound, but he is a grievdebut from a talented author. Review after ing widower, you know. Perhaps it’s just review compares The Dead Path to works by stress. His old stomping grounds haven’t Stephen King, which is unfair; Stephen Irwin changed much, he’s surprised to find, espe-

ought to be given his own dues and allowed

to stand on his own two feet. Perhaps the comparison stems from

The Screaming. Three terrible

has a lot of soul searching to do. The Kid, a

minutes that changed the world forever. Peo- high-school junior who is so tired of being a ple worldwide dropped into convoluted

bullied outcast he sees Infection as a god-

the rich detail Irwin puts into his settings, a

spasms and screamed their pain to the heav-

send. Ethan, a high-school math teacher, just

rare and brilliant talent. He allows the reader

ens at unprecedented volume. The wave of

wants to find his family. Wendy is a young

to feel the atmosphere of The Woods and the Infection spread around the globe in forty-

cop who feels obligated to maintain law and

texture of the trees beneath one’s palms. The

eight hours, and dropped more than twenty

order in the lawless world of Infection.

herbal shop has a scent, and the neighbor-

percent of the human population into post-

hood streets have their own personalities

seizure comas. Three days later, all the

mind than just turning a few people into rag-

based on Nicholas’s experiences on them.

Screamers woke up.

ing homicidal cesspools. Our heroes face

Turns out Infection has more in

The characters themselves are realistic, well-


more than Screamers, claustrophobia, differ-

rounded if not always lovable. Beautifully

Here’s where the modern rage-

ences of opinion and post-traumatic stress on

written, The Dead Path puts Stephen Irwin

zombie tale takes a bit of a twist. This Infec-

on the watch-list for up-and-coming writers.

tion has a purpose: Go forth my vectors and

their search for a fabled secure zone. Come on, really, can a fabled secure

multiply. The Screamers need to feed, not to

zone be all it’s cracked up to be? This is a

conquer the world with the angry pseudo-

zombie apocalypse novel!

dead but to create more hosts for Infection.

If you like rage-zombie tales, you

They do need an occasional snack, of course, ought to like The Infection. The story has so plenty of uninfected get sacrificed to the

some unique twists. If rage-zombies and

rapidly growing population of human Petri

monsters aren’t your thing, I’d give this one

dishes. Rumors fly about the origin of Infec-

a pass.

tion (Bioterrorism? Nanotechnology? Al-

A couple of things made The Infec-

iens?), but as Infected multiply and Survivors tion a hard pill for me to swallow. Each main dwindle, speculation becomes a luxury.

character has a “Flashback” chapter. The

Every zombie apocalypse tale needs “Flashback” chapters are sprinkled through-

The Infection Craig DiLouie Permuted Press, 2011 Review by Sara Young

some kick-butt-take-names heroes, and The

out the book and written in past tense. Ran-

Infection is no exception. Sarge and his crew

dom sections pop up with a reminiscence or

are picking up people who have done what-

tidbit about the past, written in past or pre-

ever it takes to survive in their Bradley tank

sent tense. The characters were hard to get to

and training them on the fly. First on board is know, and it wasn’t until the end, when the Anne, who was a tough PTA president in the writing was a little more stable, that I felt Time Before. Then Paul, the Reverend, who

much for them. By that point they were like-

able (or not) and I could root for them (or the

the emergency vehicles, anyway? He helps a

Screamers). The remainder of the book is in

small group of survivors search the rubble,

present tense. Without an immense amount

and when they find the first body, recogniza-

of willpower, brainpower, editing hours, and

ble only by distinctive clothing, bam! Sound

proofreaders it is impossible to write fiction

smashes back into Marty’s head.

in present tense. It is just too easy to slip up.

Little by little the immensity of the

Present tense can make the book unnecessari-

destruction sets in. Pulling their departed

ly pretentious and ho-hum. Switching back

beloved from one crushed warehouse isn’t

and forth worked against Mr. DiLouie this

going to do this rag-tag group much good.

time. I think if he had stuck with one or the

Los Angeles wasn’t hit – Los Angeles was

other, The Infection would have been much

decimated. Marty doesn’t even know if his

easier to catch.

wife across the valley is alive, and that darn

Craig DiLouie worked as a lighting industry educator, contractor, journalist and technical writer for fifteen years. He now writes horror (The Infection, Tooth and Nail), sci-fi (The Great Planet Robbery) and mystery/thriller (Paranoia).

cell phone still isn’t working. Lucky for him

The Walk Lee Goldberg CreateSpace, 2010 Review by Sara Young Blaring alarms. Broken glass. The stench of smoke, drywall, blood and an unnamable mixture of other smells. Disorientation and pain. All of these things and more greet Marty Slack in the first few paragraphs of The Walk, as he is coming to after a major earthquake rocks Los Angeles. After extricating himself from the wreckage of his Mercedes, the network executive goes through a series of small, surreal awakenings. First the coating of dust over everything. Then the sight of the warehouse, where he had stood seconds before, collapsed in on itself. Why isn’t his cell phone working when he tries to call 911, and where are all

he’s got his gym bag and shoes, bottles of water from the catering tent are rolling around, and what better place to get things like rope, cable, tape and tools than the set of a TV show? Now all Marty has to do is get across the valley . . . The Walk is as much about exploring the lengths one will go to for survival and family as it is a tale about the horrors of natural disaster of apocalyptic proportions. Marty must learn his physical, emotional and moral limits as he walks through the aftermath of the quake with one purpose: Find Beth. Along the way he encounters other survivors, scenes of death and destruction too horrible to comprehend, impassable roadblocks, looters, criminals, floods, fires, pleas

for help, and even pitches for scripts. Every

tsunamis and the affects they have had on the

obstacle gets in the way of Finding Beth, and world. The writing is simple, so it is a quick Marty the Average Joe didn’t use that gym

read, but it is well written and will grab you

membership, didn’t ever drive through parts

quickly and hold you to the end. Descriptive,

of town he now had to walk through, has

tense, and thought-provoking, this novel

never been a hero and doesn’t want to start

from the writer of such television favorites as

now. Marty’s sheer regularity makes it in-

The Glades, Monk and Diagnosis: Murder

credibly easy to empathize with him. It’s

gets two thumbs up.

very easy to find oneself slipping into Marty’s shoes and think “oh, I’ve got to find my significant other but this person is screaming for help and I’m the only one around and what am I going to do?” The Walk is a very timely book, given recent occurrences with earthquakes,

Set: Widow's Bribe Photographer: Naelle Devannah Model: Lela MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

Featured Photographer Naelle Devannah

Featured Pho Naelle De

Never tired to create and ideas. I am currentlyan a BA at UPRRP. Based in the to Rico and inspired by its extravagances. I’m also echoes and dirges of wo few select muses. I’ve b aesthetic of things since world. Therefore I use a m to bring to life my visions. diums like painting, mak photography. I also love t textures . When photograp roles, as the stylist, the m times as the model. I am n someone and make them keep working. Set: Widow's Bribe Photographer: Naelle Devannah Model: Lela MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

Links: http://viruella.tumblr.com http://uvita.deviantart.com

otographer evannah

d by no means afraid of art student finishing my e haunted island of Puers decadence and tropical stimulated by beautiful oes, clever writers and a been obsessed with the e I was brought to this myriad of visual elements . Sometimes varying meke-up, textile, video and to play with colours and phing I take part in many make-up artist, and somenot frightened to provoke dream, and that’s why I


Set: The Solace of Darkness Photographer, Model, MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

Set: The Solace of Darkness Photographer, Model, MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

Set: Widow's Bribe Photographer: Naelle Devannah Model: Lela MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

Featured Photographer Naelle Devannah

Set: Widow's Bribe Photographer: Naelle Devannah Model: Lela MUA, Styling: Naelle Devannah Location: Puerto Rico

I’m David Doub, Publisher of Dusk Comics. We’re adding some new great books and really Art by Jolene Houser upping our game in promotion. Well be doing a lot of shows but, being a independent pub- Colors by Danielle Alexis lisher we can always use more help. If you can provide any assistance in getting the word Letters by Joamette Gil about about Dusk Comics. Below is information about all our books and our current convention schedule. Fall 2011 Thank you, David Doub www.DuskComics.Com

NEW RELEASE Cesaga Vol 2 http://www.duskcomics.com/cesaga.htm

as the 'Darkseeds'. The Celestials has won the battle. Nevertheless, hundreds of years later the race of 'Darkseeds', referring themselves as Puaka, have started to rise again. It will be some time before another battle begins. The Celestial King sent his warriors in search of the Puaka King to destroy him before he could gather his army and rise against the Celestials. The story focuses on two of the Celestials elite warriors, the twin brother and sister Purnama and Suria in their journey to prevent another Fullmoon Stories battle from starting. Inspired by the folklore of Shock and horror, together at last This is old school horror, not your modern South East Asia with true mythology story. hack and slash that passes as scary with physical threats, but old stories that have the power to touch you deep. in a world where love and Prophecy by Carrie Mullinix compassion can lead to the loss of your soul. Carefully paced with slow starts, each story, http://www.duskcomics.com/other.htm which build up to a dark ending, is told through the voice of a mysterious narrator who lurks in "It seemed like I was a normal guy once. I ran the background. The guide to a sadistic jour- my school, and no one had the courage to disobey me. Girls were drawn to me because of my ney. bad boy image, and boys wanted to be me. This edition collects all the five separately pub- Despite that joy I had and the crowds that follished stories of the series. “she was loved” lowed me, I was very much alone." A posthu“the lonely creature” “her name was tragedy” mously printed novella written by Carrie Mul“beauty in a frame” and “the restless child.” linix. Also included are the issue covers and additional artwork.

Vol 2: The fight between Xin Rue and Purnama continues, lot's of properties been destroyed due to their intense battle in the city of Aurea. Who will be the better fighter from years of rigorous training together? Survanaputra step Dusk Vol 1 forward to help guiding Purnama on element Fall 2011 technique control called Shakti in order to enhttp://www.duskcomics.com/dusk.htm hance Purnama fighting capability, where-else All Dusk Comics books will be online at at the same time Suria went out to visit the As a battered wife, Eve’s only concern was to royal blacksmith to require her broken Kris due Graphic.ly keep her marriage together. But when she is to her battle with Puaka before arriving at Aukidnapped into the sordid supernatural world of rea. vampires and foul magic, Eve finds she doesn’t want to leave. Her mysterious benefactor, the EARLY 2012 Vampire Lord Ash, wishes her to have a normal life; but Eve chooses to stay in the service Dusk Vol 3 of Ash. Dusk is the story of Eve's challenges living in the darkness, a supernatural action/ drama done in a dynamic blending of the seFall 2011 Light is being shined into the darkness, illumi- quential art styles of American Comics and nating some of the hidden truths. Finally get to Japanese Manga. Several artists help tell these The Trials and Tribulations of Miss Tilney read how Eve and Ash first met. Read how stark noir tales of Vampires and unrequited Ash was turned into the damned monster that love. http://www.duskcomics.com/ he is. Come join us as we delve in the sordid newmisstilneyscontest.htm past of the tragic figures of Dusk and learn how


they got their deep scars.

Dusk Vol 2 "Cub Reporter Henrietta Tilney is sent on her first assignment, to interview accused mass murderer Lord Beowulf Harwood. But young Henrietta quickly finds out there is much more to this story and its subject Lord Harwood. Cesaga Vol 1 Will this plucky young reporter get her story and survive with her life intact?" A Penny http://www.duskcomics.com/cesaga.htm Dreadful in three parts! Vol 1: Hundreds of years ago there was a battle between two beings on Earth, ones called Written by David Doub themselves the 'Celestials' and the other known


http://www.duskcomics.com/dusk.htm Eve is still in a trap of her own devising. She tries to find her place in a horrid supernatural world that does not want her. She thinks she loves a vampire and is definitely addicted to the power of his blood. She encounters everything from Zombies to Demons, and the morality of her life is always murky at best. Dusk continues to explore the dark recesses of the

Vampire mythos, mining out a hauntingly entertaining read. Come join in Eve's continuing journey of damnation and possible redemption.

Mystery Masque http://www.duskcomics.com/ mysterymasque.htm

September 30th - Oct 2nd SabotenCon http://sabotencon.conmagick.com/

October 13 - 16

New York Anime Festival Diana Adams is a woman addicted to excite- http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/en/NYAF/ ment. She’ll do almost anything to get that adrenaline fix. So when her friend and coworker runs afoul of organized crime, Diana Adams January 27 – 29 2012 seizes the opportunity. Using the guise of a http://www.conjour.net/guests.html crime fighter, Diana is able to morally justify her new way to get her kicks.

David Doub is the Publisher and Head Writer for Dusk Comics. Dusk Comics is an Independent Comic Book Publisher out of Denton Texas. David took his love of creating comics into a full blown publishing company to help other creators get their works out. David’s writing style leans to dark complex dramas that explore the messier side of human nature. You The Trials and Tribulations of Miss Tilney can see examples of that in the 2 volumes of Dusk and the noir styling of Mystery Masque. Victorian Costume Contest Also currently Dusk Comics is releasing the Malaysian Manga CESAGA. Learn Malaysian To rally support for Dusk Comics up-coming mythology in the form of shonen action. You penny dreadful The Trials And Tribulations of can find out more about David and Dusk at Miss Tilney (and to celebrate the fashions and http://www.duskcomics.com. styles of the Victorian era), we are running a yearlong Victorian Costume Contest! At each convention Dusk Comics attends this year, our staff will award a cash prize to the best Victorian cosplayer present. Each winner's photo will be posted online here and entered into a Grand Prize Costume Contest judged by our online voters!

CURRENT CONTEST Convention Schedule August 6 Strip http://stripcon.net/

August 11 - 14 Wizard World Chicago http://www.wizardworld.com/home-ch.html

August 20 - 21 Baltimore Comic-Con http://baltimorecomiccon.com/

August 26 - 28 Armadillocon http://www.armadillocon.org/

For folks who can’t visit us at shows, we will have a Mail-In Costume Contest as well, whose winner will also receive a cash prize and be entered into the Grand Prize Costume Contest.

September 2nd - 5th

The Grand Prize winner will be announced on December 2nd, 2011. May the finest ladies and gentlemen win!

Animefest http://animefest.org/

http://www.duskcomics.com/ newmisstilneyscontest.htm

September 17th 6-10pm Lone Star Comics - Plano Store Signing

September 24th North Denton Library Event


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